View Full Version : Cyprus Rally 2015

Andre Oliveira
25th August 2015, 00:38
Itinerary: http://ewrc-results.com/harmonogram.php?e=20144&t=Cyprus-Rally-2015


1st September 2015, 17:30
Tarabus will come with the S2000. They still don't have gravel suspension for the new R5.

1st September 2015, 21:20
Pech also? :)

1st September 2015, 21:28
Pech also? :)
According to the topic of Barum he won't because the Mini seems to be sold already.

Rally Power
2nd September 2015, 01:26
Bruno Magalhães has confirmed Cyprus in the Delta 208. His moral is high after Madeira, maybe he'll try a podium finish...

Andre Oliveira
2nd September 2015, 18:29
Great great news

2nd September 2015, 21:21
Since beginning he was talking that he wants to do double Cyprus+Acropolis.

Jarek Z
2nd September 2015, 22:16
Good luck to him! But is he good enough on gravel?

7th September 2015, 11:27
Lukyanuk is starting, great news :)


7th September 2015, 14:38
Alexey Lukyanuk continues in ERC – St.Petersburg crew will rally on Cyprus.

After successful debut in Czech, where Alexey took fourth place overall, crew secured third position in ERC overall standings. Currently both Alexeys, driver and co-driver have third position overall with chances for the podium at the end of the season.

As there is no stable finance support the crew cannot forecast their next steps and develop rally tactics. This time the chance was given again by Russian Performance Motosport together with Czech H-Racing team providing and taking care of the vehicle, Pirelli tyres, Eurosport and Rally Cyprus Organizers.

Currently, Alexey Lukyanuk and Alexey Arnautov are the only Russian representatives in the European classic rally championship series.

Cyprus will become one more debut rally, as almost all the events of the season, so it is hard to predict anything. As the last rally in Czech, Alexeys will drive Ford Fiesta R5 provided by H-Racing.

Alexey Lukyanuk, driver: “Of course it is great, that we can continue in ERC. In such a hard economic situation this is a big present for us, as well as a big responsibility. We do need every event. Now we are looking through all the information available, running pacenotes trainings and watching onboards from previous years. In any case to be in good sports tone and to keep the rally rhythm, you have to compete in the real time with real competitors. Especially as we yet have mathematical chances for a victory in the season. Truly speaking, although I would like to, now the main target is – to defend the positions in the top three.

Jarek Z
11th September 2015, 21:07
David Botka and Vojtech Stajf (most probably) are planning a visit on Cyprus as well:

12th September 2015, 15:28
Does anyone seen an entry list? It was supposed to be published on Friday. Reports in local media say 62 entries in total.

Jarek Z
15th September 2015, 23:13
Robert Consani is going to visit Cyprus too, provided that Delta Racing manages to build his car on time :)

16th September 2015, 23:38
At last the entry list is out. Breen is not going this year.

For MERC, only Nasser is the noticeable entry with the Fiesta RRC. Khalid and Yazeed are not coming as well.

And the rest with expired homologation cars:

17th September 2015, 08:56
It's quite week list :(

17th September 2015, 10:00
once again too many races in one rally.

so tyrerules are different in MERC/ERC ???

Andre Oliveira
17th September 2015, 10:00
There is no more the coeficient to last events :(

17th September 2015, 10:01
once again too many races in one rally.

so tyrerules are different in MERC/ERC ???

I fear not only that.

Jarek Z
17th September 2015, 10:23
Do the MERC drivers not compete in the ERC round? What kind of idiot made different rules for two regional championships?

17th September 2015, 10:54
No they count as two different rallies, like last year. MERC regs also have rules that allows major corner cutting up to 10m(???) from the road. Tyre allowance is different as well.

The difference this year the MERC entries will go first in the stages and then followed by the ERC entries. The regs say on Sunday is the other way around, but it is not well written, maybe I am wrong.

Fast Eddie WRC
17th September 2015, 11:55
At last the entry list is out. Breen is not going this year.

Breen at Tour de Corse on WRC2 the same weekend... will be back for Acropolis and Valais.

17th September 2015, 12:37
Breen at Tour de Corse on WRC2 the same weekend... will be back for Acropolis and Valais.

Tour de Corse is one weekend later. I dont understand why Craig prefers WRC2 where he has no chance for good result (in championship) instead of fighting for ERC title, where he is loosing now. Maybe politics of Peugeot as Corse is french event?

17th September 2015, 12:43
Tour de Corse is one weekend later. I dont understand why Craig prefers WRC2 where he has no chance for good result (in championship) instead of fighting for ERC title, where he is loosing now. Maybe politics of Peugeot as Corse is french event?

Because he needs to get experience from WRC rounds to jump into WRC car for 2016 (my guess).

22nd September 2015, 22:26
Today a lot of crews tested. Jeets and Nasser tested alone in a different all gravel roads. All the others used the same road near SS11/15

Some photos here from Nasser and Lukyanuk.

https://scontent-lhr3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xtp1/v/t1.0-9/12039457_531813290311257_8124479035063521347_n.jpg ?oh=e44ecc537dc6d4f0d02a8e22383aab2d&oe=569CF45C

https://scontent-lhr3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xap1/v/t1.0-9/12032119_824680767647901_7204093503947115207_n.jpg ?oh=860fe194909aa075bd0fb3ec3f218bbb&oe=56A3EF7E

22nd September 2015, 22:47
Luky had a touch rear right?

22nd September 2015, 22:51
Looks like it. I am not there. Pitty I couldn't go this year :(

A few more from a local friend (without the extreme photoshop editing)

Jarek Z
23rd September 2015, 10:57
Slawomir Ogryzek managed to prepare his new Peugeot 208 R2 and came to Cyprus, but he decided to withdraw from the rally, due to... lack of competitors in ERC3! He will only appear on the recce of the Cyprus Rally. The crew took such a decision mainly for sports reasons - this is a very demanding rally in terms of logistics, and there are only two teams in the ERC-3 category on the entry list.

From rally drivers they turned into rally fans. Both the driver and the co-driver will be watching the competition in the forefront of the ERC, cheering on the Polish crews - Kajetanowicz/Baran and Butvilas/Heller (Subaru Poland Rally Team).


23rd September 2015, 11:55
more photos from tests


23rd September 2015, 17:02

Julian Porter ‏@The_Rally_Guru
It's amazing what you find tied up against a Cypriot roadside restaurant. How old is this is this board @WalesRallyGB


24th September 2015, 20:54
PET videos for Kajto and Nasser



25th September 2015, 09:16
Kajto fastest on qualifying stage, Lukyanuk slightly slower. Then the gap was bigger: Consani third +5,5, Magalhaes + 7,2.
It's not the best entry list in RC2, but I hope for a good fight between Kajto and Luki.

Fast Eddie WRC
25th September 2015, 11:21
Looks like a straight fight between Kajto & Lukyanuk. With going for the title Kajto may be a bit more careful and Luky may have an advantage there...

25th September 2015, 11:50
Indeed Lukyanuk and Kajto are in their own race. Nice to see the Lukyanuk was on the pace. Hopefully there will be a nice fight.
Also it is interesting what positions the choose for tomorrow. Remember that the MERC drivers start ahead of the ERC field.

Overall, I would expect Nasser to win, if he does not hit any problems.

Few first photos from shakedown:

https://scontent.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xlf1/v/t1.0-0/p480x480/12063413_757657777694202_7434770566351807917_n.jpg ?oh=e98e6c62ce2175856b359ad35212be2e&oe=56984B4E

https://scontent.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xlf1/v/t1.0-9/s720x720/12063780_536167249865019_2744508643226897171_n.jpg ?oh=24761f0d5d2a836a26a89f94f71ad882&oe=56964332

https://scontent.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xtf1/v/t1.0-0/p480x480/11949327_987046688026226_6717002730518044607_n.png ?oh=6f90b6fde448c42eb6fe0dbed7f8b70d&oe=565E7EF0

25th September 2015, 11:53
An extra confusion with the MERC/ERC event.

The organisers have issued a bulletin with the times that the ERC field starts:

I think it is correct in the erc website. rally-base and ewrc have the original timing which is for the MERC drivers.

Jarek Z
25th September 2015, 12:21
Guys, there may be something wrong with me, but I think this video is absolutely great. This is Krzysztof "Holek" Holowczyc and his Subaru Impreza 555 heading for the ERC title on the roads of Cyprus back in the day when rallying was great and Subaru sounded beautiful. Enjoy!

25th September 2015, 12:29
Guys, there may be something wrong with me, but I think this video is absolutely great. This is Krzysztof "Holek" Holowczyc and his Subaru Impreza 555 heading for the ERC title on the roads of Cyprus back in the day when rallying was great and Subaru sounded beautiful. Enjoy!

I know! I was there! His driving was absolutely amazing in all stages I watched that year. Very spectacular.
I can still remember very vividly that tight right hairpin in 5:25. It is the same as here in 0:50

Jarek Z
25th September 2015, 13:04
I know! I was there! His driving was absolutely amazing in all stages I watched that year. Very spectacular.
I can still remember very vividly that tight right hairpin in 5:25.

Exactly! It is a very famous moment of this video when his co-driver shouts "Pull the handbrake hard!" and 3 seconds later we can see why :)

25th September 2015, 17:23
SD video

Nasser SD onboard

Fast Eddie WRC
25th September 2015, 19:21
Luky picks to go last on the road and now thinks it's a mistake ???

It might turn out to be a stroke of genius, but with the slowest of the top 15 cars running ahead of him, plus the potential for dust and the possibility of rocks and other debris on the road, Lukyanuk was soon regretting his decision.

“It’s a mistake from me I think,” admitted Lukyanuk. “Traditionally on gravel rallies, you have cleaner roads further back, but now the car that is starting immediately ahead of us was 25 seconds slower over the 4.39 kilometre Qualifying Stage. I think for safety reasons we will ask for a bigger gap, because for sure we will catch him and then it is dangerous to try and overtake someone on gravel in the mountains. We will see. I hope it won’t slow us down.”


25th September 2015, 19:51

26th September 2015, 00:19
https://scontent-fra3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xta1/v/t1.0-9/12063723_532487670243819_193290068230900486_n.jpg? oh=400c750f8557b7a6aefc36ce2a03d690&oe=5660385B

26th September 2015, 09:13
Luky already 2:20 min behind Kajto, no powersteering.

26th September 2015, 09:19
Its a shame, it would have been a good fight. I believe he can still manage 2nd place without any more problems.
Kajto is already 1min ahead!

26th September 2015, 09:38
Really disappointing times by Magalhaes and Consani.

Jarek Z
26th September 2015, 12:01
Really disappointing times by Magalhaes and Consani.

Yes, I didn't expect them to lose 20-30 seconds on each stage. But Jeets and Tlustak managed to be even slower!

This Middle-East championship is a joke. Only 8 crews reached the finish line of SS4. Why do they organize a separate rally for 8 drivers?

Fast Eddie WRC
26th September 2015, 12:04
There were only two drivers in for the win and one is out of the fight after SS2... rally over. :(



26th September 2015, 12:09
They did not manage to fix the steering

Jarek Z
26th September 2015, 12:12
They didn't? So is it over for Lukyanuk?

26th September 2015, 12:15
They changed the rack but the problem is most probably an electrical connection.
They left the service with a spare bigger steering wheel to install later in the road section.

Jarek Z
26th September 2015, 12:16
An extra confusion with the MERC/ERC event.

The organisers have issued a bulletin with the times that the ERC field starts:

I think it is correct in the erc website. rally-base and ewrc have the original timing which is for the MERC drivers.

Thanks for the information. I'm currently trying to figure out how to follow the rally online. It seems the ERC drivers start each stage 31 minutes after the MERC drivers. So for SS5 that means 12:26 (11:26 CET) for MERC drivers and 12:57 (11:57) for ERC crews. It's damn confusing to follow rallies these days!

26th September 2015, 12:23
Indeed it is a confusing. But if you just want to follow independent classifications just use rally-base and select ERC or MERC. I have two windows open :)

Interesting that Nasser and Kajto are on exactly the same pace, just 1.3s apart

Jarek Z
26th September 2015, 12:29
Kajto second on SS5, but still leads! Is Lukyanuk still in the rally?


26th September 2015, 12:32

26th September 2015, 12:38
Kajto second on SS5, but still leads! Is Lukyanuk still in the rally?

Yep still in. lost 45s in SS5. He is just 1:10s behind 3rd place, plenty of points to collect.

Jarek Z
26th September 2015, 12:57
Yep still in. lost 45s in SS5. He is just 1:10s behind 3rd place, plenty of points to collect.

Yes, I see him in the results now. But the power steering still doesn't work:
We still don't have a powersteering, it seems it's not in hardware. It's a disaster, but we are not giving up.

Strange that Tlustak and Jeets are still slower than Lukyanuk. Did they lose power steering as well? ;)

26th September 2015, 12:58
Jeets is a pointless driver, he should have given his car and money to some young estonian.

26th September 2015, 14:23
Jeets is a pointless driver, he should have given his car and money to some young estonian.

I'm wondering too about him. He was on pace with all estonian top guys when was on Evo 9, then switched to Evo 10 and dropped back. Switched to R5 and are in deep basement now...

Fast Eddie WRC
26th September 2015, 16:47
Luky: 'I hope we will be able to fix it. We are running whole day without powersteering, my arms are really in pain. I hope we can continue tomorrow.'

Fast Eddie WRC
26th September 2015, 16:48
SS8 Magalhaes "Some issues with the pop-off.."

When will the 208T16 ever be right... :rolleyes:

26th September 2015, 20:02
SS8 Magalhaes "Some issues with the pop-off.."
When will the 208T16 ever be right... :rolleyes:

Pop-off is not too related to car manufacturer, and in such weather conditions it's not working as good as it should, so problems with it are typical I would say..

Strange that they didn't manage to repair power steering for Lukyanuk, it's not that complicated in this car.

Fast Eddie WRC
26th September 2015, 20:43
Pop-off is not too related to car manufacturer, and in such weather conditions it's not working as good as it should, so problems with it are typical I would say..

It's been a common problem on the 208T16 (and sometimes the DS3), but I've rarely heard of any problem with it on the R5 Fiesta's...

26th September 2015, 20:48
It's been a common problem on the 208T16 (and sometimes the DS3), but I've rarely heard of any problem with it on the R5 Fiesta's...

I heard few times...

26th September 2015, 20:50
Strange that they didn't manage to repair power steering for Lukyanuk, it's not that complicated in this car.

electric pump or mechanical?

26th September 2015, 21:12
Jaromír Tarabus had an unusual problem in his ŠKODA Fabia S2000 on today’s opening leg of the CNP ASFALISTIKI Cyprus Rally, when the spare wheel moved and stopped the fan for the rear differential radiator turning, causing a transmission warning light to come on.

The problem was quickly fixed and despite losing time when he overshot a hairpin on SS1, the Czech driver was third overall after six stages – and enjoying the fast and smooth conditions. He particularly liked the DHL Lythrodontas stage, which is 86% asphalt!

26th September 2015, 21:22
electric pump or mechanical?

pure electric system, electric engine on steering rack. So no hydraulic or electro-hydraulic.

26th September 2015, 21:30
pure electric system, electric engine on steering rack. So no hydraulic or electro-hydraulic.

i read at official site that at 1st stage of 2nd loop steering was working properly and it failed again after some kms,while they had changed whole steering rack + electric pump.

27th September 2015, 09:18
So today powersteering at Lukyanuk´s car is obviously working.

27th September 2015, 09:37
SS10 - (12 - Lukyanuk Alexey / Arnautov Alexey): The feeling is good, but we have problem with the car again, the rear rollbar is broken, it's missing one link.

Jarek Z
27th September 2015, 11:31
What's wrong with those cars?! Now also Kajto has problems with powersteering :(
We have a big problem with powersteering. After hitting big rock we tried to reset the ECU three times and it's now on. I'm not happy with this stage.

Kajto lost 15 seconds on SS12.

27th September 2015, 11:43
Maybe sumpgard too weak or too small? Or stones on stages too big in Cyprys?

27th September 2015, 12:29
Butvilas yesterday
https://scontent-fra3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpt1/v/t1.0-0/p180x540/12019802_933660630005341_5657294429186584418_n.jpg ?oh=586bf75a0ca3a54a22edbfec78077da4&oe=5693CCBB

27th September 2015, 13:35
Lukyanuk with flat tyre,broken rear anti roll bar at previous stage,and now engine misfiring.

trying to fix broken antiroll bar

27th September 2015, 13:39
Tlustak changing tyre

Jarek Z
27th September 2015, 13:41
What's wrong with those cars?! New problems for Lukyanuk on SS14:
Now we have problems with engine, it's misfiring all the time, so we drive carefully. It started after start of this stage.

27th September 2015, 13:42
I like his positivism:
"[SS14] DHL AYIA MARINA 2 (13%T - 87%G) (11.41 KMS)
FORD FIESTA R5"Now we have problems with engine, it is misfiring all the time. It is getting much much harder now and of course we do not have any spares now so we are driving carefully. We try to switch off stage mode to road mode and reset. From second gear it started to shake and it was quite significant. It maybe good to have all the problems in one rally. Next time it will be better.""

27th September 2015, 14:10
Problems with power steering after big hit are typical problem in Fiesta. It's because of the shake/hit and some relays fail then. Usually resetting/power cycling the system solves the problem, but rarely it's not helping and then you're in deep shit.
Other problems they have are just simply bad luck or level of car preparation...

27th September 2015, 14:18
12 - Lukyanuk Alexey / Arnautov Alexey): Unfortunately it seems the wastegate is not working properly. In long straights I try to switch of the stage mode and save the engine, however the power is not there.

27th September 2015, 15:09
Rally is rough, and Lukyanuk has very limited budget, so, do not expect extremely well prepared car.

27th September 2015, 15:12
[SS16] TSERI 2 (100%G) (12.99 KMS)
He has made it through the last stage despite all his problems... "On stage we found new problem, the rear shock is dead! It is a positive weekend, good learning curve in tough conditions. Sometime it happens. We need more training, more experience."

27th September 2015, 15:28
Pop-off is not too related to car manufacturer, and in such weather conditions it's not working as good as it should, so problems with it are typical I would say..

Strange that they didn't manage to repair power steering for Lukyanuk, it's not that complicated in this car.

Loix told me this week the pop off valve is more senstive in PSA R5's because it's too close to the engine. That's why Verschueren opens the bonnet of his DS3 R5 after every stage.

Verstuurd vanaf mijn Nexus 5 met Tapatalk

27th September 2015, 15:37
Great result for Kajto :) He's one good rally away from winning championship.

Fast Eddie WRC
27th September 2015, 17:24
I heard few times...

Considering the number of R5 Fiesta's out there and all the rallies they've done, pop-off issue is pretty rare.

The 208 (& DS3) gets the problem every other rally.

Fast Eddie WRC
27th September 2015, 17:38
Well done Kajto, great job on a tough rally !


27th September 2015, 18:08
Great result for Kajto :) He's one good rally away from winning championship.

I said at the beginning of the season he has a chance to win against the factory drivers. Somehow though I also expected Skoda to be in sooner or later.

Jarek Z
27th September 2015, 19:29
Well done Kajto, great job on a tough rally !

Yes, indeed. Very fast and clever driving by Kajto on the roads of Cyprus! Congratulations! 18 years after the victory of Krzysztof Holowczyc in 1997. It is Kajto's 4th win in the ERC (2nd this year) and for his co-driver already 12th.

Kajto made it now very difficult for Breen to win the championship. If I calculate the points correctly this is the current situation in the standings:

1. Kajto - 198 pts
2. Breen - 136
3. Lukyanuk - 117

There are only two rounds left and I think Breen will have to win them both if he still dreams about the title.

27th September 2015, 20:55
https://scontent-fra3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xtp1/v/t1.0-9/12009808_758055677654412_6110385826446182795_n.jpg ?oh=c3da70cca53c5a317d9774a7c2277742&oe=56960C77
https://scontent-fra3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xlf1/v/t1.0-9/12063413_757657777694202_7434770566351807917_n.jpg ?oh=2f06d5f0f2229b585cce1b8b5474ce8c&oe=569D93F5

27th September 2015, 21:21
Credit to Nasser as well, he drove well to win while first on the road, even with a puncture. Would be interesting to see him do some ERC events.

Jarek Z
27th September 2015, 21:34
If you are looking for videos here is an interesting 15-minute report from leg 2 on Eurosport Portugal:

Jarek Z
27th September 2015, 21:58
Consani had a puncture on the very last stage, but managed to defend his 3rd position from Tarabus:

27th September 2015, 22:03
what is the points allocation for each day in ERC ?

27th September 2015, 22:14

27th September 2015, 23:49
https://scontent-lhr3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpt1/v/t1.0-9/12074955_10207789159145253_7746481256833206402_n.j pg?oh=f38682e4248d7b684db8e71ba1d44105&oe=565D9DBA

https://scontent-lhr3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xtf1/v/t1.0-9/12037997_758546614271985_6594047543828080491_n.jpg ?oh=7db16a5927a31594269b33300a33a988&oe=5694B553

https://scontent-lhr3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xtf1/v/t1.0-9/12038022_758683564258290_2251830962068243007_n.jpg ?oh=b9b3f9d0fcdc757dca252fc1567c7cd6&oe=569A6529

28th September 2015, 00:18
Botka now is shown with 2:00 penalty, that drops him to 2nd in ERC2. Does anyone know the reason for this?

Jarek Z
28th September 2015, 13:08
Kajto in Cyprus - highlights:

28th September 2015, 16:15
https://scontent-lhr3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpt1/v/t1.0-9/12074955_10207789159145253_7746481256833206402_n.j pg?oh=f38682e4248d7b684db8e71ba1d44105&oe=565D9DBA

selfie stick @ rear left :-?

28th September 2015, 16:27
No, it is a broom/mop stick I think.

Botka's penalty is because he used 20 tyres instead of 18.

I like this pic, shows the crazy driving style of Nasser (by @harriswrc)
https://scontent.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfa1/v/t1.0-9/12042629_536924623122615_2839848829081354390_n.jpg ?oh=b844102a4f5551621be41b9f62eb833b&oe=565DB482

28th September 2015, 16:30
ERC highlights


28th September 2015, 16:54
Considering the number of R5 Fiesta's out there and all the rallies they've done, pop-off issue is pretty rare.

The 208 (& DS3) gets the problem every other rally.

I think that Br21 knows better than most of us...

28th September 2015, 17:37
selfie stick @ rear left :-?

broken rear anti roll bar.

28th September 2015, 17:49
ERC highlights


Do you know where can I watch full highlights? I don't have TV and there is nothing on youtube yet. ERC does really shitty job comparing to WRC.

28th September 2015, 20:27
Like last year Rally Cyprus is probably the most picturesque Event for TV in ERC. A pity that it never has the entries it would deserve.

28th September 2015, 20:31

28th September 2015, 20:36

Andre Oliveira
28th September 2015, 21:29


28th September 2015, 21:42
Considering the number of R5 Fiesta's out there and all the rallies they've done, pop-off issue is pretty rare.

The 208 (& DS3) gets the problem every other rally.

Pop-off is pure mechanical unit, not top quality, the more heat and/or humidity it's more likely to fail.
In PSA cars it's located in the back of the engine, while in Fiesta and Fabia it's in the front. So for sure cooling is a little bit better, but on the other hand you can tell it's more likely that some debris will go into it, which is also reason of failures.
ECU strategy is also important for pop-off, Fiesta engine is weaker, not that close to the 1,5bar boost limit, so pop-off opens more rarely. Skoda I know spend a lot of time, really a lot, with Oreca working on mapping to limit pop-off influence. I think also PSA cars were not that well made, I mean they didn't give 100% in every aspect during development, like with that radiator issue thay had at the beginning, so I think they didn't spend enough time to "polish" their mapping and it's also reason of problems. But that is my personal opinion.

Very interesting rear ARB failue for Lukyanuk, never seen anything like that in Fiesta.

Fast Eddie WRC
29th September 2015, 22:15
I think also PSA cars were not that well made, I mean they didn't give 100% in every aspect during development, like with that radiator issue they had at the beginning, so I think they didn't spend enough time to "polish" their mapping and it's also reason of problems..

That's exactly what I was getting at.

And If Ford's 'weak' engine means it rarely has this problem, then its worth it for reliability. I'm sure Kajto would attest to this in his 2015 season in the Fiesta R5, with no breakdowns.

'To finish First, first you must finish.'

Jarek Z
29th September 2015, 23:19
And If Ford's 'weak' engine means it rarely has this problem, then its worth it for reliability. I'm sure Kajto would attest to this in his 2015 season in the Fiesta R5, with no breakdowns.

'To finish First, first you must finish.'

That's true, but is this Ford engine really so much weaker? I read here:
that in Cyprus Kajto increased his total number of stage wins so far this season to 42 (out of 99). That means he won nearly half of the stages that he drove. Many times he was competing against Peugeots and Citroens...

30th September 2015, 00:05
I think that Br21 meant primarily Škoda which is really reasonably stronger than Fiesta.

30th September 2015, 11:37
https://scontent.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/11988513_993116680727327_2510891334111442652_n.jpg ?oh=682332dbd4f0b0861eb509e9413772e5&oe=56A43150

More here:

30th September 2015, 13:33
excellent photos from Andreas!!

30th September 2015, 14:23
I think that Br21 meant primarily Škoda which is really reasonably stronger than Fiesta.

But also PSA cars have stronger engines than Fiesta. Probably because of that MSport prepares new spec of engine, it should be homologated in January I think.

30th September 2015, 14:26
Are really PSA cars stronger? Maybe the power is higher but torque? They look quite dead from hairpins. Maybe it's just due to bad anti-lag or I don't know...

30th September 2015, 18:35
But also PSA cars have stronger engines than Fiesta. Probably because of that MSport prepares new spec of engine, it should be homologated in January I think.

Juho Salo said in an interview that his Peugeot has 290 ps (or was little above). You (br21) once said in the “R5 news” thread that the Fiesta has about 300 ps. :confused:


30th September 2015, 18:39
People (good drivers) who drove both cars (Fiesta and 208) say that 208 has stronger engine, throttle response is better, etc. I never drove Peugeot personally so can't compare. Anyway 208 with long gearbox can reach 200kmh, I can't imagine Fiesta doing it.

Jarek Z
6th October 2015, 13:21
Kajto's team has prepared a new video from Cyprus. It's called "A (huge) step closer" and it is beautiful :)

8th October 2015, 08:03
My work:
