View Full Version : Nascar is losing control of Debris

22nd April 2007, 05:22
this race was bad.

there should've been 2 cautions tonight (both were from wrecks)

the rest were all phantom debris which even DW questioned where the debris was. at one point Nascar sayed there was metal in turn 3 and DW basically said all he saw was rubber and tape.

plus one caution was for a floating plastic bag :mad:

Nascar is really starting to drop the ball on debris cautions and they are becoming worse and worse

22nd April 2007, 05:31
on the race broadcast i watched they showed the debris every time but two i think, and in the second you could see workers picking something up. I think that this broadcast was on FOX

23rd April 2007, 04:50
Still a hell of a lot better then F1,Cart and some others were debris is still on the track and the officials wont do a thing about it.

23rd April 2007, 12:27
Not all fans are against debri cautions .....
if the camera crews were on their jobs, they would see that some fans throw debri on the track .....
last race I was at I saw a fellow bounce a full can of beer off a driver's windshield ..... :eek:
now that was a waste of beer IMO ! :laugh:

Mark in Oshawa
23rd April 2007, 19:44
Stan, some guy did that apprently to the 24 on his lap with the "3" flag...now THAT is just stupid...wasting good beer like that is just retarded, even if you dont' like Jeff...

24th April 2007, 03:55
There was more then 1 F1 races I have seen in which a part of the wing or car itself was in the direct line of the driver and the officials did nothing about it,could have been Monaco but unsure.

24th April 2007, 04:15
Not all fans are against debri cautions .....
if the camera crews were on their jobs, they would see that some fans throw debri on the track .....
last race I was at I saw a fellow bounce a full can of beer off a driver's windshield ..... :eek:
now that was a waste of beer IMO ! :laugh:

what is so bad about bunching up the field anyway???

Mark in Oshawa
24th April 2007, 05:04
Debris cautions are a bit of a farce for purists who think if a guy leads by a ton, he deserves to keep it. It flies in the face of putting on a good show though according to NASCAR. I think if it wasn't so arbitrary, and artificial sometimes, it would be appreciated more.

A friend of mine was a communications marshal on a corner at the Glen one year, and the NASCAR officials told all of them that if they heard there was debris in their corner, and they didn't see it, they were NOT to come on the radio and say it wasn't there. Now you tell me why NASCAR would ask that of corner workers on a road course? We know the reason, they don't like to not have that option to bunch up the field and hide the fact that is what they are doing. Now I don't know how often they do this, and part of me could care less since I like a lot of NASCAR endings, but the stage management aspect is a little much at time isn't it?

As for f1 and debris, they throw a lot more SC laps in there now then they used to, but at least they want for a good accident. Racing with a local yellow is just fine on a road course, but I will agree you wouldn't do it in a NASCAR event on an oval.

25th April 2007, 21:54
Hhmmm... The stealthy debis issue is heating up !!!

;) Tony Stewart spoke out on his radio program about the debis flags...

saying... " I can't understand how long the fans are going to let NA$CAR treat them like they're stupid... "

There you have it... directly from a cup driver, complaining about NA$CAR'S bogus debis flags.

25th April 2007, 22:29
what is so bad about bunching up the field anyway???
There isn't anything wrong with bunching the field, they should do it every 50 laps or so ..... ;)
it's a fact that cautions breed cautions & cautions add excitement. :laugh:

25th April 2007, 22:40
;) Tony Stewart spoke out on his radio program about the debis flags...
saying ... " I can't understand how long the fans are going to let NA$CAR treat them like they're stupid... "
Hey Tony, we aren't stupid, some of us like the debris cautions, so shut-up & drive ! http://www.motorsportforum.com/forums/images/icons/rolleyes.gif
If you think the fans don't know what is going on, then you are the stupid one ! http://www.motorsportforum.com/forums/images/icons/tongue-anim.gif

I bet there will be lots of debri @ Talladega when the BIG ONE occurs. :eek:

25th April 2007, 22:49
Hey Tony, we aren't stupid, some of us like the debris cautions, so shut-up & drive ! http://www.motorsportforum.com/forums/images/icons/rolleyes.gif
If you think the fans don't know what is going on, then you are the stupid one ! http://www.motorsportforum.com/forums/images/icons/tongue-anim.gif

a caution for a floating plastic bag is just pathetic. some of also like to see a race run with green flag stops, not every stop being under caution.

25th April 2007, 23:49
[quote="RaceFanStan"]Hey Tony, we aren't stupid, some of us like the debris cautions, so shut-up & drive ! http://www.motorsportforum.com/forums/images/icons/rolleyes.gif
If you think the fans don't know what is going on, then you are the stupid one ! http://www.motorsportforum.com/forums/images/icons/tongue-anim.gif

:p : Hhmmmm..... bet you also follow wrestling !!! :rolleyes:

;) Even DW... who also is on NA$CAR's payroll... questions NA$CAR's stealthy debis flags !!!

25th April 2007, 23:56
I liked DW's reaction on that one debris caution that was in turn 3.

"well thats just rubber build-up"

mike joy: "there is something shiny"

"nope just tape"

I hate debris cautions, it ruins a good race every time and you normally notice they always happen right before pit stops.

26th April 2007, 00:22
People have to admit that the restarts make you hold your breath for a lap ! :laugh:

26th April 2007, 00:31
espcially when Montoya is up front, trying to wreck people

26th April 2007, 00:35
.................................................. .......................................
:p : Hhmmmm..... bet you also follow wrestling !!! :rolleyes:

;) Even DW... who also is on NA$CAR's payroll... questions NA$CAR's stealthy debis flags !!!
No, I detest wrestling.

People are missing the point of the "debri flags" :
they are intended to intensify the expectation of the unknown ...
anytime you have cars racing side-by-side jockeying to gain position you have intense racing ...
you also have a big bag of possibilities, who will get loose ? who will make contact ?
will they make it back to the line without crashing ? who will gain & who will lose spots ?

Sadly there is no driver out there to make the unknown factor of excitement the restarts create ...
so until a devil-may-care kind of driver appears you will have the "debri flags".

26th April 2007, 00:41
;) They just replayed Tony's radio broadcast on ESPN. The ESPN commentators agreed with Tony... the debis flags are... out of control.

:dozey: Some NA$CAR Stooge tried to explain it away... saying...

NA$CAR only throws the flag when debis is on the track... and it's...

"Strictly for Safety" !!!

The ESPN guys... almost fell out of their chairs, laughing !!!

Everyone's waiting for NA$CAR's response... Tony's broadcast was aired yesterday, Tuesday night. So far... no official comments from NA$CAR.

26th April 2007, 00:51

26th April 2007, 01:02
:dozey: Well... both NA$CAR and the FIA in Formula 1 have been known to play the... "safety Card", when-ever it suits their purposes.

Especially when there is no foundation to their position.

Stan, if the debis yellow flag is NOT for safety purposes, then, I guess NA$CAR has to fess up... it's strictly for Television.

;) Hell... that's what everyone seems to think now, anyway.

The problem now is... that the yellow debis flag is impacting the final results of the race. Thereby reducing it from a sporting event... to... drum roll..

WWF style... Sports Entertainment.

26th April 2007, 02:35
what is so bad about bunching up the field anyway???

Let's compare this to a marathon. If all the marathon runners got together and took a break every 1000ft., then any jackass would be capable of winning a marathon.

26th April 2007, 06:53
a caution for a floating plastic bag is just pathetic. some of also like to see a race run with green flag stops, not every stop being under caution.

Hear hear. Yes throw the yellow when there's a brake rotor or something on the track, but when we can all see it's a bit of race tape or some other junk... c'mon.

26th April 2007, 13:03
http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g202/gr8link/flag/y.gif Allright boys, bunch'em up & get ready to race ! http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g202/gr8link/orn/00.gif

26th April 2007, 18:21
Multiple times during last weeks race there was a caution for absolutly no reason, except NASCAR decided to bunch things up and prevent green flag pit stops. I like stops under green - really make the teams work and the crew chiefs think!

If NASCAR can't show the evidence & report the items that caused caution on their race report, their shouldn't be a caution. Collecting the debris and displaying it is a great idea.

Also, I am starting to if RaceFanStan is a NASCAR public relations plant. :-) Lately he has been doing an aweful lot of sticking up for every goofy, contrived, and unsporting thing NASCAR does.

26th April 2007, 18:34
maybe Stan is a nascar official :p :

26th April 2007, 18:38
Multiple times during last weeks race there was a caution for absolutly no reason, except NASCAR decided to bunch things up and prevent green flag pit stops. I like stops under green - really make the teams work and the crew chiefs think!

If NASCAR can't show the evidence & report the items that caused caution on their race report, their shouldn't be a caution. Collecting the debris and displaying it is a great idea.

Also, I am starting to if RaceFanStan is a NASCAR public relations plant. :-) Lately he has been doing an aweful lot of sticking up for every goofy, contrived, and unsporting thing NASCAR does.

alrighty now,we have the forum police here.

26th April 2007, 21:47
Also, I am starting to if RaceFanStan is a NASCAR public relations plant. :-)
Lately he has been doing an aweful lot of sticking up for every goofy, contrived, and unsporting thing NASCAR does.

maybe Stan is a nascar official :p :
I am the official devil's advocate & I enjoy looking at things from a different perspective. :D
When it comes to NASCAR all the complaining amounts to nearly nothing ...
in the end NASCAR will do as they please leaving the fans to take it or leave it ...
I find that I am a happier fan if I just go with the flow of what NASCAR decides ...
if they get something too wrong, I have confidence they will correct it in time. :D

I wonder how many people will be complaining when Jeff Gordon wins the 2007 Cup Championship ... :laugh:

27th April 2007, 01:05
I wonder how many people will be complaining when Jeff Gordon wins the 2007 Cup Championship ... :laugh:

you sound like a cub fan, that drive for 5 crap has been goin on for awhile now.

but that 29 team is gonna get-r-done, or the 31 :D

27th April 2007, 02:45
you sound like a cub fan, that drive for 5 crap has been goin on for awhile now.

but that 29 team is gonna get-r-done, or the 31 :D

Maybe the 31 but definetely not the 29 team, they'll be lucky if they make the chase

27th April 2007, 02:47
maybe Stan is a nascar official :p :

That's what I've been suspecting all along, never did trust that fella

27th April 2007, 03:14
Harvick has just had alittle bad luck so far this season.

had Cali won, but Nascar failed to pick up all the debris and he got a flat.
had a top 5 car at Martinsville when a fuel pump went and the foam fire.
hap a top 10 car at Atlanta before losing a cylinder
had a winning car at Phoenix and Bristol before 1 bad set of tires ruined the chance.

so he could easily have 4 wins, but he doesn't have Johnsons luck.

27th April 2007, 05:14
That's what I've been suspecting all along, never did trust that fella

27th April 2007, 06:04
Some of us appreciate your unique view on the sport and some of us dont Stan,I however do appreciate the views.

27th April 2007, 13:21
Thanks John, I appreciate the positive input. :D :up: