View Full Version : Shampoo identification

21st April 2007, 21:21
Thought I would give my hair a little cleanse today so I took a look at the various shampoos that are in bathroom. But oh my lord, how do I know which is for men, which is for women, which is for both? There was one Schwarzkopf one in a light green bottle, with some woman on the label. I read the whole label thoroughly but found no clue about to whom is that haircare product targeted. :confused: I took a sniff and it smelled pretty much like all the shampoos - nice. But that woman on the label... "maybe next time", I decided. So I used some other shampoo in a black bottle - light=women, dark=men or what? Although I like light colours generally more than dark but that's for another thread(you hope not). So I read my way through the label of that other shampoo bottle and the only useful thing in there was that it was not tested on animals - so Naburn is safe. :angel: So I thought, what the heck, let's give it a go - just for Naburn.

So... now I have no idea whether my hair smells of men or women shampoo. :confused: And does it even matter?

Discuss. :)

21st April 2007, 22:17
erm... I don't think shampoos are targeted at women or men, or at least the ones I use.
I know Wella has a woman on their logo yet I've used it many times and never found some clue on the bottle tellling me that's a shampoo for women only.
H&S don't have instructions for that either

21st April 2007, 22:23
Yeah, H&S is pretty much bulletproof(and no, I don't have dandruff like bullets) and I would have probably used that if it wasn't empty and I didn't want a little change from routine...

21st April 2007, 23:45
Shampoos are certainly targeted at men or women depending on the brand, but I wouldn't worry what you use. You may as well use washing-up liquid, in fact.

22nd April 2007, 04:20
Shampoos and conditioners are mainly aimed at women, because it's women who generally pay attention to that kind of marketing. when i used to work retail i'd find men just stuck with the same old one they had always used, and when shampoos directed at men came out, they didnt last long because hardly anyone bought them.

But ignoring all that, there is nothing in shampoos that make it either a male or female product. it's just bloody shampoo. it cleans your hair no matter who you are. unless you're bald and you have no hair i guess..

oily oaf
22nd April 2007, 10:23
Take a leaf out of my book and shave your head.
I save an absolute king's ransome on hair care products although it does take slightly longer to wash my face :(

22nd April 2007, 11:28
Remember kids, don't confuse real poo with shampoo.

22nd April 2007, 12:40
it's just bloody shampoo.

WHAT? :eek:

22nd April 2007, 13:03
I'm with Oily on this one. Shave your head, it's much easier. When I get up in the morning I don't have to worry about doing my hair as I don't have any.


22nd April 2007, 13:03
There must be some difference between products, because when I use Head & Shoulders, I'm dandruff free, but when I don't I get a head like Kate Moss's carpets.

22nd April 2007, 14:25
Of course there is a difference. If you really care about your hair, you wouldnt use supermarket brands, because they use a non-breathable silicone, where as professional products use a more hair-friendly breathable silicone. The cheap supermarket brands use the non-breathable type because it coats your hair shaft and makes it feel all smooth and silky and healthy, when actually it's just like you've put a big plastic cover over it.

Fascinating fact #05124824 brought you you by idle hairdresser chitchat.

22nd April 2007, 15:50
Just put all of your half-used shampoos into one container, and use that for washing your hair.
It is gender-neutral, and it changes colours over time, depending on the contents, which adds an element of excitement and danger.

22nd April 2007, 21:09
To be honest, men won't know the difference nor would they be smelling your hair and commenting on it... and any women would just be grateful you'd washed your hair... so I wouldn't worry too much! :)

22nd April 2007, 23:38
... any women would just be grateful you'd washed your hair... so I wouldn't worry too much! :)

You make it sound as if it's a rare event for men to wash their hair! I, for one, do so regularly...

23rd April 2007, 09:03
I thought it's much harder to please women. :s hock:

23rd April 2007, 23:26
Ah Erki, don't be mistaken. Women won't be pleased by you washing your hair, they just won't be displeased :D

24th April 2007, 01:22
bah! Bob Marley was a true ladiesman :p :

24th April 2007, 01:25
But I'll bet none of us have his musical talents, so we must seek other ways to attract women... :(

24th April 2007, 01:39
and how about those bloody Argentine hippies that all my female classmates think they're hot? what talent do they have :angryfire

24th April 2007, 03:06
We all have situations like that, it's inevitable.....

24th April 2007, 12:09
You make it sound as if it's a rare event for men to wash their hair! I, for one, do so regularly...

Ah no! th rare and enticing event is when they shampoo and condition. Now that is a man worth keeping!

24th April 2007, 13:59
Ah no! th rare and enticing event is when they shampoo and condition. Now that is a man worth keeping!

I do that! Every time :)

24th April 2007, 14:11
The "man" solution is to put both shampoo and conditioner in the same bottle, works well enough with the stuff men in white lab coats develop from Garniere fruit laboratories. :)

25th April 2007, 00:39
I buy some kind of Loreal shampoo, because it makes my hair feel nice and it's currently buy one get one free at tesco :cool:

Next time, try the supermarket, Erki :p :

25th April 2007, 09:10
OK can anyone now tell me what is that condition thing? And does mental condition count as well? :erm:

Brown, Jon Brow
25th April 2007, 12:47
For the love of god do not use womens shampoo. It can have serious side-effects. These include, mood swings, bad driving and homo-erotic fantasies :eek:

My advice - don't wash your hair ever. It will eventually wash itself ;)

25th April 2007, 13:30
This is what I use. It's great. :)


25th April 2007, 14:19
For the love of god do not use womens shampoo. It can have serious side-effects. These include, mood swings, bad driving and homo-erotic fantasies :eek:

My advice - don't wash your hair ever. It will eventually wash itself ;)

You know what. I did an extensive research yesterday and found out that yup, I actually did use a women's shampoo. Cool or what? :p : Those side effects I already have had for years and I don't even have a car to drive. ;(

25th April 2007, 17:42
I say never use the same stuff twice. A well balanced diet keeps you healthy, so why not give your hair some variety as well.

btw why do some labels say 'not tested on animals' as if that's something to be proud of. If I had a pony or lion, I'd shampoo it's mane.