View Full Version : Grid boys

27th May 2015, 15:17
I'm curious as to what you guys/gals think about the fact that there were no grid girls in Monaco but grid boys.

To quote Seb: “I’m gutted. If I was into guys, okay, that’d be different, but really, you park your car and stare at the arse of George and Dave. I’m not happy about that. This is Monaco. Grid girls are a tradition and we shouldn’t break with it. Ridiculous.”


27th May 2015, 16:03
It's not an issue afaic. Seb, gutted? That is actually very funny to me. I mean were the guys wearing G-strings, speedos or otherwise scantily clothed? I didn't even notice them, but then again I tuned in to watch a race. The peripheral activities are not something I concern myself with.

27th May 2015, 21:00
Just more foolishness in the interest of political correctness. Maybe the organizers were afriad that Gloria Steinem would turn her band of feminazi warriors toward Monaco, once they've marched through North Korea.

28th May 2015, 06:40
It's a changing world. Nothing wrong with grid guys, or even a woman driver. I would like to see it. The latter

28th May 2015, 08:44
I'm not really fussed, as long as neither is sexualised. I'm still more than ok with grid girls as I see it as more of a professional thing these days (if that's the right word). As long as it's not g strings and all that silly stuff.

As long as whoever holds the board is doing the job and not trying to be all sexy, but rather just presentable in a professional way, it's all fine with me. :)

Well that's my 2 cents then.

28th May 2015, 09:31
Fully agree with kfzmeister and rjbetty. Nothing wrong with having grid boys AND grid girls IMHO. :)

29th May 2015, 18:28
Right on brother!! Finally a reasonable intelligent viewpoint!
When will those politically correct yoghurt sucking , tofu munching, Guardian reading, homo-munista-nazi , liberal agenda espousing pantywaists realize this isn't 2015!!!FFS!

As a member of one of the most persecuted stratas of society ( middle class, middle age, caucasian male in a developed liberal democracy) I am fighting back!!!
I WANT to stare at scantily clad vacant women out of context dammit!!!
After all its not like there is some kind of magic omnipresent pornography delivery system at my fingertips and I'm sure as hell not going to bother learning the necessary social skills to form a meaningful relationship with an actual woman (I mean, I'm not a fuggin fag or somethin!!!).

My father died for in a war or some shit so I had the right to stare at some bored awkward wench a third of my age.

Jeremy Clarkson for Pope etc. etc. blah blah blah...

29th May 2015, 20:57
I'm working on a deal where I get a nickel every time some whiner uses the words "sexism" or "misogyny". Now, while a nickel may not sound like much to you, my plan is to make volume work in my favor. I figure between Game of Thrones allowing a (make believe!) female character to get snuffed or harmed, a race car driver squirting champagne on a model and people beating their (soft) heads against the wall because Susie Wolff hasn't been given a fair shot at Williams, I should have about $400 million within a 12 month period.

It's 2015 and a growing part pf the planet still doesn't have clean water to drink. But for goodness sake, a girl in a skirt standing by a race car is what we need to get all twisted about. Why? Well, because it's 2015, by gawd: the year of whining and faux sensitivity.

29th May 2015, 21:25
In the name of political correctness, grid girls for even starting positions, grid boys for uneven. Or the first half of the field gets girls, the second boys. If you qualify on hard tires you get your choice, if you crash you get a robot, if you you have to change the engine you get the grid boy, but if you only change the gear box it's a girl. OMG, to Jag's point, i'm glad that's the only problem left

donKey jote
29th May 2015, 21:42
It's 2015 and a growing part pf the planet still doesn't have clean water to drink. But for goodness sake, a girl in a skirt standing by a race car is what we need to get all twisted about. Why? Well, because it's 2015, by gawd: the year of whining and faux sensitivity.
All fine and well, except -to twist this argument around a bit, presuming you're not pulling a mifune- this thread only came about because some people seem to be getting all twisted about a bloke in a suit standing by a race car, and start whining about foolish political correctness gone mad ;) by gawd it's 2015, who cares ? :andrea:

30th May 2015, 02:42
All fine and well, except -to twist this argument around a bit... this thread only came about because some people seem to be getting all twisted about a bloke in a suit standing by a race car, and start whining about foolish political correctness gone mad ;) by gawd it's 2015, who cares ? :andrea:

I dunno, the 'faux sensitivity' seems spot on to me. Because that's what it is. I can't count the number of times well-known people made PC remarks only to be caught out in the undertow of a thought-process later exposed to indicate otherwise.

LBJ, Sharone Stone, whoever, it doesn't matter, since - as this thread indicates - it's about people. People, at any social level, will say or do things not necessarily to benefit others, but to make themselves feel good.

If let's say, the sport is indeed promoting lifestyles/"tolerance" then for instance, I would like to see how the F1 community would handle another curb-crawling case, similar to Scheckter's.

Illegal? Yes, in some countries at least. Unethical? That would depend on one's perspective, of course.

journeyman racer
30th May 2015, 03:21
Conclusive proof that human civilization has passed it's peak, and slowly descending into a rabble.

30th May 2015, 03:59
What a surprise that it should be the right-wing Americans posting the whinging, "WHY CAN'T EVERYTHING STAY THE SAME 'COS I CAN'T COPE WITH CHANGE?", boorish drivel. Honestly, get a grip. Some men appeared on the grid of a motor race instead of some women. So what? Get over it. Personally, I'm delighted the world is developing in a way people like you can't take. Proves we're doing something right as a society.

30th May 2015, 04:15
Umm... doing right in society?.... How?

Defensive architecture for rough sleepers?.... or transitioning of euro F1 venues to autocrat regions (as a result of capitalist extortion)?

Got a ways to go yet, don't you think?

30th May 2015, 04:51
Umm... doing right in society?.... How?

Defensive architecture for rough sleepers?.... or transitioning of euro F1 venues to autocrat regions (as a result of capitalist extortion)?

Got a ways to go yet, don't you think?

Before one of your oh-so-witty compatriots arrives to say that I presumably approve of such things as you mention because I'm a communist, or some similarly skewed nonsense, let me say that I utterly deplore those and many other facets of our societal development. But there is also plenty that I find pleasing, including a great deal that pisses off those on the political right, causing them to moan about 'political correctness'.

30th May 2015, 05:34
Before one of your oh-so-witty compatriots arrives to say that I presumably approve of such things as you mention because I'm a communist, or some similarly skewed nonsense, let me say that I utterly deplore those and many other facets of our societal development..
That's okay, I'm of the white-trash tribe, I'm the kinda guy that gives communism a bad name. Not you!

Anyways - point taken. I see why you stated what you did earlier, as I sensed something was amiss. Wasn't your style - not even with the debates between us long ago.

Carry on. :)

1st June 2015, 19:29
First, I really don't care if they put farm animals in front of the cars. I seldom get to go to races anymore and I wouldn't see them, any more than I could have seen Bob and Buster in Monaco. Second, my point is and remains about those who observe something entirely superficial and think that makes some sort of difference to the bigger picture, when there really are serious issues to be dealt with. I don't care if it's the Bob and Buster show or having a winless driver with no racecraft on a team, simply for appearance sake. If people would get their heads out of the clouds, and if you believe that there are gender issues in F1, if you focus on these totally silly things (rather than why Sheryl Sandberg isn't sponsoring a talented female in GP3 or GP2), then either you don't really think that's an issue, or you don't know how to correct a problem. I get paid to make changes to organizations. But I focus my time and effort on making changes that actually contribute to real improvements. I don't waste my time (or the company's money) making superficial changes for the sake of making appearance based changes, just so that there is something shiny that makes certain types of people happy.

Last point, if I am now considered "right wing", the person making that observation would have to be living on the far left of the political spectrum. Not that there's anything wrong with that. Whatever floats your boat. So give a cheer for Bob and Buster, and also hope that Eurocare is able to launch another attack, so that alcohol advertising will be banned from F1. There's some more feel good, PC "change" for you. Don't be a muppet. Learn to look below the surface.

3rd June 2015, 16:35
First, I really don't care if they put farm animals in front of the cars. ....
