View Full Version : Wales rally gb 2015

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christy but
26th May 2015, 23:40
Just wondering if anyone body knows the area the rally will run in this year?

26th May 2015, 23:41
same as last year.

christy but
27th May 2015, 19:33
thank you

28th May 2015, 00:55
Here's a link to some info


28th May 2015, 01:48
Urgh, three days. I know, to be expected, but I was holding some hope for Thursday night stages again.

christy but
28th May 2015, 19:54
Here's a link to some info



29th May 2015, 11:43
Here's a link to some info


This year, however, we are putting much greater emphasis on giving the spectators a great experience and managing their safety, particularly in the open environment of the forests. Going through the stages was really helpful and we are starting to put together some exciting plans for November."

We will limit the number of spectator stages following last year's successful experiment and ensure that, where they are allowed, the cattle are correctly herded into pens where the view is abysmal. We might be able to increase the cost by small margins and blame the weakness of the Euro.
We will have a meaningless drive out to Llandudno on Thursday night, but not use the Great Orme, taking up time that could be better spent in competitive action.

Thank god I'm getting my fix in Sardinia and Germany this year - If the 'exciting plans' announced at the end of May (not long now!) are as underwhelming as I fear then maybe Spain too!

29th May 2015, 11:47
This year, however, we are putting much greater emphasis on giving the spectators a great experience and managing their safety, particularly in the open environment of the forests. Going through the stages was really helpful and we are starting to put together some exciting plans for November."

We will limit the number of spectator stages following last year's successful experiment and ensure that, where they are allowed, the cattle are correctly herded into pens where the view is abysmal. We might be able to increase the cost by small margins and blame the weakness of the Euro.
We will have a meaningless drive out to Llandudno on Thursday night, but not use the Great Orme, taking up time that could be better spent in competitive action.

Thank god I'm getting my fix in Sardinia and Germany this year - If the 'exciting plans' announced at the end of May (not long now!) are as underwhelming as I fear then maybe Spain too!

I think the more accurate translation would be:
'following so many fatal accidents in rallying in the UK in the last 12 months, and a very serious review by a government body, we have to do everything possible in our power and keep everything nice and easily manageable to make sure nothing happens for a while that could lead to the sport being banned in the UK'.

29th May 2015, 12:06
I think the more accurate translation would be:
'following so many fatal accidents in rallying in the UK in the last 12 months, and a very serious review by a government body, we have to do everything possible in our power and keep everything nice and easily manageable to make sure nothing happens for a while that could lead to the sport being banned in the UK'.

Nice try, and while all deaths are tragic 'so many' is actually hyperbole. I relation to the daily death toll on the roads they represent a minor contribution to automobile-related fatalities and infinitesimally small compared to the number of people suffering fatal heart attacks during marathons. I don't see any public clamour to ban running. As usual over-reaction by people who have a badly-formed view of the risk-tolerability balance will cause the baby to be thrown out with the bath water.
Hope I'm wrong, but I fear that UK rallying is about to be so emasculated that it isn't worth bothering, certainly not at the expense (held at the most costly level for all European events for the last 2 years!)

29th May 2015, 12:37
Nice try, and while all deaths are tragic 'so many' is actually hyperbole. I relation to the daily death toll on the roads they represent a minor contribution to automobile-related fatalities and infinitesimally small compared to the number of people suffering fatal heart attacks during marathons. I don't see any public clamour to ban running. As usual over-reaction by people who have a badly-formed view of the risk-tolerability balance will cause the baby to be thrown out with the bath water.
Hope I'm wrong, but I fear that UK rallying is about to be so emasculated that it isn't worth bothering, certainly not at the expense (held at the most costly level for all European events for the last 2 years!)

How many spectators have died watching a marathon?

How many spectators have died at any sporting event that you can name? How about any sporting event, anywhere in Europe in the last 5 years?

Your view is naive and narrowminded to say the least. Take some time - educate yourself.


You think the MSA is going to take any risks at an event that they own to pander your individual, simplistic golden view of some past era?

29th May 2015, 13:49
How many spectators have died watching a marathon?

How many spectators have died at any sporting event that you can name? How about any sporting event, anywhere in Europe in the last 5 years?

Your view is naive and narrowminded to say the least. Take some time - educate yourself.


You think the MSA is going to take any risks at an event that they own to pander your individual, simplistic golden view of some past era?

Woof! 0-Personal in 3.1 sec from a standing start.

Spectators die every week at sporting events in Europe - take some time to educate yourself. Cardiac arrest, fan violence etc. Rock climbers (participants, I know, but involving costly rescue resources) kill themselves every season.
The following link details the case of a spectator killed by a cyclist collision a couple of months ago -Europe I think you'll find
No major changes planned for UK road racing this summer.
Then there's the IoM TT..... How many spectators killed every year (albeit taking their own rigs onto the course)?
Without unnecessary tit for tatting - it would seem you are possibly too close to the wood to see the trees. The events of the Jim Clark were tragic, but the reaction is not well-considered, it is knee-jerk!
Do you realise that a Scottish Gov. enquiry report, while instructive actually has no legal significance in England and Wales? Of course it's heresy to not go with the flow so such facts are conveniently forgotten.
I'm not longing for some non-existent golden age and know that there are less well-organised WRC events from the point of view of safety throughout the calendar
However, I know where I need to be to take care of myself and those with me. While I may have issues with the way some foreign marshals behave I will always obey their directions.

A far better spectator experience can be had at the Monte, Sardinia, Germany and Spain (to name 4 events I have personal experience of). While all of them are more restricted than they used to be you can't complain when for 3 of the events there is no admission charge and in the case of Germany a far more reasonable 60 euros for the Rally Pass.

Oh and while I don't usually do this, I feel I ought to say that as a Chartered Fellow of the Institute of Occupational Safety and Health I do know a little about risk profiling and control.

29th May 2015, 14:14
I have to say, I do think there has been a slight overreaction from the MSA regarding safety. The sport has a pretty good safety record, yet 2 fatal incidents in recent years has resulted in talks of a ‘ban’ for the sport. Something doesn’t add up. Yes, of course review and implement improvements, but talk of the end of forest rallying seems bizarre. Over the last 15 years, ‘only’ 1 of the deaths has happened during a forest rally – all the others were on tarmac events.
I hope the ‘viewing areas’ have been well thought out – and that some freedom will be allowed for those that are sensible.

29th May 2015, 19:21
I really hope GB does not return to the strict sheep pen days. I think the balance seems alright as it is.

It's been a huge overreaction, on the Plains Rally TV crews were not allowed up the stage 90 minutes before the stage start!

Brynmor Pierce
29th May 2015, 23:37
The actual problem isn't the safety review itself, it's the fact that the forestry commission in all it's guises (natural resources Wales in this case) are insisting all the points are enforced to allow running of events in their forests.
Individual events are still finding their feet with regards access points and how much to allow/not allow, early days and all that.
In fairness the MSA have a real no win situation on their hands at present and are doing a pretty good job of trying to be constructive in the face of a sole provider who they rely on ...

30th May 2015, 14:40
I agree completely that the MSA is in a no-win situation here. They're being hamstrung by obsessive health and safety legislation brought about by an increase in lawsuit culture and massive press overreactions due to a sensationalist media.

"Have you or a loved one been hit by a rally car? Worried that your hearing might have been damaged by S2000 cars? Do you have an inferiority complex brought about by the dominance of people called Sebastian? Call WeSueEveryone today for a free consultation to find out how much you're owed by the MSA."

Anyone that goes and stands next to a road where cars are being driven as fast as possible understands the risk they are taking - it's stupid pretending otherwise - but in the blame society we have today, that's an unfortunate by-product.

I don't like the lip service they're paying, but I understand why they feel the need to do so. I don't think it will make any difference to the fan who wants to go stand behind a tree deep in the forests, but they're trying to turn a negative press reaction into a sales pitch for a family-friendly fun event, and who can blame them for that?

30th May 2015, 23:46
Having been to the Severn Valley today, I'm afraid it will be 'spectator areas' or nothing. As the last 2 posters have said, the MSA have to bend over backwards, and organisers have to provide 'safe areas' that have been risk assessed.

For the 2nd run I had hoped to go to a spot I usually go to in the SVR; but was politely asked by a marshal not to go roaming, and stick to the 'viewing area'. While disappointed, I did as requested - but had a friendly chat with him about the issues. I don't envy the marshals asking people to use the areas provided.

31st May 2015, 00:08
It is a real pity that such a beautiful and iconic event like the rally GB is being mauled by the autism of the organisers... they should relax a bit.

31st May 2015, 01:10
Relax?? After todays news from Estonia, following on from previous incidents, I think we're going to have to put up with 'viewing areas'. The organisers hands are tied - the MSA are under pressure from the HSE.
It seems as if it is this or no sport.......

31st May 2015, 01:18
My fear is that in 3-4 years all countries will do like this. Portugal was praised for a similar policy. In Germany you almost ha to bring binoculars with you to watch the cars.

christy but
31st May 2015, 21:57
I might give it a miss if it will be that restricted

31st May 2015, 22:00
My fear is that in 3-4 years all countries will do like this. Portugal was praised for a similar policy. In Germany you almost ha to bring binoculars with you to watch the cars.

no it will not be like that in the rest of the events.

Only the British have that obsession with health and safety (not just in rallying, in their normal lives as well) and the ridiculous thing is that even though they are complete retards about it, they still manage to have casualties in rallies... they guys are just useless.

1st June 2015, 09:46
no it will not be like that in the rest of the events.

Only the British have that obsession with health and safety (not just in rallying, in their normal lives as well) and the ridiculous thing is that even though they are complete retards about it, they still manage to have casualties in rallies... they guys are just useless.
Not immediately, but that's a very shortsighted view. The lawsuit culture here is just following on from that in the US and it will only trickle onwards towards the rest of Europe. As others have mentioned, France and Germany have also been highly prohibitive of free-roaming spectators and it's worrying to think that one of the most enjoyable parts of rallying might be taken away.

I can't believe it will be easy to enforce though, bearing in mind the sheer numbers of spectators roaming the stages I was on last year, all of whom adhered to staying out of restricted areas. They would have to require these compounds to be three or more times as big as previous years if they think they could manage it.

1st June 2015, 10:48
Not immediately, but that's a very shortsighted view. The lawsuit culture here is just following on from that in the US and it will only trickle onwards towards the rest of Europe. As others have mentioned, France and Germany have also been highly prohibitive of free-roaming spectators and it's worrying to think that one of the most enjoyable parts of rallying might be taken away.

I can't believe it will be easy to enforce though, bearing in mind the sheer numbers of spectators roaming the stages I was on last year, all of whom adhered to staying out of restricted areas. They would have to require these compounds to be three or more times as big as previous years if they think they could manage it.

I fear you are right. Everything seems to be going to be that way. We must admit, however, that the retarded sometimes are also the spectators. If they didn't stay in deadly places playing with their own life maybe we were not talking about this now.
I'm not referring to Great Britain since I don't know what happened but we can all se these idiots with happy faces riskying their life on a lot of rallys and sometimes the tragedies have happened, unfortunately.

1st June 2015, 11:37
no it will not be like that in the rest of the events.

Only the British have that obsession with health and safety (not just in rallying, in their normal lives as well) and the ridiculous thing is that even though they are complete retards about it, they still manage to have casualties in rallies... they guys are just useless.

Ok let's just go wider on who are retards. Sydney Olympics Construction -1 death, Barcelona -2, London 2012 - 1, Athens - at least 14 accounted for.
Back in your box

1st June 2015, 11:50
You are comparing a first world country to a 3rd world one.

But ok its you... i do not expect much from basic people.

1st June 2015, 12:01
Ok let's just go wider on who are retards. Sydney Olympics Construction -1 death, Barcelona -2, London 2012 - 1, Athens - at least 14 accounted for.
Back in your box

Because numbers of casualties in a construction project (one in 2012, one some 10 years ago?) reflect on "who are the retards"? Sometimes numbers can help to strengthen an argument, but this is completely retarded... Also I see it comes from somebody who probably enjoys the less strict safety measures in an event like Sardinia more than being put in a box in an overpriced Welsh rally.

I think that safety measures in almost every WRC are very good. But if you're realistic you can't make any event completely idiot proof, there is always a risk. The risk has already been minimized as much as possible. If you want less accidents you have to ban spectators completely and eventually you will lose the sport itself. And that is what could happen in the UK soon (at least for the WRC round).

1st June 2015, 13:25
We must admit, however, that the retarded sometimes are also the spectators. If they didn't stay in deadly places playing with their own life maybe we were not talking about this now.

Oh, I completely agree with you on that; I've seen people with their backs to the cars in a potentially dangerous location and wondered how evolution allowed them to progress this far.

But the thing is that we won't ever blame the people for endangering themselves today. These reports should read "person stood a few metres from on-edge rally cars... of course they knew the danger" rather than blaming marshalls, competitors or organisers. But the press and lawyers will always target these targets as they're the ones who can be made to pay up, in today's "where there's blame there's a claim" society.

It's in all walks of life now - people jump in front of trains or off bridges on purpose and yet we still ask how we could have prevented the result of the action rather than why they wanted to in the first place, and that's the really sad part.

306 Cosworth
1st June 2015, 19:35
Relax?? After todays news from Estonia, following on from previous incidents, I think we're going to have to put up with 'viewing areas'. The organisers hands are tied - the MSA are under pressure from the HSE.
It seems as if it is this or no sport.......

I certainly won't be putting up with the sheep pens. I'll just head into the stage 3 - 4 hours before first car if necessary. I'm quite capable of putting my self in places that aren't dangerous and looking after my self, whilst choosing the location I wish to view.

4th June 2015, 00:47
Very difficult to stop people moving around in the pitch black - which it invariably is at that time of year when you rock up at a morning loop stage.

christy but
6th June 2015, 13:51
talks of great orme back .

6th June 2015, 16:02
I imagine so; the organisers have mentioned it specifically a couple of times on social media of late. Maybe as a Thursday night opening stage?

7th June 2015, 12:42
Seems a bit of a waste to run Great Orme in the dark?

7th June 2015, 13:38
I wish more organisers would do what they did on this years Monte for Thursday night stages; 2 proper stages rather than a boring SuperSpecial.

306 Cosworth
8th June 2015, 19:03
I wish more organisers would do what they did on this years Monte for Thursday night stages; 2 proper stages rather than a boring SuperSpecial.

Completely agree mate. 2013 was awesome. The atmosphere in the first stage (even though I walked a couple of miles from speccy point) was absolutely phenomenal. And hearing the cars approaching through the forests and disappear again into the black of night, was quite spine tingling.

christy but
9th June 2015, 20:24
just seen this on twitter ..big news coming very soon for wales rally gb 2015 and a new video


9th June 2015, 21:04
just seen this on twitter ..big news coming very soon for wales rally gb 2015 and a new video



9th June 2015, 21:23
Completely agree mate. 2013 was awesome. The atmosphere in the first stage (even though I walked a couple of miles from speccy point) was absolutely phenomenal. And hearing the cars approaching through the forests and disappear again into the black of night, was quite spine tingling.
Agree 100% with you there. Good point about Great Orme in the dark Simmi; I'm looking outside now and it looks perfect for it. One day I'll learn that 10pm is very different at different times of the year...

10th June 2015, 09:07
I think current WRC rules says "only 1 SSS in thursday", Monte has own rules.

10th June 2015, 10:40
Wales Rally Gb road program is out http://planetemarcus.com/saison-wrc/wrc-rallye-grande-bretagne-2015/

10th June 2015, 12:53
£30 (~€50) per stage?!?!

And no Thursday night stages again (the best part of 2013)?

And a Friday leg that finishes at 3pm?

They're making it harder and harder, especially to justify Thursday for Shakedown (and then wait around for nearly 24 hours until the next chance to see cars).

10th June 2015, 13:27
The only positive is Myherin is back and on Saturday you can easily watch 3 stages, 1 in the night. It is disappointing they use again the same pointless Power stage.

The pricing is really weird. £25 for a day but £30 for a single stage :confused: :confused:

10th June 2015, 13:28
Trying to get more in advance clearly. Screw spectators choosing to come on the day and not planning a year in advance (same logic that drives the British GP).

10th June 2015, 13:37
The only positive is Myherin is back and on Saturday you can easily watch 3 stages, 1 in the night. It is disappointing they use again the same pointless Power stage.

The pricing is really weird. £25 for a day but £30 for a single stage :confused: :confused: Also discourages that single stage pass where there is the inevitable queue to pay in cash, - give change etc and whilst this is going on the spectator cars attempting to park develops into a bcklog. Plus of course eliminates a significant stash of cash being held by teh marshalls on the gate, say a 1000 spectators at £30 a head, £30,000 is a lot of money to look after outside a safe.

Fast Eddie WRC
10th June 2015, 14:00
Glad to see the finish now at Deeside SP... closer to home for me. :)

Should be another Rally Fest though as Chirk is rubbish.

Brynmor Pierce
10th June 2015, 21:25
My thoughts on GB...https://peakrevs.wordpress.com/2015/06/10/rally-gb-2015-and-why-you-need-to-come-along/

10th June 2015, 22:16
My thoughts on GB...https://peakrevs.wordpress.com/2015/06/10/rally-gb-2015-and-why-you-need-to-come-along/
You make some good points, and I will certainly be there (just cancelled two of the three hotel rooms I had booked based on where the route may go), but I feel that if we don't say anything there is the risk of decline back into the issues of the previous decade. The location is great and I've had a ball for the last two years.

I don't know the background (MSA or FIA decree), but Thursday night in Clocaenog 2013 was one of my favourite rallying experiences ever and when people travel (and pay) for Shakedown, to leave them with no other action for the rest of the day us a real shame. Two consecutive days I will be in a hotel by 3pm trying to work out what to do, instead of interacting with the rally in any way.

So yes, you're right I shouldn't be so negative. I was a re-convert in 2013 (I had some extra days of holidays that year and was impressed with VW's marketing, so thought I'd take a look), but that became my baseline; I didn't experience it when it was down in Cardiff.

Because of Wales Rally GB 2013, especially that first day, I've discovered Swedish forests in winter, the Mosel Valley and the city of Ypres, so I owe it a lot. Cheers for the reminder :)

10th June 2015, 23:14
Our only chance to see the stars of the WRC in the UK. So that's good. However, it's fairly uninspiring; no stages on Epynt used - but that is probably more down to the still fairly restrictive rules/ regs.
I would like to see a Thursday afternoon start, followed by 2 long, hard days, with an early start on Sunday with proper mileage - followed by a lunchtime finish.
The current WRC isn't really the sport I wish it was.

10th June 2015, 23:18
I don't have too many complaints about the sport in general, but this obsession with no Thursday night stages or event individuality is damaging in my opinion. With this particular route, it's not too bad, but it is also nearly 100km shorter than the Italian round, which is disappointing to see.

When you look at the Friday itinerary of Sardinia vs this, and then factor in the history, that's why we're a little disappointed.

Brynmor Pierce
8th September 2015, 01:27
If any European or otherwise crews are looking for a co-driver i'm currently looking for a seat after my driver pulled out. 20 years experience, local to the event (10 kms from service park) lots of involvement with Rally Gb (I run the fan forum the night before)...would love to tick the box of home event...drop me a message or 07952 592445..cheers Bryn

8th September 2015, 11:02
Peter Sollberg planning to rent WR car for Rally GB.

8th September 2015, 11:03
Nice one, that would be great if it comes off.

christy but
8th September 2015, 20:49
just wondering will Friday forest pass get people in to shakedown on Thursday.

8th September 2015, 22:08
just wondering will Friday forest pass get people in to shakedown on Thursday.

Unfortunately I don't think it does.

9th September 2015, 12:10
Peter Sollberg planning to rent WR car for Rally GB.

Just confirmed now


9th September 2015, 12:26
Just confirmed now


Big difference between competing and being announced as the 'Rally Legend' - which is a new ambassadorial role which began last year with Ari Vatanen.

Okay that doesn't mean Petter won't compete in the rally. In fact it could be a nod towards that being a possibility. But it's not confirmed is it.

9th September 2015, 13:14
Big difference between competing and being announced as the 'Rally Legend' - which is a new ambassadorial role which began last year with Ari Vatanen.

Thats true! I had in mind the previous post in this thread when I saw it, so assumed he is competing. I hope he does though!

christy but
9th September 2015, 20:14
would be great to see peter compete in wales..even in his mk2 escort...and bring henning aswell

9th September 2015, 21:40
Unfortunately I don't think it does.

Definitely - It doesn't!

christy but
10th September 2015, 20:27
Definitely - It doesn't! thanks

22nd September 2015, 12:17
Well I have my itinerary sorted and looking forward - so long as I don't experience another double puncture like last year which wrecked my plans for the Sunday.
Thurs 12th
Remote Service Ruthin
Service Deeside
Start ramp Llandudno
Overnight Corris

Fri 13th Nov
Myherin Pikes Peak (all day)
Overnight Corris

Sat 14th Nov
Corris regroup (WRC and top WRC2)
Dyfnant (both runs)
Overnight Llandudno

Sun 15th Nov
Gt Orme
Service park podium

Looks like my travelling companion will be one of JML's biggest fans so look out for the long rod pole full of Finnish flags with a small rising sun near the base. Meet up for a Saturday evening drink anyone?

22nd September 2015, 17:21
Looks like my travelling companion will be one of JML's biggest fans so look out for the long rod pole full of Finnish flags with a small rising sun near the base. Meet up for a Saturday evening drink anyone?

So Teemu´s coming to GB?

22nd September 2015, 19:17
So Teemu´s coming to GB?
No- just a very good friend who is UK-based

Arwel Davies
23rd September 2015, 14:56
We'll be competing in the National section. It's always been a dream of mine to compete on Wales rally GB so really looking forward to the experience after many years of spectating.

7th October 2015, 10:31
BUMP - 36 days to go - The National event is already over-subscribed.
Myherin mmmmm!

7th October 2015, 10:48
BUMP - 36 days to go - The National event is already over-subscribed.
Myherin mmmmm!

Do you think it will be possible to go to Pikes Peak this year?
To anyone that attended local events recently, how strictly are the MSA spectator guidelines (IFAIK it says no spectators outside the designated areas) enforced so far? I would expect it to only be worse in WRGB. Hope I am wrong!

7th October 2015, 20:13
Do you think it will be possible to go to Pikes Peak this year?
To anyone that attended local events recently, how strictly are the MSA spectator guidelines (IFAIK it says no spectators outside the designated areas) enforced so far? I would expect it to only be worse in WRGB. Hope I am wrong!

I went to the Trackrod recently and expected it all to be locked down but it really wasn't. I just walked up the stage and then when I came back later in the day there were people everywhere. I'd be interested to see how it plays out. With the bulk of GB stages in the morning you're going to be trekking in in the pitch black. Good luck stopping people you can't see. Certainly it's going to become tighter as the first car nears. If you're stood there at Pikes Peak in a safe place I'm not really sure what they can do.

Every stage will be cancelled if people have to be in pens - simply because there isn't enough room or choice. People just will not stand for it.

7th October 2015, 21:55
Do you think it will be possible to go to Pikes Peak this year?
To anyone that attended local events recently, how strictly are the MSA spectator guidelines (IFAIK it says no spectators outside the designated areas) enforced so far? I would expect it to only be worse in WRGB. Hope I am wrong!

I'm praying we can get to the Pikes Peak section, been wanting to get there for far too long now!

7th October 2015, 21:59
Could be a little forum meet-up by the sounds of it ;)

christy but
7th October 2015, 22:08
what section is the pikes peak ?

7th October 2015, 23:25
We'll be competing in the National section. It's always been a dream of mine to compete on Wales rally GB so really looking forward to the experience after many years of spectating.

What do you know? A competitor!
What will you be doing? In what?

7th October 2015, 23:25
I'm praying we can get to the Pikes Peak section, been wanting to get there for far too long now!

See you there then Mr C, Akiko is coming with me so look out for the flags!

As another point regarding the access to forests - the closure of areas where right to roam exists is pretty much impossible so there is no way to stop people accessing the stage from whatever direction they can do so without illegal parking.

Arwel Davies
8th October 2015, 09:36
What do you know? A competitor!
What will you be doing? In what?

My self and my fiance will be competing in the 3 day Network Q National rally. We will hopefully be in our Peugeot 205 Gti 16v. If not it will be a Proton Satria Gti. Neither of us have done an event on gravel before and never done an event this big so it will be a massive learning curve but hopefully an amazing experience to.

8th October 2015, 10:49
I went to the Trackrod recently and expected it all to be locked down but it really wasn't. I just walked up the stage and then when I came back later in the day there were people everywhere. I'd be interested to see how it plays out. With the bulk of GB stages in the morning you're going to be trekking in in the pitch black. Good luck stopping people you can't see. Certainly it's going to become tighter as the first car nears. If you're stood there at Pikes Peak in a safe place I'm not really sure what they can do.

Every stage will be cancelled if people have to be in pens - simply because there isn't enough room or choice. People just will not stand for it.

It seems down to each event organisers how strict the spectator areas are. The Hamsterley stages last month had the best speccy info I’ve seen recently. They made clear which was out of bounds, but everywhere else was allowed – and included a ‘spectator area’ for the less ‘hard core’ speccy.
Not all events have been like that – some events are following the directives absolutely.

I feel as it’s a WRC round, RallyGB will be quite strict; the MSA will be wanting to show everybody how serious they are about safety.

9th October 2015, 04:38
My self and my fiance will be competing in the 3 day Network Q National rally. We will hopefully be in our Peugeot 205 Gti 16v. If not it will be a Proton Satria Gti. Neither of us have done an event on gravel before and never done an event this big so it will be a massive learning curve but hopefully an amazing experience to.

Massive good luck to ya!

16th October 2015, 17:33
Google Earth Map of Wales is online => http://bit.ly/1B5qt4Q

16th October 2015, 21:56
Chris Ingram ‏@1ChrisIngram

Excited to announce I'm making my @JuniorWRC debut @WalesRallyGB in a Citroen #DS3R3Max Will be a perfect step up!!

16th October 2015, 22:20
Will be interested to see how Chris gets on. Maybe he is hoping to do JWRC in 2016.

Fast Eddie WRC
21st October 2015, 13:36
Nice touch for McRae's 20th Anniversary... :cool:


21st October 2015, 14:19
Who will drive the Impreza? David Higgins?

21st October 2015, 14:50
Who will drive the Impreza? David Higgins?


When is the entry list going to be published?

21st October 2015, 15:38

When is the entry list going to be published?

Need to be soon, nothing about the date in Sup. regulations, RG1 or RG2. Last day for entries was oct 12

21st October 2015, 15:42
Henning at rally GB

Fast Eddie WRC
21st October 2015, 15:44

When is the entry list going to be published?

Not sure but get most of the info here: http://www.walesrallygb.com/news/3380.php#.VieKLn6rSM9

Leading the International entries is Volkswagen Motorsport's newly-crowned 2015 World Rally Champion Sébastien Ogier seeking a hat-trick of famous Wales Rally GB victories. The Frenchman's VW Polo WRC team-mate Jari-Matti Latvala is the only other previous winner in the packed field.

Those looking to add their name to the coveted gold Peall Trophy include two top home hopes: Elfyn Evans, lines up for the Cumbrian-based M-Sport World Rally Team while Kris Meeke represents Citroën Total Abu Dhabi WRT. Evans recently scored his best-ever result with a breakthrough second place in Corsica; Meeke went one better earlier in the campaign when becoming the first British driver to win a WRC round since Colin McRae in 2002 with victory in Argentina.

Hyundai Motorsport's impressive four-car attack also includes some local talent with Englishman Seb Marshall co-driving for young Dutch star Kevin Abbring.

There's plenty of additional British interest, too. Seven time Rally America champion David Higgins makes a welcome return to these shores in one of the latest Subaru WRX Sti machines. The Powys-based Manxman will be up against double Scottish champion David Bogie, promising Welshman Tom Cave - both in Ford Fiesta R5s - and Irishman Craig Breen (Peugeot T16 R5) plus a pair of pacy factory-entered Skodas in the super-competitive RC2 category.

The leading two-wheel-drive RC3 class features two of the UK's hottest prospects with Osian Pryce and Chris Ingram lining up in a pair of Citroën DS3s. However they will face stiff opposition from Quentin Gilbert, the Frenchman who has already been crowned as the 2015 FIA Junior WRC Champion.

Other notable International entries include ex-F1 star Robert Kubica (Ford Fiesta RS WRC) and Henning Solberg (Ford Fiesta RS WRC) whose younger brother Petter is a four-time Wales Rally GB winner and this year's official Rally Legend.

26th October 2015, 18:20
Entry list out... and it's a good one!


26th October 2015, 18:37
Nice surprised to see Lukyanuk in the list!

26th October 2015, 18:51
Wasnt Petter Solberg also planning start with WRC?

26th October 2015, 18:54
Wasnt Petter Solberg also planning start with WRC?
Just a very unsubstantiated rumour about him 'looking into it'.

26th October 2015, 22:33
Really happy with that list. Lots of strength in depth in the lower classes and some nice stuff to look out for.

Literally just got back from Catalunya but already can't wait for this.

27th October 2015, 09:56
Just a very unsubstantiated rumour about him 'looking into it'.

Definitely good list. Shame on Petter Solberg, but he probably thought of doing GB when WRX title is sealed. He doesn't want to be distracted from his main target.
Ptaszek who crashed badly in Spain is on the list with Fabia R5. I wonder if that's new one or not.
Great to see Lukyanuk, hope he will do more WRC events next season.

27th October 2015, 10:01
Eyvind Brynhildsen in a fabia R5, thats probably the benchmark in wrc2.

27th October 2015, 10:19
Eyvind Brynhildsen in a fabia R5, thats probably the benchmark in wrc2.
Like how you predicted Grondal to be the gravel benchmark in WRC2 this season?

27th October 2015, 10:38
Like how you predicted Grondal to be the gravel benchmark in WRC2 this season?
Did i? Opps :)
Nah, the ds3 R5 was a shitcar, he would have quite ok results normaly. In Sardinia he even didn't got his car in time, after enginefailure the rally before. but Brynhildsen is a even better driver and in a better car, and has been the winner in Wales before. (before the team put on wrong calippers atleast)

27th October 2015, 10:51
Why is not Esapekka Lappi on entry list? Has not he chance upon a second place in WRC 2?

27th October 2015, 10:59
Why is not Esapekka Lappi on entry list? Has not he chance upon a second place in WRC 2?

I think he did all rounds needed, points here would not have been valid for final ranking.

27th October 2015, 11:41
Exactly. Still I think he was originally planed to do the rally just for training purposes. Sometimes You wonder about their strategy when Kopecký drives in Wales but not on Corsica etc.

27th October 2015, 13:20
Exactly. Still I think he was originally planed to do the rally just for training purposes. Sometimes You wonder about their strategy when Kopecký drives in Wales but not on Corsica etc.

That´s true! Surely Kopecký would have been able to beat Maurin in Corsica (Lappi was 2nd).

If Esapekka´s nominated event would have been GB instead of Corsica, it would have been better for Skoda also...

Weird decisions!

27th October 2015, 14:11
Exactly. Still I think he was originally planed to do the rally just for training purposes. Sometimes You wonder about their strategy when Kopecký drives in Wales but not on Corsica etc.

I also assume it was planned to give Lappi all 8 european rounds. The eighth just for training purposes. And I also agree with part about management. Please remember since Tidemand has made his own registration to WRC2 before Sweden it was pointless to make registration for 3rd Skoda motorsport car and they could save 5000,- EUR. I know it is not a lot of money for Skoda motorsport, but I am nearly sure somebody from SM just forgot the registration of Pontus from winter is still valid. (Don´t You think it would make sense when we know the other decisions of this "guy"? :) ) But obviously this person (resp. group of people) has very mild bosses, so nevermind (for him/them) :D

27th October 2015, 15:20
Who will drive the Impreza? David Higgins?

Impreza ?

That is just WRX STI

(impreza is 1.6L familycar with 5-doors and automatic gearbox)

28th October 2015, 10:47
That´s true! Surely Kopecký would have been able to beat Maurin in Corsica (Lappi was 2nd).

If Esapekka´s nominated event would have been GB instead of Corsica, it would have been better for Skoda also...

Weird decisions!

I can only think that they (rightly) thought Esapekka would be faster than Al-Attiyah on asphalt. Unfortunately he crashed.

28th October 2015, 10:55
Exactly. Still I think he was originally planed to do the rally just for training purposes. Sometimes You wonder about their strategy when Kopecký drives in Wales but not on Corsica etc.

Kopecky was a lot quicker on the gravel in Spain than i thought he would be but I don't think he will do so well on the muddy/slippery gravel in GB.

Like you said before, everything was centred on Lappi. Maybe that comes from VW more than Skoda management. Kopecky winning WRC2 title wouldn't have fitted with their plans.

I don't like to criticise the Skoda Motorsport management too much these days when you remember what it was like in the WRC days.

28th October 2015, 20:59
I'm liking that entry list...starting to wonder if I should use up a day off from work and venture up...not a cheap couple of days though and sleeping in the car is always worse than I remember :mark:

28th October 2015, 22:18


2nd November 2015, 22:05
Livery for Brynildsen. Fabia R5 will be running on Pirellis.


3rd November 2015, 12:31
Hi, I need to know some information about access road to special stage. Only roads with parking areas, are accessible?

For example, in Rally Planner, for Myherin stage there is only parking area marked on the map and some other access roads are blocked, but I saw on google maps that there are some other access roads near Sweet Lamb complex entrance. This access roads will be closed?


3rd November 2015, 16:16

https://scontent-cdg2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/12189035_1070821886292117_8114414529026292916_n.jp g?oh=7b1b3ce0cb403910b055eb4230dad6dc&oe=56C974E7

3rd November 2015, 23:26
This access roads will be closed?

From our experience, every access road is closed that is not marked as an access road. But its a few years ago we went there.

4th November 2015, 00:12
Hi, I need to know some information about access road to special stage. Only roads with parking areas, are accessible?

For example, in Rally Planner, for Myherin stage there is only parking area marked on the map and some other access roads are blocked, but I saw on google maps that there are some other access roads near Sweet Lamb complex entrance. This access roads will be closed?


Unfortunately, every access road is closed that is not marked as spectator access, as far as I know.

4th November 2015, 11:44
Thanks for reply.

So, how i can reach the fast and open section through wind farm in Myherin? Parking area at mid of the stage is very far from this area?

4th November 2015, 15:59
Osian Pryce has pulled his entry according to Motorsport News. Diverting funds into a Dmack Trophy campaign next year instead.

4th November 2015, 18:19
Thanks for reply.

So, how i can reach the fast and open section through wind farm in Myherin? Parking area at mid of the stage is very far from this area?

Youl'll have to walk about 5 miles from the car park i'm afraid.
It is well worth it though.

4th November 2015, 18:52
If you're allowed to walk. It will be interesting to see what they allow. I expect them to be pretty strict, as the sport in the UK is under pressure from the Forestry and HSE.

4th November 2015, 20:43
Youl'll have to walk about 5 miles from the car park i'm afraid.
It is well worth it though.

Is it really five miles? Maybe if you want to get to the first windmill section. The second one doesn't seem that far in. Will be trying that out this year.

As for walking into the stage - as I said before I'd love to see them stop people walking around in the pitch black. One car park and one spectator zone per stage is not enough choice and people won't stand for it. Common sense will need to prevail on both sides.

4th November 2015, 20:49
Common sense will need to prevail on both sides.

It's all been said before though. Common sense is to not stand next to the landing of a jump, but people still do it all the time. Unfortunately common sense is all relative and ceases to be 'common sense' when something goes wrong, sadly rally organisers are now having to mitigate for people standing in dangerous spots by restricting movement across the board.

Not that it matters, I suspect that it'll actually be a case of status quo and people will be in the usual spots, but if something then goes wrong we're going to be in an even worse position than we are now. I don't think many spectators realise quite how serious the risk is to club & national rallying in the UK.

4th November 2015, 21:04
Be grateful that they don't run Monument with no spectator access or other nonsense. Well I understand British fans I met in other rallies, when they complained that it's cheaper to go to Sardinia or Catalunya and they can see more cos they are not catled there.

4th November 2015, 21:07
Wales Rally GB ‏@WalesRallyGB

.@ElfynEvans tonight for a Q/A at 7pm. Best question wins this signed window. Winner must attend #WRGB Service Park


4th November 2015, 21:29
I don't think many spectators realise quite how serious the risk is to club & national rallying in the UK.

No, I don't think they do. But it hasn't really been highlighted - apart from in MNews; and that is hardly mainstream. So your 'once a year fan' probably doesn't realise how much peril the sport is in.

4th November 2015, 21:36
I don't think many spectators realise quite how serious the risk is to club & national rallying in the UK.

we had fatal accidents all over the uk the previous years and also deaths of competitors and serious injuries of spectators in WRC. Rallying brings money to local economy so it is not going anywhere... rallying will always be a dangerous sport and we are always going to get deaths and injuries no matter what.. no need to overdramatise a situation.

4th November 2015, 22:01
Wales Rally GB ‏@WalesRallyGB

.@ElfynEvans tonight for a Q/A at 7pm. Best question wins this signed window. Winner must attend #WRGB Service Park


Kyle Scott ‏@Kyler90

@ElfynEvans @WalesRallyGB If you were team boss, what would be your all time driver lineup?#WRGB

Elfyn Evans ‏@ElfynEvans

@Kyler90 Loeb and Loeb? #WRC #WRGB

4th November 2015, 22:04
Kyle Scott ‏@Kyler90

@ElfynEvans @WalesRallyGB If you were team boss, what would be your all time driver lineup?#WRGB

Elfyn Evans ‏@ElfynEvans

@Kyler90 Loeb and Loeb? #WRC #WRGB

stop baiting the tormented souls of this world Dim.

4th November 2015, 23:06
Wales Rally GB ‏@WalesRallyGB

.@ElfynEvans tonight for a Q/A at 7pm. Best question wins this signed window. Winner must attend #WRGB Service Park


This must be the joke of the year. For a piece of glass...

"The Window Winner" gets extra bonus...
Gratis :D

5th November 2015, 11:36
Bluuford Any weather predictions? Its very important this time. :P

Fast Eddie WRC
5th November 2015, 12:33
Pretty wet in Wales at the moment...


5th November 2015, 16:02
no need to overdramatise a situation.

I'm not, and you suggesting that proves my point on how clueless a lot of people are. The MSA are very serious about the steps taken for spectator safety and restricting incidents. Yes there will always be crashes and injury, and there will generally be rallying, but in terms of spectator events it really is at serious risk. The risk of competitors isn't the issue that is causing the problems, it's injury to spectators or media that is the threat. As vice chair of a motor club I'm aware of the type of information that is coming out from the MSA, and it's going to soon limit the number of clubs that are able to/want to organise events.

The issues are three fold really, the lesser of the three is the threat from the MSA, they won't stop rallies as such but will soon implement tighter restrictions on organisers. The second issue is having to get more people to marshal on en event, which will soon be required. It's already a struggle to get enough volunteers together to run an event. To highlight this, I received a message this week from the organisers of the Somerset Stages who are looking for marshals for their event which runs in April, so clubs are moving towards needing 6 months to come up with volunteers. However the biggest problem is going to be finding landowners that allow events to be run on their patch, at least at an affordable rate. The Forestry Commission already charge a large fee per mile per competitor, but it's soon going to get to the point where it's not worth the risk to them to have their tracks trashed and the possibility of bad publicity, and certainly not when they can make more money from allowing cyclists, walkers and adventure people to use the same facilities.

So it's nothing to do with rallying being banned due to deaths (and certainly not the death of competitors, we all know that's a risk) but it is to do with the restrictions on the sport getting to a point where the majority of club events simply aren't viable any more.

5th November 2015, 16:28
I' The Forestry Commission already charge a large fee per mile per competitor,

HerraJanni, can you say--or PM me---what that charge is? Is it the same if its an nice old MkII Escort or a modern turbo 4wd car?

5th November 2015, 17:06
HerraJanni, can you say--or PM me---what that charge is? Is it the same if its an nice old MkII Escort or a modern turbo 4wd car?

Don't know the exact figures, but it ain't cheap. True it isn't as much as a WRC or R5...but it certainly affects those that compete in Saxos, 106s and 205s, rallying is about more than the top 20 of every event.

5th November 2015, 18:27
Don't know the exact figures, but it ain't cheap. True it isn't as much as a WRC or R5...but it certainly affects those that compete in Saxos, 106s and 205s, rallying is about more than the top 20 of every event.

I can remember in motorsport news 2 years ago and the figure they quoted the cost at was £1100 per mile.

Fast Eddie WRC
5th November 2015, 18:57



5th November 2015, 19:42
Hopefully the organizers won't pack the spectators up in dangerous spots like where Latvala and Meeke almost went off last year then.
Is it really that bad though, when i watch onboards from last year there are spectators everywhere. You have to walk around the marshalls in Sweden and Finland too sometimes to get to the spot you want, often those are the safest spots since there's not lots of people pushing you closer to the road if you want to see anything.

I don't think I've had one person recommend Wales to me, hopefully it will change some day :)

5th November 2015, 20:38
Hopefully the organizers won't pack the spectators up in dangerous spots like where Latvala and Meeke almost went off last year then.
Is it really that bad though, when i watch onboards from last year there are spectators everywhere. You have to walk around the marshalls in Sweden and Finland too sometimes to get to the spot you want, often those are the safest spots since there's not lots of people pushing you closer to the road if you want to see anything.

I don't think I've had one person recommend Wales to me, hopefully it will change some day :)

In previous years it has been similar to other rallies where you can walk and pick a spot. Not really had any issues to be honest in the last few years as long as you are sensible. Marshals will come and tell you if you can't stand in a certain area. I've never had anyone tell me I can't walk into a stage. I know it has happened a fair bit in Brenig before - but then again I make sure I arrive early enough for it not to be an issue. So I wouldn't let it put you off the rally - it's not really any different to any other rallies I've been in apart from the fact that stage entry access is so limited. But that's largely down to the nature of where the stages are.

People are expecting more of a clampdown this year given what has been stated above. But honestly if there is some big Rally GB safety push I've not seen any evidence of it. I attended Germany and Catalunya in the back half of this year and they both made a big push on safety videos across social media. I've not seen any of that from Wales GB which is surprising given what is at stake. Single day national events have made far greater noise.

So with that said I'm not expecting the event to be much different this year.

5th November 2015, 20:41
You and me both.

anyone know the latest that the 'forest passes' (day tickets) can be ordered by? Not sure about going on Thursday for Shakedown with the lack of other action on Thursday.

5th November 2015, 23:05
You can buy the day ticket up to one day before and print them at home. For shakedown you have to buy at the gate if you dont have the 3day pass.

I just booked mine!

Hopefully the marshalls will be as relaxed as last year. Only in Gartheiniog we had problem getting away from the spectator zone. We managed to get away in Brening but it was silly trying to hide in the woods, they were forcing other people out of those areas... I really think of doing Alwen this year instead, but then it will be a single pass.

@AllyC85: From your photos in flickr, I see you have done Aberhirnant last year. How easy is it to get to that location? Is it reasonably easy to get away from the spectator zones through the woods if needed?

6th November 2015, 00:13
Wales Rally GB ‏@WalesRallyGB

.@ElfynEvans tonight for a Q/A at 7pm. Best question wins this signed window. Winner must attend #WRGB Service Park


No sleep last night thinking of that window...

Who's the winner?

Fast Eddie WRC
6th November 2015, 15:40
Wales set to be a mud-fest !



6th November 2015, 16:39
Typical RAC and Wales conditions.
Tyres will play a big role!

Will be cool to see Michelin vs Pirelli vs DMack in WRC2!

Wales set to be a mud-fest !



6th November 2015, 16:45
People often talk of RallyGB trqaditionally being a mudfest; however, the weekend of the old RAC often saw the first snow of the winter.... no chance of that anymore.

Fast Eddie WRC
6th November 2015, 18:25
People often talk of RallyGB trqaditionally being a mudfest; however, the weekend of the old RAC often saw the first snow of the winter.... no chance of that anymore.

It was almost guaranteed the weather would change to ice and snow just as the RAC was starting...


Damn global warming... :(

Fast Eddie WRC
6th November 2015, 18:39
And check this out... the itinerary of the first rally I attended back in 1983... 59 stages !! :eek:



6th November 2015, 19:41
And check this out... the itinerary of the first rally I attended back in 1983... 59 stages !! :eek:



Now that was when Rallying was great!!!

6th November 2015, 19:43
Now that was when Rallying was great!!!

Look at the stage miles!!

6th November 2015, 20:05
Look at the stage miles!!
You mean in total or the stage km. per stage? Because they were quite short.

6th November 2015, 21:56
You mean in total or the stage km. per stage? Because they were quite short.
Some were but a full Kielder and a full Dalby used to sort out the weaklings!

6th November 2015, 23:19
There was a reason William Woollard renamed Kielder to 'Killer Kielder'. I just find it sad that a whole generation have never driven those stages. The sport and event are poorer without them.

6th November 2015, 23:34
There was a reason William Woollard renamed Kielder to 'Killer Kielder'. I just find it sad that a whole generation have never driven those stages. The sport and event are poorer without them.

40 mile (not 40km) stages!! Would give anything to see a snowy WRC in Yorkshire and NE again!

7th November 2015, 00:56
Yes, I remember Pundershaw being about 35-38 miles......so, nearly 60km.

7th November 2015, 09:36
Bluuford Any weather predictions? Its very important this time. :P
Typical GB weather, a lot of rain before tha rally (also Thursday). Should be little rain on Friday here and there, no rain on Saturday and more rain on Sunday. It will be colder and windy on Firday, maybe only 4-5 degrees, Near to +10 during Saturday and Sunday. Road will be definitely muddy and slippy. Ogier once again has advantage beeing first on the road like he has had during most of the rallies in this year.

Fast Eddie WRC
7th November 2015, 12:27
Nicky Grist ‏@nickygrist
What horrendous weather due in Wales this weekend! I hope the rain disappears next week for the fans on the @WalesRallyGB...

Fast Eddie WRC
7th November 2015, 12:31
Remember this also from my first stage:


Knowsley Park stage 11 was to bite the newly crowned World Champion as he clipped a tree stump on the inside of a right hander, ripping the wheel off in the process.

Co-driver Arne Hetrz jumped onto the back to counterbalance the car almost like a passenger on a sidecar. The duo managed to get the Audi to the end of the stage where a replacement wheel was fitted.

The time lost could never be reclaimed as Mikkola had to watch Stig Blomqvist take the victory in the private David Sutton prepared Quattro. Mikkola did finish in second however making it a one-two for Audi.

7th November 2015, 16:51
Remember this also from my first stage:


Knowsley Park stage 11 was to bite the newly crowned World Champion as he clipped a tree stump on the inside of a right hander, ripping the wheel off in the process.

Co-driver Arne Hetrz jumped onto the back to counterbalance the car almost like a passenger on a sidecar. The duo managed to get the Audi to the end of the stage where a replacement wheel was fitted.

The time lost could never be reclaimed as Mikkola had to watch Stig Blomqvist take the victory in the private David Sutton prepared Quattro. Mikkola did finish in second however making it a one-two for Audi.

And Loeb got a penalty for undoing his belts at about 20mph! How the sport has changed.

Fast Eddie WRC
7th November 2015, 17:49
the weekend of the old RAC often saw the first snow of the winter.... no chance of that anymore.

Stages in Wales are still in Autumn colour, no sign of Winter...


7th November 2015, 19:59
Look at the stage miles!!

Leg1 total394.25 km

Leg2 total

410.24 km

Event total
835.33 km

Leg 1..More miles than a whole event now.

And they wonder where the excitement has gone?

7th November 2015, 20:27
You can buy the day ticket up to one day before and print them at home. For shakedown you have to buy at the gate if you dont have the 3day pass.

I just booked mine!

Hopefully the marshalls will be as relaxed as last year. Only in Gartheiniog we had problem getting away from the spectator zone. We managed to get away in Brening but it was silly trying to hide in the woods, they were forcing other people out of those areas... I really think of doing Alwen this year instead, but then it will be a single pass.

@AllyC85: From your photos in flickr, I see you have done Aberhirnant last year. How easy is it to get to that location? Is it reasonably easy to get away from the spectator zones through the woods if needed?

We weren't questioned at all, and the marshalls were very chatty and friendly. We got to the stage in loads of time, and were able to walk down it to our spot.

In fact since going to Rally GB the only time I have had bad marshalling was in the Resolven area, where they shouted at you like crap on the bottom of their boots for ridiculous reasons!

Fast Eddie WRC
8th November 2015, 18:39
Only 1 weather warning for the WHOLE of the UK.. guess where !



8th November 2015, 19:13
It's going to be a mud-fest that's for sure. Hopefully the rain will hold off for most of the event like bluuford says. Although I trust him more, some UK forecasts seem to indicate it will be a wet rally too.

8th November 2015, 20:18
We weren't questioned at all, and the marshalls were very chatty and friendly. We got to the stage in loads of time, and were able to walk down it to our spot.

In fact since going to Rally GB the only time I have had bad marshalling was in the Resolven area, where they shouted at you like crap on the bottom of their boots for ridiculous reasons!

Thanks Alastair. Most probably we will do Dyfi 1&2 and take our chances for Aberhirnant. Hopefully we will find our way out of the spec zones!

8th November 2015, 22:12
Thanks Alastair. Most probably we will do Dyfi 1&2 and take our chances for Aberhirnant. Hopefully we will find our way out of the spec zones!

I don't think you should have any issues moving away from the designated areas if last year is anything to go by. Ultimately they can't actually stop you, they can only ask you not to. Provided you don't stand anywhere stupid you shouldn't attract the attention of the course opening officials/FIA safety delegate and you'll be fine.

9th November 2015, 17:56
Anyone who knows if there's a rallyradio (real radio, not on the internet) available in Wales?

9th November 2015, 18:53
Anyone who knows if there's a rallyradio (real radio, not on the internet) available in Wales?

Yes, 88.7FM. I have not used it before in the forest, just when in the car and the reception is not that great

9th November 2015, 21:51
Word out that Skoda Motorsports have pulled out both their entries, so no Kopecky nor Tidemand in Wales. Can someone confirm?

Also Jari Ketomaa will not start, Nicholas Fuchs replacing him in Dmack Fiesta.

9th November 2015, 22:03
Word out that Skoda Motorsports have pulled out both their entries, so no Kopecky nor Tidemand in Wales. Can someone confirm?

Also Jari Ketomaa will not start, Nicholas Fuchs replacing him in Dmack Fiesta.

Interview with Pontus in local newspaper confirms this unfortunately, he says it's because neither him or Lappi has a chance to win the title

9th November 2015, 22:13
Word out that Skoda Motorsports have pulled out both their entries, so no Kopecky nor Tidemand in Wales. Can someone confirm?

Also Jari Ketomaa will not start, Nicholas Fuchs replacing him in Dmack Fiesta.

I think Fuchs will drive a Skoda from Wevers Sport.

At least, he was testing with them earlier today.

the sniper
9th November 2015, 22:13
That's a damn shame, especially considering the history Skoda had on the old RAC/Rally GB.

9th November 2015, 22:18
Yes Skoda pulled their entry, confirmed in Motorsport Monday.

9th November 2015, 22:24
Shame to see Skoda jack in the entries but I guess they are in a position to do that running WRC2. It was also reported in Motorsport News last Wednesday but at the time I thought it was a typo or something.

If Fuchs could replace Ketomaa that would at least keep a car on the stages. Any confirmation of this anywhere? Not sure if they could change driver and car on the entry list.

Andre Oliveira
9th November 2015, 22:53
Fuchs should use Fiesta of Wevers no?

9th November 2015, 23:09
Leg1 total394.25 km

Leg2 total

410.24 km

Event total
835.33 km

Leg 1..More miles than a whole event now.

And they wonder where the excitement has gone?
1. Blomqvist Stig - Cederberg Björn - Audi Quattro A2

2. Mikkola Hannu - Hertz Arne - Audi Quattro A2

3. McRae Jimmy - Grindrod Ian - Opel Manta 400

i doubt there was much excitement, if the podium is separated by more then 25 minutes.

Fast Eddie WRC
9th November 2015, 23:10
Shame to lose the Skoda's and so late..

They have an excuse but I think its a bit poor to let the event and fans down just because they cant win the title.

Not good for their reputation or publicity in the UK, especially.

9th November 2015, 23:15
Shame to lose the Skoda's and so late..

They have an excuse but I think its a bit poor to let the event and fans down just because they cant win the title.

Not good for their reputation or publicity in the UK, especially.

On the other hand it shows how low the publicity value of competing in WRC2 (or WRC at all) is.

When Kris Meeke won his first WRC event this year it got a small paragraph inside the sports pages. Same weekend Mick Schumacher (son of Michael) won some cart event and it was top headline sports news!

Fast Eddie WRC
9th November 2015, 23:16
1. Blomqvist Stig - Cederberg Björn - Audi Quattro A2

2. Mikkola Hannu - Hertz Arne - Audi Quattro A2

3. McRae Jimmy - Grindrod Ian - Opel Manta 400

i doubt there was much excitement, if the podium is separated by more then 25 minutes.

The events in those days were a test of stamina, endurance and reliability as well as speed. Plus many stages were at night and all were without pacenotes !

Their long duration meant that anything could happen until the very last stage and no result was a forgone conclusion no matter what the gaps.

It was also pretty difficult for fans to keep in touch with the stage times & results, so you often didnt know the situation until late in the evening.

I was there and I can tell you it was exciting !


Fast Eddie WRC
9th November 2015, 23:27
On the other hand it shows how low the publicity value of competing in WRC2 (or WRC at all) is.


So another reason it was better back in the day... the Skodas always used to turn up at the RAC ! (and win, getting good publicity as a tough car) :)


9th November 2015, 23:27
Shame to lose the Skoda's and so late..

They have an excuse but I think its a bit poor to let the event and fans down just because they cant win the title.

Not good for their reputation or publicity in the UK, especially.

The R5 Skoda is quite boring to watch compared to the S2000 so not that big of a loss.

9th November 2015, 23:46
Any help appreciated...

I watched one stage last year, but I can't remember which car park i used. Can anyone help me out:

The Stage was Dyfi. I Can't remember if it was carpark G or H. I do remember Mikkeleson spinning into a bank in pretty much the same spot. It was a real good area to watch from; in the morning a fast approach from the left, downhill into a medium right (then out of sight). Same stage in the afternoon, I wondered about a mile further in (Marshalls fine with it) and they were in 5th gear and flat out into another right hander where you could stand right up on the banking over/ above and watch them.

This is a link to Mikkeleson spinning:


Any help appreciated in locating the car park.

9th November 2015, 23:54
On the other hand it shows how low the publicity value of competing in WRC2 (or WRC at all) is.

When Kris Meeke won his first WRC event this year it got a small paragraph inside the sports pages. Same weekend Mick Schumacher (son of Michael) won some cart event and it was top headline sports news!

This is not going to change. The WRC has long gone from the mainstream in the UK. Very little seems is being done or can be done to address this. Unless they run a SS down The Mall in London.........

9th November 2015, 23:54
Any help appreciated...

I watched one stage last year, but I can't remember which car park i used. Can anyone help me out:

The Stage was Dyfi. I Can't remember if it was carpark G or H. I do remember Mikkeleson spinning into a bank in pretty much the same spot. It was a real good area to watch from; in the morning a fast approach from the left, downhill into a medium right (then out of sight). Same stage in the afternoon, I wondered about a mile further in (Marshalls fine with it) and they were in 5th gear and flat out into another right hander where you could stand right up on the banking over/ above and watch them.

This is a link to Mikkeleson spinning:


Any help appreciated in locating the car park.

This is the spot in car park G (at the top of car park) Hope it helps

9th November 2015, 23:56

So another reason it was better back in the day... the Skodas always used to turn up at the RAC ! (and win, getting good publicity as a tough car) :)


They would have had more UK tv time back when they were running the 2wd Favorit too.

9th November 2015, 23:57
The R5 Skoda is quite boring to watch compared to the S2000 so not that big of a loss.

Depends on who is behind the steering wheel ;)

...I was on co-drivers seat only in Fabia S2000, so I can´t compare, that is true.

10th November 2015, 00:04
The events in those days were a test of stamina, endurance and reliability as well as speed. Plus many stages were at night and all were without pacenotes !

Their long duration meant that anything could happen until the very last stage and no result was a forgone conclusion no matter what the gaps.

It was also pretty difficult for fans to keep in touch with the stage times & results, so you often didnt know the situation until late in the evening.

I was there and I can tell you it was exciting !


Not only that but it got so much closer to so many more people. The idea of an event starting at Longleat then heading through Birmingham, Yorkshire and Scotland before ending up in the Welsh stages is completely foreign to us now. Of course it could never be done properly these days, but the fact that Mikkola ripped a wheel off and still finished second is pretty impressive.

10th November 2015, 00:28
Any help appreciated...

I watched one stage last year, but I can't remember which car park i used. Can anyone help me out:

The Stage was Dyfi. I Can't remember if it was carpark G or H. I do remember Mikkeleson spinning into a bank in pretty much the same spot. It was a real good area to watch from; in the morning a fast approach from the left, downhill into a medium right (then out of sight). Same stage in the afternoon, I wondered about a mile further in (Marshalls fine with it) and they were in 5th gear and flat out into another right hander where you could stand right up on the banking over/ above and watch them.

This is a link to Mikkeleson spinning:


Any help appreciated in locating the car park.

Walking in from Corris is the nearest approach to that part of the stage

10th November 2015, 00:53
The R5 Skoda is quite boring to watch compared to the S2000 so not that big of a loss.

I had the same feeling, especially the sound is lame but hey, what Kopecký was showing this year on Barum rally was sometimes pure craziness. Every car is spectacular with the right driver and I'm quite sure that Tidemand and Kopecký would be definitely nicer to watch than 2/3 of the entry field if not more...

10th November 2015, 01:00
I had the same feeling, especially the sound is lame but hey, what Kopecký was showing this year on Barum rally was sometimes pure craziness. Every car is spectacular with the right driver and I'm quite sure that Tidemand and Kopecký would be definitely nicer to watch than 2/3 of the entry field if not more...

Yup, my words. Kopecky on Barum was great...and also agree with the rest.

10th November 2015, 01:35
In Germany Kopecky in the R5 looked like another WRC car on each pass I saw. Very impressive.

10th November 2015, 06:35
If Fuchs could replace Ketomaa that would at least keep a car on the stages. Any confirmation of this anywhere? Not sure if they could change driver and car on the entry list.


10th November 2015, 07:56
Brynhildsen is in an fabia R5.

10th November 2015, 11:12
Any help appreciated...

I watched one stage last year, but I can't remember which car park i used. Can anyone help me out:

The Stage was Dyfi. I Can't remember if it was carpark G or H. I do remember Mikkeleson spinning into a bank in pretty much the same spot. It was a real good area to watch from; in the morning a fast approach from the left, downhill into a medium right (then out of sight). Same stage in the afternoon, I wondered about a mile further in (Marshalls fine with it) and they were in 5th gear and flat out into another right hander where you could stand right up on the banking over/ above and watch them.

This is a link to Mikkeleson spinning:


Any help appreciated in locating the car park.

It is Car Park H this year, exactly the same spot.

Fast Eddie WRC
10th November 2015, 15:57
Flooding in the Conwy valley this morning.. yikes !


Fast Eddie WRC
10th November 2015, 16:08
Kubica's team ready with spares for WRGB... ;)


10th November 2015, 16:09
Wow, forecast has taken a turn for the worse in the last couple of days - originally looked like it would calm down but doesn't seem like it's going to abate any time soon.

10th November 2015, 16:12
Any meteo prediction from our forum specialist? Bluuford... :D

Fast Eddie WRC
10th November 2015, 17:34
BBC Outlook for Thursday to Sunday (N.Wales)

Fine start on Thursday, before rain crosses through later. Colder and showery on Friday then turning milder again on Saturday, with rain in the north later. Windy with gales possible. Sunday heavy rain..

10th November 2015, 21:21
Looks like Henning Solberg is also a DNS. Real shame that. Not sure the reason but confirmed by Ilka Minor.

Fast Eddie WRC
10th November 2015, 23:15
VW's now at the SP..


No testing for them in Wales this time ?

Grundo Farb
11th November 2015, 03:35
Kubica's team ready with spares for WRGB... ;)


Doesn't look like he has enough of them for one rally.

11th November 2015, 09:33
Looks like Henning Solberg is also a DNS. Real shame that. Not sure the reason but confirmed by Ilka Minor.

Same reason as always - ambition exceeds bank balance!

11th November 2015, 11:50
Yes, would have dared to put money on him not starting.

Fast Eddie WRC
11th November 2015, 13:29
Evans ASI livery:



Arnold Triyudho Wardono
11th November 2015, 14:29
Will they use that rims or it's just for SSS..?

No testing for them in Wales this time ?
They're already clinched the title..:P Why they should testing..?

11th November 2015, 15:07
I read in Motorsport News this morning that Max Vatanen will only be out in his normal R2 car for GB. Dmack pulled Ketomaa and Vatanen R5s due to the WRC2 title being sewn up.

Really disappointing to be honest - especially on what is supposed to be their home event. The only silver lining is it looks like they were able to shop the Ketomaa entry to a pay driver in Fuchs to keep a car on the stages.

The only hope is that they have something lined up next year worth waiting (and saving money) for.

If only that final stage hadn't been cancelled post-Ogier crash in Catalunya. Kremer would have overhauled Al-Attiyah and we'd have a WRC2 title going down to the wire in Wales.

11th November 2015, 15:51
Thanks to those who answered my initial question regarding spectating...

I'm planning on watching from Dyfi - car park H - which is a great spot.

I also plan to watch the Aberhirnant stage. Can anyone advise which is the best car park (K or L) to use so I get a spot where the cars are in view as long as possible and ideally, a really fast section.

Any answers much appreciated.

Fast Eddie WRC
11th November 2015, 18:11
From recce:


Dont cut, logs !


11th November 2015, 18:22
these logs are dangerous! wtf?

11th November 2015, 18:31
I think that in equal conditions this would be one of the few rally where Latvala would be generally faster than Ogier. Ogier will win this tough, being first here with this mud is more than little advantage.

Fast Eddie WRC
11th November 2015, 18:39
these logs are dangerous! wtf?

I've never seen this done before on Rally GB... a drastic way of preventing cutting. :eek:

Fast Eddie WRC
11th November 2015, 18:43
2015 WRGB 'Rally Legend' Petter Solberg at the SP, with McRae's old co-driver Derek Ringer... :cool:


11th November 2015, 19:06

WRC ‏@OfficialWRC

Competition slogan winners on @HyundaiWRC i20s in @WalesRallyGB. @HaydenPaddon voted the best overall. #WRC

11th November 2015, 19:27
2: Don't cut, logs...
Much of the route is on roads built by Natural Resources Wales, formerly the Forestry Commission, to enable logging trucks in and out of the forests. These hard packed shale and slate tracks are in excellent condition and most have been recently graded to leave them super smooth. To keep some of the soft edges in good nick, Natural Resources Wales have added logs and earth banks to deter corner cutting. The ones below are 29km into Hafren (SS1&SS4).


11th November 2015, 19:57
Hafren is quite early in the day so let's hope there won't be any drunk enough spectator yet who would think that pushing one of these a little bit into the road could be fun...

11th November 2015, 20:11
From recce:
Dont cut, logs !

And people thought steel posts in France were bad a few years ago...

Hafren is quite early in the day so let's hope there won't be any drunk enough spectator yet who would think that pushing one of these a little bit into the road could be fun...
There's no such thing as "too early to be drunk" in the UK.

11th November 2015, 20:13
It's not like there's a sheer drop on the outside of the corner or anything.

11th November 2015, 20:17

WRC ‏@OfficialWRC

Competition slogan winners on @HyundaiWRC i20s in @WalesRallyGB. @HaydenPaddon voted the best overall. #WRC

Messages of encouragement that will be completely covered in mud after 200 metres.

Mk2 RS2000
11th November 2015, 20:35
these logs are dangerous! wtf?

The're not logs, they are only fence posts

11th November 2015, 22:00
I remember in Hafren in 2010 there were logs on a corner which is just after jct 6 so this isn't new. i'll see if I can dig out a photo of them and put it up.

11th November 2015, 22:07
This was 2010 in Hafren so not new

Rally Power
11th November 2015, 22:30
From recce:
Dont cut, logs !

These logs are dangerous and ridiculous! As all the other posts, bales or any artificial devices used to prevent corner cutting.

FIA world organizers must understand that corner cutting it's a characteristic rally driving technique, it doesn't make sense to prevent or penalize it!

Road rebuild costs must be undertaken by organizers, and if some organizers can cope them, others certainly will.

11th November 2015, 23:02
these logs are dangerous! wtf?

welcome to UK, country of health and safety :)

11th November 2015, 23:52
These logs are dangerous and ridiculous! As all the other posts, bales or any artificial devices used to prevent corner cutting.

FIA world organizers must understand that corner cutting it's a characteristic rally driving technique, it doesn't make sense to prevent or penalize it!

Road rebuild costs must be undertaken by organizers, and if some organizers can cope them, others certainly will.

Is it possible that it it just one or two corners in a particular stage or two? Possible that they have a drainage issue or something they don't want disrupting? If the logs were there in the recce, and only on a few corners, the drivers will all slow accordingly. If the whole stage is like this, then there is a problem.

12th November 2015, 00:54
Road rebuild costs must be undertaken by organizers, and if some organizers can cope them, others certainly will.

That would see the end of rallying in the UK. I don't get why it's an issue either, it's not like they are hidden and the drivers have a recce to note that the logs are there (you mention corner cutting, but arguably accurate pacenotes are more of a rallying characteristic). BTW organisers already do pay for reinstatement, however to reduce the amount required they occasionally have to do things like this. In any case, who do you think actually pays that bill? It's all filtered down to entry fees and spectators.

welcome to UK, country of health and safety :)

How are those logs about health and safety??!! It's about keeping the cars out of the ditch so that the landscape isn't ruined.

12th November 2015, 00:56
Are you heading to Wales this weekend MrJan?

12th November 2015, 01:39
Same reason as always - ambition exceeds bank balance!

Lol ...i love it :-) !!

12th November 2015, 08:55
By surprise I did found Lukyanuk on the entry list... Great to to see him on WRC scene and he is more than welcome, hope he can show his great skills in Wales this weekend

12th November 2015, 10:44

12th November 2015, 11:08
Are you heading to Wales this weekend MrJan?

Probably not, although I am prone to last minute changes of mind during the first leg, so may end up doing Saturday. Have been prone to a few over the top bits of spending recently though so could really do without spending £100 on driving up to Wales. Plus the idea of sleeping in the car again is far from enticing.

12th November 2015, 11:17
Mikkelsen missing SD due to illness. Being assessed by doctors. Expected to start. Hope he's up for it, I think he could have pushed Ogier last year if he hadn't spun.

12th November 2015, 11:47
No times for Evans, whos car barely got out of remote service before heading back with problems.

12th November 2015, 11:58
Ogier couldn't let him have it. .2 improvement

12th November 2015, 12:26

Ogi and JML with same time on SD.

12th November 2015, 13:30




12th November 2015, 13:51
Video from the shakedown: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pCbpxTqyLl8&feature=youtu.be

12th November 2015, 14:26
What are your predictions? How many PSA R5s will survive the rough stages of Wales Rally GB?

12th November 2015, 15:39
close call for Abbring

12th November 2015, 15:56
Video from the shakedown: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pCbpxTqyLl8&feature=youtu.be

You were stood next to me, I'm in a couple of those shots! ha

12th November 2015, 16:10

12th November 2015, 16:11
You were stood next to me, I'm in a couple of those shots! ha

i am 5000 kms away mate.

12th November 2015, 16:46
Weather will be kind of challange this weekend.
It will be proper amount of rain tonight but it should improve by tomorrow morning (like initially expected) and we should see sun, clouds, and some rainshowers, but nothing bad. It should be similar overnight to Satruday.

Saturday morning should be OK, at least first 4 stages, maybe even five. Then the strong rain should arrive and it rains all afternoon, night and early morning. Sometimes the rain is veary heavy. So, some inundation is expected. Night stage with very heavy rain will be challange!, great, great challange!

Sunday morning should be still quite wet and it is likely that rain has not stopped yet. But as the day progresses the weather should improve.

So, Saturday afternoon and night will be difficult! The other time it is just typical GB weather.

12th November 2015, 17:01
Interesting, Kubica, Evans and Tänak all had mechanical problems today and it is m-sport's home rally :D

12th November 2015, 17:17
You were stood next to me, I'm in a couple of those shots! ha

Unfortunately the video is not mine, I wish I was there! Just shared the video here on the forum.

12th November 2015, 17:57

12th November 2015, 18:18
This ticket buying website is utterly useless and, as no-one is answering the phone numbers given, dies anyone know if tickets require printing or if scanning a phone will do?

12th November 2015, 18:33
A few photos from shakedown.


https://scontent-lhr3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpt1/t31.0-8/12240898_1172796372732247_5619245421659868909_o.jp g

https://scontent-lhr3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfp1/t31.0-8/12238268_1172796442732240_8032474355004637391_o.jp g

https://scontent-lhr3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xtf1/t31.0-8/12238379_1172796382732246_8494992362400455900_o.jp g

Fast Eddie WRC
12th November 2015, 18:43
At WRGB Service Park today.. met some drivers and famous faces from rally history ! :D





12th November 2015, 18:43
Do you ever have weekends in which you don't attend rallies Tom? :)

12th November 2015, 19:00
Mikkelsen is ready for the stages tomorrow! Thats good!

Fast Eddie WRC
12th November 2015, 19:09
Meeke was sounding quite confident at the SP and was really buzzing at the amount of local support he was getting. He clearly wants to push but needs to make sure of a finish and the manufacturer points.

He also said that his future at Citroen would not be made clear until Sunday night, after the rally ends. I really hope he has a good event to end the season.

Go Kris !

12th November 2015, 19:10
Any ideas which car park to use on the Aberhirnant stage to see the fastest section? (Ideally with cars in view for a long time).

Thanks in advance.

Fast Eddie WRC
12th November 2015, 19:11
SD Video: https://youtu.be/QBlrm-b8VIs

12th November 2015, 20:57
The marshals were quite strict before the start of SD, we were standing in a place that was reasonable safe (inside a corner, on a bank, standing in the tree line) but were moved, fair enough.

After the first car had come through it all went pear shaped and people were standing in some dodgy places. Some old folks were sitting on a gate on the outside of fast bend, photographers down an 'escape road', and even from the video's its plain to see people all over the place. We are constantly being told about safety, but I can't actually see anyone adhering to the rules. I'm not sure if many are aware of how big a threat it currently is to UK rallying. One more incident and it's potentially over.

the sniper
12th November 2015, 21:07
Video from the shakedown: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pCbpxTqyLl8&feature=youtu.be

You were stood next to me, I'm in a couple of those shots! ha

There were a few more of us forum members in that spot too. ;)

12th November 2015, 21:19
Do you ever have weekends in which you don't attend rallies Tom? :)
Yes. In a few weeks if I'm not going to Rallye du Var. :)

12th November 2015, 21:53

12th November 2015, 22:13

https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/12196358_901062086610227_3062760479251622491_n.jpg ?oh=60b3641cde55af05959e5c70deeef7ed&oe=56BF87AE&__gda__=1458841796_79197b21eee48167ac019b12a036dab b

https://scontent-frt3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xtp1/v/t1.0-9/12241593_901062209943548_7994940128263349394_n.jpg ?oh=cedf3480781501144efaf0f8c997aba8&oe=56B0F0E8

12th November 2015, 22:15
Everything I love about rallying in one shot.

12th November 2015, 22:18
https://scontent-frt3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/12208616_909540449125858_2272484679213143553_n.jpg ?oh=a58d5270d625f31932f0f69a47ed4429&oe=56BDC832
https://scontent-frt3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfa1/v/t1.0-9/12249851_909542879125615_5465077423238072007_n.jpg ?oh=29de070cbcec1cf9d081294bda92b865&oe=56AFB59C
https://scontent-frt3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xap1/v/t1.0-9/12241203_909543355792234_1185305737699085677_n.jpg ?oh=acbc972e3948cee90790a048710c1ffc&oe=56F3B7EB
https://scontent-frt3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xap1/v/t1.0-9/11218711_909556942457542_5390791905939003867_n.jpg ?oh=7119aa2aa55ca96b07b23aeb2ec10088&oe=56F433F2