View Full Version : Quotes: famous and/or funny

25th May 2015, 22:01
Years ago someone started a similar thread which transpired into some real gems. I couldn't locate the it from the archives, so here we go...

Source: Road & Track, 1968 (April issue?)

During the start of the 68' TASMAN series (held in NZ and AUS), the Lotus team unveiled its' cars with the Gold Leaf sponsorship colors of red and white, with gold trim. While Clark was with his mechanics preping the Lotus for the weekend, he took some ribbing of its' appearence from a local competitor he was familiar with. Clark's response was classic: "Don'.t worry Billy. It still looks the same from behind."

Side note: Clark did run away with the TASMAN series that year.

25th May 2015, 22:52
Source: Road & Track, 1970 issue (August?)

This I believe was from either the Belgian GP or Austrian GP race report; all I can remember is that this quote was made made at one of the fastest circuits and that Ronnie Peterson was briefly detained by authorities for running over a policeman's foot while trying to gain entry to the paddock in his own personal car. Anyways...

Sometime prior to the race, Graham Hill was signing autographs, when a young lady approached and requested that he sign his name on her revealing T-shirt... on one of her breasts. Graham, being the distinguished gentleman that he was known for, obliged, of course, with the well-mannered compliment,"Blimey, I wish I had a longer name!"

29th May 2015, 01:51
"I'm just really stunned for words, I can't believe the reception. I thought Australian race fans had a lot more to go than this, this is bloody disgraceful. I'll keep racing but I tell you what, this is going to remain with me for a long time, you're a pack of arseholes."
- Jim Richards, after winning the 1992 Bathurst 1000.

Jim Richards had crashed his Nissan GTR but when the race was officially stopped, they took the results from the last completed lap with was one before. The crowd thought that the Ford Sierra of Dick Johnson should have won and booed Jim when he collected the trophy.


14th June 2015, 03:31
It's a classical for Argentinian Turismo Carretera, during the road race era. Carlos Menditeguy, who not only was a F1 racer in the 1950s, entered later in Turismo Carretera and was in the leading stages of one race in the 1960s when his car failed and he was forced to abandon. At the inquiry of his mechanic about what to do with the car, he stared and replied: "Burn it, Linares, burn it!".

4th July 2015, 06:49
"So you are going to be a race driver, that's fine. Just a few things I want you to do first. Go kiss your mother goodbye, pack your bags since you won't be living here anymore, and while you're at it, change your name."
- J. C. "Aggie" Agajanian's father. Agajanian was a winning team owner at the Indianapolis 500 (1952 & 1963).

4th July 2015, 18:22
It was in the 70s at a F5000 race at Pocono (infield road course), Jody Scheckter had already written off a tub on Friday and had a bad crash on Saturday. When a corner worker got to him, he was hunched down in the car with his eyes closed. Later the worker asked him why he was that way and he replied "Well, sometimes when you have a bad shunt and it gets really quiet its because you're still flying through the air.".

11th July 2015, 07:35
A quote that is often mistakenly credited to Steve McQueen in the movie Le Mans:

"To race is to live. All the rest is simply waiting" - Rudi Caracciola

Makes even more sense when considering how much tragedy he experienced in life.

20th July 2015, 18:42
After Mike Hailwood won the TT for the 12th time.
Murray Walker: "Mike how do you feel after winning your 12th TT?"
Hailwood: "Tired" (but he may have expressed it more strongly)

29th July 2015, 07:21

After this lovely incident, Andrea De Cesaris went back to Guy Ligier and said:
"I've had a problem with the car."

29th July 2015, 23:11
After this lovely incident, Andrea De Cesaris went back to Guy Ligier and said:
"I've had a problem with the car."


9th December 2015, 22:04
While working safety on the outside of Corner 8 at Mosport during a Honda Michelin event on a rainy Saturday, one Civic lost it on entry, slid sideways, hit the wet grass and barrel-rolled 3 times before hitting the tirewall in front of me and coming to a stop wheels down. I scrambled over the tirewall with my fire bottle, ran to the driver's window and asked if he was OK. He responded in the affirmative but when I commented on the "nice rolls" he asked "What rolls?". I told him about his excursion as I was getting him out of the car but when he saw the roof wrapped around the rollcage, his knees buckled and he almost collapsed. He was checked out as physically fine but later in the paddock I saw his car on a flatbed trailer and noticed this upside-down sticker on his rear bumper: IF YOU CAN READ THIS, TURN ME OVER !

10th December 2015, 01:52
Deleted as it's a repeat

2nd January 2016, 01:57
.... but later in the paddock I saw his car on a flatbed trailer and noticed this upside-down sticker on his rear bumper: IF YOU CAN READ THIS, TURN ME OVER !


Once in a while, I'd write that on the back of a dusty trailer I was hauling.

I first saw that expression on the racing flick Paul Newman was in, Winning (1969). It was painted on a stock car above the driver's window.

6th August 2017, 10:35
There is often seen quote "You're here for good time not long time" by Colin McRae. Is he actually say something like that in public?