View Full Version : Oily, is this you???

Ian McC
21st April 2007, 16:09



21st April 2007, 16:42
could be, I reckon he knows something about this too :)


Mark in Oshawa
21st April 2007, 16:59
Now you guys are slagging my good friend Oily. Look, everyone knows he isn't a man to throw a brick through a window of a bus carrying soccer fans. HE would toss a molotov cocktail...and as for him marrying a goat, well say it isn't so Oily, I thought you were a Llama man...and had a hankering for Alpaca...;.

21st April 2007, 17:08
HE would toss a molotov cocktail...

Hmmm, you do have a point there Mark :)

Ian McC
21st April 2007, 17:43
No, he would drink the molotov cocktail and throw the empty glass :D

Mark in Oshawa
21st April 2007, 18:17
Yes Ian, maybe I do have Oily all wrong. It isn't that he isn't capable of massive amounts of immoral violence, it just is he is sometimes distracted by the sniff of a good stiff drink....

22nd April 2007, 01:38
And what, may I ask, is wrong with showing a little tenderness to a goat? Goats have needs too, you know.

oily oaf
22nd April 2007, 08:19
By the erroneous shipping forecasts of Tierra Del Fuego!

What's this?!!!!!
Having only just recovered from the verbal beasting handed out to my Great Grandad in the Flying Corps thread I once more find my lifestyle and choice of bedmates brought into question and placed under the microscope to be pontificated upon and discussed by thrill seeking jackanapes such as Ian Mac, Mark In Yeah Whatever and Raincoat wearing legal eagle Gannex :mad:
A ritual face down burning would be far too good for the lot of yers. IMHO of course.

In answer to your vindictive and highly uncalled for accusations I should like to point out that I have NEVER had carnal knowledge of a common beast of the field although conversely if you'd seen some of the facially challenged hounds that have been seen on my arm down the years you might well have reasonable cause to challenge the point :(

Secondly my halcyon days of football hooliganism are now just a wistful, blood spattered memory redolent with the heady scent of police holding cells and red-eyed appearances in Monday morning magistrates courts the length and breadth of this sceptered isle.
I did however commit a minor aberration last season when I stole a packet of cheesy wotsits from a fan in the disabled section and force fed them to a septuagenarian Spurs fan outside the kebab shop on the way home.
It seemed like the most natural thing in the world :)

So I would be grateful gentlemen and Curryhead if you would desist from your attempts to blacken the hard won reputation of a man whose present lifestyle makes Ghandi look like a two fisted, hard drinkin' ragamuffin and restrict yourselves to other more pressing matters such as lying thru your teeth as to your current whereabouts and suspicious looking stains on the hem of your rainwear.

A curt and dismissive good evening to you :s murf:

PS I have recently discovered that if you paint your "little soldier" orange and place it through the chicken wire of a rabbit hutch, oral satisfaction is virtually guaranteed.
I hope this helps.
Thank me later.

Mark in Oshawa
23rd April 2007, 03:48
Oily, we just love having ya around to abuse....for no one else can describe a gentle walk through London with as much hilarity as you can. Of course, we know you were a gentleman when you stole those wotzits from that old boy....you of course concussed him first with a kick from your Doc Marten's....you still got it Oily I am sure....

Hazell B
23rd April 2007, 22:48
.... if you'd seen some of the facially challenged hounds that have been seen on my arm down the years you might well have reasonable cause to challenge the point ....

I feel I should add a disclaimer here on behalf of my two hounds. They have never met, kissed or indeed fondled a southerner. They are not that sort of hound. Nor are they facially challenged in any way. In fact, they're not challenged in any way come to think.

However, they've both agreed to be bridesmaids should Oily wish to marry a goat any time soon :)

oily oaf
24th April 2007, 08:09
I feel I should add a disclaimer here on behalf of my two hounds. They have never met, kissed or indeed fondled a southerner. They are not that sort of hound. Nor are they facially challenged in any way. In fact, they're not challenged in any way come to think.

However, they've both agreed to be bridesmaids should Oily wish to marry a goat any time soon :)

Ban her! Bury her! Burn her!..........sideways :mad:

(dons Jimmy Choo riding breeches, purple shawl and open toed Doc Martens, fills gun with beef stock and strides towards Victoria Coach Station to catch 7.39 to York)

Hazell B
25th April 2007, 22:48
Ban her! Bury her! Burn her!..........sideways :mad:

I get that a lot :p :

D'you want picking up at the station?

25th April 2007, 22:57
Didn't we have this same story on here early last year, when it first appeared — and, rather worryingly, wasn't the original question the same then?

26th April 2007, 08:28
Didn't we have this same story on here early last year, when it first appeared — and, rather worryingly, wasn't the original question the same then?

Well that proves it - Oily must be responsible :p :

28th April 2007, 22:52
LOL!! whats her name? :)