View Full Version : Where's my Pickems!!! :P

21st April 2007, 06:13
Ok...So I take the Pickems a bit too seriously...heh. But, was wondering what's the holdup on the Bahrain Pickems? ;)

21st April 2007, 18:28

I'm surprised I snuck in the top 50 on this one. I'll take it though. :)

21st April 2007, 21:13
Joint 32nd. :) Pas mal. As the French say.

21st April 2007, 21:16
You're not the only one. :p This level of giddiness almost invariably jeopardises our personal and professional lives, doesn't it... this is my first concerted, year-long effort on these Pickems tho' -- my comeback to this message board was well timed, as in early 2007 -- and I'm simply determined to sustain that ranking...