View Full Version : Rosberg is a broken man

13th April 2015, 12:46

journeyman racer
13th April 2015, 13:53
Broken? Come on man!

The Black Knight
13th April 2015, 14:01
Complaining about nothing at the weekend just made him look weak and broken. I think he has ran out of ideas to beat Lewis and knows the only way he is going to be him over the course of a season is in a superior car. Just lets hope that Lewis is first man on track for qualifying in Monaco this year.

journeyman racer
13th April 2015, 14:06
See! Look what you've done Mark??? Now we just have to wait for truefan and rjbetty to get in on this circlejerk, and this fred will be hell on the internet. You're supposed to be impartial!

That other German who flew a plane full of passengers into a mountain side was a broken man. Rosberg is just going through a challenging period of is career, of which he has no answer for atm.

13th April 2015, 14:08
This is in very poor taste, you're better than that Mark!
He is a beaten man, but anyone that does 200mp/h around a road cross with the skill and nerve that he displays is in working order. :rolleyes:

13th April 2015, 14:20
Last season, Rosberg managed to keep the WDC battle all the way to the final race of the season even though we know that it was due to varios miraculous incidents, accidents, and engine explosions all of which gave him quite a bit of luck. So this season I think he really starts feeling truly frustrated, or perhaps being exposed as another also-run, now that he can't get ahead of his teammate three races in a row. It's a terrible feeling, but I think Nico eventually will have to learn how to put a "Barrichello smile" on his face.

13th April 2015, 15:57
Mark you copying my post verbatim? :p:


13th April 2015, 18:43
Well, since the old "lit match under the seat" trick didn't work (Come on, man! That always works! Does Hamilton have asbestos underwear or something?!) and Rosberg is now down 0 for 3 in poles and results, if he's not emotionally broken, he's certainly emotionally bent.

I like Nico. But his recent comments and his body language and odd facial expressions during FIA press conferences says that Hamilton is dancing around in his head now. Just my feeling, but I'm thinking that if Hamilton gets a win from pole this weekend and gets a couple of more wins (poles aside) before Nico gets his first win, whether he's #2 in his own head or not, Toto and/or Niki will be delivering some sad news to Nico, should there be an opportunity for close battle with Hamilton on track. So he might want to arrange some group therapy sessions with Gerhard Berger, David Coulthard, Eddie Irvine and Rubens Barrichello before that happens. They can surely walk him through this difficult reality smack, should this come to pass.

13th April 2015, 21:11
Because Lewis has got to him and is laughing about him ,Nico looks a beaten man .Last year he set his car up for quail,and he out qualified Lewis on poles many times,but now realized that Lewis was setting his car up for the race and was not to fussed about the pole ,more for the race win .Just hope he dosnt revert to dirty tricks again !

N. Jones
13th April 2015, 22:42
This says to me that Rosberg is already beaten:
"Lewis is driving very slowly, tell him to speed up."

Say what? Why not pass him? or has Rosberg been told, 'You're #2'?

journeyman racer
14th April 2015, 01:53
Now jag, driveace and NJones chip in with some interpretations.

Never mind Nico's mental state. I'd be more concerned with the mental condition of some of you posters if Hamilton's engine blows up while in the lead during Bahrain, so that Rosberg inherits the win and titles lead. In that circumstance, I'd hope none of you are airline pilots.

14th April 2015, 02:30
Anybody's face would look like Rosberg's does in that picture if they had to wear those shoes.

14th April 2015, 03:34
This photo is a shocker, what must the others in the batch look like? It proves the adage that a picture is worth a thousand words.

Now, which thousand am I going with?

I think that is the face of a man who has just eaten a wicked Vindaloo. He is fearful that if he breaks a smile they'll need to clean the camera lens with a mop.

14th April 2015, 03:45
Well, since the old "lit match under the seat" trick didn't work (Come on, man! That always works! Does Hamilton have asbestos underwear or something?!) and Rosberg is now down 0 for 3 in poles and results, if he's not emotionally broken, he's certainly emotionally bent.

I like Nico. But his recent comments and his body language and odd facial expressions during FIA press conferences says that Hamilton is dancing around in his head now. Just my feeling, but I'm thinking that if Hamilton gets a win from pole this weekend and gets a couple of more wins (poles aside) before Nico gets his first win, whether he's #2 in his own head or not, Toto and/or Niki will be delivering some sad news to Nico, should there be an opportunity for close battle with Hamilton on track. So he might want to arrange some group therapy sessions with Gerhard Berger, David Coulthard, Eddie Irvine and Rubens Barrichello before that happens. They can surely walk him through this difficult reality smack, should this come to pass.
Don't forget Felipe Baby! :sailor: :dork:
I think a good example of a guy getting owned and taking like a man with dignity is Kimi 2014. :bounce:

N. Jones
14th April 2015, 04:53
Now jag, driveace and NJones chip in with some interpretations.

Never mind Nico's mental state. I'd be more concerned with the mental condition of some of you posters if Hamilton's engine blows up while in the lead during Bahrain, so that Rosberg inherits the win and titles lead. In that circumstance, I'd hope none of you are airline pilots.

If that happens to Hammy then I want to see some fight in Rosberg. I want to see him learn from last year's mistakes and take the WDC lead and never let go.

14th April 2015, 10:34
He's a sook, and needs a long visit to the hall of mirrors.

Though Lulus demeanor would shatter in an instant if the position was reversed - maybe Britney is learning from the master? :smash: It's the squeaky wheel that gets oiled...

14th April 2015, 12:14
So he might want to arrange some group therapy sessions with Gerhard Berger, David Coulthard, Eddie Irvine and Rubens Barrichello before that happens. They can surely walk him through this difficult reality smack, should this come to pass.

Eddie Irvine seemed to be a rare case as it looked like he actually enjoyed being a #2 driver. He wasn't very ambitious and happily played tricks like Japanese GP of 1997 along and was comfortable in the knowledge that Michael was the best driver anyway, so why not help. Only in 1999, when he got his rare shot at the title with the help of circumstances, Eddie thought perhaps it is time to try out something else too.

Barrichello had some tough moments and emotional outbreaks, but in the end managed to deal with the state of affairs 'okayish' till 2005. I think he realized that sitting in the best car and finish second was better than fighting in midfield for scraps. Only in 2005, when Ferrari's performance dropped, he got fed up.

Coulthard was the ultimate PR-dream as he took things very professionally and didn't show anything outwards, but he can't have been too happy to let Häkkinen past a few times. He has mentioned it later.

Berger I think found a way to accept that Senna was simply better than him. So he did the best he could and even made some jokes on the way as was customary for him!


Rosberg is certainly going through a bit of a tough time now. I think it is pretty visible. Rosberg certainly seems to have a bit of an 'ego' and it seems it is pretty hard for him to accept that he has to be an "inferior" driver - harder than for many other drivers it has been. He made it pretty clear after the 2013 Malaysian team order that "I will keep this in mind". In a way I think it is important to be ambitious, but it can create enemies/frictions if you take things too seriously.

14th April 2015, 19:02
Now jag, driveace and NJones chip in with some interpretations.

Never mind Nico's mental state. I'd be more concerned with the mental condition of some of you posters if Hamilton's engine blows up while in the lead during Bahrain, so that Rosberg inherits the win and titles lead. In that circumstance, I'd hope none of you are airline pilots.

What do I care about Hamilton's engine? If the turbo or engine in my new car blows up (now that I'm sure I've voided the warranty with modifications), if you see Apple drop to $5/share or if my oncologist sends me a letter stating that what he thought was benign is in fact cancer... then I'll have something to get wound up about. But even then, I believe it is over the line for you to (even jokingly) suggest that any of us would undertake the cowardly act of killing ourselves and others. That's not funny.

Tell ya what... you live with what could be a death sentence for six months and manage to keep it together and still do for others, then you can speculate on what might break me. But nothing will break me. Being my father's son, nothing will ever break me. Least of all, what happens to a racing driver or sports figure.

Thanks for playing though.

14th April 2015, 21:18
I have to agree with Journyman and Tazio.

A broken man? Hardly. He is a good racing driver losing out to another good racing driver who sadly for him is slightly better. Thats it.

Over reaction IMO

14th April 2015, 22:03
i don't think rosberg is a broken man, but i do believe it is dawning on him that hamilton is the superior driver and that perhaps his comments were simply foolish. so much so he had to take to his blog to issue a statement as to why he never tried to overtake. what was an okayish weekend, all things considered turned into a pr nightmare and embarrassing weekend for the german. he has been roundly mocked out by past drivers and champions as well as the media and fans alike for his dumb comments. I think the picture was taken after their debrief and he was probably still smarting from the dressing down he probably got from the team.

his last resort is to try and play mind games, but in this case it backfired as his only argument was that his teammate leading the race, the WDC leader, and closest rival for the title was not going fast enough....ridiculous

journeyman racer
15th April 2015, 11:26
If that happens to Hammy then I want to see some fight in Rosberg. I want to see him learn from last year's mistakes and take the WDC lead and never let go.
There's really not much more he can do, other than what he's already doing.

What do I care about Hamilton's engine? If the turbo or engine in my new car blows up (now that I'm sure I've voided the warranty with modifications), if you see Apple drop to $5/share or if my oncologist sends me a letter stating that what he thought was benign is in fact cancer... then I'll have something to get wound up about. But even then, I believe it is over the line for you to (even jokingly) suggest that any of us would undertake the cowardly act of killing ourselves and others. That's not funny.

Tell ya what... you live with what could be a death sentence for six months and manage to keep it together and still do for others, then you can speculate on what might break me. But nothing will break me. Being my father's son, nothing will ever break me. Least of all, what happens to a racing driver or sports figure.

Thanks for playing though.

15th April 2015, 18:33


15th April 2015, 19:08
For shizzles and gizzles, I need to look on YouTube to see if anyone has made a compilation video of Rosberg's various ticks, twitches and weird facial expressions during press conferences this season.

18th April 2015, 18:03
If Rosberg wasn't broken before he might be now. Out-qualified by Hamilton for the 4th straight race, 0.5s behind and to make matters worse, out-qualified by a Ferrari for the second time this year.

Stick a fork in him, he's done.

18th April 2015, 19:07
It's getting to be more of a fight between Hamilton and Vettel with Rosberg in a supporting role. Quite different to last year when he looked favourite for the championship.

19th April 2015, 00:40
If Rosberg wasn't broken before he might be now. Out-qualified by Hamilton for the 4th straight race, 0.5s behind and to make matters worse, out-qualified by a Ferrari for the second time this year.

Stick a fork in him, he's done.

Every driver has "highs" and "lows".

From what I can see, Rosberg certainly has a period of underperformance right now, masked by superbly good car, which means he still gets good results even on bad days. He is not 'done', he can and will do better than that. Another matter is whether that 'better' would be enough for a championship challenge - probably not.

19th April 2015, 05:51
Rosberg has always been quick in Bahrain, fastest laps in a Williams, couple of poles, raced wheel to wheel with Lewis, andvyet he is (relatively) nowhere this weekend, and never looked close to Lewis is Q2 or Q3. Last year he'd won a couple of races, Lewis was having reliability woes and Nico was in front. After a comprehensive ass-ha ding towards the end of the year he does not seem to have got the confidence to take it to Lewis, and the Ferrari's being in the mix is putting on further pressure. It seems to me that Lewis is more comfortable and less pressured than last year and therefore even quicker, whereas Nico is under pressure and it's telling and therefore he is driving worse than this time last year. I also can't see how he can turn the tide without a reliability problem or mistake form Lewis/the team

Sent from my 0PJA10 using Tapatalk

19th April 2015, 06:23
If Rosberg wasn't broken before he might be now. Out-qualified by Hamilton for the 4th straight race, 0.5s behind and to make matters worse, out-qualified by a Ferrari for the second time this year.

Broken, I don't know - I think he relied on over-the-radio coaching too much, he just can't pick the lines like Hamilton naturally can.

journeyman racer
19th April 2015, 15:17
You know who's broken? Carlton Football Club. We've finally succumbed to the fact we're not that good, we need to regenerate the team through the draft, and very astute trades. Maybe 3-4 years later than we should've realised. But better late than never.

Go Blues!

19th April 2015, 16:40
Rosberg is in a league with guys like Kimi, Felipe, Jense.

who are a cut below The Boss, Fred, and Seb.

Danny boy, Bottas and Hulk are somewhere between those two groups.

Other young drivers still undecided upon, and their really isn't any well defined

lines of demarcation. JMHO, because intra-team comparisons are

somewhat of a black art. :vampire:

19th April 2015, 16:44
I would about agree with that. But interesting that you don't think Ricciardo compares with Button?

19th April 2015, 16:58
I put Danny boy with VB, and Hulk Mark. I consider those somewhere between the top group, and Jense' group, meaning better, but Danny could well be in that top group, I almost placed him there, and he probably belongs there.

19th April 2015, 18:01
Rosberg has been driving a storming race today.

19th April 2015, 22:07
Well his temperament was better !Nothing silly came out of his mouth,and no bitterness either

journeyman racer
20th April 2015, 00:29
So after a week, now he's not bitter? If there was any in the first place, there'd be no residual resentment anymore? :rolleyes:

But anyway. If this run of form continues. Rather than being broken. I would say Rosberg is more likely to have been complacent and/or negligent, as far as his approach to this season goes. His weaknesses were there to see last year, despite challenging for the title. That stuff counts. If he hadn't worked on them, and Hamilton has trouble free weekends and the confidence of having got last year's title, then it was going to be a steeper mountain this year. I think he may've missed a trick.

20th April 2015, 01:59
He didn't look that broken to me today. Those passes on the Ferrari's were good racing on Nico's part. Lewis still got the better of him, but in any team there are only two options for position within the team and someone has to be at the bottom.

I do think Nico shows his hand too much during interviews. Lewis side stepped the brake issue, Nico stated it was why he lost the position to Kimi. Even if it was true, no sense in showing a weakness to the world so that they can exploit it. Likewise last race he should have aired any grievance with Lewis in the debrief and out of the public eye. I'm sure Vettel and every major team enjoyed seeing the minor meltdown take place.

20th April 2015, 02:04
ROS looked very racy today! Kinda surprised by his quick moves on both Ferraris.....

20th April 2015, 04:31
Broken, I don't know - I think he relied on over-the-radio coaching too much, he just can't pick the lines like Hamilton naturally can.

Excellent point. And I agree. I'm guessing that if one were to draw a trend line and track Rosberg's performance drop off from last season to now, the major drop off would be about the time this new rule went into effect. Also, even though we know that FOM is fairly selective in what radio transmissions get released, Rosberg seemed particularly terse when the Mercedes boys gave him the gap back to Kimi. One second he wants someone to tell him when to shift gears and turn the steering wheel going into a corner, and the next, he gets all pissy at being told that a faster car is eating into his advantage.

Increasingly, especially as the pressure builds, he's beginning to seem like sort of an odd duck.