View Full Version : Vettel Rosberg press conference antics

15th March 2015, 18:43

How did I miss the best part of the entire weekend?
sigh :(

hmm I wonder what dj_bystander is going to say, with 2 Germans going at it. Can't automatically defend one guy
"does not compute...system malfunction imminent" :rolleyes:


all in good fun

15th March 2015, 18:59
It was Hamilton's fault truefan. Dont forget that ;)

15th March 2015, 19:12

Doc Austin
15th March 2015, 19:19
With four championships in the bag Vettel can relax a bit. Rosberg seems like he has a stick up his butt. I almost hope he wins this championship and gets it over with. It's painful watching how stressed out he is.

15th March 2015, 20:34
I suspect what Nico really hopes for is that the field tightens up so other cars/teams/drivers can take points away from Lewis. :)

15th March 2015, 21:35

How did I miss the best part of the entire weekend?
sigh :(

hmm I wonder what dj_bystander is going to say, with 2 Germans going at it. Can't automatically defend one guy
"does not compute...system malfunction imminent" :rolleyes:


all in good fun

This reminds me of what Scott Speed said after taking 2nd in his first I Formula e race this weekend! :rolleyes:

Big Ben
15th March 2015, 22:47
Big deal. Anyone out there who doesn't know Vettel's a douche?

15th March 2015, 23:32
Big deal. Anyone out there who doesn't know Vettel's a douche?

It think, if you watch what actually happened, instead of just rage-hating, you'll find that Rosberg was the douche and got properly pwned by Vettel in return.

Doc Austin
16th March 2015, 01:25
Wow. What began as a fun thread turns into multiple douchess. Well done.

The drivers can't even rib each other a little without the internet melting down. Vettel probably meant it in fun (he seems to be a fun guy), and like I say, Rosberg is so stressed out that he didn't know how to handle it.

16th March 2015, 01:34
Wow. What began as a fun thread turns into multiple douchess. Well done.

The drivers can't even rib each other a little without the internet melting down. Vettel probably meant it in fun (he seems to be a fun guy), and like I say, Rosberg is so stressed out that he didn't know how to handle it.

What Doc said +1.

Nico seems to have a stick up his bum. Quite understandable when you understand that his dad and his team mate are World Champions. From what I understand in Germany Schumi is still the most loved F1 driver, with Vettel a strong, but distant 2nd. while Rosberg is 'the son of a Finnish World Champion from 1982, so this is bound to make him feel quite un-loved :(

Doc Austin
16th March 2015, 01:59
Like I say, I hope Nico just wins it and gets it over with. I think he would be a great champion, but the way it is going he's going to have a stoke or something. I feel bad for the guy. You can see the stress ripping him apart.

16th March 2015, 03:31
I used to really like Nico, but he has turned into a little poop butt lately. Maybe he will get such a thorough ass-whippin' this year Merc will have to go for Fred, after his gardening leave this year. But somehow I can't see Mercedes having a Brit, and a Spic as their drivers. Stranger things have happened though !

16th March 2015, 06:06
Hmmm I don't see what Vettel said wrong? Made me smile actually. :) But I found some of Rosberg's answers quite revealing. For example, Rosberg's surprise at Vettel's disappointment over his team-mate's DNF seems to show something of how he feels towards his own team-mate. And it maybe comes across that he is obsessed with Lewis. :/

Btw, I hope Lewis can just keep his head down and not declare things about breaking his team-mate mentally etc. I understand that may come from frustration over the Malaysia dossier last year etc, but I always found I produce my best when I talk less and get my head down and do. :/

16th March 2015, 09:21
Wow. What began as a fun thread turns into multiple douchess. Well done.

The drivers can't even rib each other a little without the internet melting down. Vettel probably meant it in fun (he seems to be a fun guy), and like I say, Rosberg is so stressed out that he didn't know how to handle it.

What Doc said +1.


What Doc said +2

16th March 2015, 12:49
I think we saw two very frustrated countrymen there, but for different reasons and taking it out on each other.

Rosberg a little frustrated he finished second and way off his teammate and Vettel frustrated because the gap is still significant. I would like to see the field close up I must admit but something has to give and Mercedes are hardly likely to stop development. They have done the best job and so far there is not an answer as to what the difference is.

For what it is worth I think Vettel and Rosberg came across as rather immature in that exchange even if it is entertaining for us the viewers. I did agree with what Nico said though to some extent. Stay classy gents in future for your own sakes. :)

17th March 2015, 07:45
Aparrantly Nico isn't letting this thing die a humane death.

Vettel jokingly proposed that Mercedes should make its garage “public for Malaysia” so that “everyone can have a look”.Rosberg answered: “You can come if you want. We can invite you. Friday, Malaysia, ok?”
“Engineers’ room, debrief. I’ll be there,” Vettel hit back.
Rosberg, however, has now told the German newspaper Bild that he is dead serious.
“Sebastian assumed I was not telling the truth when I said I would be glad if Ferrari closes the gap on us,” he said.
“So I invited him to come and see what we are doing.
“I’m thinking about the big picture, as a strong Ferrari helps formula one. I have now clarified this with our team boss Toto Wolff. Sebastian may come.”
Rosberg added: “So, Seb, I hope you’re reading this. I hereby invite you officially to our engineer meeting on Friday in Malaysia at four o’clock.
“We look forward to seeing you!”
Has F1 gotten really bizarre, or is this just a realllllly vivid dream :confused:

17th March 2015, 08:00
Rosberg should concentrate on beating Hamilton. Which he can't.

I never liked Hamilton much (his driving is fabulous of course) but last year's antics by Rosberg means I want to see Hamilton kick his butt again ;)

17th March 2015, 10:44
Hey, nobody was a douche! ;)

But yeah good on Vettel for calling out some BS when he saw it!

17th March 2015, 16:26
I think we saw two very frustrated countrymen there, but for different reasons and taking it out on each other.

Rosberg a little frustrated he finished second and way off his teammate and Vettel frustrated because the gap is still significant. I would like to see the field close up I must admit but something has to give and Mercedes are hardly likely to stop development. They have done the best job and so far there is not an answer as to what the difference is.

I can see, why Rosberg is a bit frustrated, because with every passing year he can see himself becoming a "new Barrichello". Years pass, but Hamilton prevails in team-mate battle. And Rosberg right now doesn't have an answer, how to get a WDC himself. Though he shouldn't throw in the towel already after opening race. A long season to go and anything can happen!

Vettel I don't think is frustrated. Everyone talked down their chances. Ferrari was rubbish last year, Vettel didn't cover himself in glory either. There were lots of questionmarks about how this partnership is going to work. And third is an excellent way to start, especially if everyone for a long time knew Mercedes was untouchable. But critically Vettel was ahead of Alonso's team McLaren, and his former team Red Bull. He might develop some frustration in subsequent seasons if Ferrari never catches up, but a new start is always exciting and you don't need to bother yourself yet, what will be in the future, but be happy with good progress so far!

18th March 2015, 02:30
I like this one from ROS afterwards. I'm completely in his corner on this one. I think VET is a smarta** and awfully arrogant. Never have liked the way he behaves at times. The comment he made to Nico earlier was unprofessional and Nico seized the moment!


18th March 2015, 10:36
Vettel is used to winning so an element of frustration is natural. In this instance I think vettel thought Nico was telling a few porky pies but for a racing driver I think competition is the key to enjoyment. Vettel enjoyed no challenge at the front and adding to his tally yet others may get a different level of satisfaction with how they win. Hopefully it will be an interesting season.

18th March 2015, 10:46
I like this one from ROS afterwards. I'm completely in his corner on this one. I think VET is a smarta** and awfully arrogant. Never have liked the way he behaves at times. The comment he made to Nico earlier was unprofessional and Nico seized the moment!


Disagree. I don't get your point. Vettel was talking about his views on the race and then Rosberg suddenly out of nowhere tried to make a smartass comment.

Jick Magger
18th March 2015, 16:37
I wonder if McLaren will follow Rosberg's good example and invite all the other Formula one teams to the debrief about Alonso's pre-season accident? :-)

18th March 2015, 16:47
It depends if one of their drivers throws their handbag about in a press conference I would have thought. Until then they will stay well out of it and invites to sensitive meeting's will be left to these wally's. lol

Big Ben
18th March 2015, 16:49
I thought you were going to say McLaren should invite them to debrief them on how not to prepare an F1 season

Big Ben
18th March 2015, 16:55
Vettel was talking about his views on the race and then Rosberg suddenly out of nowhere tried to make a smartass comment.

Didn't Vettel start talking when actually no one was talking to him? At least that's what I've read. He behaves like a spoilt brat and that's why I can't like him.

18th March 2015, 18:29
Didn't Vettel start talking when actually no one was talking to him? At least that's what I've read. He behaves like a spoilt brat and that's why I can't like him.

Whatever it was, I am sure it was a friendly nice banter between two countrymen and nothing malicious. And it gives press conference a better and "freer" athmosphere if drivers relax a bit and discuss instead of giving PR-answers.

People try to see evil things even when there is nothing to see. Discussions on forums are often way more hostile than any driver exchanges will ever be.

19th March 2015, 03:06
Disagree. I don't get your point. Vettel was talking about his views on the race and then Rosberg suddenly out of nowhere tried to make a smartass comment.

In the clip that i showed, VET was also making a comment about how he wished that RAI could have finished. I think it was quick witted by ROS to seize that moment and say what he said. It was the perfect comeback. VET is the smartass who directly provoked ROS into that reply. I also think that HAM enjoyed himself...

19th March 2015, 06:14
Some people don't seem to get Vettel's sense of humour. I think he's really funny and has a great sense of irony and comedic timing. It's rather telling actually to note those who don't get it.

Rosberg is no fool, but he takes himself more seriously than Vettel.

19th March 2015, 09:53
Some people don't seem to get Vettel's sense of humour. I think he's really funny and has a great sense of irony and comedic timing. It's rather telling actually to note those who don't get it.

Rosberg is no fool, but he takes himself more seriously than Vettel.
He's very dry in his humour which is perhaps why Brits get him and German's not so much lol. He has a lot of fans here by all accounts. I remember he did a piece at the British GP a few years ago where he admitted he loves British comedy and the less said about German comedy the better. :p

19th March 2015, 13:50
I never used to associate Germans with humour until I saw Henning Wehn. I think he's hilarious!

Regarding Vettel, I expect he is quite relieved that the Ferrari is a half-decent car this year. It certainly seems to suit him. I can only imagine how Alonso is feeling having taken that risk and jumped ship. I'm still expecting a big controversy involving him this year.

19th March 2015, 20:58
I am not 100% sure Vettel was trying to be funny. Light-heated yes - comical no. When he basically told Rosb, that he (Vettel) actually liked his team mate (suggesting Rosb and Ham don't get along) he was being genuine.

Having said that Seb does have a sense of humor and a bit of a cheeky side (sometimes misplaced and not always appreciated by some fans)

19th March 2015, 23:37
He's very dry in his humour which is perhaps why Brits get him and German's not so much lol. He has a lot of fans here by all accounts. I remember he did a piece at the British GP a few years ago where he admitted he loves British comedy and the less said about German comedy the better. :p

Hamilton "Winning a race feels better than sex"

Vettel "Obviously he has never had sex" LOL

20th March 2015, 00:59
He's very dry in his humour which is perhaps why Brits get him and German's not so much lol. He has a lot of fans here by all accounts. I remember he did a piece at the British GP a few years ago where he admitted he loves British comedy and the less said about German comedy the better. :p

He is an avid Monty Python fan, and loves to do impersonate people (he did and aweful Nigel Mansell on Top Gear)

20th March 2015, 03:07
I don't always appreciate Seb's humor, but I give him full marks for the effort. Regardless of where you think he falls in the talent dept, with his WDC's history will be very kind to him, and he has the luxury of (historically) feeling like he doesn't have anything left to prove. I can see why he gets on so well with Kimi. I also think that most these guys really are pretty cool in an egoed out kind of way. Who can blame them for the latter. I think Nico is a bit of an enigma, he is good enough in a great car to win a championship, but I still rate him slightly below Jense in terms of career performance. The part that bums me out is; I've always liked Nico, and he is obviously feeling a lot of pressure, because as I said earlier he should have let it go after the comments made in the after race press conference. Instead he acted a little like a poop butt and had to get the last word on a guy that was just making a wise crack. That is what was a little disappointing to me

21st March 2015, 05:03
Hamilton "Winning a race feels better than sex"

Kimi "Maybe he never had sex" LOL

Fixed it for ya.
Besides, not sure that SEB is that experienced either (yes, i do know he just became a father)

21st March 2015, 14:17
I can only imagine how Alonso is feeling having taken that risk and jumped ship. I'm still expecting a big controversy involving him this year.

Alonso is looking at the fine details of get-out clauses in his contract as we speak.

Already last year there were discussions that Alonso doesn't want to commit long-term and wants to keep his options open for 2016. That's why signing the deal took time.

But now, where could Alonso go, especially if Mercedes keeps Hamilton-Rosberg line-up, which I guess they are likely to do.

Maybe it is slightly early to discuss right now as Alonso is recovering from injury, but it could possibly be the first silly season topic.

Doc Austin
21st March 2015, 17:00
Alonso bailed on Ferrari right as they were turning it around, which should be a good lesson from him in patience. I kind of doubt he is looking for a way out before he even races the McLaren.

Yeah, the Honda sucks, but that's just for right now. Imagine Alonso jumps and Honda gains the kind of performance they had in the 90s. Right now Alonso looks merely silly, but if he walked away from a Honda that later becomes dominant, well, that would look worse than silly, wouldn't it?

21st March 2015, 18:24
Well, the game of career poker is a challenging game and quite a few drivers in the history can attest they played the cards wrong.

There is also the matter of whether Alonso really believed that McLaren-Honda would bring him goods in 2015, or it was just an uncomfortable move out of necessity, because he had no other options.

I tend to be in the latter camp. Alonso may be a great driver, but he is not so valuable that teams would go out of their way to get him on board. As it was, he fell out with the new management of Ferrari and basically had little choice but to leave (like in McLaren in 2007) and neither Mercedes nor Red Bull were prepared/interested in making room for him.

So, McLaren-Honda was the last sensible F1 refugee camp he could go to. I don't know, what are his contract terms, but I do think he and his manager have done their best to get some performance clauses in. It looks like McLaren is pretty unlikely to match any performance clauses Alonso might have in the contract, which means he would look around again if there is a better place for him to go.

21st March 2015, 20:08
Yeah, the Honda sucks, but that's just for right now. Imagine Alonso jumps and Honda gains the kind of performance they had in the 90s. Right now Alonso looks merely silly, but if he walked away from a Honda that later becomes dominant, well, that would look worse than silly, wouldn't it? I think Fred and Jense know, what Honda/zMcLaren strategy has to be in the not so long term! I mean Honda's strategy is obviously (due to the nature of the reg's) the only one viable strategy, to develop a PU with the energy of Mercedes, and maybe if McLaren have a chassis that once they get up to speed, will have a really great conering, sticky, annnnnnnd slippery challenger. ;)
I'm assuming that's exactly what they've done because of the regs; instead of building a solid engine and then adding performance (which would be token limited), they've presumably gone for the most powerful, radical engine they could, knowing they can update for reliability reasons without penalty or limit.

They just really need to get a handle on it, because even if that is right, right now all they seem to be able to do is creep around the track (if it's even running) until they can integrate their ancillary systems and take advantage of their aero :uhoh: ;)

By the way, I doubt if Fred or Jense feel silly, maybe some of their fans do, but who cares. If anything I think (if he is fit which he is) he will get a little mad or disappointed, same with Jense. The problem is that most members on this forum don't get it. These guys are both very good at being patient yet being sensible to not exceed limits while getting the most out of what they are given. Both are very cagy veterans, (best driver combination in the freakin' field, and you can take that to the bank) that should not be discounted. I say Fred (and Jense) feel challenged :champion:

Doc Austin
21st March 2015, 22:44
It's hard to imagine Fred being happy with the kind of day that Jensen had in OZ.

22nd March 2015, 21:44

24th March 2015, 16:38
It's hard to imagine Fred being happy with the kind of day that Jensen had in OZ.

I am sure he is unhappy already by watching this on TV.
The question is, what can he do though.

Doc Austin
24th March 2015, 19:27
I am sure he is unhappy already by watching this on TV.
The question is, what can he do though.

He can hit the wall again and miss the next two races!

I have always thought this second pairing of Dennis and Alonso was insane at best. Nothing Alonso does to get out of it would surprise me even a little bit.

I think any smart F1 team is really watching Nasr very carefully. If Alonso doesn't work out, I can't believe Dennis would not snap him up pronto. It's not like Sauber doesn't have enough drivers and would probably love to sell Filippe's contract.

24th March 2015, 21:12
It seems odd that Fred is getting sniped at by people, when he hasn't raced yet, he hasn't made any comments that are negative towards McLaren, so why do people assume that

a. He will not ultimately succeed at McLaren (granted not this year)


b. He is looking for a way out.

Give the guy a break.

Doc Austin
24th March 2015, 23:12
It seems odd that Fred is getting sniped at by people, when he hasn't raced yet,

He has screwed his team over before, so if history is anything to go by, this is something to watch carefully.

24th March 2015, 23:19
I think any smart F1 team is really watching Nasr very carefully. If Alonso doesn't work out, I can't believe Dennis would not snap him up pronto. It's not like Sauber doesn't have enough drivers and would probably love to sell Filippe's contract.
A bit off-topic, but I still don't understand why all the Nasr hype. Yeah, the guy beat Ericsson in his first race, but so did Lotterer, who is not an expert on single-seaters. I think we'd need more time to actually establish whether he is any good - Ericsson certainly isn't a reliable benchmark.

Doc Austin
25th March 2015, 00:16
A bit off-topic, but I still don't understand why all the Nasr hype.

He drove an absolutely storming race and if I recall correctly, he was in fifth place most of the time, based off speed alone. He fell back toward the end, probably because he hasn't learned how to take care of the tires yet, but he will learn.

He's a good lookin, well spoken kid, and he seems quite likeable too. I dunno. I just got a hunch about him. He carries himself like he knows he is going to be champion, which reminds me a lot of Senna.

As far as Lotterer, he is cracking good in sportscars. I'm sure if he got a good F1 opportunity he would do really well. I don't think you can judge anyone on how well they did or didn't fare at Catertham.

I think we'd need more time to actually establish whether he is any good -

Yeah, you are probably right, but he is certainly off to a good start. He'll get another chance in a couple of days.

Check this;


25th March 2015, 04:20
Doc, you've lost your freakin' mind, euthanasia bro :p: I think that Ron, Fred, and Jense will get on quite well this year, and JB may even outscore Fred by a little because he is very good. He has beaten the Boss. But next year when the car comes really good Jense will still be there, having beaten the likes of Fred, warranting an extension, and in 2016 Fred , and jense smoke the field. Yeah I think Jense, Fred, and even Ron are pretty cool sharks, and I am willing to bet that the only discord on that team will be from provocative interpretations of what a couple of (Jense, and Freds) tweets are, because those cats are on top of their lives enough to interact with their fans positively....Naturally!
Doc McDawg, ,why can't you just groove on the fact that Fred and Ron are over it, and too wise for this go-round.....Patience.
The Fighting Anglo Mafia.

25th March 2015, 11:25
He drove an absolutely storming race and if I recall correctly, he was in fifth place most of the time, based off speed alone. He fell back toward the end, probably because he hasn't learned how to take care of the tires yet, but he will learn.

He's a good lookin, well spoken kid, and he seems quite likeable too. I dunno. I just got a hunch about him. He carries himself like he knows he is going to be champion, which reminds me a lot of Senna.

As far as Lotterer, he is cracking good in sportscars. I'm sure if he got a good F1 opportunity he would do really well. I don't think you can judge anyone on how well they did or didn't fare at Catertham.

Yeah, you are probably right, but he is certainly off to a good start. He'll get another chance in a couple of days.

Check this;


We have different feelings here about how to evaluate Nasr.:p:

Thing is, over many-many years I have followed F1 I have seen many rookies, who start out well. Only some of them truly become superstars, others become inconsistent drivers with flashes of brilliance. Nasr' debut is no different to, say, Pérez debut in 2011 Australia, who finished 7th, showed great tyre management, and beat Kobayashi.

I think among the rookies the one, who has caught my imagination more, is Max Verstappen. I am seriously impressed that a 17-year-old with barely any experience can have such a level-headed F1 weekend, and he had quite a fair amount of speed as well. I think if there is a potential superstar, I am more looking at him.

Nasr is a pretty decent driver though and worthy of an F1 seat, I am not saying anything about that. But right now he reminds me Pérez...

Another thing that is striking about Nasr... He has been around in feeder series for a while. Like 3 seasons in GP2. If he was a potential superstar, a top team would have snapped him up far quicker. But they didn't see so much potential in him to sign him up and he is in F1 largely due to paying for his seat. Contrast that to Max Verstappen, who was snapped into F1 team after he barely moved out of karts. Big difference in how teams see potential in drivers.

As for Lotterer. Potentially he is pretty decent, though not a world-beater. But he is already over 30 years old and is not a paydriver either, so no place for drivers like these. Plus he is having a great career at WEC (multiple Le Mans winner IIRC), so no reason to swap that for driving at the back of F1 grid...

Doc Austin
25th March 2015, 12:58
Well, Jens, we'll have a better idea in a couple of days, right?

I watched the Hungaroring GP2 race last night and that's part of what impressed me about Nasr. I forgot who he was racing with, they had wheels interlocked in every corner for at least half the race and never put a scratch on either car.

Doc Austin
25th March 2015, 13:02
Doc McDawg, ,why can't you just groove on the fact that Fred and Ron are over it, and too wise for this go-round.....Patience.

For $100 million dollars, I would have never gotten over it.

I have no doubt that Alonso will win a lot of races when they get the car right. He just has to stay cool with the team that long.

Doc Austin
25th March 2015, 13:07
Well, Jens, we'll have a better idea in a couple of days, right?

I watched the Hungaroring GP2 race last night and that's part of what impressed me about Nasr. I forgot who he was racing with, they had wheels interlocked in every corner for at least half the race and never put a scratch on either car. There was no blocking, chopping, blocking or swerving, though there wasn't a lot of room given either. You don't often seen that kind of sustained hard nose racing without someone ending up n their lid, but Nasr and the other guy drove beautiful races.

Perhaps I just like guys who can race hard and still be fair. Right now it's Alonso, Button and Vettel. Kimi is pretty clean too.

25th March 2015, 13:56
For $100 million dollars, I would have never gotten over it..But you are not Ron. He is not obsessed with the past the way you seem to be. Those two have a contract, and an understanding, something you can't seem to get your mind wrapped around. I'm grooving on it, and you not. You southern boys seem to be really prone to holding grudges. Maybe you should get a massage.....bro

I have no doubt that Alonso will win a lot of races when they get the car right. He just has to stay cool with the team that long.I bet Fred is getting a massage as we speak, Ron as well. ;)

25th March 2015, 13:59
I bet Fred is getting a massage as we speak, Ron as well. ;)

I see. So THAT'S why Fred and Ron are together again. They hated each other, but at least they remember one good thing from 2007 as well - they do a good massage to each other!

Edit: I just realized unfortunately it is all off-topic and I have no idea, how did we get here...

25th March 2015, 14:07
For $100 million dollars, I would have never gotten over it.

I have no doubt that Alonso will win a lot of races when they get the car right. He just has to stay cool with the team that long.

Fred was part of the deal for Honda .
Ron wouldn't have touched him with a hundred million foot pole had Honda not been there .

25th March 2015, 14:53
Fred was part of the deal for Honda .
Ron wouldn't have touched him with a hundred million foot pole had Honda not been there .Bullocks! They both wanted the ultra talented pilot. Produce a link to the contrary.....Dawg you are really butt-hurt! :laugh:

25th March 2015, 16:44
I see. So THAT'S why Fred and Ron are together again. They hated each other, but at least they remember one good thing from 2007 as well - they do a good massage to each other!

Edit: I just realized unfortunately it is all off-topic and I have no idea, how did we get here...No I think Fred and Jense's McBabes take care of doing the lot of them, K-Mag, and Boullier included! :angel:

Doc Austin
25th March 2015, 18:44
Fred was part of the deal for Honda. Ron wouldn't have touched him with a hundred million foot pole had Honda not been there

Hmm. Shotgun wedding .... because those always work out so well.

25th March 2015, 20:03
Bullocks! They both wanted the ultra talented pilot. Produce a link to the contrary.....Dawg you are really butt-hurt! :laugh:

Watch the fireworks as Fred has to race the McJense .

It'll suit Ron fine if Fred can't drive it .
And , McJense is a Honda guy from way back .

He won it in a Brawnda , and Mondo-lonso will have to fight this one , I think .

Oh yeah , about my butt , it feels just fine , but it feels a little weird talking about it with you .

25th March 2015, 20:11
Hmm. Shotgun wedding .... because those always work out so well.

Who knows , Doc , they could both be men about it all and try to make the marriage work .

But , I don't expect either entered without some sort of pre-nup .

Doc Austin
25th March 2015, 20:24
Who knows , Doc , they could both be men about it all and try to make the marriage work .

I think the past will disappear with the first win.

Doc Austin
25th March 2015, 20:26
Oh yeah , about my butt , it feels just fine.

I'll sleep better knowing that!

25th March 2015, 20:39
Tell me you don't go to sleep thinking about my butt ........please .

Doc Austin
25th March 2015, 23:14
Tell me you don't go to sleep thinking about my butt ........please .

What? Does that sound weird or something?

26th March 2015, 03:09
That's almost as gross as thinking about all the pustules and 'gators that evacuated your lung through that chest snorkel you were featuring. :sailor:

27th March 2015, 18:03
I watched the Hungaroring GP2 race last night and that's part of what impressed me about Nasr. I forgot who he was racing with, they had wheels interlocked in every corner for at least half the race and never put a scratch on either car. There was no blocking, chopping, blocking or swerving, though there wasn't a lot of room given either. You don't often seen that kind of sustained hard nose racing without someone ending up n their lid, but Nasr and the other guy drove beautiful races.

Raced with (and got spanked by, metaphorically) GP2 Champion Jolyon Palmer - & don't you forget it.. ;)
Same thing happened in both GP2 races in Hungary.

Doc Austin
27th March 2015, 20:37
I would say Palmer is worth watching too, especially since he looks set to be Lotus' reserve. Just another reason to rag on Pastor and help him get the boot.

27th March 2015, 23:11
Definitely.. That was the race where Nasr spent the podium interviews & post-race slating Palmer's driving calling it unfair & dangerous. Interesting given your assessment of their 'clean' racing ;)
Palmer is the best out-&-out racer GP2 has had in the last 3 years, just a real shame he's not racing anything this year (the GP2 champion is barred from re-entering and there is an upper age limit too) and he really doesn't have the money for F1.
He'll end up racing Indycars soon (hopefully!) or sportscars, but being a demon overtaker isn't necessarily first call for WEC teams.. In F1 'talent' is only looked at by 4 teams, and one of those is Toro Rosso.. it's a backwater for talent in terms of racing drivers nowadays, all about the wallet.

Doc Austin
27th March 2015, 23:38
Definitely.. That was the race where Nasr spent the podium interviews & post-race slating Palmer's driving calling it unfair & dangerous. Interesting given your assessment of their 'clean' racing

I didn't see the interviews, but those comments surprise me. Both leaned on each other pretty good but I didn't see anything unfair. Then again, I didn't see every single lap. What I did see was pretty good.

Palmer is the best out-&-out racer GP2 has had in the last 3 years, just a real shame he's not racing anything this year (the GP2 champion is barred from re-entering and there is an upper age limit too) and he really doesn't have the money for F1.

Really tells you something about the sport that a can't-miss prospect like Palmer can't get a chance. Being a reserve driver is not much of a prize unless one of your teammates gets killed, which is not a very good thing to hope for.

He'll end up racing Indycars soon (hopefully!) or sportscars, but being a demon overtaker isn't necessarily first call for WEC teams..

Indycars would be ok, but sportscars is a waste for someone who had his eyes on the F1 championship.

In F1 'talent' is only looked at by 4 teams, and one of those is Toro Rosso. it's a backwater for talent in terms of racing drivers nowadays, all about the wallet.

Indycars is all about the money too if someone like Justin Wilson can't land a decent full time drive. All of racing has gotten so damm expensive that it doesn't make sense any more.

28th March 2015, 01:11
Indycars is all about the money too if someone like Justin Wilson can't land a decent full time drive. All of racing has gotten so damm expensive that it doesn't make sense any more.

It's not only about the cost, it's about the cars not being difficult enough to drive, so that a mediocre pay driver can perform so close to a really outstanding pilot that the money becomes worth more than the difference in talent.

28th March 2015, 03:35
I'll give 1,000.00 USD to anyone that puts a bullet in this freakin' guys head.
"He's been the best world champion we've had," Ecclestone said last night. "Apart from the fact he's talented, he's a good guy. He gets out on the street, supports and promotes Formula One. He is 100 per cent box office."
The 84-year-old is good friends with four-time champion Sebastian Vettel but has told the German he should be marketing himself and F1 as Hamilton does.
"It's always good whatever Lewis says, even if it's silly," Ecclestone added. "It's great for the sport."

The Boss is great and I dig the sh** out of him, but Bernie is a money grabbing shameless fool that needs to get the f*** out. I love how he continuaslly discounts great F1 1 pilots that are no longer making him money, :rolleyes:

28th March 2015, 10:36
I'll give 1,000.00 USD to anyone that puts a bullet in this freakin' guys head.
The Boss is great and I dig the sh** out of him, but Bernie is a money grabbing shameless fool that needs to get the f*** out. I love how he continuaslly discounts great F1 1 pilots that are no longer making him money, :rolleyes:

I am amazed Bernie doesn't get some of these pilots to have fights on the side of the track like the old days. Bound to draw in punters :rolleyes:

Doc Austin
28th March 2015, 18:37
I am amazed Bernie doesn't get some of these pilots to have fights on the side of the track like the old days. Bound to draw in punters :rolleyes:

When Andy Granatelli was promoting stock car races at Soldier Field in Chicago, he fined drivers for fighting in the pits, but gave them a bonus for fighting in front of the crowd.

Doc Austin
28th March 2015, 18:38
I'll give 1,000.00 USD to anyone that puts a bullet in this freakin' guys head.

How do you really feel?

28th March 2015, 19:30
How do you really feel?

A little hung-over :p:

I don't really want Bernie to get his freakin' brains blown out, but I will give 1,000,00 USD to anyone that feels as though they really need them.

29th March 2015, 15:54
I wonder what Nico is thinking about his statement now? :laugh:

I just actually saw the exchange yesterday, and I thought Seb was just having fun with it. Nico seemed to totally lose his sense of humor about 10 seconds in.

31st March 2015, 02:59
A little hung-over :p:

I don't really want Bernie to get his freakin' brains blown out, but I will give 1,000,00 USD to anyone that feels as though they really need them.

Taz, you have promised to give out lots of money recently. Did you happen to win a lottery and are wondering, what to do with all this excess cash now? :D

1st April 2015, 13:00
I just saw the exchange for the first time. They were both smiling the entire time. Nothing in it at all. This place would go into meltdown if a couple of driver's actually had a real argument. Why don't you organise it for us Bernie?

2nd April 2015, 03:53
Taz, you have promised to give out lots of money recently. Did you happen to win a lottery? :D That is the 1,111,111.00 USD question :dork:

2nd April 2015, 13:25
I just saw the exchange for the first time. They were both smiling the entire time. Nothing in it at all. This place would go into meltdown if a couple of driver's actually had a real argument. Why don't you organise it for us Bernie?

A real argument was between Sutil and Trulli back in Brazil in 2009.:p:

journeyman racer
2nd April 2015, 15:50
I just saw the exchange for the first time. They were both smiling the entire time. Nothing in it at all. This place would go into meltdown if a couple of driver's actually had a real argument. Why don't you organise it for us Bernie?
Thanks. I have no idea what is being talked about. But your post prevents me from looking it up myself. It's a relief to not have to bother.