View Full Version : Does anyone shorten your name?

Hazell B
20th April 2007, 00:14
"Hiya Haze" is something I hear most days when another plant grower calls me for the afternoon natter. He's the one and only person who shortens my name and to be honest I only noticed that fact today, at the age of 39! :rolleyes:

I'm known by a few different nicnames that come from Hazell (H, Nut, Witch, Hassle, etc), but only the one person shortens it to Haze.

Anyone else rarely get their name shortened? Or do you always go for the short version of your name?

20th April 2007, 00:28
I get Raybak a lot, must spend too much time on forums ;(

20th April 2007, 00:31
My name can't be shortened because it's already short enough, but people have lengthened it - I've been known as Jimmy Neutron at school, where everyone knew me as Jim.

So - is "witch" a reference to a plant, Hazell? ;)

Brown, Jon Brow
20th April 2007, 00:32
Jonathan = Jon, Jonnie, J, James :confused: , Jonty

20th April 2007, 00:33
I get my name shortened all the time and I don't like it tbh.

If I wanted to be called Dan I'd introduce myself as Dan :mark: Or Danny or whatever. But no I introduce myself and Daniel and I get called other names :mark:

20th April 2007, 00:49
Yes, my Mother calls me JAW

20th April 2007, 01:08
Some people mistakenly call me Justin when they can't remember my name.

20th April 2007, 01:22
So - is "witch" a reference to a plant, Hazell? ;)

No, more reference to her hook nose, big black pointy hat she tends to wear and the fact that her favorite method of transportation is a broomstick ;)

:p :

20th April 2007, 01:25
No, more reference to her hook nose, big black pointy hat she tends to wear and the fact that her favorite method of transportation is a broomstick ;)

:p :

Cool! Does she know Harry?

20th April 2007, 01:40
Only a few people seem to call me Andy, dont mind myself.

20th April 2007, 02:17
My surname is Rollason, so the answer is yes.

Practically everyone calls me Rollo and some people are even surprised to learn that my first name is Andrew. Someone at work found out about that and started calling me "Drew", at which point I replied "A thousand points to Ryan and Colin"; so that more or less stopped immediately.

20th April 2007, 02:59
I'm the only person in our entire family (7kids no less) that gets their name shortened by our parents. makes the others incredibly jealous.

20th April 2007, 03:11
I get my name shortened all the time and I don't like it tbh.

If I wanted to be called Dan I'd introduce myself as Dan :mark: Or Danny or whatever. But no I introduce myself and Daniel and I get called other names :mark:

I'm with you, Daniel, as I am Daniel also, and that's the name people have generally given me, except for six years when I lived in Texas. Texans called me Dan. It didn't matter how much I grimaced or grunted whenever they did it, my name, as far as they were concerned, was Dan. At first it pissed me off, but after a while I got used to it, and even miss it these days as everyone, except my brother, calls me Daniel.

My brother calls me Danny. No one else does, only Micky, who, to everyone else in the world is known as Michael.

I'd never thought of that before. Only my brother abbreviates my name, and only I abbreviate his. Maybe that's the way it should be.

20th April 2007, 03:37
Mill, Milleycol, MC, Colin, Col, Millsy.... :p :

20th April 2007, 05:10
My name is actually Randall Treadwell. Most call me Randall, but a couple of customers call me "RT". I'm redheaded so I have at various times in my life been called "Red" or "Red Tread", but it never stuck. A professor in school is the only one who ever called me Randy and I hated it.

20th April 2007, 05:39
I get JD a lot...


20th April 2007, 05:49
My name is actually Randall Treadwell. Most call me Randall, but a couple of customers call me "RT". I'm redheaded so I have at various times in my life been called "Red" or "Red Tread", but it never stuck. A professor in school is the only one who ever called me Randy and I hated it.

I tried to edit because I hit the wrong button, and went over the time limit.

I was going to add that my wife is Mexican and culturally they call many people by their physical characteristics, so there they call me Güero (loosely translated "blondie")

Slightly OT, I had a former boss that the guys used to call Cabezon. I didn't think much of it until I realized one day they were calling him "Big Head":laugh :( And it's true, he had a really big head!)

My screen name is for my two children Alexa and Mateo. Alexa (age 3) cannot pronounce Mateo's (age 1) name so she says 'Teo. Well all of us are now calling him 'Teo, even the grandparents.

And being from the south, you've got to watch out for those toddler pronunciations, because that's how you end up being called Bubba. ;)

20th April 2007, 06:46
And being from the south, you've got to watch out for those toddler pronunciations, because that's how you end up being called Bubba. ;)

Yeah my cousin was called Bub by his parents, now he's 16 and still gets called Bub.


20th April 2007, 07:07
No. Erki and "mate" both have 4 letters.

20th April 2007, 08:06
Yes, from Giuseppe to pino :p :

20th April 2007, 08:12
Yes, from Giuseppe to pino :p :

Shouldn't it be Nino then?

20th April 2007, 08:15
Alexa (age 3) cannot pronounce Mateo's (age 1) name so she says 'Teo. Well all of us are now calling him 'Teo, even the grandparents.

The same thing happened with my boys. My eldest couldn't say his brother's name, Noah, so he called him "No-No" and it's stuck. We now use No-No as an affectionate way of refering to Noah. I can't wait to find out what their 16 month old sister will call her brothers.

20th April 2007, 08:27
Shouldn't it be Nino then?

Nino ? No thanks I prefere pino :p : When I was a kid they used to call me Giuseppino :s fortunatelly it was shorten to pino. That happens to all Giuseppe in Italy ;)

oily oaf
20th April 2007, 08:34
Indeed they do.
I am actually a Chinese bloke whose first name is Nj.
How I laugh when friends and family insist on shortening it to Lonnie Donegan.

20th April 2007, 09:00
"Hiya Haze" is something I hear most days when another plant grower calls me for the afternoon natter. He's the one and only person who shortens my name and to be honest I only noticed that fact today, at the age of 39! :rolleyes:

I'm known by a few different nicnames that come from Hazell (H, Nut, Witch, Hassle, etc), but only the one person shortens it to Haze.

Anyone else rarely get their name shortened? Or do you always go for the short version of your name?

Hazel i used to work with a Hazel and most people called her "Hazey" which is hated with a passion their was only about 4 of us that used to call her Hazel :)

Its the opposite with my name which is Bev alot of people call me Beverley which i hate!!!! :mad: but when i point it out my name is Bev they usually say oh but Beverley is such a lovely name!! it is for those who like it! :rolleyes:

20th April 2007, 11:31
My name is Daniel and almost everybody called me so. Some girls call me Dani and all of the males call me Daniel.

But I have many other names. My family calls me Tato, because that's what my sister used to call me when she was learning to talk. I'm also referred as Cuco that's what my future sister in law called me once and it stuck.

20th April 2007, 12:06
I get my name shortened all the time and I don't like it tbh.

If I wanted to be called Dan I'd introduce myself as Dan :mark: Or Danny or whatever. But no I introduce myself and Daniel and I get called other names :mark:

I do it often :D

I have a short name as well and it can't be easily shortened...but I have been called Aby, Abs by some people :s

Hazell....I have shortened your name to Haz a couple times on here too :erm:

Donney, Dani sounds good though (+ there are other famous Danis around)

20th April 2007, 12:50
Oh, I'm fine with Dani it sounds weird when someone who usually calls me Daniel suddenly refers to me as Dani, other than that I kind of like it.

20th April 2007, 12:53
No one ever shortens my name in conversation, but I always shorten it when I write it just out of pure laziness.

20th April 2007, 13:44
My name is always shortened. I've been called Tina by my family for as long as i remember and most of my close friends call me that, but in the last five years or so i've been using my full name, Christina, when introducing myself. I absolutely hate it when people call me Chris, because that's a guys name and i'm quite clearly a girl. Chrissie, Christy etc i dont really respond to at all.. My sister sometimes calls me Tin-Tin from when she couldnt say my name properly as a kid. I also get called Blondie a lot.. mainly from guys on public transport who have had one too many sniffs of the metho.

20th April 2007, 13:57
I have a short name as well and it can't be easily shortened...but I have been called Aby, Abs by some people :s

I just call you A. ;)

20th April 2007, 15:06
how many times can you shorten my name? "andrea"

20th April 2007, 15:52
I am already at the minimum.

20th April 2007, 17:36
Most people shorten my name if they speak to me enough times. I used to hate it when I was younger and get cross, which made the situation worse.
It doesn't bother me any more.
My brother had a stupid name for me which he used to use before he could say my full name (Rachel) properly. My parents have thankfully stopped using it - a couple of people I know still get called awful toddler nicknames in front of other people. I find that embarrassing and it's not even happening to me!
Interestingly, my brother is another Daniel but he insists on Dan now.

20th April 2007, 17:44
No, more reference to her hook nose, big black pointy hat she tends to wear and the fact that her favorite method of transportation is a broomstick ;)

:p :
And she's always chasing Bugs Bunny:


20th April 2007, 17:59
My name is always shortened. I've been called Tina by my family for as long as i remember and most of my close friends call me that...

Similar to my sister whose name is Christina. She has always been known as "Tina" from birth. I don't think she's ever used "Christina". In fact, I think the only place where her full name exists is on her birth certificate :p :

20th April 2007, 20:44
Family and most friends call me Javier(or Javicho wich I didn't like in the beggining but I don't mind now). some Female friends shorten it to Javi, I don't think there's other way to shorten my name.
but some friends in Sweden who couldn't pronounce my name used to call me Jay :s

20th April 2007, 21:28
well Slinky has got both shorter (slink/slinks) AND longer (slinkster).

As for my REAL name... well that gets shortened to a ridiculous Sar probounced "Sair" which I either find really annoying if I don't like whoever is saying it, or find quite endeering if I do like them. :)

20th April 2007, 22:17
Tough to shorten Jan. People always pronounce it Jack when they first hear it, then ask if I'm sure it's not pronounced Yan (as if I'd mispronounce my own name) then ask what it's short for and then if I'm foreign. I get the same reaction of surprise from almost everyone when I tell them it IS pronounced Jan, isn't short for anything and that both me and my parents were born in Devon and have lived in the South West all our lives.

To make matters worse my last name is Yeo (said 'Yo') which people are endlessly saying or spelling wrong. I even got into an argument with one bloke who said it was pronounced 'Yay-O'. When I pointed out that Yeovil, the Yeo Valley and the River Yeo were all pronounced 'Yo' he told me that it was different when it's a name. It's people like him that make me wonder how the human race managed to creat TV and the internal combustion engine.

20th April 2007, 23:30
Americans often shorten my name, Eugene, to Gene. I'm not too keen on that. Friends and family call me Euge usually, although I have been called sewage (you have to say it with a Dublin accent), or even Huge Jeans (no, they're not). When people can't remember my name I'm called Eamonn or Egon.

suzy m
20th April 2007, 23:50
Nobody ever shortened my name until I moved to England. For some reason, everyone I work with thinks it's ok to call me Sue. I hate being called Sue. Is it that hard to call me by my proper name? I now just don't answer unless I'm called by the right name. Soon makes them call me correctly. :p

21st April 2007, 00:16
Americans often shorten my name, Eugene, to Gene. I'm not too keen on that. Friends and family call me Euge usually, although I have been called sewage (you have to say it with a Dublin accent), or even Huge Jeans (no, they're not). When people can't remember my name I'm called Eamonn or Egon.

I think Eugene Donnelly is called "Genie". Anyone calls you that way too?

Will L
21st April 2007, 00:27
My proper name is William but everyone calls me Will

Azumanga Davo
21st April 2007, 08:04
I get JD a lot...


So do I, but enough of our personal drinks orders eh? :D

Davo is a particular lazy Aussie favourite of mine (shortening it by one letter must account for the boom time in WA I guess ;) ) but Dave is the only other one and I don't mind either or...

21st April 2007, 10:23
Nobody ever shortened my name until I moved to England. For some reason, everyone I work with thinks it's ok to call me Sue. I hate being called Sue. Is it that hard to call me by my proper name? I now just don't answer unless I'm called by the right name. Soon makes them call me correctly. :p

I know what you mean when i 1st met my best friend yrs ago her mother when i used to see her always called me beverley which i hate! so i used to ignore her and not answer her this went on for 6 months till one day she said to my friend think your friend is deaf! :( my friend asked her why she thought this and she said when ever i say beverley she doesnt answer! my friend said call her bev and i bet she does! so she did and i did! :D

21st April 2007, 13:24
For some reason, everyone I work with thinks it's ok to call me Sue. I hate being called Sue.
But it's probably for your own good:


He said: "Now you just fought one hell of a fight
And I know you hate me, and you got the right
To kill me now, and I wouldn't blame you if you do.
But ya ought to thank me, before I die,
For the gravel in ya guts and the spit in ya eye
Cause I'm the son-of-a-bitch that named you "Sue.'"

21st April 2007, 14:53
Am called Alexander but parents shortened it to Sandy to follow family tradition. Dont like it, never have done but they never would call me anything else so am stuck with it. Bit late to bother changing it now so stuck with Sandy. Call my girlfriend Rach, her mother calls her Rachy and some of her friends call her Ray (which i hate lol) but she seems to like all versions of Rachel. Except when I spell it the Celtic way (Rachael) by mistake and she then really gets hte hump lol... She calls me Alex quite a lot though which I like. Where I live though everyone knows who Sandy is so to change my name now would cause chaos haha

Lot of my friends have names that can be shortened. Some like it, some dont and some i shorten it to wind then up a bit :p : Really cant see the point in giving someone a name and then using a totally different one like Sandy though.

21st April 2007, 15:44
My nickname is a shortened version of my real name, which with my friends then gets lenghtened, which is a bit odd...

21st April 2007, 18:09
To most people I am known as Stan which is the short version of my full name.
When I was growing up I hated my full name, so I always tried to go by Stan.
Over the years everyone but a select few know me as Stan.

A few special ladies have always called me by my full name.
I don't mind it because they are special to me. :D

Mark in Oshawa
21st April 2007, 18:40
Stan...you likely would be a Stanislaw? Most of the Stan's I know are Polish and never go by their full name either, but that is usually because they are first or second generation Polish off the plane.

No one can shorten Mark down past what it is, so I guess I haven't had the issue. My wife on the other hand is a Dawn, and people keep wanting to add on to that. She has been Dawnie, Donnelly, and the only way she accepts her name being longer is if someone uses the middle name right afterward like her mom has done from the word go. Of course, this is was from a household that had a Don and a Dawn in it...so something had to give....

Names are what people have to be identified, but is always floors me that people will ignore one's wishes on what they want to be called and butcher the real name or ignore it. Nicknames are only acceptable if taken in good spirit by the victim..lol....but shortening or changing one's name without permission is just not on....

Hazell B
21st April 2007, 21:06
A few special ladies have always called me by my full name.
I don't mind it because they are special to me. :D

Stanley, darling, that's so kind :p :

Carl - you forgot my cloak of invisibility, black cat, inability to float and nasty cackle :rolleyes: And no, I don't know Harry. He bats for the good guys, I do not :D

21st April 2007, 23:52
I used to get called Jojojojo at work by my boss Richard, when I told him if he persisted in calling me that instead of Joanne I'd start calling him Dick, he stopped! :D

21st April 2007, 23:52
Long time no see Harley ;)

21st April 2007, 23:55
As a Benjamin, I'm glad that my name is shortened. I wish I'd just been named Ben in the first place. The only reason that I can see for my having been named Benjamin is to have given my parents the chance to say 'Benjamin!' when I was bad as a kid.

22nd April 2007, 00:33
Tis just a fleeting visit Daniel, not planning on making a habit of it.

22nd April 2007, 16:45
My full name is Verity, which most people call me by, though when I was at school I was called V and at college I was called Vez. I'll respond to all three, but I don't really like being called V, but Verity and Vez are fine :) .

My sister is called Amber and she was called Ambi for awhile by her mates.

My best mate is called Ellie (short for Eleanor, which she hates) and she occassionally gets called Els.

23rd April 2007, 12:56
Call my girlfriend Rach, her mother calls her Rachy and some of her friends call her Ray (which i hate lol) but she seems to like all versions of Rachel. Except when I spell it the Celtic way (Rachael) by mistake and she then really gets hte hump lol...

Sorry to bump an old thread but this seriously does my head in as well for some reason. Everyone at work does it. Even on emails where they have to write "Rachel" PROPERLY as part of my email address, they will still add the wretched extra "a" in the mail itself.
I know I shouldn't let it annoy me, but I can't help it!

23rd April 2007, 13:15
Christened my son Tom, it's that on his birth certificate, but all the politically correct types insist on calling him Thomas.........."My name is TOM!!"

23rd April 2007, 13:20
Stanley, darling .....
OOOOOOO, I like that ! :s mokin:

23rd April 2007, 18:35
My name is Jonathan but I HATE Jonny but I dont mind Jon (only spelt that way admittedly not John). However, everyone I know calls me JJ (which are my initials) which I like :D

23rd April 2007, 22:48
My son is called Alexander but i call him alex unless he is being very bad (he is 7) then he gets his full name including both his middle names, so he knows when he has gone too far

23rd April 2007, 23:05
A bit difficult to shorten Carl, but I've been Metro since I can remember, as have most of the rest of my family.

My son is Ollie, except when he's being naughty then it's Oliver. My wife is Sam to everybody except for her parents who still insist on calling her Samantha 'because that's the name we gave her' :rolleyes:

23rd April 2007, 23:10
A bit difficult to shorten Carl, but I've been Metro since I can remember, as have most of the rest of my family.

Carl could be shortened as Car and CarlMetro as CarMetro.

Hazell B
25th April 2007, 22:44
I've lengthened Carl's name, but only in ways that can't be posted - and all fully endorsed by his wife Sam :p :

26th April 2007, 01:32
:s hock:


26th April 2007, 07:13
Am called Alexander but parents shortened it to Sandy to follow family tradition. Dont like it, never have done but they never would call me anything else so am stuck with it. Bit late to bother changing it now so stuck with Sandy.

Lot of my friends have names that can be shortened. Some like it, some dont and some i shorten it to wind then up a bit :p : Really cant see the point in giving someone a name and then using a totally different one like Sandy though.
Sandy is the standard Scottish abbreviation of Alexander.

I was Sandy when I was little, and switched to Alexander when I started school (because I was the only guy in my class with 9 letters and an x). That was shortened to Alex at around the time that I started high school.

When I went to Paraguay, I was sometimes called Ale, and since starting uni, a few guys have simply called me Al.

26th April 2007, 08:19
I've lengthened Carl's name, but only in ways that can't be posted - and all fully endorsed by his wife Sam :p :

Are the kind of things that we'll want to hear? Can you send them in a PM?