View Full Version : McLaren drivers annouced: Alonso and Button

10th December 2014, 15:46
McLaren will finally announce their driver line-up at a press conference tomorrow:
Has anyone seen a time for this press conference? I couldn't find anything on the McLaren web site. They might cover it on Sky Sports News.

I saw K-Mag in a curry house in Woking at the weekend, but his demeanour was not giving anything away :)

10th December 2014, 16:03
It's time for some sig betting wagers to hit the forum before this happens! :) It seems as though many are sure that it's Alonso, while others are sure it's not. I'm not sure what to expect myself, but that might not keep me from a friendly sig bet anyway. :laugh:

10th December 2014, 16:11
The King of Spain confirmed Alonso had told him he was going to McLaren so I don't think there will be any surprises there.

I would rather see Kevin retained because he is young and deserves a shot. Button has had his time and has been very successfull, but I do hope he is able to secure a top drive in another form of motorsport. I think the way McLaren have kept these guys waiting is absolutely appalling and if this means JB has missed out elsewhere, then I hope he has his day in court with them.

10th December 2014, 16:35
I think it depends just how much potential they see in Magnussen, if it was not enough then I think they'll give Button one more year before trying Vandoorne in 2016.

Button would be a good marketing fit with Honda, what with him being an old man.

10th December 2014, 17:22
The King of Spain confirmed Alonso had told him he was going to McLaren so I don't think there will be any surprises there.

What does Ashley Giles know that we don't, and when did he and Fred get so chummy :confused:


Doc Austin
10th December 2014, 18:52
This just in: McLaren will announce their drivers after the first of the year.

Just kidding.:D

10th December 2014, 21:11
Alonso is a definite, of that there is no question. The second seat depends on how McLaren view Stofel vanDoorne. If they are sure he is going to be a race drive in 2016, they might just give JB a final fling. If they are unsure about SvD then Mag's future potential might win him the seat. The worst thing McLaren could do is be sure of SvD in2016, give the second chair to Mag and have him equal Alonso's performance, then have to replace him with SvD in '16.

Having said all of that, they delay, in my mind hints that JB is out. The reason I say this is because in the past when McLaren have axed a driver, they have often tried to do it early and asist the departing driver into another team (Perez). So if Mag was to be cut at this late stage McLaren are giving him no options to find a drive in '15. In Button's case he has already hinted that he will go to sports car racing if McLaren don't re sign him.

10th December 2014, 21:44
Having said all of that, they delay, in my mind hints that JB is out. The reason I say this is because in the past when McLaren have axed a driver, they have often tried to do it early and asist the departing driver into another team (Perez). So if Mag was to be cut at this late stage McLaren are giving him no options to find a drive in '15.

I don't know if Magnussen would need options - I think if he doesn't get the race seat they'll keep him on as test/reserve driver.

10th December 2014, 22:37
I thought the choice was a political one, not to do with their particular skills and experience which are no different to what they were mid-season. IIRC Dennis wants Magnussen but may not get his way if he doesn't pull off his share buyout and is also trying to get Danish companies to put together a nice sponsorship package for him. Button is the board's preferred option as a safe experienced pair of hands but clearly if Dennis gets his way will be overruled. I'm surprised that a decision will be made so soon after the last board meeting a week ago failed to reach a conclusion.

11th December 2014, 00:58
I don't know if Magnussen would need options - I think if he doesn't get the race seat they'll keep him on as test/reserve driver.

True but I thought McLaren would use vanDoorne as their test driver next season to prepare him for a race seat in'16

Doc Austin
11th December 2014, 03:43
Now, according to Motorsports.com, It's Alonso and Button in with Magnussen out (http://www.motorsport.com/f1/news/button-expected-to-keep-seat-at-mclaren-magnussen-out).

I don't think this is necessarily a bad choice as long as McLaren finds a way to keep Magnussen around.

11th December 2014, 08:22

same with BBC

Button got lucky again.

The Black Knight
11th December 2014, 10:05
Yeah looks like it's going to be Button and Alonso in the team which I think makes complete sense. The question for Button is how long more does he get? Does he get an extra year or two years? Personally, if I were him, I'd be looking for a two year contract at least. Anyway, I think this makes it an extremely strong lineup for McLaren.

Having Alonso and Magnussen would have weakened the team, in my opinion.

11th December 2014, 10:29
Yeah looks like it's going to be Button and Alonso in the team which I think makes complete sense. The question for Button is how long more does he get? Does he get an extra year or two years? Personally, if I were him, I'd be looking for a two year contract at least. Anyway, I think this makes it an extremely strong lineup for McLaren.

Having Alonso and Magnussen would have weakened the team, in my opinion.

That's the question. I can't see it being any more than a one year deal. Button needs to use the time to either find another team or sort out his F1 retirement. Unless something amazing happens and he becomes WDC.

The Black Knight
11th December 2014, 11:32
That's the question. I can't see it being any more than a one year deal. Button needs to use the time to either find another team or sort out his F1 retirement. Unless something amazing happens and he becomes WDC.

Well, it’s Button’s ability to develop both car and engine that has swung this in his favour in my opinion. Given that I think the Honda engine will take two years to mature it could be that he gets anther contract at the end of the season and who knows what the situation will be at other teams then. For now, it has worked out for him and, come the end of the year, who knows what will happen but, if I were him, I’d be looking for a drive in another team.

I can’t remember a time when the top teams were this sewn up:

RBR won’t take a driver other than one from their Junior Program
Mercedes look likely to stick with Rosberg and Hamilton in the near future.
Ferrari have Vettel and Raikkonen. Possibly Raikkonen will retire at the end of 2015 and maybe open up an opportunity to move.
Williams, whom might disappear again next year, appear to be happy with Massa and Bottas.
Overall, there’s very little room for movement to a top team if you are in Jenson’s position. The only way is down, not up, unfortunately for Jenson.

Jenson’s only hope of having a competitive drive is with McLaren realistically. It's either that, go back to bottom of the grid teams or else seek a future outside of F1.

11th December 2014, 12:16
Mercedes might change it's driver lineup for 2016, if Hamilton and Rosberg fall out - which they've appeared to be on the verge of several times this year.

Raikkonen will likely leave Ferrari at the end of 2015

But neither of those will hire Button.

I'd quite like Button to go end his career at Williams, there would be a nice symmetry in that.

The Black Knight
11th December 2014, 12:27
Confirmed just now! Jenson Button and Fernando Alonso will drive for McLaren next year!

11th December 2014, 12:32
If McLaren can't win a constructors' title with those two, they never will!

11th December 2014, 12:47
Quite a good article considering the writer. I hadn't realised it was Whitmarsh that originally wanted Alonso sacked, but started the process of getting him back into the team back in 2013. An interesting time ahead and I hope this time it works out.


11th December 2014, 13:30
Alonso back at McLaren... what could possibly go wrong?

This is clearly the best driver selection they had. But best team selection? I'm not so sure.

11th December 2014, 13:42
Wow :)

11th December 2014, 15:13
Wow :)

I think it is a really good thing that Fred is leaving Ferrari, and Italy. The freakin' guy is starting to look like (the late) Pavarotti. :angel:

11th December 2014, 15:57

11th December 2014, 16:01
Button and Alonso eh? The first thing that came to my mind was The Tortoise & the Hare.

11th December 2014, 16:30
Button and Alonso eh? The first thing that came to my mind was The Tortoise & the Hare.Not a bad analogy, but Fred isn't the kind of guy who burns out. There is no quit in that guy on the track, and when he needs to be, he can be quite patient. Plus he is quite methodical, that is part of the package that makes him the most complete pilot right now. Having said that I think Jense' will be very strong competition, and with some luck he could even whup Fred, after all he did outscore The Boss while they were paired.
This really is a fantastic line up, and I believe all concerned partys will benefit, not the least of which being the Anglo-Mafia ;)
Long live Ronnie!!!

11th December 2014, 16:35
I agree, Alonso is not the type to burn out or quit. But in terms of the amount of excitement they can bring to a race - I think the analogy works quite well.

11th December 2014, 17:01
I just hope the McLaren-Honda package is up to the job and they don't spend the entire season fighting for 12th and get forgotten.

11th December 2014, 17:22
I agree, Alonso is not the type to burn out or quit. But in terms of the amount of excitement they can bring to a race - I think the analogy works quite well.
I'm confused, which one is the tortoise, and which is the hare? :dork:

Doc Austin
11th December 2014, 17:23
Where dos this leave Magnussen?

11th December 2014, 17:34

Doc Austin
11th December 2014, 17:43
LOL, Taz!

I just read this ...... Button: “I am also very glad that Kevin will remain part of the team. He is a very quick driver and a really nice guy.” (http://www.motorsport.com/f1/news/button-optimistic-as-mclaren-retains-him-for-2015)

And............. In a statement released on the McLaren website on Thursday morning...... Kevin Magnussen will remain an important part of the team, as test and reserve driver." (http://www.independent.co.uk/sport/motor-racing/jenson-button-mclaren-confirm-2009-world-champion-will-partner-fernando-alonso-in-2015-as-kevin-magnussen-is-dropped-9917148.html)

11th December 2014, 18:10
Some journalists saying they've heard that both Alonso and Button are on multi year contracts.

Maybe that's why it took so long, perhaps Button was holding out for a 2 year contract? If that's conditional on performance who can say.

11th December 2014, 18:41
Wow I honestly didn´t expect to see Jenson still around! I find this great news too! This reminds me of when Fisi stayed on in F1 after I thought he was a goner. If the Honda is any good, I think 2nd in the constructors in 2015 could be on.

Sad for K-Mag though. Taking a year out didn't do Nico Hulkenberg that much harm though.

Doc Austin
11th December 2014, 18:43
I think any performance issues will rest with McLaren or Honda. This is a really good pairing.

11th December 2014, 20:59
Glad and sad.

Glad that Button is still racing, unlike some posters here I actually rate him quite highly. Sure he is not a 'Super-star" but he is a star driver and deserves to make his own career end in F1.

Sad because Mag deserves a race seat. McLaren are keeping him as 3rd driver which is good. Remeber this is how Alonso and Massa both started i.e raced a season, were just testing in season two, then back with a bang. The problem for Mag is that McLaren possibly wont be looking at him as a racer in 2016. Some rumours abound about JB having a multi-year deal, and the spectre of Stoffel vanDoorne being groomed in GP2 for one more seaon, before replacing JB in the McLaren team must be haunting Kevin.

N. Jones
11th December 2014, 21:10
I am really happy to see this happening! I think Jensen will not have the contentious relationship Alonso had with Hamilton. Also, I wonder if Fernando has grown a bit and is looking more for a partnership than a A/B situation.

11th December 2014, 23:41
I believe I called this a few weeks ago
perhaps mclaren listened to me


12th December 2014, 05:18
What great news. I'm so stoked for the coming few seasons. Great articles about 2007 and Dennis admitting what went wrong. Finally. It needed to be said. People have talked too negatively about ALO for too long.
ALO-Ron-McLaren already in talks over the last 18 months.
Would love to have seen the faces of the VET lovers that thought Ferrari brought him in to save them, and ALO got axed. I'm on cloud 9.
I've said for them to give him a competitive car (doesn't need to be the fastest). Hopefully Macca can do it.

12th December 2014, 12:06
Wow :)

This is for those people who said that Alonso had burned his bridges and no way was he going to McL (with the 100m penalty etc) and I remember posting that in F1 nothing is forever :p:

12th December 2014, 12:53
This is for those people who said that Alonso had burned his bridges and no way was he going to McL (with the 100m penalty etc) and I remember posting that in F1 nothing is forever :p:
I was one of those people a few years ago but I am glad I was proven wrong. It became apparent after 2012 that a return to McLaren for Alonso would not be completely absurd. He put a brave face on for too long and you could tell from history that he could not possibly have been happy with the ongoing Ferrari performance. McLaren is the team he famously said in 2006 that he most wanted to drive for in F1. The team he admired as a child because of Senna and Prost. I hope this time it works out and they get their act together and give him the car he deserves. I want to see an Alonso vs Hamilton title challenge again in future!! :)

Mia 01
12th December 2014, 14:58
I´m glad that MacLaren trusted Jenson for Another couple of years. Think he can be a match for Fernando.

12th December 2014, 16:41
I wonder what St. Devote has to say about this? :idea:
Really I do! :)

donKey jote
12th December 2014, 16:46
Think he can be a match for Fernando.
Or at least a slightly better match than Kimi was... :andrea: :p

donKey jote
12th December 2014, 16:48
I wonder if Fernando has grown a bit and is looking more for a partnership than a A/B situation.
Or at least more like the partnership in the Mercedes A/B situation... :andrea: :p

I wonder if you read that article in henners' post, where both Ron's (going back on promises made to Alonso) and Ham's (even Ron hints that it was ham who started the bickering) roles in the 2007 fiasco are at last mentioned in the English press.
... It takes 3 to tango! :bandit:

12th December 2014, 17:12
I was one of those people a few years ago but I am glad I was proven wrong. It became apparent after 2012 that a return to McLaren for Alonso would not be completely absurd. He put a brave face on for too long and you could tell from history that he could not possibly have been happy with the ongoing Ferrari performance. McLaren is the team he famously said in 2006 that he most wanted to drive for in F1. The team he admired as a child because of Senna and Prost. I hope this time it works out and they get their act together and give him the car he deserves. I want to see an Alonso vs Hamilton title challenge again in future!! :)

The thing about Alonso is you always get his A game. He has been a bit of a polarizing character, but that is partly because he is so damn honest about his team, and his chances. He is also very good at testing, and assisting in the development of the car, probably underrated in this arena by many. In Jense' I really think you get about the same thing to a slightly lesser degree, but without the attitude, I mean he is a proper Brit. Personally I'll take an ounce of talent, over a pound of propriety. At any rate I would think that all concerned parties have learned from the past, and have a reasonably good game plan. I really hope the McLaren-Honda package is competitive, because inquiring minds really do want to know how loudly Fred will be booed if he makes the podium at Monza! :laugh:

12th December 2014, 17:22
Or at least a slightly better match than Kimi was... :andrea: :p

:angryfire ;)

donKey jote
12th December 2014, 22:16
:angryfire ;)
Sorry, couldn't help myself :arrows: :andrea: :bandit:

13th December 2014, 05:30

13th December 2014, 05:55
Pui...... Newcastle :grenade: :arrows:

13th December 2014, 07:04

Doc Austin
13th December 2014, 17:38
What does PUI mean?

14th December 2014, 07:18
I´m guessing it means he´s had a bit to drink haha

14th December 2014, 11:14
Button and Alonso's team photo


14th December 2014, 17:19
The thing about Alonso is you always get his A game. He has been a bit of a polarizing character, but that is partly because he is so damn honest about his team, and his chances. He is also very good at testing, and assisting in the development of the car, probably underrated in this arena by many. In Jense' I really think you get about the same thing to a slightly lesser degree, but without the attitude, I mean he is a proper Brit. Personally I'll take an ounce of talent, over a pound of propriety. At any rate I would think that all concerned parties have learned from the past, and have a reasonably good game plan. I really hope the McLaren-Honda package is competitive, because inquiring minds really do want to know how loudly Fred will be booed if he makes the podium at Monza! :laugh:

I hope they get the car right. It should be interesting to see how they do with the differences in personality and driving style. We know Fred is always in the limelight, and Jenson just quietly gets it done.

I hope no photos surface of Fred stopping at the copy shop en route to McLaren.

14th December 2014, 19:49
I hope no photos surface of Fred stopping at the copy shop en route to McLaren.
Me also, because it is common knowledge that Jessica took some naughty selfies for Fred. :eek: :p:

Doc Austin
14th December 2014, 22:27
I hope no photos surface of Fred stopping at the copy shop en route to McLaren.

I could think of much better cars to copy than the one Fred drove this year.

14th December 2014, 23:22
I could think of much better cars to copy than the one Fred drove this year.

Considering McLaren's performance this year, I wouldn't be surprised if he did.
But I'm sure Luca handed him James Allison's awesome new design for next year...

16th December 2014, 11:31

I guess we know who is #1, and #2 at McLaren, at least on a subliminal level. Or am I just being paranoid? :uhoh:

Doc Austin
16th December 2014, 16:57
Well, Jenson is standing in front of the #1 and Alonso is standing in front of the #2, so...........

16th December 2014, 17:47
Well, Jenson is standing in front of the #1 and Alonso is standing in front of the #2, so...........

;) :dork:

16th December 2014, 18:51
Me also, because it is common knowledge that Jessica took some naughty selfies for Fred. :eek: :p:

Well, that explains why Freddy lobbied so hard to have Button as his teammate. And let's be honest... who could blame him?! Woof! Woof!

17th December 2014, 07:31
I guess we know who is #1, and #2 at McLaren, at least on a subliminal level. Or am I just being paranoid? :uhoh:

The car numbers came to me later - initially I thought you meant by who has more facial hair or by who is wearing a vest inside the jacket :p:

17th December 2014, 12:40
Well, that explains why Freddy lobbied so hard to have Button as his teammate. And let's be honest... who could blame him?! Woof! Woof!
:dog: :sailor:

20th December 2014, 12:34
In terms of strength Alonso - Button seems very-very similar to Hamilton - Rosberg. In my view there is not much difference between Alonso and Hamilton in overall level, same with Rosberg and Button. So there you go.

So these two line-ups are now the joint best driver line-up on the grid. A year ago Vettel-Räikkönen would have been up there as well, but now there are a fair amount of questionmarks.

In any case, let's see if Button can fare better against Alonso than Fisichella, Massa or Räikkönen did. The plus side is that this battle takes place in McLaren and not Ferrari or Renault, which means team dynamics and car characteristics are slightly different.

20th December 2014, 13:15
Button and Alonso's team photo


How time has flown. Back in 2002 there was a bit of an argument, when Alonso nicked the Renault seat from Button as Flavio considered Alonso the more talented of the two back then. Well, can't blame him!