View Full Version : Contracts aside--who would you take: Button or Raikonnen?

10th November 2014, 18:39
A few years ago this would have been a preposterous question, but now I'm not so sure. Kimi has struggled to adapt. When Jensen went to McLaren he was very close to Lewis' pace, and even though Kevin seems to have an edge in qualifying, Button is still delivering on most Sundays.

If Button became available, would you take him over Kimi?

10th November 2014, 19:58
If Ferrari had two Kimis in their team this year, they'd be behind Force India in the constructors' championship. I really like Kimi, but boy does he blow hot and cold. He seems to only really perform at his best when he's the focus of the team's attention.
I guess the seat we're talking about here is the second Ferrari seat, alongside Vettel. If Ferrari want a second driver who will reliably rack up a stack of points, even if Vettel proves to be faster, then you've got to say that's Button rather than Raikkonen.
That will surely never happen though, I can't believe Ferrari would pay a king's ransom to give Raikkonen a year's paid holiday again.

Doc Austin
10th November 2014, 19:58
Kimmi has been utterly useless this year, and I say that as someone who was hoping he would give Fred a good run.

Button....... I don't know.

10th November 2014, 20:05
As of now, I would take Jenson Button every time.

10th November 2014, 20:15
They are very similar now, except in one aspect - Button is way better on wet.

10th November 2014, 22:25
Button does not help his cause because of his moaning ! When was the last time you heard him say anything positive about his car OR his race ?
Kimi had time out to do what all Finns enjoy rallying !
But you can't have time out and come back and expect to be on the pace ! Schumacher didn't ,and Kubitca would have had a problem too !Kimi needs somebody to understand him

11th November 2014, 01:58
Button ten years ago. Button today.

11th November 2014, 03:50
St. Devote, I mean Button :angel:

11th November 2014, 04:32
But you can't have time out and come back and expect to be on the pace !

Could have fooled me when he came back with Lotus!

On the flipside, the Ferrari MUST really be terrible.

11th November 2014, 07:55
Button does not help his cause because of his moaning ! When was the last time you heard him say anything positive about his car OR his race ?

When was the last time McLaren gave him a good car?

I don't think Jenson is that bad in that respect. Just think what Lewis is like when he's not winning.

As for Kimi, I still have faith.. I just think he's fundamentally lazy. If Ferrari build a decent car he will come to life.

Mia 01
11th November 2014, 09:01
I´m not so suprised, there´s not so many fans, on this board either, fond of Kimi. Kimi, over any other driver on the current grid.

11th November 2014, 13:45
Hard to say really. Both are rather picky when it comes to how the cars are set up, both have one WDC, and both have been paired with some of the best on the grid. I think it's fair to say that Jenson's title came in the dominant car, but he also did finish ahead of Hamilton the one year at Mclaren. Kimi just barely got his title, and the following year didn't perform nearly as well. He is now getting trashed by Fred, but it's also in a car that understeers, something Kimi has never liked. On the other hand, Button is doing well for where the Mclaren rates in terms of performance, so we really can't trash him either.

Both have had years where they were in cars capable of making it to the podium but they didn't get them there. Both have had some really great drives though as well.

Hard to pick. As a businessman think it would come down to contract details. :laugh:

But as an F1 fan, I think I would have to pick Kimi. In a straight on track fight I would favor him every time if the pair were given decent cars.

journeyman racer
11th November 2014, 14:13
Atm. Button.

11th November 2014, 14:34
Based on this year, Button.

11th November 2014, 14:53
It is true that both can be picky about car characteristics and struggle to adapt, and both are not particularly spectacular qualifiers. Though if the car is superb, they can shine. Räikkönen shone in 2005 in a spectacularly fast car. Likewise Button collected win-after-win in the great Brawn in the early stages of 2009.

In later stages of their careers Button did rather well in 2011, and Räikkönen after his comeback in Lotus 2012-13. I also think Button has been really good this year, and lack of car performances compared to Mercedes, Williams, and at times Red Bull doesn't allow him to score podiums.

Who would I take? Well, now which team or situation would we be talking about? Räikkönen has been really struggling after switching to a new team. Button has been at McLaren for 5 years - would he struggle if he switched teams now? Adapting at their age is always a questionable matter. But it is true Räikkönen's stock has taken a hit, and it would be hard to trust to sign him. At such age (34) you can't afford off-seasons any more - if you want to stay on the grid, you have to perform.

11th November 2014, 14:54
It's a difficult question. Raikkonen's inconsistency is the second biggest story of failure of the year, after Vettel's. On one hand, you can argue that Raikkonen is inferior because of his performance at Ferrari this season.

On the other hand, take a look at what he had done in 2012-2013 seasons. He was probably the most influential, the most likable F1 character of those seasons. After missing F1 for two seasons, he comes back in 2012 and scores big points in every race after the third GP and finishes third in WDC while driving a Lotus. He also did quite well in 2013 up the moment where his relations with Lotus got sore over his unpaid salary and his move to Ferrari. In 2012-2013 seasons, he enjoyed a continuous streak of 17 races between Bahrain 12 and Hungary 13, where he scored points in every race. Plus he scored two GP wins and many podiums. Then he goes to Ferrari and he is much slower than Alonso.

The way I see it, there are two issues here. First, Ferrari is a one-car team. All of Ferrari staff, including the second driver, throw all of their resources behind the car number one. Remember how many times Massa was used as a canon fodder to benefit Alonso in 2010 or 2012. Second, Alonso is such a great driver that he can put nearly anyone to shame. He could have been one of the greatest drivers of all time, and yet he scored only two paltry podium finishes this year. This proves how poor the Ferrari car is this season. So personally, I don't know if Button could have performed better than Raikkonen in the same seat. Massa did a little better last year, but if you use Alonso's performance in 2013 as the yardstick, then Alonso did somewhat better back then too, he even won a GP.

Another "argument" in favor of Raikkonen, just look at how well Massa started doing after he quit Ferrari.

11th November 2014, 15:01
It's a difficult question. Raikkonen's inconsistency is the second biggest story of failure of the year, after Vettel's. On one hand, you can argue that Raikkonen is inferiour because of his performance at Ferrari this year. On the other hand, take a look at what he had done in 2012-2013 seasons. By far, he was probably the most influential, the most likable driver of those seasons. After missing F1 for two seasons, he comes back in 2012 and scores points in every race after the third GP and finishes third in WDC. He did quite well in 2013 up the moment where his relations with Lotus got sore over his unpaid salary and his move to Ferrari. In 2012-2013 seasons, he enjoyed a streak of 17 races between Bahrain 12 and Hungary 13, where he scored points in every race. Plus many podiums, 2 GP wins. Then he goes to Ferrari and he is much slower than Alonso.

The way I see it, there are two issues here. First, Ferrari is a one car team. They all, including the second driver, throw all of their resources behind the car number 1. Remember how many times Massa was used as a canon fodder to benefit Alonso. Second, Alonso is such a great driver he can put nearly everyone to shame. He could have been one of the greatest drivers of all time, and yet he scored only two paltry podium finishes this year. This proves how poor the Ferrari car is this season. So personally, I don't know if Button could have performed better than Raikkonen in the same seat.

If the question is about hiring Button into Ferrari, I have to say I would not be completely confident Button can go well in that "thing". It looks like there are not many drivers, who could tame this difficult car as well or anywhere near as well as Alonso.

Though the situation for 2015 will have slightly changed. The intra-team dynamics change with Vettel joining and Alonso leaving. Plus the first car with proper Technical Director James Allison influence. But I am unsure, how much the car characteristics will be altered with this new design.

The Black Knight
12th November 2014, 11:35
Button any day of the week. No matter what the car that has been provided to him over the last number of years he has always found a way of driving it to a reasonable level which is more that can be said for Raikkonen. If we were talking about ten years ago I'd have chosen Raikkonen. Today - definitely Button.

12th November 2014, 13:20
Button vs Kimi? Button for certain! Kimi has been nothing this year. While Button hasn't been spectacular, he's been solid.

12th November 2014, 15:32
Wait a second. I am confused. Which Kimi are we talking about? The Raikkonen or the Raikonnen? It's a very important question.

12th November 2014, 17:51
If I have someone within the team that can keep Kimi interested & motivated - then Kimi.
If I need a second driver to contribute points to help get the constructors title - then Button.
If I'm looking for some flash & headlines to attract some specific sponsors - then Kimi.
If I'm looking to widen my team's support in the UK - then Button.

so...ummm....what's the criteria we're basing this on again?

Doc Austin
12th November 2014, 18:20
If I am going to get drunk on my ass, I am taking Kimmi with me.