View Full Version : Fairies and all that fantasy stuff

Hazell B
18th April 2007, 22:00
Do you believe in anything like fairies, elves and witches?

This morning on the TV news there was a section about hawthorn hedges being so early in to flower this year and it mentioned that Hawthorn is the natural home of fairies. They are said to protect the hedge owner from bad things.

I sell about 700-1000 Hawthorn a year and have over 1000 more on my land's boundaries. I'm currently pricking tiny baby seedlings from the hedge to grow as second generation hedges for my land. Am I annoying or pleasing the fairies, I wonder? :p :

Santa's real as we all know, but what about all the other 'fantasy' creatures out there? Does the Easter Bunny go clubbing with some elves and pixies do you think? :p :

18th April 2007, 22:03
I firmly believe Eskimos are real. As for the other things, no.

18th April 2007, 22:15
Personally I dont believe in all that kind of stuff but fair play to the guy that designed that mumified fairy as an April fool's joke. Alot of people still refuse to believe it was all hoax.

Hazel, have you ever made that jelly stuff out of Hawthorn berries that Ray Mears did recently on his cooking show?

18th April 2007, 22:22
Does believing in the Flying Spaghetti Monster count?

18th April 2007, 22:56
Does believing in the Flying Spaghetti Monster count?

A pastafarian here?

19th April 2007, 00:18
I believe in Tories. I've read that they've been sighted in Scotland on very rare occasions, and quite often in Southern England, particularly in gardens on summer evenings. Being from Yorkshire, I've never seen one, but I truly believe they exist.

19th April 2007, 04:49
I believe that there's someone for everyone, somewhere. :p :

19th April 2007, 09:07
Don't you watch Torchwood...?

Those fairies are bad buggers....! ;)

19th April 2007, 09:33
I believe that there's someone for everyone, somewhere. :p :


Captain VXR
19th April 2007, 09:39
I only believe about aliens - ghosts, vampires, fairies etc dont exist

19th April 2007, 10:18

In Oily's basement? :\

19th April 2007, 10:44
In Oily's basement? :\

Oh, um, well, um... I'll have to rescue her then!

Hazell B
19th April 2007, 14:11
I believe in Tories. Being from Yorkshire, I've never seen one, but I truly believe they exist.

I'm one :wave:
Although our Labour guy's pretty damned good now, and basically a Tory, so I may swap and vote for him next time :mark:

Grid Girl, no I've never made hawthorn jelly. It sounds like a lot of hard work just for rotten teeth :p : Anyway, the fairies wouldn't like me wasting their berries ;)

19th April 2007, 14:27
I had a dream once about a beautiful fairy .....
she became human sized & shared my bed .....
She was fantastic ! :rotflmao:

Do I believe in fairies ?
Well, I find myself wanting to .... ;)

19th April 2007, 14:34
I had a dream once about a beautiful fairy .....
she became human sized & shared my bed .....
She was fantastic ! :rotflmao:

Do I believe in fairies ?
Well, I find myself wanting to .... ;)
I bet you'd been watching Peter Pan and you were dreaming about Tinkerbell.
;) :laugh: