View Full Version : How dangerous our roads are sometimes and also watch out every second!

15th October 2014, 20:46
This happened in August at Aalter here in Belgium..


Luckily she survived this very big crash, unbelievable even...

But it shows how dangerous it can be out there..

16th October 2014, 22:45
Yes, roads can be dangerous when you veer across two lanes to get to an off ramp. Amazing she survived, hope she learned a lesson though.

17th October 2014, 13:28
I was expecting to post about how stupid she was. But I can see what happened, and how she would have been caught out by the stationary traffic. That said if you're turning off the motorway you get into Lane 1 in plenty of time, thus avoiding this sort of thing.

I wouldn't say that indicates the roads are dangerous, as the crash was entirely of her own making.

17th October 2014, 14:26
The way I was taught is that it takes about 400-500 metres for a car going 120 to overtake a truck going 80. So as you approach the 400 metres sign you should stop overtaking and start merging into lane 1. Then you have plenty of time to merge in.

17th October 2014, 14:51
In that situation you never know what's going to be lane 1 anyway, even if there wasn't a junction coming up there could have been a lorry just travelling along.