View Full Version : WRC Catalunya Costa Daurada 2014

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7th July 2014, 12:22
Some friends of mine are thinking to follow the rally from close.i know that in france and germany the measures are really strict for spectators.you can not watch the rally from any place you want but just from <spectators points> defined by the organizers.i would like to know if things are the same for rally spain.here in greece spectators are free to go where they want with only very few limitations(exit of corners etc).thanks in advance!!

7th July 2014, 12:40
i know that in france and germany the measures are really strict for spectators.you can not watch the rally from any place you want but just from <spectators points> defined by the organizers

Correction about Germany. It is possible to go to your own location in Germany, just it in some places it's harder than at others.

7th July 2014, 12:40
You have enough freedom in Spain. Although it is a bit more strict than Greece ;)

11th October 2014, 01:06
I see that threads for Wales and Sweden rallyes started even before the next rally in the championship. Not much expectation.
Anyway, all information is ready for those who want to attend it:


No surprises. For those who visit it every year we are running out of spots.

11th October 2014, 01:09
rally guide


and entry list


11th October 2014, 01:48
No surprises. For those who visit it every year we are running out of spots.

Indeed, especially the tarmac stages, difficult to find some new spots :) However, still looking forward to it. 4th year in a row.

11th October 2014, 15:09
Hoping there's some interesting spots on the Escaldai stage, does anyone know if there's access to the hairpins on the gandesa stage or do you have walk in from the finish?

11th October 2014, 16:24
You can get to the 'big one'. Not really a hairpin but we almost drove until there few years ago. If its wet, however very difficult to get or get away from that road.
More easy to take the access road to the right corner after that left hairpin. Few minutes from normal road and than walk back over the stage to the hairpins.

I like the look of the last part of Escaladei, tight road, not the typical Catalunya highway roads ;)

12th October 2014, 12:55
last descend from Escaladei to the finish is the place to be. it is narrow, broken, dirty. that piece of road is as it was 15 years ago.
for the hairpins in Gandesa you can reach them by walking less than 800 metres from a gravel road acces.

Atob WRC
12th October 2014, 19:45
last descend from Escaladei to the finish is the place to be. it is narrow, broken, dirty. that piece of road is as it was 15 years ago.
for the hairpins in Gandesa you can reach them by walking less than 800 metres from a gravel road acces.

We will have to look for a dirty place!!!

Hope enjoy a good rally!


13th October 2014, 00:31
I'm considering making a last minute dash for this as I have some holidays to use, so Thursday and Friday possible.

Is the entry just those 74? No historics, no 'national' rally or anything? Long wait from first to second passes if not.

13th October 2014, 09:13
No the 74 cars are everything that drives there. Just switch between the stages, than you don't have to wait that long :) I think we'll do 4 stages on Friday, 4 on Saturday and 2 on Sunday.

13th October 2014, 18:19
I read somewhere that classic rally cars will pass between 2 runs on Saturday but not competitively

13th October 2014, 23:05
Ah yes, i missed that.

The historic vehicles are back at the RallyRACC
After pausing for two editions, a selection of historic cars will be again at the RallyRACC, to show the protagonists of the World Championship from a couple of decades ago, from Group B to Group 4 and Group 2 cars, some of them unique machines with the decoration and the names of the drivers that drove them back then. These vehicles, the list of which will be announced at a later date, will be exhibited on Friday next to the podium in Salou and on Saturday and Sunday will be covering all the stages between the two passages of the rally cars.

15th October 2014, 00:56
Anybody an idea where this jump is?

https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/v/t1.0-9/s720x720/576552_10151945797913641_1044567813_n.jpg?oh=28cda 29eba07fb760dc38878b2bb721c&oe=54B7E909&__gda__=1422155525_4d7f02c00bf71a29bb39518e0b880de 0

15th October 2014, 15:34
Is that the section about 1 km before gravel meets the Tarmac on terra alta, looks like it! It's a very good section

16th October 2014, 10:36
It can also be north part of Pesells. The photo is specially good because when you see a video of this area, it doesn't look that great.

16th October 2014, 10:37
Some photos from tests for Catalunya:


16th October 2014, 17:33
VW seems to have interesting gadgets on their front and rear bumpers on those testing pictures. Wonder what's their purpose...

17th October 2014, 11:32
VW seems to have interesting gadgets on their front and rear bumpers on those testing pictures. Wonder what's their purpose...

i dont know what they are, but if you look carefully you can see they are shining a light on the ground. I dont think they are the latest in light-pod technology though!

17th October 2014, 12:16
VW seems to have interesting gadgets on their front and rear bumpers on those testing pictures. Wonder what's their purpose...

It's optical device to measure speeds in different axes. It's common thing used in car development (both stock and competition), we even had it on the university to measure some dynamic properties (a bit different radar one). As it measures real speed it can for example be used to determine the wheelspin. It's very useful.

See for example: http://www.corrsys-datron.com/optical_sensors.htm

17th October 2014, 15:01
Block went off at test today :)

https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfa1/v/t1.0-9/1601156_10152552041818952_8103075714878415740_n.jp g?oh=61f61e6d2cd40cbc744cb58955cac195&oe=54B29DEA&__gda__=1425440353_94bf615b09fb8617810aab34f6760d7 3

17th October 2014, 15:28
Flat out for andreas!

17th October 2014, 15:35
It's optical device to measure speeds in different axes. It's common thing used in car development (both stock and competition), we even had it on the university to measure some dynamic properties (a bit different radar one). As it measures real speed it can for example be used to determine the wheelspin. It's very useful.

See for example: http://www.corrsys-datron.com/optical_sensors.htm

When i was writing my post, I thought "I bet Mirek will know"!!!

17th October 2014, 18:15
Block went off at test today :)

https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfa1/v/t1.0-9/1601156_10152552041818952_8103075714878415740_n.jp g?oh=61f61e6d2cd40cbc744cb58955cac195&oe=54B29DEA&__gda__=1425440353_94bf615b09fb8617810aab34f6760d7 3
And here is the video.

17th October 2014, 18:41
Block went off at test today :)

https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfa1/v/t1.0-9/1601156_10152552041818952_8103075714878415740_n.jp g?oh=61f61e6d2cd40cbc744cb58955cac195&oe=54B29DEA&__gda__=1425440353_94bf615b09fb8617810aab34f6760d7 3

seems the same that tested Kubica (PX60AUW) with the new facelifted front

17th October 2014, 20:53
It's optical device to measure speeds in different axes.

Interesting, thanks. I wondered about similar light under Impreza back in the days when Burns was still with us but at that time nobody knew what it was (and very few noticed it). Perhaps it was similar contraption, after all - active tech was still legal those days.

17th October 2014, 22:44
seems the same that tested Kubica (PX60AUW) with the new facelifted front

Well, that wasn´t much of an off...

18th October 2014, 19:54
Block went off at test today :)

https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfa1/v/t1.0-9/1601156_10152552041818952_8103075714878415740_n.jp g?oh=61f61e6d2cd40cbc744cb58955cac195&oe=54B29DEA&__gda__=1425440353_94bf615b09fb8617810aab34f6760d7 3

America's Best Rally Superstar doing what he does best.
As I read somewhere "a rally God"....

Todd Ortiz
19th October 2014, 05:46
Greetings! My lady and I will be in Salou for the WRC Rally de Espana next weekend. If any other English speaking fans would like to meet up and assist a pair of rookie American spectators we would really appreciate it!

20th October 2014, 09:07
Apparently, Ken Block is "one to watch" in Spain, according to WRC.com. Here are the opening sentences of the article:


Here is the rest, if you dare: http://www.wrc.com/en/wrc/news/october/ken-block/page/1862--12-12-.html

Wow. Just...wow. Words fail me.

20th October 2014, 09:19
In fairness, his quotes in there are perfectly reasonable.

20th October 2014, 09:28
In fairness, his quotes in there are perfectly reasonable.

For sure, but he's hardly "one to watch".

20th October 2014, 09:38
I don't see why not, might as well watch him now whilst you have the chance to. If that column is only for potential winners then 'one to watch' would be Ogier or Latvala before every rally. Alternatively, watch Hirvonen in one of his last two WRC events ;)

20th October 2014, 10:27
Flat out for andreas!
If Andreas will be allowed to win, doeas this mean a drivers championship NOW is decided? Latvala not allowed to win a championship and doesn't need win rally's and in this case anyone allow to win a next two rally?

20th October 2014, 10:30
a little quiz from wrc backruners...

who will be faster on stages? 1) Protasov 2)Block
who will finish a rally higher? 1) Protasov 2)Block

I think 2) and 1) :)

20th October 2014, 10:34
If Andreas will be allowed to win, doeas this mean a drivers championship NOW is decided? Latvala not allowed to win a championship and doesn't need win rally's and in this case anyone allow to win a next two rally?

Where does it say Latvala is not allowed to win? I think Latvala and Ogier may not allow Mikkelsen to win... With manu title secured of course VW can let all of their drivers to fight for the event victories.

20th October 2014, 11:52
a little quiz from wrc backruners...

who will be faster on stages? 1) Protasov 2)Block
who will finish a rally higher? 1) Protasov 2)Block

I think 2) and 1) :)

the correct answer to these questions is...

nobody cares.

20th October 2014, 12:20
the correct answer to these questions is...

nobody cares.


20th October 2014, 12:31
Where does it say Latvala is not allowed to win? I think Latvala and Ogier may not allow Mikkelsen to win... With manu title secured of course VW can let all of their drivers to fight for the event victories.
Look at standings. JML doesn't have too much chances too win a title by not winning a rally. If Mikkelsen is allowed by VW to win a rally it's mean that JML not win (simple) = not winning a title = Ogier two times champion. If Mikkelsen push a bit harder at France... we probably could see JML in a ditch.

2N.O.T - don't watch a rally, come 17 November and find out who champion

20th October 2014, 12:52
Look at standings. JML doesn't have too much chances too win a title by not winning a rally. If Mikkelsen is allowed by VW to win a rally it's mean that JML not win (simple) = not winning a title = Ogier two times champion. If Mikkelsen push a bit harder at France... we probably could see JML in a ditch.

2N.O.T - don't watch a rally, come 17 November and find out who champion

Why would VW handicap Mikkelsen in favour of Latvala? Manu title is settled, so they let all three drivers push as hard as they will. Fair play. Latvala's chances for title are purely theoretical anyway. It's possible, but very unlikely.

20th October 2014, 12:59
it could be a scenario there ogier is of the road again, latvala wins, ogier takes 3p on ps, then they are equal.
I dont know if mikkelsen is potensial to push much more without a mistake, but hopefully he can put some pressure on the two other guys.
Maybe the first real mesurment on the actual speed between the VW boys?

20th October 2014, 21:50
the correct answer to these questions is...

nobody cares.

:DWell, apparently someone does. I wonder something else though, these 2 drivers are very, very different in character. Block is competing only for the show, while this is not the case with Protasov.

20th October 2014, 23:35
Weather forecast:

Basically nothing to say. It looks extremely boring. temperature close to +20 (little less in the morning and little more in the afternoon. Absolutely no rain in forecast and only problem can be some dust during the first morning. But it is too early to say that.

So, we can expect Ogier loose some time, Latvala little less and Mikkelsen even less and I put my money on Meeke to have solid lead after day 1.
This year has been very dry fro tarmac rallies. We have had only 1.5 properly wet stages for WR Cars in Germany and that is all.

20th October 2014, 23:39
Sordo is in a good position as well, quite far down the starting list on the gravel stages.

20th October 2014, 23:43
Dust can turn into advantage for Ogier if it reduces visibility for drivers behind.It has happened before.

21st October 2014, 18:58
Yazeed withdraws from the rally:

21st October 2014, 21:31
All the course is available in 3D animation on RallyVista:
http://i39.servimg.com/u/f39/15/38/23/21/presrv21.jpg (http://servimg.com/image_preview.php?i=1117&u=15382321)


23rd October 2014, 11:35
Shakedown results:

Rally Hokkaido
23rd October 2014, 11:38
It must have been a boring shakedown - so many times close and Kris Meeke not even bothered to drive fast?

Mk2 RS2000
23rd October 2014, 12:03
It must have been a boring shakedown - so many times close and Kris Meeke not even bothered to drive fast?

Seen some footage that looked like once around a roundabout then down a skinny straight road with three tyre bundle chicanes to a 90 degree left and finish. Pretty damn pointless unless you wear your cap backwards and think that the fast and the furious is real life.

23rd October 2014, 12:53
Anyone who knows if there is a Rally spectator bus from Salou(Port Aventura) to Friday stages?
It looks like there is a 70 km distance between Salou and the stages.
This will not be cheap with taxi :0

23rd October 2014, 13:40
Dont know but you better rent a car! ;)

https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xaf1/v/t1.0-9/1455928_796037730439622_6454302701473413204_n.jpg? oh=1a13f092ecaafab239cccc170579aae2&oe=54EDFF2D&__gda__=1424770899_a301865953a19dd00f99329baf862f0 3

23rd October 2014, 14:40
It must have been a boring shakedown - so many times close and Kris Meeke not even bothered to drive fast?

Crews have a set allocation of tires which needs to cover Shakedown, SS1 in Barcelona and all of gravel stages on Friday. Meeke maybe playing a very smart tire preservation game. Look very closely at Kris's early splits on SS2, I will not be surprised to see an immediate push.

23rd October 2014, 15:03
https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/10593097_725547800866525_8327304518255699354_n.jpg ?oh=2f8defd5d9fe92114281507eb941916b&oe=54AD6BC5&__gda__=1424932527_21e2746c5e53a8403e5e57372818dfa 1

https://scontent-a-mad.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xap1/v/t1.0-9/10514479_725547604199878_7554850102018954268_n.jpg ?oh=44d922fd94f2310a1abc35c9e04474d7&oe=54B49A8D

https://scontent-b-mad.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/1622852_725547520866553_6672888851842700722_n.jpg? oh=4f3d12335065404b0749e0ea0b710fa5&oe=54AE1939

Some more at http://facebook.com/rallymedia !

23rd October 2014, 15:55
There is NO Citroen stickers in DS 3 WRC´s (sidepanels. rearspoiler and frontglass), because DS is not citroen anymore. Car is officially DS 3 or DS Spirit depending on market. (not DS3)
DS is own PSA brand like Lexus/Toyota.
I went to Paris autoexpo and there were DS cars without citroen wings in front grill.

23rd October 2014, 17:41
There is NO Citroen stickers in DS 3 WRC´s (sidepanels. rearspoiler and frontglass), because DS is not citroen anymore. Car is officially DS 3 or DS Spirit depending on market. (not DS3)
DS is own PSA brand like Lexus/Toyota.
I went to Paris autoexpo and there were DS cars without citroen wings in front grill.

This is not the case with drivers overalls though


23rd October 2014, 18:27
Link for the SSS live at BT Sport 2:

Now the preview show is on

23rd October 2014, 19:23
SSS running ;)

23rd October 2014, 19:57
Didn't Novikov get excluded for running too worn tarmac tires in Spain a few years ago?

Not sure if gravel tires are under the same rules...

Meeke not impressed by the VW's anyway.

23rd October 2014, 20:12
Yeah.. Mikkelsen had complete slicks by the end of the stage.. this is pretty clear advantage on that stage apart from one corner.

23rd October 2014, 20:35
Didn't Novikov get excluded for running too worn tarmac tires in Spain a few years ago?

Not sure if gravel tires are under the same rules...

Meeke not impressed by the VW's anyway.

Not sure about Novikov but Škoda Italia works driver Scandola was excluded for exactly same thing this year in Italian championship (the rules basically say that the pattern must be all the time road-legal). It was on city stage of San Marino.

This rule is very controversial because if it shall be really applied than plenty of drivers would be excluded on every rally with too worn tyres. Now it's like random picking of somebody to punish with a random penalty. I hate it. Why Loeb got away with it on Cyprus and some others shall not? Who says who can breach the rule and who not?

23rd October 2014, 20:39
Either have the rule, and strictly enforce it; or don't. At the moment it's a grey area - and not fair.

23rd October 2014, 21:15
For such mistake there should be financial penalty. Philosophically you waste your tyres and it has impact to environment. So, when you have all four tires too worned then you get 5000 eur penalty during your first breach, when it happens for the second time, then you get 25 000 EUR, third time in a year is exclusion. There is another question. How was it possible that you worned them on the public roads? is it allowed to drive like this?

23rd October 2014, 21:49
Philosophically you waste your tyres and it has impact to environment.

Yes and the fastest driver also spent more fuel so he must also pay for damaging the environment http://www.democraticunderground.com/emoticons/facepalm.gif

Andre Oliveira
23rd October 2014, 21:59
Photos here (http://ewrc-results.com/foto.php?e=13902&t=Rally-RACC-Catalunya-Costa-Daurada-2014)


23rd October 2014, 22:03
Yes and the fastest driver also spent more fuel so he must also pay for damaging the environment http://www.democraticunderground.com/emoticons/facepalm.gif
I think it is not the case on the stage but the case while he was trying to make his tires slick. He spent less time for sliding on the stage;-)

23rd October 2014, 22:59
any video from the first stage?dont tell me wrcplus.

Fast Eddie WRC
23rd October 2014, 23:27
Re VW tyres 'slick-trick' - what was to stop every driver doing this, unless the rest all thought it was illegal.. ?

23rd October 2014, 23:38
Re VW tyres 'slick-trick' - what was to stop every driver doing this, unless the rest all thought it was illegal.. ?

It IS illegal.

The only problem is that it's very rarely punished (and the more weird such cases are). Don't get me wrong. It was used in the past (for example by Loeb on Cyprus) but also from time to time somebody is picked to by excluded.

Fast Eddie WRC
23rd October 2014, 23:40

23rd October 2014, 23:50

23rd October 2014, 23:55

23rd October 2014, 23:59
very nice photos from borl

24th October 2014, 09:36
and we re-start 1st day... SS2 is Live

24th October 2014, 09:36
Rally is on, let's see who is going to be the fastest man on gravel. Fingers crossed for Kris:)

24th October 2014, 09:38
Splits in Citroen website working this time:

24th October 2014, 09:43
Mikkelsen still fastest VW

24th October 2014, 09:47
Good performance from Huyndai. Hope Sordo will make good gap from gravel stages today

24th October 2014, 10:05
Something wrong with Latvala? missing from WRC+

24th October 2014, 10:06
nah. back

24th October 2014, 10:06
Something wrong with Latvala? missing from WRC+

nothing wrong, only GPS off

24th October 2014, 10:15
Max Vatanen's time is not correct on SS1 ? Or he has take short cut somewhere...

24th October 2014, 10:18
Dust finally coming into contention?

24th October 2014, 10:18
Something wrong with Kris on SS3; loosing quite a lot of time on second split?

24th October 2014, 10:20
Something wrong with Kris on SS3; loosing quite a lot of time on second split?

Yeah, hopefully just a spin or like, not a puncture...

24th October 2014, 10:20
Meeke dropping big time.

24th October 2014, 10:21
Loosing even more on third split, not looking good:(

24th October 2014, 10:23
Puncture maybe, hope so.

24th October 2014, 10:23
Meeke stopped in stage

24th October 2014, 10:25
Do people think dust is unfair or just part of the game?

24th October 2014, 10:25
Neuville takes lead by 0,1s :eek:

24th October 2014, 10:25
Or is still moving, but at very low speed, dust playing some role for Ostberg now?

24th October 2014, 10:26
Do people think dust is unfair or just part of the game?

A little bit of both, I'd rather not have it though as it's so frustrating to drivers

24th October 2014, 10:27
Can be dangerous as well I guess. Agree, rather not have it.

24th October 2014, 10:31
Puncture for Meeke

24th October 2014, 10:31
Double puncture.

24th October 2014, 10:33
Presume Ostberg can't lend Meeke a wheel?

24th October 2014, 10:38
Is there any reason why Jari-Matti is slow this morning?

24th October 2014, 10:39
Rhythm will be mentioned : )

24th October 2014, 10:40
Very good pace by Paddon

24th October 2014, 10:41
Besttime for Hayden, taking third overall !!!

24th October 2014, 10:46
Meeke out for the day?

24th October 2014, 10:49
Meeke out for the day?

ouf of contention thats for sure...

24th October 2014, 10:51
Meeke out for the day?

Citroen seems to have comfirmed that:(

24th October 2014, 10:52
Retired for the day. Shame, could've been a good event for him and us. :(

24th October 2014, 10:52
Retired for the day. Shame, could've been a good event for him.

like so many events this year-(mexico,portugal,poland,italy)....unlucky

24th October 2014, 10:57
like so many events this year-(mexico,portugal,poland,italy)....unlucky

Perhaps not so 'unlucky'.

The tyres don't traditionally get too many punctures these days without some sort of 'encouragement' from a wall or similar.

Lets see.

24th October 2014, 10:58
Perhaps not so 'unlucky'.

The tyres don't traditionally get too many punctures these days without some sort of 'encouragement' from a wall or similar.

Lets see.

true true, well we'll see at the end of the day.

24th October 2014, 10:59
Paddon, very nice.

24th October 2014, 11:07
seems Jari has stopped on SS4...at least that's what i see in WRC+ Edit:
Sorry my WRC+ bad.

24th October 2014, 11:10
Sousa doesn't have time on stage 3, what happened with him? Nasser quickest trough in WRC2

24th October 2014, 11:11
Sousa doesn't have time on stage 3, what happened with him? Nasser quickest trough in WRC2

Sousa Stopped

24th October 2014, 11:11
Sousa doesn't have time on stage 3, what happened with him? Nasser quickest trough in WRC2

From WRC.com live text:

That's a disaster for the WRC2 title contender. Puncture?

24th October 2014, 11:14
It isn't Nasser with besttime on SS3, it is Carl Kruuda, my mistake;)

24th October 2014, 11:15
It isn't Nasser with besttime on SS3, it is Carl Kruuda, my mistake;)

Karl Kruda ;)

24th October 2014, 11:19
Ostberg with a 4 minute gap and swept road should set a decent time now, if ever! Really looking forward to Paddon's run

24th October 2014, 11:22
Ostberg with a 4 minute gap and swept road should set a decent time now, if ever! Really looking forward to Paddon's run

6 minute gap

24th October 2014, 11:23
WRC+ today is disaster...

24th October 2014, 11:24
WRC+ today is disaster...
that's an understatment

24th October 2014, 11:24
Bad time for Latvalla

24th October 2014, 11:24

24th October 2014, 11:25
WRC+ today is disaster...

I must agree, dots are jumping around like in a circus. I am going to get rid of it if it doesnt become better

24th October 2014, 11:25

24th October 2014, 11:25
6 minute gap

Wow, ok - too early in the morning for my brain to compute! Even more of an opportunity

24th October 2014, 11:27
Bad time for Latvalla

Yeah, that's no way to challenge for the title...

Fast Eddie WRC
24th October 2014, 11:28
Noooooooo ... last night Breen in the ERC, this morning Meeke ! :(


24th October 2014, 11:29
Puncture for Mikkelsen

24th October 2014, 11:33
Ogier is doing very good at this long stage, especially by the end of the stage.

24th October 2014, 11:34
Neuville complaining about incredible dusty sections

24th October 2014, 11:36
Paddon stopped

24th October 2014, 11:37
In WRC+ Meeke is still running on stage 4, what a farce is this. Was working quite ok in previous rally's, but now just not working at all:(

Fast Eddie WRC
24th October 2014, 11:38
Paddon off !! :(

24th October 2014, 11:38
Strange situation between splits 3 and 4, Ogier is loosing time to Neuville and Ostberg, and then suddenly he is much faster, must be really very dusty section over there.

24th October 2014, 11:39
These guys don't know what dust is compared to what we run in Summer here in Australia. I've been car 2 in a rally here and booked in 3 min early so I wouldn't have any dust. 38km stage and we won it with the 3 min penalty included.


24th October 2014, 11:39
Paddon off !! :(
He was maybe a little bit over enthousiast?

24th October 2014, 11:39
Paddon moving again. Propably puncture

24th October 2014, 11:41
Changing a wheel. Going again.

24th October 2014, 11:43
Between splits 3 and 4 Ogier is the master, picking up huge time on everyone else.

24th October 2014, 11:44
Changing a wheel. Going again.

Good, so he din't went off after all;)

24th October 2014, 11:45
Ogi put many boys in silence again :D

24th October 2014, 11:46
Xavi Pons has beated time of Kruda on stage 3, very close fight in WRC2

24th October 2014, 11:50
Between splits 3 and 4 Ogier is the master, picking up huge time on everyone else.

Guess that was the dustiest part then. Lucky man.

24th October 2014, 11:53
Between splits 3 and 4 Ogier is the master, picking up huge time on everyone else.

SS4 Terra Alta 1 (gravel & asphalt)

Probably tarmac secton begin on that splits

24th October 2014, 11:58
Paddon loosing about 5min+ to Ogier

24th October 2014, 12:00
Guess that was the dustiest part then. Lucky man.

I wreckon it could have been a tarmac section, Kubica was the one who lost the least amount of time.

24th October 2014, 12:12
Karl Kruda went off the road:(

24th October 2014, 12:16
Where is Lefevbre ????

24th October 2014, 12:25
Paddon went off (spin and then hit the bank) on the first corner and got two puntures as a result

24th October 2014, 12:33
Where is Lefevbre ????
He went off as well

24th October 2014, 12:56
It is a pity that driving doesn't matter that much for the first 3 stages.

24th October 2014, 13:21
Gilbert Quentin is taking quite big lead in WRC4

24th October 2014, 13:51
Gotta love Kruuda's spirit - any points at all if he can keep going will keep WRC2 fight open for WRGB with Ketomaa and Kruuda playing catch up behind Nasser! Meanwhile, Nasser now looks to have this one in the bag after 4 stages!

Fast Eddie WRC
24th October 2014, 13:53
Good, so he din't went off after all;)

Paddon went off (spin and then hit the bank) on the first corner and got two puntures as a result

So he DID go off ...

24th October 2014, 13:58
So he DID go off ...
Apparently he went off in one of first corners, later on he had puncture, so not good result for him.:(

24th October 2014, 14:02
Kruuda's car:


Fast Eddie WRC
24th October 2014, 14:04
His car reaches the stop control in terrible shape; its rear windows are gone, the front is smashed in, but after twice retiring on the opening day in Spain, the Estonian is determined to keep going "There was a big dip in the road, and I guess I didn't brake enough," he explained. "The car did a nose dive, I couldn't turn and we slid into ditch. But we try to keep going. There was no way in hell I was going to retire three times in a f***ing row. :D

24th October 2014, 14:09
His car reaches the stop control in terrible shape; its rear windows are gone, the front is smashed in, but after twice retiring on the opening day in Spain, the Estonian is determined to keep going "There was a big dip in the road, and I guess I didn't brake enough," he explained. "The car did a nose dive, I couldn't turn and we slid into ditch. But we try to keep going. There was no way in hell I was going to retire three times in a f***ing row. :D

Fighting talk! Only way to go.

24th October 2014, 14:09

24th October 2014, 14:10
If Kruuda would retire this day, his penalty would be 8min less than this +22min ...

24th October 2014, 14:30
Sousa's car looking really bad

24th October 2014, 14:48
Stage 5 will be live soon, let's see if it can bring some excitement;)

24th October 2014, 14:56
Gotta love Kruuda's spirit - any points at all if he can keep going will keep WRC2 fight open for WRGB with Ketomaa and Kruuda playing catch up behind Nasser! Meanwhile, Nasser now looks to have this one in the bag after 4 stages!
He lost at one stahe MORE then he get a SupeRally penalty (only 20min). He lose 21min and don't know how much loose aon 2nd loop

24th October 2014, 14:58
Splits not working once more on WRC.com:(

24th October 2014, 15:01
Stage 5 will be live soon, let's see if it can bring some excitement;)

live where as BT Sport or did you just mean live as gonna start soon?

24th October 2014, 15:03
live where as BT Sport or did you just mean live as gonna start soon?
I meant live as gonna start soon.:D

24th October 2014, 15:04
I meant live as gonna start soon.:D
ok,shame it's not live like the last rally...

24th October 2014, 15:11
Evans went off??

24th October 2014, 15:13
He is going

24th October 2014, 15:24
Loosing about a minute in the adventure

24th October 2014, 15:35
That's a LOT of dust

https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/v/t1.0-9/10675599_10204689931238870_8777535347911010279_n.j pg?oh=1b7c4a30705c8679f12f8bc432bf24f7&oe=54AB52F0&__gda__=1424152741_f60e6623af343d83d8927435dc92278 9

24th October 2014, 15:37
And no results whatsoever...

24th October 2014, 15:42
Best time for Neuville sofar

24th October 2014, 15:46
HAve wrc.com forgot SS6 split times???!!!!

24th October 2014, 15:47
HAve wrc.com forgot SS6 split times???!!!!
check here, everything works fine

24th October 2014, 15:47
HAve wrc.com forgot SS6 split times???!!!!
They forget a lot of things:D

24th October 2014, 15:47
Don't know, splits are working fine on the app though.

24th October 2014, 15:48
Evans off again???

24th October 2014, 15:49
now definitly

24th October 2014, 15:50
check here, everything works fine

Thanks! Looks good!

24th October 2014, 15:52
Sordo loosing lots of time

24th October 2014, 15:54
Sordo loosing lots of time

He lost all at the first split. His speed is ok.

24th October 2014, 15:56
If i understood correctly, Sordo started the stage too late, he tought he had another minute but his time was running allready?

24th October 2014, 15:57

Mistake from co-driver

24th October 2014, 15:58
Never heard something like this in the past

Fast Eddie WRC
24th October 2014, 15:58
Morning video with Meeke trouble and some having moments: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gdiw4cNBcCU&feature=youtu.be

24th October 2014, 16:01
What's the name of the new stage end reporter on WRC Live? He's quite good.

24th October 2014, 16:03
Morning video with Meeke trouble and some having moments: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gdiw4cNBcCU&feature=youtu.be

No wonder he´s out having that massive push!

24th October 2014, 16:06
What's the name of the new stage end reporter on WRC Live? He's quite good.

It's Howard Davies, ex-co driver and TV presenter in Ralio+ (wales tv program)

Fast Eddie WRC
24th October 2014, 16:06
What's the name of the new stage end reporter on WRC Live? He's quite good.

Sounds like Howard Davies - Welsh TV guy... easier to understand than the Scots, George & Colin. :)

http://www.retro-speed.co.uk/CMS-Images/m_4090001_Rallyday2014-Howard%20Davies%20interviews%20Elfyn%20Evans%20on% 20the%20start%20of%20the%20rally%20stage.JPG

24th October 2014, 16:07
Thanks guys.

Fast Eddie WRC
24th October 2014, 16:12
Evans retired.. :(

Elfyn ran wide on SS6 and went off the road. With damage to the radiator of his Fiesta, the Welshman will unfortunately go no further today.

24th October 2014, 16:13
pretty stupid location to hold a gravel event...

24th October 2014, 16:16

24th October 2014, 16:17
Ken Block still survives !!!!!!

Fast Eddie WRC
24th October 2014, 16:23
Bad day for the Brits - and they have missed a chance for more gravel miles today ahead of Rally GB.

Rally 2 for them on tarmac not much help...

24th October 2014, 16:23
Ken Block still survives !!!!!!

who do you think will crash first kubica or block? honestly if Block would compete for a full season you could do a pickems for it.

24th October 2014, 16:24
Bad day for the Brits - and they have missed a chance for more gravel miles today ahead of Rally GB.

Rally 2 for them on tarmac not much help...

yeah they'll have a lack of experince next year,,,

Fast Eddie WRC
24th October 2014, 16:32
JML losing time to Ogier on the splits...

24th October 2014, 16:32
Latvalla loosing time on splits

24th October 2014, 16:32
It's not Latvala's rally... :)

24th October 2014, 16:34
Bad day for the Brits - and they have missed a chance for more gravel miles today ahead of Rally GB.

Rally 2 for them on tarmac not much help...

Sad for them to be on super rally but as for losing gravel time, meh! These stages (especially Terra Alta mixed surface) are definitely not useful / transferable experience for WRGB. If they were wet (as in 2012 it might be a different matter.

24th October 2014, 16:35
It's not Latvala's rally... :)
It definitely isn't his rally for the moment, not looking too bright for his championship chances, but i guess those were gone after Deutschland.

24th October 2014, 16:40
Neuville suddenly 5s slower as Ogier at 2th split, he was faster on 1st split.:confused:

Fast Eddie WRC
24th October 2014, 16:40
Sad for them to be on super rally but as for losing gravel time, meh! These stages (especially Terra Alta mixed surface) are definitely not useful / transferable experience for WRGB. If they were wet (as in 2012 it might be a different matter.

Its all time behind the wheel on a loose surface. And maybe WRGB will be dry (!)... ;)

24th October 2014, 16:41
Ogier is a massive 40 sec faster as first run trough, he went off at finishline, but is in stopfinish.:eek:

Fast Eddie WRC
24th October 2014, 16:42
Neuville reported stopped by @HyundaiWRC !

24th October 2014, 16:42
Something definitely wrong with Neuville, loosing even more time now

24th October 2014, 16:43
Ogier is a massive 40 sec faster as first run trough, he went off at finishline, but is in stopfinish.:eek:

too bad it didn't happen in the stage :(

24th October 2014, 16:46
latvala needs to move to Toyota badly...

24th October 2014, 16:47
How come Hirvonen is faster than both JML and Mikkelsen? I thought he was due to retire (or be fired) for lack of pace...

24th October 2014, 16:47
too bad it didn't happen in the stage :(

What a nice sportsman we have here...

24th October 2014, 16:48
latvala needs to move to Toyota badly...

I agree, they have a championship winning car...

24th October 2014, 16:50
How come Hirvonen is faster than both JML and Mikkelsen? I thought he was due to retire (or be fired) for lack of pace...
Well, he is slower in this one, but i must admit that i am also surprised by his pace...;)

24th October 2014, 16:52
Well, he is slower in this one, but i must admit that i am also surprised by his pace...;)

the surprising thing is the pace of mikkelsen and latvala not Hirvonens.

24th October 2014, 16:53
I agree, they have a championship winning car...

Yeah, shame it's not a Rallycar though..... ;)

24th October 2014, 16:53
the surprising thing is the pace of mikkelsen and latvala not Hirvonens.
He is doing quite ok, if you compare to latest rally's, where he wasn't even a traith to his teammate Evans:D

24th October 2014, 16:55
He is doing quite ok, if you compare to latest rally's, where he wasn't even a traith to his teammate Evans:D

last rally was on tarmac... he was faster than Evans on gravel so far this season.

24th October 2014, 16:55
Must have been a puncture for Neuville, i think he changed the wheel on the stage.

24th October 2014, 16:58
Neuville is saying he hit something, afterwards he had puncture that he changed on tarmac section. Two and a half minutes lost.

24th October 2014, 16:58
Kubica is flying. We have crucial moments for him towards finish of stage... Let´s hope he turns up unhurt..

24th October 2014, 17:03
Kubica is flying. We have crucial moments for him towards finish of stage... Let´s hope he turns up unhurt..

On Citroen site I see missing 3rd split for him, I fear for the worst.

EDIT:False alarm.

24th October 2014, 17:07
Paddon in trouble again

24th October 2014, 17:12
uuuh, lost 10-15 secs on last splits. But now reached the finish. Puuh.

had a spin...

24th October 2014, 17:15
Neuville off and puncture, lost 2.25

24th October 2014, 17:20
the surprising thing is the pace of mikkelsen and latvala not Hirvonens.

Lets start a good conspiracy theory !! :-)

24th October 2014, 17:29
What happened with Quentin Gilbert, Tom Cave in the lead in WRC4 now?

24th October 2014, 17:34
Gorban from WRC2 starting SS6 a far back after all RC4 drivers

edit: oops he's retired at SS5

24th October 2014, 17:35
Yes Gilbert retired. Under what circumstances Tom Cave can win the DMack trophy?

24th October 2014, 17:55
Yes Gilbert retired. Under what circumstances Tom Cave can win the DMack trophy?
He needs to win all remaining stages and Pärn should finish 6th or lower.

24th October 2014, 18:02
He needs to win all remaining stages and Pärn should finish 6th or lower.
In that the Craig Breen / Egon Kaur situation from 2011 being repeated?

24th October 2014, 18:02
Mads was very unlucky today. I hope that he will stay at the top three and show his talents. He stayed 2 times in the dust its just very sad. (Meeke and Neuville) Lost lots of seconds

24th October 2014, 18:06
How many times on the first morning of tarmac route has Ogier hit problems? 3 from the last 5 events (2 Germany 1 France) by my reckoning, unlikely to be any moisture on the road early tomorrow though, still this has been a year of leaders binning it.

Fast Eddie WRC
24th October 2014, 18:44
Live stream interviews & watch cars converted to tarmac-spec:


Fast Eddie WRC
24th October 2014, 18:52
These stages.. are definitely not useful / transferable experience for WRGB.

Interview with Malcolm Wilson confirmed Evans off was a gravel pace-note issue. He is struggling to adapt back to gravel pace-notes after 2 asphalt rallies.

Fast Eddie WRC
24th October 2014, 19:11
What's the name of the new stage end reporter on WRC Live? He's quite good.

Can other fans tweet WRR ( @becsywecsy) and say how much they liked Howard Davies ? I think his knowledge, manner and accent make him a much better voice to listen to compared to Colin Clark. Cheers.

24th October 2014, 19:33
Don't agree, I don't have any problems listening to Colin. :)

24th October 2014, 19:51
is there any way to watch the end of the day press conference?

Fast Eddie WRC
24th October 2014, 20:43
Don't agree, I don't have any problems listening to Colin. :)

I hate the Scots accent especially on a crackly radio link. He doesnt strike me as a pro either, never serious, always with the 'banter'. Annoying.

24th October 2014, 20:52
I am very new here, howmdoesmit work?.

24th October 2014, 20:56
I think Colin is great. He is funny and natural. Sometimes its hard to understand because his accent but i think its not a big problem.

24th October 2014, 21:05
Don't agree, I don't have any problems listening to Colin. :)

I also like his "scenery" descriptions, well sometimes exagarated a bit:D, but it really feels "You are there" part of the Rally

24th October 2014, 21:19

24th October 2014, 22:17

24th October 2014, 22:25
and fresh vid from citro

24th October 2014, 22:35
and fresh vid from citro

So Ostberg is in good position for tomorrow:). I think he managed to squeeze the most from this Rally for him. On tarmac he won't have advantage

24th October 2014, 22:41
all thought how much Ogier lose on gravel part, and he gave - 40 sec advantage. Tomorrow, good gap, tarmac stages... probably will see "sunday driving" on Saturday ...

24th October 2014, 22:46
So Ostberg is in good position for tomorrow:). I think he managed to squeeze the most from this Rally for him. On tarmac he won't have advantage
And hard surface is not favorite for him.
I think tomorrow we see nordic drivers go down, and polish/spain drivers try to get up. I think two first places already freeze

24th October 2014, 22:52
Too difficult for Latvala to try to catch Ogier on the tarmac, his best bet is Ogier to be unlucky like last year with a puncture. I have no idea why he was so slow today, didn't notice any "dust complains"

24th October 2014, 23:07
Kruuda crash



https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/532901_729781423765635_3955036665218009805_n.jpg?o h=a43831a7d894fbc8f84294812341f312&oe=54AC73B0&__gda__=1425155890_e9ffd16fefe412968c27437511f99fe 0