View Full Version : So now i'm unemployed....

18th April 2007, 01:55
my question is... what do unemployed people do? besides finding a job... i haent been unemployed ever since i started working back in 2002, ive always walked out of one job and straight into another....

I work(ed) in a Dvd store (selling dvd's, not hiring them) and due to staff cutbacks, they decide to get rid of the only person who has been working there longer than 2 months and who constantly keeps fixing up all the errors the manager makes. needless to say, although my job was boring and unmotivating, im still very angry at being let go. Staff loyalty obviously doesnt mean much anymore.... Now i'm a Uni Student who is jobless... there goes those textbooks. and i was saving up for my holiday to the Fuji F1gp...

my last shift is on sunday... what should i do? go and leave them a present (like stinkbombs in every draw?) or just not go?

18th April 2007, 02:33
my last shift is on sunday... what should i do? go and leave them a present (like stinkbombs in every draw?) or just not go?

I understand your bitterness, but leave clean. Do show up, if for anything then for the $. It's nothing personal. Besides, you may need them for a reference...

Go find a job at a wine/liquor store. BIG FUN! :up:

18th April 2007, 03:08
I wouldn't burn your bridges. You never know when you might need them. As for Uni textbooks, who needs 'em! I just finished a part time degree and only bought 1 book in 3 and barely read the ones I did buy. Remember, there's always the library and the photocopier. ;)

18th April 2007, 03:20

First of all sorry you got rissoled.

You shouldnt have too many dramas getting more work, try a pub, I worked my way through uni working at a pub it was sensational.

I reckon you should go the Full Monty on them, tell you Manager what a hopeless twat he is, give the people you didnt like a serve and pocket a few DVD's on the way out.

On your last day, buy a kilo of prawns and eat them in front of everyone and then deposit the heads in hard to find places. Send a SMS to your bosses mobile, but address it to his wife and say how wonderful last night was - oh and by the way, did I mention have the clap. Superimpose a picture of your bosses head on a nude picture of a Mardi Gras participant, and include a copy with every DVD you sell that day. Best of all, drink 18 VB's and have a hot curry the night before your last day, have a Spinach milkshake with Scrammbled eggs for breakfast and leave your foulest odour all over the place on your last day.

Hey, at least they will never forget you

18th April 2007, 03:45

First of all sorry you got rissoled.

You shouldnt have too many dramas getting more work, try a pub, I worked my way through uni working at a pub it was sensational.

I reckon you should go the Full Monty on them, tell you Manager what a hopeless twat he is, give the people you didnt like a serve and pocket a few DVD's on the way out.

On your last day, buy a kilo of prawns and eat them in front of everyone and then deposit the heads in hard to find places. Send a SMS to your bosses mobile, but address it to his wife and say how wonderful last night was - oh and by the way, did I mention have the clap. Superimpose a picture of your bosses head on a nude picture of a Mardi Gras participant, and include a copy with every DVD you sell that day. Best of all, drink 18 VB's and have a hot curry the night before your last day, have a Spinach milkshake with Scrammbled eggs for breakfast and leave your foulest odour all over the place on your last day.

Hey, at least they will never forget you

i like your thinking style (except replace VB with XXXX)

as for burning bridges... ive got a reference from my awesome ex-manager who left the place about 2 months ago, so i can burn this bridge now.

i'm gonna rock up wearing boardshorts, an old tshirt and my pluggers. i will definately be hungover, thats a given since the night before is a saturday.
i was thinking of ordering a pizza, with extra anchovies, and leaving them around the joint. or buying some parmesian cheese to leave and rot aroud the place. and im thinking of changing the wallpaper on the computer to something offensive. i'm also thinking of sitting there but on the counter having a sign that says 'oi, go to JB HiFi, they have your dvd's except cheaper!'

as for the boss's wife trick, bloody great idea, but my boss is a fat single lady, so it aint gonna work. dang, if only.

oh and send a nice little e-mail to my area manager, who is a terrible terrible gut-less manager. if she has a problem with you, she wont tell ya, she will tell someone else who will then tell me.

oh well my last shift should be a blast of fun.

do they still sell fart bombs now-a-days? i havent seen em in years

18th April 2007, 04:37
Hey maybe you could make a loud announcement while there is lots of people in the store that you have Channel 10 on the phone and they are looking for contestants for the next series of Biggest Loser and ask your manager if she's interested?

I agree VB sux, but it's more potent when mixed with Curry. You should be able to get some stinkbombs, but I reckon the real thing has more impact (refer Oily's latest thread)


19th April 2007, 04:40
i like your thinking style (except replace VB with XXXX)

as for burning bridges... ive got a reference from my awesome ex-manager who left the place about 2 months ago, so i can burn this bridge now.

i'm gonna rock up wearing boardshorts, an old tshirt and my pluggers. i will definately be hungover, thats a given since the night before is a saturday.
i was thinking of ordering a pizza, with extra anchovies, and leaving them around the joint. or buying some parmesian cheese to leave and rot aroud the place. and im thinking of changing the wallpaper on the computer to something offensive. i'm also thinking of sitting there but on the counter having a sign that says 'oi, go to JB HiFi, they have your dvd's except cheaper!'

as for the boss's wife trick, bloody great idea, but my boss is a fat single lady, so it aint gonna work. dang, if only.

oh and send a nice little e-mail to my area manager, who is a terrible terrible gut-less manager. if she has a problem with you, she wont tell ya, she will tell someone else who will then tell me.

oh well my last shift should be a blast of fun.

do they still sell fart bombs now-a-days? i havent seen em in years

Be certain to follow up once you've done your shift..

... or I'll read about it in the Times :D

19th April 2007, 12:26
oh i will...

and i got a job interview tomoro! at a bottle-o (liquor store)...

i think id be a good employee there, i have a vast knowledge of beer for someone my age. and employee discounts :p :

19th April 2007, 23:39
Let us know how you go with the interview and your last day Millencolin

20th April 2007, 02:47
the twats are trying to get me not to work on sunday... **** 'em, i wanna work. i need the money and i wanna place my revenge on the *******s

20th April 2007, 03:25
Dont answer their calls anymore and turn up anyway

20th April 2007, 08:28
nah i called the Area Manager today and asked why she didnt want me working on sunday... i was calm... for about 2 seconds. i went ballistic at her. and proved her stupidity...

"you needed to cut back hours, but you get rid of someone who works by themself, and you replace me with the other casual there? your not saving any money there dumbarse"

""im extremely insulted and offended by this. what did you think i was going to do? burn the place to the ground"

she said she didnt want me working because i was angry when i was told that i was getting the chop

"well what do you expect? did you want me to be happy when im getting fired? NO! Anger is a natural reaction to such an event. what did you want me to say 'oh i love being fired, it makes me feel so good. please re-hire me so i can get fired again.'"

she tried to explain that she didnt want me working incase i was angry to customers

"what? are you ****ing serious? i'm angry with you! not the customers. i would treat them with the smae professional courtesy i have treated them throughout my time there. i am professional about my job, unlike you. how about next time you have a problem with me, you tell me directly instead of going through a middle man you coward. get bent b!tch"

damn it felt good

20th April 2007, 08:37
So, she was absolutely right not letting you work, smart girl. Or perhaps she has read your post in this thread. :)

Mark in Oshawa
20th April 2007, 18:45
I think they did the right thing by not having you for the last day, but they are morons for firing you. You cared about your job a hell of a lot more than the idgit they will hire to replace you...

You should have walked the second they fired you from the sounds of it. First off, I never burn a bridge as a rule leaving a job, but if you have references from other people, you can do it if you know that the person you are leaving bridgeless is known to be an idiot. From what was described, you have the reference, and getting gassed by a DVD store is no big deal. It isn't like the CEO's position at a brewery was going to be your next job with a reference from these idiots.

As for being unemployed, don't do it for long, and just get on with getting another job. You obviously have a work ethic and a brain, and these people saw you as a THREAT. Remember, the peter principle likely was in play, and if you were showing up the manager, they wanted you gone.....because head office might realize the manager was an incompetant clown.

AS for a Uni education, well, it is nice to have, and I have one, but note I drive a big rig for a living now, and make more money now and have more job satisfaction than I did with most of the jobs my degree got me, so maybe there is a lesson there in all of this. Not sure what it is, but I do know if you fire an employee, there is a right way to do it, and a wrong way to do it. These fools were going to let you leave like a man, and then they realized maybe they shouldn't......and from your anger, maybe that is for the best.

They may be idiots.......but I think they knew you were going to set em up.

A buddy of mine who was a short order cook at a really good restaurant got canned like this, so he had his last day on a Friday, showed up, got about 9 meals going at once...and then walked right out through the crowded front hollering "You might want to go back there and check on your orders people...those idiots cant cook without me and I QUIT!!!"

20th April 2007, 21:58
As for being unemployed, don't do it for long, and just get on with getting another job.

Or you could just hang out here all day and get in arguments with Eki! :p : :D

21st April 2007, 06:07
i know i would of been a shocker of an employee if i did htat last shift. but i was still very offended that they'd expect me to be a jerk on sunday. all i was gonna do was steal Clerks2... damn it i should of done it earlier.

i wanted to walk out the moment they fired me, but i do need the extra money from working on a sunday. still gotta pay off my credit card from concert tickets i bought a while ago...

im well into a job hunt now. handed out over 30 resumes, including 15 more today. i had one promising interview yesterday with the local bottle-o, and today while handing out resumes, had an interview at one store and expecting calls from a few stores on monday. one of which was a big Billabong clothing outlet, that would be a mad job.

Mark in Oshawa
21st April 2007, 16:12
Or you could just hang out here all day and get in arguments with Eki! :p : :D

Now you laugh at me...but it gave me something to do while waiting for the phone to ring some afternoons...

24th April 2007, 12:38
thursday is the big day... i have an interview at one place... and i get a call from another about if my interview was successful.... so hopefully by the weekend i'll be woring again

24th April 2007, 15:57
I'd just be mature about it :)

25th April 2007, 04:32
I'd just be mature about it :)

ha... me mature? you dont know me very well chief. i have the maturity of a 12yr old... i blame my addiction to cartoons

25th April 2007, 09:40
ha... me mature? you dont know me very well chief. i have the maturity of a 12yr old... i blame my addiction to cartoons

you say it as if it's something to be proud of....

25th April 2007, 14:46
you say it as if it's something to be proud of....

... yeah! young at heart :p :

2nd May 2007, 08:12
well its official, im no longer unemployed. i now work for Billabong. looks like getting let off was the best thing thats ever happened! and i get free/cheap clothes :p :

2nd May 2007, 08:17
well its official, im no longer unemployed. i now work for Billabong. looks like getting let off was the best thing thats ever happened! and i get free/cheap clothes :p :

I knew it would turn out well for you :up:

Well done mate! By the way, my cousin's Hubby works for Billabong and he says they a good company to work for.

Best of luck :beer:

2nd May 2007, 12:19
Congrats on the new job.


2nd May 2007, 21:02
Good stuff Millencolin. There's a silver lining to every cloud :)

I got myself a new job today within the company I work for so it's a good day for Australians on the forum it seems :D

2nd May 2007, 23:08
Well done Millencolin, and Daniel too.

3rd May 2007, 06:36
I got myself a new job today within the company I work for so it's a good day for Australians on the forum it seems :D

So, you're now in charge of discussion forum advertisement for Microsoft? :p :

Congrats anyway.

3rd May 2007, 08:27
Well it is a software support job :p But not for Vista :p

3rd May 2007, 08:59
Good stuff Millencolin. There's a silver lining to every cloud :)

I got myself a new job today within the company I work for so it's a good day for Australians on the forum it seems :D

congrats mate! hope it all goes well for ya

im gonna spoil myself when i get my first pay check... im going to get my car washed. now that might seem stupid for all you europeans/yanks in here :p :, but since Brisbane is in a crippling drought, washing cars by yourself are basically a no-no now-a-days. but im gonna take it to the car washing centre so i can finally wash all the bat-poo off it

Mark in Oshawa
4th May 2007, 16:51
Geeze, Colin, ya were not on the streets long......

4th May 2007, 20:38
well done both of you. I got a job now.

Working in ICT department in my school as an assistant ICT technician, well payed too!

5th May 2007, 10:21
Geeze, Colin, ya were not on the streets long......

yeah but i was living life rough on the streets with my homeboys! nobody messed with the MC crew or else!... for two weeks :p :