View Full Version : Bye Bye Luca

10th September 2014, 13:00
Luca is gone. http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/formula1/29138322

Flavio, where art thou?

journeyman racer
10th September 2014, 14:00
Briatore would be worse.

10th September 2014, 15:17
Luca spat on a friend of mine .
I will not miss him .

A Canadian now heads Ferrari . How cool is that ?

I hope Ioan comes back , now Luca is history .

10th September 2014, 15:41
So, Luca gets the boot...

Gooooooooooooooooooooooooooal!!! :p;)

10th September 2014, 17:03
Very bad news, Marchionne is worse than Luca. I see a black future for Ferrari...

The Black Knight
10th September 2014, 17:44
I'm not a Luca fan so I'm glad to see him gone. Some of the decisions/comments he has made throughout the years has made me thoroughly dislike him. I'm glad to see the back of him. As for Ferrari, hopefully this will lift them back to the top of the sport in time.

10th September 2014, 22:40
The way Ferrari have been on a downward slide (on the racing not the sales) something big had to happen, first Domenicali and now the big fish himself...Hard to see them bouncing back quickly though.

10th September 2014, 22:48
I think it truly was time for something to change. Just like you say Storm, they have been on a downward spiral. This is no guarantee of future success, but as in racing you have to gamble sometimes to get the win.

11th September 2014, 00:15
Very bad news, Marchionne is worse than Luca. I see a black future for Ferrari...

Why is he worse?

11th September 2014, 05:21
Very bad news, Marchionne is worse than Luca. I see a black future for Ferrari...
Could it be that he's just an interim while they pave the way for Mattiacci?

11th September 2014, 05:47
James Allen thinks that Mattiaci himself is a temporary fix and will eventually head back to the road car division. The ultimate aim apparently is to lure Ross Brawn back.

All of this could have been avoided if they had just replaced JT with Ross Brawn in the first instance.

11th September 2014, 11:55
Very bad news, Marchionne is worse than Luca. I see a black future for Ferrari...

They don't really care about the team, their just a bunch of money grabbing greasy waps.

11th September 2014, 13:07
Exactly Tazio, Marchionne has no passion for racing, he's just a cynical manager, and will only focus on the profit, not on winning races, and titles. He's already moved FIAT from Italy to Holland, for financial reasons...

11th September 2014, 14:37
I'm not at all sad to see him go. With him at the helm I always felt like Ferrari were run like a company I had worked for and left out of disgust. No matter what they did, he felt that just driving them into the ground and expecting more was the way to drive the bus. In reality, I think the majority of the people on the team had more actual passion than he does, and would have performed better if he quit beating them down. When you have a guy like that expecting more from the likes of Alonso, how do you think the middle of the pack engineer gets treated?

As for the others, I'll reserve my judgement until we see. Personally I think what Ferrari really needs is strong leadership, and that comes in many, many forms. Some good leaders could perform the task without any real passion, and some leaders are blinded by their passion as well.

It would be great to see Ross back, but I don't think it will happen myself.

11th September 2014, 15:02
Let's hope that Ferrari's hands are now untied, and the company can do whatever it takes to get back to the top:

1. Fire Kimi
2. Hire Montoya
3. ?????
4. Profit!

11th September 2014, 17:15
The problem with the race team is that, in this new formula, unless you had the foresight to start R&D for 2014 at least 5 years in advance, no matter how much money you throw at it, the car will not be fast enough. It's out there now as to the best way to package your ERS -H & K, but they will always be playing catch-up.

The road car side (Ferrari) has benefited greatly from L Di-M's stewardship. I'm not sure some trumped up accountant that wants only maximum profit is what the road car division needs.

Maybe will have another 2-3 years of headless chicken management until they realise what is needed - but will it be too late by then?

Forget about Ross - he prefers F as in fishing, not F1, and with his health issues recently (arythme whatsitcalled) I am sure that the stress of not getting a bite for a day is a better stress than not winning on the track.

I think he's done with F1, and good luck to him.

For all of L Di-M's faults, I think it will become all too apparent how much he will be missed.

11th September 2014, 17:16
2. Hire Montoya


11th September 2014, 17:18
He's already moved FIAT from Italy to Holland, for financial reasons...

Not because he likes Jazz then? :p

11th September 2014, 17:38
Exactly Tazio, Marchionne has no passion for racing, he's just a cynical manager, and will only focus on the profit, not on winning races, and titles. He's already moved FIAT from Italy to Holland, for financial reasons...
Wait a second, orange is a Lamborghini color :angryfire ;)