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16th April 2007, 04:40
Just a thread to vent...

Ick..physics test tomorrow. I must admit, as good as I am at math and other sciences (I love chemistry), this mechanics class has me beat...I don't understand why something is so...nothing seems to follow a logical progression. His tests are ridiculous...but it feels like everyone gets the stuff. argggh..I hate this class. I can't wait till this semester is over (and I'll probably get a B in the class--my first B ever... :( :( :( )

16th April 2007, 07:16
Dear Mosman Municpal Council,

Don't bitch and complain that there's a loss of parking revenues in your local council carpark when less cars park there after you've jacked up the rates. Of course if the parking rates go up then people will look for somewhere cheaper to park, that's only common sense. So don't write into the local newspaper complaining that there's a lack of community spirit and that council carparks are provided for the so called "good" of the community when you're the ones responsible for the price increase in the first place.