View Full Version : Britbros, put down your chicken tikka masala and explain this

1st July 2014, 09:45
If Hamilton is the hungriest driver, how come he hasn't won a title since 2008?


1st July 2014, 12:21
I don't know what the connection is between being hungry and winning titles - something to do with weight saving perhaps?

2010 was the year really wasn't it. In '09 only Red Bull had a car with any chance of catching Brawn. In '11, although Button came second in the WDC, Vettel was unstoppable that year so even without Hamilton's personal problems, there was no realistic chance of winning the championship. The '12 McLaren and '13 Mercedes were not championship winning cars either.

A second place in Spain 2010 probably would have won the WDC for Hamilton, instead he had a tyre failure. Or you could point to the collisions with Massa and Webber at Monza and Singapore, before which he'd been leading the championship. Ifs and buts!

1st July 2014, 13:20
If Hamilton is the hungriest driver, how come he hasn't won a title since 2008?

Although this is an article that is over a month old now and previously discussed at length, I'm not sure what the question is trying to suggest? Are drivers not hungry if they don't win a title every year? Ask Alonso if he is hungry as he's now in his 8th season without a title. What about Schumacher when he came back? This is the kind of question someone with little knowledge of competition and the more technical aspects of Formula One would ask.

I think every F1 driver on the grid is hungry for success and those who have at least tasted the champagne will be hungry for more. Rosberg is hungry for his first title and Hamilton is hungry for his second. Simple really.

1st July 2014, 15:20
I'm way hungrier than Lewis Hamilton. Especially when you're talking abotu Chicken Tikka Masala :facelick:

1st July 2014, 16:47
That does it I'm applying for membership into theAnglo-Mafia, and I really mean it, but that is a different matter!
Rule #1 Don't mess with "The Boss" He is very fast, one of the top two drivers in F1, and the other freakin' guy ain't won since '06. Sh*t happens dukie (like being at the wrong place at the wrong time) How dare you come out of left field and first attack Fred, and now The Boss. I think you are a pathetic little man...just kidding about that last line, but you do seem to resent the best! ;) :angel:

2nd July 2014, 02:09
If Hamilton is the hungriest driver, how come he hasn't won a title since 2008?


Isn't it obvious??

Jenson Button, in collusion with Whitmarsh and Vettel, sabotaged Hamilton's car in 2012.

6th July 2014, 02:09
Doesn't admitting that you're the hungriest person anywhere just indicate that you don't have the means or ability to get "food"? From Day 1, I thought that was a dopey comment.

Lewis, make up with your dad. Get back with him and do as he says. You're really not that bright. Learn from your elder... your father. Dump your pop star WAG. Let the big head do some thinking (for a change) and you might realize that there's nothing special about her. The big head will tell you what the little head can't see: the same giant assembly line that made Nicole Scherzinger made 10,000 other copies, very similar to her, on the very same day that it whizzed her out. You idolized Ayrton Senna? OK, well, he knew that. Now you need to buy a clue, son! Also, get rid of those prissy, bling-bling earrings and put your cap on straight! You ain't no G - you got no street cred, so stop pretending the part. And either grow normal facial hair or learn to shave. Man up and make like Mike Tyson back in the day: let your hands do your talking - and keep your mouth shut. Also, stop being a little girl and taking to Twitter every time your fragile inner child has something to whine about.

Basically, as Eddie Gossage told some complaining CART drivers way back when: Shut Up and Drive!!!

7th July 2014, 04:37
Dump your pop star and you might realize that there's nothing special about her. the same giant assembly line that made Nicole Scherzinger made 10,000 other copies, very similar to her, on the very same day that it whizzed her out.

Dawg, what does that have to do with what makes her or anyone else become unique in the years after you arrive? Her life experience is unique unto her, which The Boss and her have shared privately and intimately. The personal human attractions between him and wee lass is theirs to do with as they see fit!, and I wish them all the happiness?

BTW If you are interested in any of the other 10,000 sporty models that came off the assembly line that day I suggest you google:

Nicole Prescovia Elikolani Valiente born June 29 1978 Honolulu Hawaii USA!

Good hunting mates!! :sailor: :angel:
