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3rd June 2014, 00:30
Why we consider pilots upbringing and personality so much.

Pilots artist in race and I no care if they love their mata.

You judge man by his past then you poor man. Man judge by now. No?

You race and it pure. You pilot and it real. Flag down and you go with all other.

Not matter if you kiss child?

3rd June 2014, 02:02
Well, having a good personality is worth a significant amount of time per lap, if you go by what people say on internet forums.

Kamui Kobayashi has pulled off some good overtakes, amongst some crashes too, therefore he is one of the best drivers and should be in a Ferrari now! He also beat rookie Perez in 2011, an outstanding achievement.

Montoya was the best driver in F1 and better than Michael Schumacher (even though in reality he just shaded Ralf...) - this was because people liked his personality.

Karun Chandhok deserves a good F1 drive, because he has a cool personality. This means he is better than Bruno Senna even though Senna outqualified him 70% of the time in F1 and came 2nd compared to 10th in GP2 2008...

Overall, personality is very important.

[Sorry I'm being kinda sarcastic tonight]

3rd June 2014, 03:21
I agree with your sentiments Mac', but it is still fun to play around with some of the hijinks these freakin' guys get into. I feel like this forum is supposed to be fun. I guess it is easy for me to like all the pilots since none of them represent the U.S.A., the Basque, :laugh: or the Taliban, (or all three) :uhoh: :angel:

One thing I don't like is the way a member or two have been dissing Germans for being...like.....evil Germans. :confused:
What's up with that dawg?

3rd June 2014, 08:39
Drivers private lives or upbringing generally get brought up just as a different angle for criticism when the on track stuff is more difficult to judge.

The other thread was laughable with a couple of people attempting to go back 16 years to suggest Hamilton has had it easier than anybody else, therefore questioning why he is where he is now. It was tactfully put to bed though.

3rd June 2014, 09:26
I cannot see that it matters why or how a driver comes from. I mean someone rich and someone poor have different chances of getting to F1 I guess, and thus being raised on a council estate counts as a pretty good effort.

Regardless of that though, once he/she is in F1 It really doesn't matter. If you suck you suck and equally if you win a Championship, 26 wins and 59 podiums from 135 starts then you are pretty good.

Sebastian is Good too.

Personality, background and media skills mean nothing. If you win it matters not.

3rd June 2014, 09:40
Indeed. In fact, it's interesting that I don't recall anyone round here bringing a driver's background into consideration - but one of the leading two drivers of 2014 did recently to suggest that the other driver wasn't as hungry as he was. I wonder if he's still thinking that now? ;)

3rd June 2014, 10:32
Once they make their place in the sports history, nobody cares. People don't say Lauda only won 3 World Championships because he bought his way into a top drive. He had the skill and proved he got where he did because of his acumen and ability to remain at the top.

Mia 01
3rd June 2014, 10:33
It seems as some pilots consider other drivers upbringing and personality as very important.

That´s why.

3rd June 2014, 10:35
It seems as some pilots consider other drivers upbringing and personality as very important.

That´s why.
This discussion amongst fans has been going on for years Mia. What do you mean 'other pilots consider upbringing and personality as very important'?

Mia 01
3rd June 2014, 10:39
You know that already, if not, ask the OP.

3rd June 2014, 11:02
It seems as some pilots consider other drivers upbringing and personality as very important.

That´s why.

I'd be curious as to who you are referring to. Are you privy to some very salacious info.?

3rd June 2014, 11:16
You know that already, if not, ask the OP.
The OP didn't mention it, you did so I asked you.

I get the impression you have seized the opportunity to have another dig at a particular driver so I simply ask you to explain.

Big Ben
3rd June 2014, 12:26
What the OP mentioned or didn't mention is not that easy to determine :laugh:. No?

I think Mia refers to the not-so-smart comments about hunger of some driver... I don't recall his name.

I remember once they asked Rivaldo who was his hero and his response was that he was his own hero cause he used to be a poor child and then became a famous rich man. I fell in love with him on the spot.

me not know what this is all about. me can still not like pricks? Yes?

3rd June 2014, 13:05
I think Mia refers to the not-so-smart comments about hunger of some driver... I don't recall his name.
I wouldn't say they were not so smart. Nico and Lewis are opponents for the championship and its not exactly uncommon for drivers to say things that might get under the others skin. I know we are in a very politically correct world and drivers are expected to be scripted in every interview, but this sort of thing is expected. It wasn't exactly a nice comment from Lewis, but I wouldn't say it wasn't smart. Its a little different to questioning the others ability based on how they got into F1 which is what observers do when analysing without all the facts. The thread was born on that after all.

It would be nice to get Mia's input though in regards to the comments.

journeyman racer
3rd June 2014, 14:27
This thread????


3rd June 2014, 15:52

Ahhh, the good ol' days :andrea:

N. Jones
3rd June 2014, 15:56
Why we consider pilots upbringing and personality so much.

Pilots artist in race and I no care if they love their mata.

You judge man by his past then you poor man. Man judge by now. No?

You race and it pure. You pilot and it real. Flag down and you go with all other.

Not matter if you kiss child?

Hell if I know...

3rd June 2014, 16:39

:uhoh: :p:

Mia 01
3rd June 2014, 16:41
An interesting article partly on the subject in the OP.


3rd June 2014, 17:30
The karting boss in that article sounds like he's not exactly on good terms with Hamilton. It also contradicts the current reports that it's Hamilton's setup that is being shared with Nico because it has proven more effective. Perhaps Hamilton has learned a thing or two in the last 14 years? Common sense would suggest they both have.

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3rd June 2014, 18:26

:uhoh: :p:

Maybe Nico can become "Slice", then Hammy's two best friends in F1 will be Slash and Slice.

3rd June 2014, 19:58
Lewis quote on hunger

“Let me tell you this: I come from a not-great place in Stevenage and lived on a couch in my dad’s apartment and Nico grew up in Monaco with jets and hotels and boats and all these kind of things, so the hunger is different,” said Hamilton.

“I want to be the hungriest guy in the cockpit of all 22 of us - even if every driver has to believe that he’s the hungriest – because if I were to come here believing Nico is hungrier than me then I might as well go home.

“So I’ve got to be the hungriest. To win the world championship you need to be the hungriest.”

Does Lewis insult Nico? No?

He say hunger different which normal. No?

He also say he need to be hungriest pilot to win.

It opinion no? I think he just say he need biggest desire, will, drive to win champ. He just call it hunger no? I not read insult but maybe my English not as good.

Doc Austin
3rd June 2014, 20:17
Let's hope Lauda smacked the kids around a bit and that's the end of it. I'm ready to get back to racing.

3rd June 2014, 20:33
Lewis quote on hunger

“Let me tell you this: I come from a not-great place in Stevenage and lived on a couch in my dad’s apartment and Nico grew up in Monaco with jets and hotels and boats and all these kind of things, so the hunger is different,” said Hamilton.

“I want to be the hungriest guy in the cockpit of all 22 of us - even if every driver has to believe that he’s the hungriest – because if I were to come here believing Nico is hungrier than me then I might as well go home.

“So I’ve got to be the hungriest. To win the world championship you need to be the hungriest.”

Does Lewis insult Nico? No?

He say hunger different which normal. No?

He also say he need to be hungriest pilot to win.

It opinion no? I think he just say he need biggest desire, will, drive to win champ. He just call it hunger no? I not read insult but maybe my English not as good.
The full quote doesn't sound bad at all coming from Lewis. I've only read selected sentences of it the last few days shared by others and not taken much notice. It's amazing how bad something can sound when read partially and completely out of context. Shame on those deliberately misinterpreting it I say!

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3rd June 2014, 23:12
At no point does he say he hates Nico!
In snooker and tennis ,we are told that you have to get into the mindset that you "Hate " all your opponents
All Lewis does is say he wants to be hungrier that all the other 22 competitors

4th June 2014, 03:42
Maybe Nico can become "Slice", then Hammy's two best friends in F1 will be Slash and Slice.....or or just Cash, you know because he didn't pay his poor dues like The Boss. Of course then Mercedes would have Cash, and Burn! :devil: :stareup:

4th June 2014, 13:49
Lewis quote on hunger

“Let me tell you this: I come from a not-great place in Stevenage and lived on a couch in my dad’s apartment and Nico grew up in Monaco with jets and hotels and boats and all these kind of things, so the hunger is different,” said Hamilton.

“I want to be the hungriest guy in the cockpit of all 22 of us - even if every driver has to believe that he’s the hungriest – because if I were to come here believing Nico is hungrier than me then I might as well go home.

“So I’ve got to be the hungriest. To win the world championship you need to be the hungriest.”

What a load of nonsense Lewis comes out with.

Ayrton Senna came from a very wealthy background, more so than most of his peers. Lack of hunger wasn't one of his weaknesses.

Lauda too was driven enough to climb into his Ferrari a couple of weeks after being given his last rites after his burns at the Nurburgring. IIRC he came from one of the wealthiest families in Salzburg.

Hunger to succeed has little to do with childhood poverty, otherwise the world would be run by ambitious council estate kids.

4th June 2014, 14:15
Could it be said that someone who grew up in privileged conditions might be even more motivated to prove their worth , given they may be criticized more heavily simply because "they had it easy" on the way up ?

4th June 2014, 19:36
Could it be said that someone who grew up in privileged conditions might be even more motivated to prove their worth , given they may be criticized more heavily simply because "they had it easy" on the way up ?

It depends on the individual and I doubt there is a universal drive. Whether you think Hamilton of Rosberg were privileged on the way up, they both have the same goals. The comments Lewis made were pretty reasonable in hindsight.

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4th June 2014, 19:39
What a load of nonsense Lewis comes out with.

Ayrton Senna came from a very wealthy background, more so than most of his peers. Lack of hunger wasn't one of his weaknesses.

Lauda too was driven enough to climb into his Ferrari a couple of weeks after being given his last rites after his burns at the Nurburgring. IIRC he came from one of the wealthiest families in Salzburg.

Hunger to succeed has little to do with childhood poverty, otherwise the world would be run by ambitious council estate kids.

I agree also Mr Malbec. Lewis no poet :)

Sound like silly but not rude, just silly.

I like listen to pilots on track better :)

Mia 01
6th June 2014, 15:21
For me, a statement I don´t forget, "monkeys at the back". It says alot of the person slipping it.

That´s one reason for "Why". And ofcourse the Liegate.

6th June 2014, 16:40
For me, a statement I don´t forget, "monkeys at the back". It says alot of the person slipping it.

That´s one reason for "Why". And ofcourse the Liegate.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G1FxRpo62Mk :angel:

6th June 2014, 16:42
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G1FxRpo62Mk :angel:

There are many drivers who have called back markers idiots or such.

6th June 2014, 16:57
There are many drivers who have called back markers idiots or such.
I find it incredibly petty that people even remember crap like that, WHY?
BTW I don't actually have a favorite in this fight, I'm OK with either one being champ, although I do think the Boss will win. However which ever one wins the WDC, that is what I'll remember, not some silly indiscretions!

6th June 2014, 17:06
Yes. I hope it's a great fight til the end, but I make to bones about the fact I would prefer to see Hamilton win this time. I want him to win a second Championship.

I am not a Hamilton fanboy as some say;) because I can fully see when he makes mistakes, under performs and sometimes makes a fool of himself.

All that said I am a fan of the way he drivers.

6th June 2014, 18:11
There are many drivers who have called back markers idiots or such.

Don't be silly, Hamilton is the only one! Mia our resident Hamilton hater is entitled to recycle the very basics ;)

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6th June 2014, 19:07
Hey you guys .
Mia is entitled to her opinion , and she's not wrong about Hamilton having said some pretty selfish things .
Your history is your history .
If you've said something stupid , people sometimes take you at your word .

Sure , Lewis isn't the only one chides backmarkers , and he's not the only one to get mad and react with some unkind words , BUT , by now , I would think , even the most ardent Hamilton fan must have a little dread in the back of the mind when Lewis , when angry at least , steps up to the microphone .

For crying out loud , he mentioned he would solve his problems like Senna would have solved his , at the very last race .
So , Lewis is not through , at all , saying stupid crap .

Me , I've learned to love the way it churns things up , and so , I'm looking at at it a little differently to the way Mia does .
Lewis is consistently selfish in his little outbursts , and I don't think Mia has much time for that .

Quit piling on , you guys .
She has a point .

6th June 2014, 20:01
Don't be silly, Hamilton is the only one! Mia our resident Hamilton hater is entitled to recycle the very basics ;)

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Oh Mia's the Hamilton hater today. I loose track as to whos turn it is.

6th June 2014, 20:03
Mia loves it Bagwan and wants the reactions so it's all good. No offence meant it's just amusing.

6th June 2014, 20:03
I would like to add at no point did I actually criticise Mia having her opinion. I just pointed out that many drivers say selfish, anti backmarker things.

I have no problem with Mia. :)

6th June 2014, 21:42
Mia loves it Bagwan and wants the reactions so it's all good. No offence meant it's just amusing.

Oh , go on .
Tazzy got testy and you jumped on board .

You guys are as touchy as Hammy , himself . Yuck yuck .

6th June 2014, 21:47
I would like to add at no point did I actually criticise Mia having her opinion. I just pointed out that many drivers say selfish, anti backmarker things.

I have no problem with Mia. :)

It was the tone of your voice , steve .

Don't try to weasel out of this one .

6th June 2014, 21:52
Stop picking on us Bagwan! lol :)

6th June 2014, 22:00
Hey you guys .
Mia is entitled to her opinion , and she's not wrong about Hamilton having said some pretty selfish things .
Your history is your history .
If you've said something stupid , people sometimes take you at your word .

Sure , Lewis isn't the only one chides backmarkers , and he's not the only one to get mad and react with some unkind words , BUT , by now , I would think , even the most ardent Hamilton fan must have a little dread in the back of the mind when Lewis , when angry at least , steps up to the microphone .

For crying out loud , he mentioned he would solve his problems like Senna would have solved his , at the very last race .
So , Lewis is not through , at all , saying stupid crap .

Me , I've learned to love the way it churns things up , and so , I'm looking at at it a little differently to the way Mia does .
Lewis is consistently selfish in his little outbursts , and I don't think Mia has much time for that .

Quit piling on , you guys .
She has a point .
Yes Mia has a point, it's just not one that I find important to the fight for, and outcome of a world championship. Personally I don't care any more about what The Boss says then I do about what Kimi doesn't say, unless it has some entertainment value.

7th June 2014, 01:28
Yes Mia has a point, it's just not one that I find important to the fight for, and outcome of a world championship. Personally I don't care any more about what The Boss says then I do about what Kimi doesn't say, unless it has some entertainment value.

"Entertainment value" .
That's the ticket .

But , remember , he's had that from the very beginning .

Mia just pointed that out , Mr. Bear .

Can we presume what's coming out of the boy's mouth is what he's thinking ?
If so , he get's thinkin' some crazy red mist stuff sometimes , like the idol , Senna .

7th June 2014, 02:18
Mr. Bear . Can we presume what's coming out of the boy's mouth is what he's thinking ?

:stareup: I think you are confusing me with someone who actually gives sh!t (considers seriously) what these freakin' guys think, or what comes out of their pie-holes :dozey:

7th June 2014, 09:58
What does Zanardi say ,Nico is a very strong driver ,BUT Lewis is a champion !
The guy that ran them at the Go Cart track obviously liked Nico better and still speaks with him occasionally but not Lewis,
He also says ,as it's a German team ,and Nico has been there 3 years ,Lewis feels there is some favoritism towards Nico !
I don't buy into the fact that Nico does ALL the hard work setting the cars up for each race,if so ,why his Nico,s side of the garage analyzing Lewis,s set up and stats all the time ?

7th June 2014, 13:07
What does Zanardi say ,Nico is a very strong driver ,BUT Lewis is a champion !What Zanardi said is rather abstract don't you think. I love the guy, but his profundity has underwhelmed me here ;)

The guy that ran them at the Go Cart track obviously liked Nico better I didn't get that impression from the article, but keep in mind that this interview was given to German newspapers so it would be normal to favor the guy don't you think? :dozey:

He also says ,as it's a German team ,and Nico has been there 3 years ,Lewis feel there is some favoritism towards Nico ! Is Mercedes F1 really a German culture? Maybe but you wouldn't know it by their key personnel, and the fact that they are based PU, and Chasis in 'Jolly Olde'

Executive director (technical): Paddy Lowe
Executive director (business): Toto Wolff
Non-executive chairman: Niki Lauda
Managing director of Mercedes AMG High Performance Powertrains: Andy Cowell
Technical director: Bob Bell
Engineering director: Aldo Costa
Technology director: Geoff Willis
Sporting director: Ron Meadows
Performance director: Mark Ellis (from June 2014)
Chief engineer, simulation and development: Giles Wood (from June 2014)
Chief mechanic: Matthew Deane
Chief race engineer: Andrew Shovlin
Chief track engineer: Simon Cole
Race engineer (Lewis Hamilton): Peter Bonnington
Race engineer (Nico Rosberg): Tony Ross
Performance engineer (Lewis Hamilton): Jock Clear
Performance engineer (Nico Rosberg): Riccardo Musconi

I see a bunch of Brits, a couple Italians, an Austrian, a German, and a Frenchman.

From what I can tell the Chassis was designed by an Ulsterman, and an Italian, and the power unit has Andy Cowell's name all over it. Now I'm not saying this is not a German Company, and obviously they have hundreds of employees, but going from Woking to Brackley for an Englishman to work mostly with a bunch of his home boyz ain't no big deal. Alonso's move to McLaren was much more of a culture shock than this move by The Boss, and the only reason I bring Fred into the discussion is that, yes Aloysius, and Fred both went mental, but it wasn't the British culture that was Alonso's competition. Aloysius Hamilton was, and still is his match, maybe better, but Nico is not quite on that level I don't think, and that is what it is going to come down to. I’m thinking the better F1 pilot will win unless the double points deal has too big of a bearing on the outcome, but like I said I’m not taking sides.

I don't buy into the fact that Nico does ALL the hard work setting the cars up for each race,if so ,why his Nico,s side of the garage analyzing Lewis,s set up and stats all the time ?
The article itself was idiotic, and Dino Chiesa seemed to talk an awful lot about Dino Chiesa.
As for this part:

"It is difficult to get to him," he said. "His management is not very helpful. It may be good for a Hollywood star, but not for a formula one driver. These people give the impression of him being a superstar.
What do you call one of the highest paid athletes in the world?

7th June 2014, 13:42
As a slight counter weight to the selfish Lewis. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BphXpRyCUAAku6d.jpg

Doing some work for UNICEF

7th June 2014, 13:57
What is he doing to that poor child? :eek: :sailor:

7th June 2014, 17:05
What is he doing to that poor child? :eek: :sailor:

Telling her that he's from deprived origins and he is faster than she is :uhoh::lips:

7th June 2014, 19:16
:laugh: Post of the weekend bro :laugh: :angel: