View Full Version : BudBucks

14th April 2007, 11:55
Heya guys,
I didn't know where to post this, so I thought I might aswell put it here...

I was wondering if any1 have started collecting Budbucks? It virtual money you can achieve via drinking a budweiser?
Was wondering if any1 has "bought" anything for there "budbucks"? There seem to be lots of quality items "for sale" in their virtual auction house.
For you guys that hasn't head of it yet you can check it out at www.budbucks.co.uk (http://www.budbucks.co.uk/)
I hope this won't be seen as adverticing. I just want to hear if any1 has bought anything and to share the info that it is possible to get something out of ur empty budweisers after throwing a party http://www.aardvarksport.net/chat/images/smiles/icon_wink.gif

Best wishes,
