View Full Version : 20 years since Senna died on 1st May 1994

10th April 2014, 16:26
Not sure if this should go here or in the F1 thread?

Is it still possible to link the thread to both forums?

I was just reading an article about some extra programming on Sky F1 to mark 20 years since the death of Senna.

Its not that far away now and I thought I would open a thread about it.

I am sure there will be programmes and articles about it in the coming weeks.

Anyway I cant believe its that long ago. I remember it happening despite only follow F1 at that time on and off with my Father as I was still only 7.

Anyway I cant believe its that long ago.

Plenty has changed in F1 in that time.

10th April 2014, 20:28
It was 20 years ago, so it belongs here! The F1 thread is for current F1

I'm not sure about cross linking - I believe it is no longer possible,

11th April 2014, 10:30
It was 20 years ago, so it belongs here! The F1 thread is for current F1

I'm not sure about cross linking - I believe it is no longer possible,

That's fine, I just wondered.

We should also remember Roland Ratzenberger too, his tragic death that weekend often gets overlooked.

Its a sad but important moment in F1s history. The last two fatality and a constant reminder why safety should never be taken for granted.

It had been ages since the previous death before 1994 and then to get two that same weekend was horrific.

11th April 2014, 14:55
Yes it is startling to realize it is 20 years on since that fateful weekend at San Marion. Senna remains the last fatality in a F1 race, although Maria De Villota succumbed to injuries from a training crash and died in Oct 2013. The safety record for the past 20 years is very good, but there is a danger of complacency setting in. There have been some horrific crashes, like Kubica at Montreal, which ended well, but odds are against it always turning out as that way. Drivers need to keep this in mind.

What is surprising is that most of Senna's records have been surpassed. Seb Vettel is now just 2 wins (39) behind him (41).
He still holds the record for consecutive wins at the same circuit (Monaco 5), and a number of pole position records.
This is mostly a by product of the greatly increased number of races and the youthfulness of the drivers. Michael Schumacher's records are apt to be surpassed by Vettel, if he remains healthy. Already Vettel's mark of youngest point achiever has been passed by Daniil Kvyat; and so it goes records are meant to be broken.

This in no way detracts from the achievements of past drivers; Senna must be rated as one of the all time greats and will be remembered as such.

11th April 2014, 20:59
And don't forget there have been fatalities in minor formulae - The death of Henry Surtees, the son of World Champion John Surtees, in a Formula 2 race comes to mind plus several deaths in US racing.

30th April 2014, 18:39
20 years today that Roland Ratzenberger died.

Thoughts with his family and friends 20 years on.

journeyman racer
1st May 2014, 14:54
It was roughly about this point in time.