View Full Version : Rate the Race - Bahrain GP

6th April 2014, 18:45
Give the race a rating and review as many aspects as you want to.

6th April 2014, 18:50
I'll give it an 8. It's obviously less than some people will give it since this race has been so intense but to be honest, the fact that it's just a Hamilton vs Rosberg race at the top makes it a bit less interesting, since you know that only them have a chance to win.

Edit: let's make it a 11/10 for having Brian Johnson do the podium interview! :D

6th April 2014, 19:04
That's a 8.3-9.2 for me :dork:

6th April 2014, 19:05
it was a 9.5/10 for me
one world feed was not enough
i wanted 3 separate feeds
1 for the top 2
the second for the top 6
and the third for down the field

there was plenty of action and not enough broadcasting of them

6th April 2014, 19:11
it was a 9.5/10 for me
one world feed was not enough
i wanted 3 separate feeds
1 for the top 2
the second for the top 6
and the third for down the field

there was plenty of action and not enough broadcasting of them

Yeah but mine is on the Richter scale. http://i46.tinypic.com/hv9ul3.gif ;)

6th April 2014, 19:15
I ll be generous. 10/10 just for the message to Vettel alone.

6th April 2014, 21:05
I think 8.5/10 personally.

I think it was one of the best if not the best race for the last 4 or 5 years. Beating even Canada 2011 was it? When Button went from 21st to 1st.

Anyway it was good. It is still not up there with Suzuka 2005 and Brazil 2008 (For the drama more than racing)

I was amazed and slightly disappointed at just how dominant Mercedes were. I guess without the SC they could have won by over a minute.

Other than that the racing throughout the field was amazing. Hope to see more of that to come, but I guess Bahrain is quite easy to pass on.

Brown, Jon Brow
6th April 2014, 22:49
The best Bahrain GP there has been. 9/10

6th April 2014, 22:51
That was a fantastic race, it had action and incident all the way through with the added intrigue of the tyre strategies which were ultimately decided by the safety car, the night setting really worked well on TV, overall 9/10.

6th April 2014, 22:57
Good action. Mostly between teammates though. Positions 3-10 close so not bad. 8,5?

6th April 2014, 23:24
I ll be generous. 10/10 just for the message to Vettel alone.

you really must be butthurt if you rate GP's by your favorite most hated driver having problems...

6th April 2014, 23:57
Where's Gary Walker when you need him. :p

7th April 2014, 00:00
I put an 8. The exciting finale of the race, the adamant win of Hamilton despite Rosberg rivalry, Pérez 3rd, Ricciardo an amazing 4th. The best race of the season at the moment.

easy rider
7th April 2014, 01:06
I give it a 10, when was the last time that we had seen a race, when there was only 1 sec. difference between 1st an 2nd place, after the end of a 57 lap race.

7th April 2014, 04:53
The mind boggles with how good F1 can be with a late safety car but the 24 seconds to third place is really not good to my mind.

The first 3/4 was relatively dull, the last quarter was sensational. Why? The ducks all fell into line with the safety car but it was like the field was unleashed. Maybe the pit drivers had time to work out the proper wick settings.

The sprint at the end was brilliant, the grind until the safety car was dullsville.


7th April 2014, 09:00
I'd have to give it 9/10 as it was the best race for me for a number of years. F1 is starting to get interesting again and I just hope the other teams can catch up a bit and make it even better.

7th April 2014, 09:57
8/10..great race and amazing battles after the SC.

What isn't so good is the utter dominance of Mercs. Which doesn't bode too well, but atleast its better than 1 RBR dominating, if we have 2 Mercs trading places all year.

Could not believe Bahrain could produce such a race too. A dull track which looked really good because this race was under lights!

7th April 2014, 10:17

Really a great race. Even Mercedes dominance doesn't seem so bad when teammates are going at it.

7th April 2014, 10:27
you really must be butthurt if you rate GP's by your favorite most hated driver having problems...

Or just nice to see that what goes around eventually comes back around, surely.

7th April 2014, 10:29
I'd give it a 9. It would get a 10 if there was less of a gap betwixt 2nd and 3rd. However, Merc allowing their cars to race saves this from a dull race up front. But the quality of the racing throughout the field was really first class.

N. Jones
7th April 2014, 15:01
I'll give it a 10. That was the best Bahrain GP i have ever watched!

7th April 2014, 19:52
I'll give it a 10. That was the best Bahrain GP i have ever watched!

True enough.

It was far and away better than any Bahrain GP I remember.

Big Ben
8th April 2014, 10:38
I didn't see the race... and from what I've heard I should have liked to watch it if I hadn't had something better to do. Anyway, the very fact that everyone's making such a big deal out of it it's proof enough that something's wrong with F1. I just hope they don't come up with the idea that having a SC 10 laps before the end of the race is the way to go from now on.

Mia 01
8th April 2014, 10:55
The Mercedes team was superior, but even so it was the best race for moore than a year I think.

Doc Austin
8th April 2014, 19:08
This would have been a 10 for me if the finish wasn't so close to a team by team thing. It seemed like it was teammates battling each other last night. Still the fight behind Mercedes was pretty close and very intense and for that I think the race deserves a 9.

I also love the sunset racing. I'de love to see more of these. Imagine what that race would have looked like with a Hawiian sunset.

8th April 2014, 21:08
No point rating it. If you watch that race and dont watch the rest, then F1 aint for you.

Not every race is bells and whistles but this one, and this year, tick all the boxes. Hell, im even starting to like the v6 sound. Thingll change and tweeks will be made but racings, racing and this was racing.