View Full Version : Rate/Review the Race - Malaysia

30th March 2014, 14:04
I saw this idea on another Forum.

And in order to try and get a bit more posting, I thought we should give it a go.

Its a thread to rate the race out of 10 and give a brief review of things you liked/disliked during the race and what you thought of the race as a whole

Hope no one minds but I thought it might be fun to try. :)

30th March 2014, 16:09
I thought it was an OK race, but no more than that. I give in 5/10 at best.

I am glad Hamilton won for the championship as potentially it is a Mercedes battle season long, so we need both to be in it. I was impressed by Red Bulls pace and Seb did a decent job, Fernando meanwhile as always does it as well as he could.

Nico Hulkenberg could have a good season in a Force India which is pretty fast and 5th was a great 10 points. 6th for Jenson was decent and showed better pace all day than Magnussen. Really for the first time this season. Felipe and Valeterri drove well to recover from way back on the grid to score 10points for Williams. Although it appears Williams don't like fast corners as much as straights and slow corners (Australia)

Magnussen had a poor race compared to Australia, but still scored 2 points and Danii Kyvat did well as well to score another point.

Lotus & Grosjean will probably be well happy to just finish and finish 11th at that. Decent pace and reliable for once, Kimi was unlucky after getting clipped by Kev. He didn't show awesome pace, but I think he had some damage.

Kobayashi with a potentially crucial 13th and with Ericsson getting 14th that's a decent double finish for Caterham.

Chilton 15th and yet another finish.

Ricciardo showed why he is the true heir to Mark Webber today. He was so unlucky. Wheel not put on properly and released unsafely and thus having a stop/go and then a front wing falls off. Terrible luck.

Strange season for Sauber. Heavy and slow and both retired within a few laps. Maybe they had a similar problem, but the team has some real work to do.

JEV - Cant honestly remember much about his race.

Jules Bianchi was stupid in wiping out Maldonado in turn 4 and poor Pastor actually deserved better. While Perez never got a chance.

I am still unsure of the conserving nature of F1, but still do like the tricky to drive cars. 5 out of 10 race for me.

30th March 2014, 21:07
My review is largely already in the race thread.

JEV race was almost like Vettel's race in Australia. He dropped to the back already at the start with a non-functioning Power Unit, after that wasn't seen anywhere up from the back of the field, and soon retired.

Let's give a random number - about 3/10. :p If we saw such race somewhere late in the season, it would be deemed boring. The uniqueness of the new pecking order and the season in general sheds a slightly better light on that occasion. Other than that this race was very similar to all those races we saw in the second half of 2013.

easy rider
30th March 2014, 21:21
As a huge Lewis fan, I'l give it a 10, because that's how I feel whenever he wins, especially in such a dominating manner, which he had produced today.

31st March 2014, 02:26
As a huge Lewis fan, I'l give it a 10, because that's how I feel whenever he wins, especially in such a dominating manner, which he had produced today.

Hamilton is a class above when he's on. I think the team up with Rosberg could be a great one. Both can win races and come across as good blokes.

I thought the race itself was a bit dull. 5 out of 10 tops.

This is the second race with the new engines and we haven't seen clouds of blue smoke or cars running out of fuel which is encouraging. The flow meter issue needs to be dealt with once and for all.

The new graphic of how much fuel they haven't used was a head scratcher. Are we supposed to be excited that the cars are in constant fuel save mode? Oh wow, Hamilton has used less fuel than Vettel and he's still in first place. Yay.

I just threw up in my mouth.

I can't get excited about the sound of these cars. They are just not revving high enough, fast enough.

Seeing as the spectator experience or the sound doesn't seem important any more, maybe the time has come to re-visit CVT. :(

Big Ben
31st March 2014, 07:34
This was the race that made me accept the horrible truth. I'm not interested in F1 anymore. I watched the first 30 laps and then decided that time could be more pleasantly spent outside... and I went for a run. I don't give a crap about how much fuel X or Y spent. I don't really care if X has fresher tires then Y. I don't really care if X can activate his DRS now.. I don't get excited that X's engine might explode either. I love the penis noses though... NOT.

Mia 01
31st March 2014, 12:36
So far this year I think we got less overtaking than last year. Could be that the cars are less powerful than before or it could be that the cars has less traction out of the curves perhaps.

This race was a dull one for me, 4/10.

31st March 2014, 13:19
The fight among the podium contenders could have been better. Sadly, we might be witnessing another year of single-team domination, this time Mercedes. What I liked about these first two races is seeing lots of fresh new faces and outsiders doing so well: Magnussen, Kvyat, Ricciardo, and Hulkenberg. This season is going to be interesting, even if we knew advance that Mercedes may run away with the title.

31st March 2014, 14:44
This was the race that made me accept the horrible truth. I'm not interested in F1 anymore. I watched the first 30 laps and then decided that time could be more pleasantly spent outside... and I went for a run. I don't give a crap about how much fuel X or Y spent. I don't really care if X has fresher tires then Y. I don't really care if X can activate his DRS now.. I don't get excited that X's engine might explode either. I love the penis noses though... NOT.You captured my thoughts as well. I'm still interested but find the action less enjoyable. I re-watched the race to make sure I didn't miss anything, and sadly I didn't, I am happy for The Boss however. There was some decent racing, but far too much of it was strategic. Hulk had a tremendous race, yet his battle with Fred was anticlimactic when it came to the end, although the two stop strategy at least allowed for that bit. I really don't like this new formula, and I think that there needs to be a grass roots movement to bring it back to at least the formula we had last year, or even a few more years back. JMHO
I'll rate the race 4.5/10

31st March 2014, 22:23
Good views guys.

Yes it appears F1 is really struggling to maintain its fans and its soul.

No one over the last few years seems to find F1 better than in the past. You wonder why Bernie and co, don't realise this. F1 has been on a steady decline in the last 3 or 4 years.

Time to revert some elements back to the good old days maybe?

Brown, Jon Brow
31st March 2014, 23:32
I found it really boring. I am fan of the idea of efficient hybrid engines and even tyres that require some care, but having only 5 engines for a season is ruining the racing. Teams are just settling for a points finish because they don't want to risk damaging an engine.

easy rider
2nd April 2014, 21:49
As a Hamilton fan, hardly a boring race for me, especially in the manner in which he as able to run away from his nearest competitors.

Brown, Jon Brow
3rd April 2014, 00:40
As a Hamilton fan, hardly a boring race for me, especially in the manner in which he as able to run away from his nearest competitors.

I want a British driver to win but want to see some close racing.

Why can't every race be like Canada or Germany 2011? :p

3rd April 2014, 01:44
Lewis Hamilton did a perfect weekend. Rosberg did the same to make an 1-2 for Mercedes, so long not seen.
Vettel completed the podium for the best Renault result of the year, at the moment.
But the race was so dull at moments so I give it a 4.