View Full Version : Three years - now what?

17th March 2014, 20:56
I have now been moderating this forum for three years and it seems to be going nowhere.

The Rally enthusiasts continue to provide each other with results. But nobody appears to be publishing these anywhere. And nobody seems interested in discussing what happened on various rallies - controversies, demon drives, changing attitudes or whatever.

Nobody has recently raised any racing topics for discussion. It appears that when I asked those expressing way-out opinions to provide factual justification they preferred to simply go away.

Nobody seems to be interested in asking "What really happened?"

So, where can we go from here?

Opinions and suggestions please.

18th March 2014, 21:34
I read you and share your concern. While checking the site daily, I rarely see much activity. I also monitor the site at MotorSport and see about the same level of activity there.

I really don't have many suggestions. I participate wherever I can offer a relevant comment, but haven't initiated many discussions.
One I did, on Maserati at Indy, involved a fair amount of research on an interesting topic, yet I see it only raised about 2 replies.

I believe the site is worth keeping, if the initial GP under the latest formula is any indication, we may get a number of visitors from the current F1 page, nostalgic for some real racing cars !

I certainly appreciate your efforts here as moderator. I will see if anything comes up which might be of interest. I urge others to do the same.

19th March 2014, 22:58
Why do we only have 4 threads in this section at the moment. I assume its something to with return to old layout?

Anyway I feel sad that more people don't post here. I will be honest I feel limited to post here, because I mostly only have in depth F1 knowledge since 1989 to today.

I have been doing research here and there and know a bit more about the cars raced in the 50s, as I have been sketching some of them.

Anyway I hope to post some more in the future. Trouble is compared to some of your knowledge I feel a bit undercooked. http://www.clicksmilies.com/s1106/traurig/sad-smiley-006.gif

20th March 2014, 02:57
Yeah, I too wondered what became of some of the threads. I'm not a regular visitor in here, but do enjoy it from time to time.

I guess rally & F1 are most of what is here these days. Most of the IndyCar people have moved on or lost interest in the sport. I especially enjoyed some of Don Capps' posts, but haven't noticed anything from him lately. Don't give it up though Duncan, these things sometimes go in waves. It might be heading back up soon.

20th March 2014, 21:55
The small number of threads on show is a measure of the lack of activity. The default is "Show threads from the last month" and older threads are hidden. If you change it to "Last 45 days" or "Last 2 months" or even "Last year" then more older threads appear.

Steve Boyd
27th March 2014, 17:56
The Rally enthusiasts continue to provide each other with results. But nobody appears to be publishing these anywhere.That is a little harsh - information that I (and others) have provided in response to requests on the Rally History thread has been posted on the following sites to my certain knowledge:

27th March 2014, 22:00
Well, as far as I can see, nobody has said so on this forum have they? All I have seen is a series of dialogues that go:
"Does anybody have results for ~ rally?"
"Yes, here you are ..."
"Thank you"

Nobody ever says why they want the information or what they have used it for.

27th March 2014, 22:15
The whole Forum appears quiet now.

Just as we have returned to the better layout.

I honestly cannot remember a quieter week on motorsport forums in my time here.

Nothing has been posted about Indycar this weekend, F1 this weekend or BTCC either.

The history is the same.

Sad days. :(

31st March 2014, 00:15
Well, one reason it's been quiet must be that the link saved for goodness knows how long suddenly failed to work about a week ago! (and since I couldn't remember the correct/full title/name of the forum I couldn't immediately re-establish a link).

It goes in cycles I guess. TNF has degenerated following change to an irritating new format that takes forever to load or use. A split between "real" history and "dross" has not really worked either. Life is simply too short to waste on clunky formats and embedded pictures that show no consideration for the fact that a large slice of the UK is without reasonable speed broadband and will remain so for many years or for ever.
British Rally Forum used to be a waste of time because it was a points scoring exercise for almost entirely a generation that began its motorsport experience in the 80s. Clocking up 2000 pages or whatever on a photo thread entirely because every single comment re-posted the same photos would have got you shot on most forums but there it got people who complained at the painful repetition abused. More recently there have been some excelllent threads on historic regulations, involving several who were there in period.
The French Forum Auto continues to turn up some gems of historic photos... but with no recognition of the concept of copyright.
There seems to be a need for a niche for each to specialise in (which does not exclude wider topics) to attract the specialists and keep them. Here, rally results has been the "specialisation". Whilst involved with some contributors directly (and a member of an informal group outside of any forum) I would agree anyone asking for data should say why. Several times I have thought "I can find that but is the effort justified". I have done some major results work for charitable purposes - and I have also provided journalists with data they have then used for profit. I am now somewhat careful as to whom I give data to on my "specialist subject" - and I freely admit to posting for free some data simply to spike the plans of some commercial writers to make money from it. There are many results websites that publish carefully gathered data. It would help to know the intent of others who ask here. In my case, one single subject is a very long term aim to assist with a book that inevitably will not be profit making and may well be authored by others.
Personnally I turn off at some of the bizarre "dross" (eg. your top ten....) threads here (but now also on the most respected forum). Nothing picks the rare memories of those who were actually there better than annecdotal recollections of the older rallies etc. (and a few photos), as we have seen on British Rally Forum. Something combining that with entry/results data exchange is probably what this place should look for for its core. (and entries is something I find so much more interesting/useful than results, especially full car details, even down to registration numbers, which is so useful in some historical research and not just a sad affliction one stage removed from bus spotting...).