View Full Version : Fuel as a penalty

17th March 2014, 02:13
With fuel being the restriction of choice, could fuel be used as a hammer to beat down those horrible teams who breach the rule book. Could fuel be used to handicap the spectacle as well?

Rather than a 10 place grid penalty, a driver is penalised 10kgs of fuel at the next race.

For handicapping a race, the pole sitter gets 100kg of fuel, 2nd qualifier gets 101kg, 3rd 102kg etc. down the grid.

17th March 2014, 06:04
I am sorry, but this is the stupidest thing I have heard this year.

17th March 2014, 06:15
Gets my vote for most ridiculous post ever *facepalm*

17th March 2014, 07:27
Its less ridiculous than most of the things that come from Bernies mouth. The fuel reduction penalty in lieu of a grid penalty I quite like, handicapping not so much

17th March 2014, 09:16
Its less ridiculous than most of the things that come from Bernies mouth. The fuel reduction penalty in lieu of a grid penalty I quite like, handicapping not so much

:laugh: True. Medals, double points and even way back in time, drivers swapping cars. :eek:

Anyway this is still a silly Idea IMO.

17th March 2014, 09:25
Gets my vote for most ridiculous post ever *facepalm*

I wouldn't go that far! ;). But pretty unworkable all the same.

17th March 2014, 09:40
Gets my vote for most ridiculous post ever *facepalm*

I wouldn't go that far! ;). But pretty unworkable all the same.

No after all DJ's still posting isn't he. ;) :p

17th March 2014, 09:41
(Joke BTW incase anyone wanted to start a war). Just a bit of Banter Dj :)

17th March 2014, 11:42
Gets my vote for most ridiculous post ever *facepalm*

I wouldn't go that far! ;). But pretty unworkable all the same.

Thanks for the vote DJ but I think I've posted far more ridiculous stuff than this. :D

Just a discussion. This thread wasn't meant as a grenade or anything.

I do actually think that fuel penalties could be more appropriate than grid penalties.

A fuel penalty would allow a pole sitter to start the race at the front with the impact of the prior misdemeanor becoming apparent as the race unwinds.

10th to 4th or 1st to 4th - which gives the better racing?

17th March 2014, 12:34
It's actually used in other series, success ballast, i.e. if you win a race then have to carry around lead weights in the next race just to even things out a little.

17th March 2014, 15:00
It's actually used in other series, success ballast, i.e. if you win a race then have to carry around lead weights in the next race just to even things out a little.

Good point. But overall I don't think they should spend so much time trying to make all the cars equal, after all this is Formula 1.

I do think they still need to figure out better ways to handle penalties, though we really haven't seen how this years rules will end up working out.

17th March 2014, 16:30
It's actually used in other series, success ballast, i.e. if you win a race then have to carry around lead weights in the next race just to even things out a little.

Good point. But overall I don't think they should spend so much time trying to make all the cars equal, after all this is Formula 1.

I do think they still need to figure out better ways to handle penalties, though we really haven't seen how this years rules will end up working out.

I agree with you airshifter F1 is supposed to be about teams and drivers doing the best they can. Thus not be penalised by success. Although the way F1 is these days I believe this is already happening in some ways.