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10th March 2014, 13:49
Interesting to see how F1 will be shown on Sky1 as well this year (well, the Aussie GP is). Does anyone know if this will happen all season? Why show it on F1 and Sky1? Seems odd!

10th March 2014, 13:59
When is it on Sky 1? If it's live, the current schedule doesn't show it.

10th March 2014, 14:02
Well, the Qualifying is.

10th March 2014, 14:47
Sounds like an extended trailer for Sky Sports then!

12th March 2014, 07:48
Its no secret Sky have been getting a lot of criticism for there viewing figures both in the media and even Bernie has mentioned it on a number of occasions. My guess is they are putting it on Sky 1 as a test to see if this boasts it somewhat with the intention of moving it should this be the case. There are more Sky subscribers with the basic subscription that can receive Sky 1 with less than 50% having the sports package. Having said that this is the only place I have read about this so it could be simply a rumour.

12th March 2014, 08:33
Hmm, could the decision backfire on both Bernie, and to a much lesser extent, the BBC?!

12th March 2014, 08:54
Not sure where your getting this but the guide only shows Qualifying on SKY1, nothing about the race on Sunday. If it was they would have advertised it.

12th March 2014, 09:18
I wonder what will happen long term.

I mean if sky's/F1 audience continue to fall in the UK and the Beeb drop out, then very few people in the UK will watch F1. Bernie won't like that, despite the money.

Mind you Bernie might be gone by that time. who knows.

12th March 2014, 09:30
Seems a good idea, wet people's appetite by showing qualifying on Sky 1. They have started to show some Football on there too.

If this years season turns into unpredictable chaos and some sort of must see (live) TV with a British driver running at the front and yet Sky's viewing figures still don't rise then perhaps there might be some worrying all round..

12th March 2014, 09:47
It might seem like a good idea and I admit it is a better idea than keeping the channel on the Sports package, but there is no getting away from the fact that only a third of UK households have access to Sky. When the channel could be received with just the HD pack, the amount of subscriptions were in Sky's words, 'slightly below expectations'. I think any fan who wanted Sky F1 had their chance to buy it when it was 15 quid cheaper a month than it is now and the uptake was disappointing. Since then I know they've lost around 108k on average and it wasn't great to begin with.

Showing the qualifying might be a way of Sky advertising the channel and tempting people to upgrade like they have done with football in the past. Or it might be a request from the sport itself, who knows? I know Bernie mentioned in an interview that the drop in viewers was a concern so I would imagine the idea of making the qualifying coverage this weekend more available is more a move by Bernie than Sky. Sky were happy to move the channel amongst their Sports so that gives you the impression they were happy for it to attract a limited number of viewers as they knew it wasn't bringing in a record number of subscribers.

Back in 2011 Sky saw F1 pulling in up to 8 million viewers for some races and thought it would be a sure fire way to increase subscriptions by tempting F1 viewers who didn't want to lose the coverage across to them. It hasn't worked out, and the amusing thing is Bernie was very arrogant about it back then. He said viewers were not so important and the split coverage brings it to more fans. Its done the opposite and its brilliant to see my predictions came true. :D

12th March 2014, 10:32
Viewers were not so important? Bernie, what planet are you on?!

12th March 2014, 10:34
Not sure where your getting this but the guide only shows Qualifying on SKY1, nothing about the race on Sunday. If it was they would have advertised it.

What's the point of that?
Maybe they are thinking that people will watch Qauli on Sky1 on Saturday, and then enjoy it, making them want to pay to upgrade to the sports package.

12th March 2014, 11:45
What's the point of that?
Maybe they are thinking that people will watch Qauli on Sky1 on Saturday, and then enjoy it, making them want to pay to upgrade to the sports package.

I'm sure that's exactly what they're hoping.

12th March 2014, 12:00
It doesn't take a genius to realise that it won't attract that many people to upgrade though. for the first 12 months the channel was on air you could receive it with the HD package and even that didn't tempt enough new subscribers. Why would people suddenly want to pay £43.50 a month just off the back of one quali session? I don't think the Sky marketing team are that dull. I think this has more to do with the pressure they have got because of dwindling viewing figures overall.

12th March 2014, 12:07
Bottom line: all Bernie sees is money!

12th March 2014, 12:23
Bottom line: all Bernie sees is money!

This. Bernie doesn't care about fans like Henners and others. In fact in a perverse way he clearly doesn't care much for F1 as a sport. Which is amazing considering he owns and runs F1.

His money chasing attitude is making F1 more of forgotten sport already. Imagine 2 years time, if F1 is not on free to air at all.

Barely anyone in the UK would actually follow F1, and while that would still give Bernie his money it would be ruining F1 as a sport completely.

F1's heyday was the BBC coverage from 78-96 every race live. It was not perfect then (i.e no real coverage around the race) ITV tried to add that, but ad brakes ruined it.

F1 finally hit its peak I would say with BBC 2009-2011 when it returned ad free and with greater coverage than ever.

That was when F1 was in its best place in the UK and likely to stay there. Now by chasing money Bernie is causing F1 to sink probably back to pre 78 when not all races were live.

It could soon hit an all time low. Is that what Bernie wants? :crazy:

12th March 2014, 12:25
Bottom line: all Bernie sees is money!

In other news, the Pope is catholic :p

30th December 2014, 11:01
My wife bought me a SkyBox F5S For Xmas and this has PVR recording built in as well as wifi. Just need to get an additional satellite cable fitted and the software from a friend of my father in law. I should have the full Sky package in time for the F1 season and ready for Game of Thrones in 2015 for around £100. I will still be watching the BBC as they are better at the coverage, but it will be nice to see he other half of the races in full too. If people can get Sky's product for around a sixth of the price, I think they have a problem. It's a winner for me though