View Full Version : Water shortage?

Hazell B
12th April 2007, 20:53
No idea what the rest of the UK is like, but here we are really in need of some rain.

If there's no quality rains soon, crops in fields will start dying off. It's already killing some of my nursery stock (we use only harvested rainwater) and I'm using late May's water quota now.

Water bills and some food prices will probably rise thanks to this dry spell :mark:

12th April 2007, 21:13
I think here in South Norfolk the last time it rained was last Monday 2nd april. At least when I go back to Lancaster in a week it will probably rain continually, especially since I've organised a big barbeque... :rolleyes:

12th April 2007, 21:16
Funny you should mention that, the bbc doesn't seem to think the same as you.


I'm pretty sure I'm safe in both places, they use reservoirs not ground table water :p :

Brown, Jon Brow
12th April 2007, 21:24
I think here in South Norfolk the last time it rained was last Monday 2nd april. At least when I go back to Lancaster in a week it will probably rain continually, especially since I've organised a big barbeque... :rolleyes:

It hasn't rained up here for a long time also ;) The last rain I experienced was some light drizzle during the GT race at Outon on Monday.

12th April 2007, 21:30
I can't remember the last time it rained here, but it rained continuously for absolutely ages before that and everywhere was flooded. All of our rivers, canals and reservoirs are still very full.

12th April 2007, 22:08
It's been so bad here, my niece had never seen rain until Feb and she was scared of it, mind you she's only 3.


13th April 2007, 08:09
Hasn't rained here for about 15 days. A lot of the daffodils are wilting but the fields are still very green :)

13th April 2007, 14:49
ha... you think its bad over there

we are in a national water shortage over here

right now in brisbane we have level 5 water restrictions... which means
cant use a hose outside... sprinklers havent been used in years
outside watering on designated days only with buckets
if your house uses too much water, you get fined

its awful, i cant wash my car!

13th April 2007, 16:17
Shortage of rain in the UK? Who'du thunk it. We haven't had rain here since about October. Lots of snow though.

13th April 2007, 17:48
Global warming - people are finally seeing the consequences, not necessarily just warming but droughts more often in some places and flooding more often in others. Maybe now would be a good time to be more efficient, before it really is too late, although some would argue that its even too late now...

Brown, Jon Brow
13th April 2007, 17:54
Global warming - people are finally seeing the consequences, not necessarily just warming but droughts more often in some places and flooding more often in others. Maybe now would be a good time to be more efficient, before it really is too late, although some would argue that its even too late now...

Dod you get that out of a geography textbook?

13th April 2007, 20:03
Dod you get that out of a geography textbook?

No, but I am doing a degree in Geography so it's probably embedded in my head.

Brown, Jon Brow
13th April 2007, 20:07
What does 'dod' mean ?

13th April 2007, 23:45
Global warming - people are finally seeing the consequences, not necessarily just warming but droughts more often in some places and flooding more often in others. Maybe now would be a good time to be more efficient, before it really is too late, although some would argue that its even too late now...

maybe the water shortage is a consequence of "el niņo"?.
or maybe the global warming isn't our fault and we can't do anything about it!

14th April 2007, 05:31
maybe the water shortage is a consequence of "el niņo"?.
or maybe the global warming isn't our fault and we can't do anything about it!

Even if it's not our fault, we can still control it if we put our minds to it. :p :

14th April 2007, 19:17
if we have a hose pipe ban, that means that football stadiums should be banned from using sprinklers also!

Hazell B
14th April 2007, 22:09
No Tony, football grass isn't included :p :

If there's a hosepipe ban, which I hear there shouldn't be over most of the UK (Yorkshire not included :rolleyes: ) businesses get standpipe licences. That's also what I would have to get. It's thirty quid for the first week and about a tenner a week after that, no matter how much you use, per standpipe. So, you can tap into the mains for a quid a day and use all you like, no limits, so long as you don't waste any.

By the way, the water company statements should be taken with a pinch of salt. They've been in trouble with Ofwat for not assuring customers, so they've said "no bans" simply to please an official body. It isn't forced to be true ;)

Dave B
15th April 2007, 14:45
From a purely selfish point of view, the current spell of fine weather is fantastic.

But I agree it must be a concern if you're a farmer or your livelyhood depends on more traditional British springtime weather.