View Full Version : What number would YOU choose?

21st January 2014, 16:15
This is my first topic started in a while, and maybe not the most original or exhiliarting, BUT here we go!

Just as it says, let's have em, and reasons too if you want. Pick the one, or three as the drivers did that you would want, between 2 and 99. :)

I go for 17, 23 or 19, in that order. 17 is my birth date, 23 means a lot to me as YEARS ago I had my best ever time at a local kart track on 23rd March, the day after I started my first job! Ah, good times. I promptly "retired" about a month later, and since then, only drove a kart at Southsea funfair in 2012 since (though my suspicions were realised as I could tell I no longer had whatever I had, if ever anything, but it's cool :) ).

As for 19, a weird story. Grand Prix 2 is one of my favourite ever games, I got it for my 14th birthday in '98. For some reason I always liked Olivier Beretta, he always seemed to be such an underdog at the back in the game, and he was a driver in the game I really rooted for after the Pacifics. In real life, he rather disappointingly didn't outqualify Erik Comas once, but he looked like a much better driver in race trim, coming 8th in Monaco and heartbreakingly following Comas home at Hockenheim, seeing a point right in front of him. His car was no 19 and that's where 19 is a number I've used for years. Also, I was 19 in 2003 which was a pretty good year in my life (such as relative success at college, passing my driving test and getting my first Vauxhall Astra :) )

21st January 2014, 16:29
20, 12, 8, and 4, in tht order. All #'s I wore in Baseball.

21st January 2014, 18:29
My out and out Number 1 would be (look at the user name) #13

I am not superstitious in either way. Meaning I don't believe its unlucky and visa versa don't have it as my LUCKY number.

Its just my favourite number. I was born on the 13th June, and now live in a house with the number 13. My Grandmother used to live at 113 and another family member was born on a 13th.

I also wear number 13 when I play Football.

If that were taken I would be very grumpy and maybe not race in F1 :mad: , but if I had to choose two others.....

well #11 no reason or maybe #99

21st January 2014, 20:18
#43 King Petty Nascar, I had 1/24 model of it when I was 10
#35 Goal Keaper HIFK
#25 Gigi Galli

Those are the numbers I use for everything, reason dosn´t matter to me anymore, but numbers stay!

21st January 2014, 20:18
5, 11, 18 or 28.

5 because first time I qualified for a national swimming final I was in lane 5 (plus Luke Skywalker's x-wing was Red 5 in the Starwars movie or Gold 5 in the book)

11 because when I first started really watching F1 Elio deAngelis was number 11

18 because it was my shirt number when I first sat on the bench in a National League Football match

28 because I was born on the 28th

N. Jones
21st January 2014, 22:30
My favorite - 3.

22nd January 2014, 00:00
Number 7

Not for any particular reason that I'm aware of.. It may go back to a model car I had when I was a kid... Stirling Moss's '61 Lotus perhaps?... or maybe I just like the number. :)

22nd January 2014, 00:24
Number 7

Not for any particular reason that I'm aware of.. It may go back to a model car I had when I was a kid... Stirling Moss's '61 Lotus perhaps?... or maybe I just like the number. :)

or its the number you had last year and you can't see any reason to change? :)

22nd January 2014, 00:35

75 is a good number.

Or upon failing that, 37.
http://rollo75.blogspot.com.au/2011/05/ ... seven.html (http://rollo75.blogspot.com.au/2011/05/horse-1185-thirty-seven.html)

22nd January 2014, 03:57
13. I am a little disappointed that Madonado gets to drive with it.

22nd January 2014, 09:12
I would choose number 1, because without being big headed about it, I am the best.

22nd January 2014, 10:47
7. Always has been my favorite number. If 'Finski' isn't available its always 'Finski7'.

Happy that my favorite driver chose 7 and bottas 77.

22nd January 2014, 14:46
I would choose number 1, because without being big headed about it, I am the best.

between numbers 2-99, You will choose 1, makes sense ;)

22nd January 2014, 14:51
I would choose number 1, because without being big headed about it, I am the best.

between numbers 2-99, You will choose 1, makes sense ;)
And I quickly remember why this place isn't fun any more and depart...... :crazy:

22nd January 2014, 15:20
27 - This number is synonymous with Ferrari and as I wouldn't drive for anyone but Ferrari it would be entirely appropriate. ;)

13 - I've been a fan of the Miami Dolphins since the late '80's and Dan Marino is not only the best quarterback Miami has had he's also the best pure passing QB the league has ever seen (it'll be handbags at 20 paces if anyone wants to argue).

22nd January 2014, 16:44
27 - This number is synonymous with Ferrari and as I wouldn't drive for anyone but Ferrari it would be entirely appropriate. ;)

13 - I've been a fan of the Miami Dolphins since the late '80's and Dan Marino is not only the best quarterback Miami has had he's also the best pure passing QB the league has ever seen (it'll be handbags at 20 paces if anyone wants to argue). Greetings Hawk, I didn’t know ya’’all boyz were into the NFL down in Oz
Marino is a good pick, definitely one of the best of all time. He is ranked 17th in career passer rating, but those stats can be skewed. I would put him at the top along with Joe Montana, and Joe Willie Namath, who oddly enough all came out of Western Pennsylvania.

23rd January 2014, 17:17
I would choose number 1, because without being big headed about it, I am the best.

I would choose #2, because I am sure I wouldn't be a bad #2 driver to you!

Or I would choose #83, because... well... I have to choose a number, right? So why not 83? :z Or perhaps 59? Why not either? :confused:

Or #47, because I like both "4" and also "7".

23rd January 2014, 18:42
Thanks Jens you'd be excellent as a number two :)

When I'm not fighting for the championship and winning every year without the luxury of having the best car on the grid as we see in F1 these days, I would choose number 82, the year of my birth ;)

23rd January 2014, 21:51
Number 7

Not for any particular reason that I'm aware of.. It may go back to a model car I had when I was a kid... Stirling Moss's '61 Lotus perhaps?... or maybe I just like the number. :)

or its the number you had last year and you can't see any reason to change? :)

... If that was the case yes it would be as good a reason as any but no this is my 1st year in F1 as a complete rookie.

I was spotted by Vijay Singh at an indoor karting event at Cambuslang where I demolished all my work colleagues for the fifth year in succesion... and broke the lap record held for 6 years by Scotkart employee 'wee Jamie'. I've signed as a paid driver but It's not official yet so keep it quiet.. Hulk is actually off to drive for Volvo in DTM alongside DiResta. Vijay has bunged Bernie, I've now got my superlicence and the FIA weight regulations have been changed so that my 16 stone frame will not penalise me.

Kimi already has No7 but has agreed after I asked to fight him for it at Jerez. I'm bigger and stronger than him which combined with my judo expertise makes me fairly confident I'll
kick his @ss. ;)

What are the grounds for preference over which drivers are given the numbers they want?

26th January 2014, 19:40
I'd choose number 27 as it took Alan Jones and Ayrton Senna to World Championships and in between was used by the great Gilles Villeneuve

27th January 2014, 09:22
9/10 (because I love football)

hmm another could be 47 for the year of independence

27th January 2014, 13:25
00 - I would like to be the Dick Dastardly of the race :rolleyes:

27th January 2014, 18:48
Far too many people choosing my Number 13. :mad:

Its mine. I chose it first remember. :dog:

27th January 2014, 22:40

29th January 2014, 14:29
I'd take the highest possible number.

29th January 2014, 21:35
I would go for 26, 16 and 36 in that order, or anything really with a 6