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7th December 2013, 08:30
The Australians really did a number on the Poms. :smokin:

Great bowling by Mitchell Johnson

He bowls to the left , he bowls to the right. This Mitchell Johnson , his bowling's alright.

7th December 2013, 09:33
Not a thread I wish to post on just now. :D

7th December 2013, 09:35
In all seriousness though.

Australia and Johnson are playing well. They deserve nothing less than utter domination.

As for us, well we just gotta try and dig in. As unlikely as that is. We have no other choice. As for the Ashes as a whole. I think this one's gone back down under.

It will be interesting to see if England change things round a bit for future series or whether they stick with some of the older players.

7th December 2013, 11:55
As for us, well we just gotta try and dig in. As unlikely as that is. We have no other choice. As for the Ashes as a whole. I think this one's gone back down under.

The chances of England winning the second test at Adelaide is zero.

From their second innings, Australia needed to post just 20 to make England face a record for a successful fourth innings chase. To make England chase more than 500 when this series they haven't even got to 200 is in all honesty, is firstly selecting and the taking Mickey Bliss for the XI.
I should also point out that in the entire of Ashes history, only one side has even won 3-2 after being 2-0 down; that was Australia in 1936-37 in Australia.

In the words of current Australian Prime Minister and goblin (ex-employee of Gringotts), this series is as good as "dead, buried and cremated"

8th December 2013, 01:16
As a member on here used to call certain drivers; England are batting like 'sick dogs'.....

Saying that, they've been on the slide since 2012, and were fortunate to win in the summer 3-0. Only at Lord's were they the far better team. Too many not producing....

Valve Bounce
8th December 2013, 03:40
There is a very good chance for England to draw this game: Hire some Aboriginal rain dancers.

8th December 2013, 07:38
I couldn't have been more surprised than to see Australia actually playing with some confidence when the Gabba test got going. Seemed alien after so many years in the doldrums. England just straight up need to get their act together. Their batsmen in particular have no excuse to be struggling so badly against pace.

Edit: I'll also add this; Michael Clark is way better as a captain than Ricky Ponting ever was. He's always attacking, leaves the other side guessing, has better instincts, reads the game better, and uses what resources he has (which, lets face it, still aren't THAT amazing compared to yesteryear's players) much more effectively.

8th December 2013, 23:09
There is a very good chance for England to draw this game: Hire some Aboriginal rain dancers.

At the beginning of Day 5, it is raining in Adelaide; so maybe there's hope... but if it stops raining, forget it.

The highest successful fourth innings run chase is 418 and England don't look like coming close. They were sent in with the prospect of surviving six sessions and England don't look like coming close.

The ABC's Crystal Ball puts:
England win - 1%
Australia win - 92.5%
Draw - 6.4%

A draw is technically possible I suppose but hoping in that might be like trying to catch the wind with a sieve.

9th December 2013, 02:48
When Panesar was caught by Rogers at short-cover... England were all out for 312. Australia won by 218 runs.
At this point England are 2-0 down and I think the best case scenario is a 2-all series draw; at worst is a whitewash.

The difference between Australian fans and English fans though are that the English a predisposed to lose. When England was exceptional crap in the 1990s, we knew the score. Australian fans are entirely fairweather though.

9th December 2013, 05:54
Must say the Bruce's have bounced back nicely after their poor performances in Engerland :)

9th December 2013, 08:31
I keep seeing the odd snippet on the news that we are playing some cricket down under. You'd never know otherwise though as its not on normal TV any more here! Shame as it got so popular again here after 2005. It gets about as much interest as Alpine skiing now.

9th December 2013, 09:50
I'm a purist and love test cricket, more so than ODI's and T20's. But test cricket is dying a slow death. Let's get real, who has 5 days these days to watch cricket? The world has moved on...

9th December 2013, 10:37
Yeah , I really only get excited for tests nowadays.

England have looked like such dunces it's impossible to believe that this (barring one or two) is the same side which trounced India 2-1 in India...The same indian side which beat Australia at home 4-0 btw.

9th December 2013, 11:00
I keep seeing the odd snippet on the news that we are playing some cricket down under. You'd never know otherwise though as its not on normal TV any more here! Shame as it got so popular again here after 2005. It gets about as much interest as Alpine skiing now.

That's Rupert's fault.

Cricket used to be on the Beeb, then Channel 4 and then Rupert spoiled it all for everyone by sticking it on Sky. Rupert even buggered up the series in India in 2012-13 when his broadcast companies conspired with the BCCI and nearly had it taken off the radio too.

Keep on pulling all the feathers off the chicken Rupert and eventually, the chicken will scream... or die.

9th December 2013, 18:12
I keep seeing the odd snippet on the news that we are playing some cricket down under. You'd never know otherwise though as its not on normal TV any more here! Shame as it got so popular again here after 2005. It gets about as much interest as Alpine skiing now.

I'm a purist and love test cricket, more so than ODI's and T20's. But test cricket is dying a slow death. Let's get real, who has 5 days these days to watch cricket? The world has moved on...

I know what you are saying in both cases, for me I follow every moment of every Cricket Match England play on TMS on Radio.

You hear all the action and get entertained for the whole day. As I work outside as a Gardener I can listen to my pocket radio all day. Bliss

One great idea the BBC have had this year is re running the whole day again during our days so I don't miss Ashes matches like I normally would have too.

Even if we are getting smashed. :(

9th December 2013, 18:16
I couldn't believe Englands attitude to batting in the two tests so far.

Even this morning with no real chance to save the game. Broad goes for a second 6 in the first over of the day. With the possibility of Rain. It was stupidity. At least play cautiously for a little while to see what the weather might do. If they had lasted the first hour then for example it did rain for 3 hours it would be back on, but instead they get out in 45 minutes smashing it to all parts.

10th December 2013, 21:20
I keep seeing the odd snippet on the news that we are playing some cricket down under. You'd never know otherwise though as its not on normal TV any more here! Shame as it got so popular again here after 2005. It gets about as much interest as Alpine skiing now.
The barmy army is also looking more like the barmy cohort this summer. Bandwagon jumpers?

10th December 2013, 22:03
I keep seeing the odd snippet on the news that we are playing some cricket down under. You'd never know otherwise though as its not on normal TV any more here! Shame as it got so popular again here after 2005. It gets about as much interest as Alpine skiing now.
The barmy army is also looking more like the barmy cohort this summer. Bandwagon jumpers?
Bandwagon jumpers?

10th December 2013, 23:30
I keep seeing the odd snippet on the news that we are playing some cricket down under. You'd never know otherwise though as its not on normal TV any more here! Shame as it got so popular again here after 2005. It gets about as much interest as Alpine skiing now.
The barmy army is also looking more like the barmy cohort this summer. Bandwagon jumpers?
Bandwagon jumpers?
The reverse of #3 http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.p ... =bandwagon (http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=bandwagon)

11th December 2013, 07:17
I keep seeing the odd snippet on the news that we are playing some cricket down under. You'd never know otherwise though as its not on normal TV any more here! Shame as it got so popular again here after 2005. It gets about as much interest as Alpine skiing now.
The barmy army is also looking more like the barmy cohort this summer. Bandwagon jumpers?
Bandwagon jumpers?
The reverse of #3 http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.p ... =bandwagon (http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=bandwagon)

I know what the term bang wagon means, just didn't understand your context in relation to my post. Did you mean because England aren't winning people have jumped off the bandwagon? If so I think that's wrong. The reason people aren't watching is because a pay channel has the rights and the audience tuning in is about 150-200k. When the BBC last had the coverage and England were winning lol, it was a healthy following. It obviously doesn't help when the sport is being played down under too because nobody wants to get up in the middle of the night to watch. A series of circumstances has made crickets popularity slump here unfortunately.

journeyman racer
11th December 2013, 09:59
England's lack of preparation has cost them. I still think they can come back from this, but they've have left no margin for error.

11th December 2013, 10:11
I know what the term bang wagon means, just didn't understand your context in relation to my post. Did you mean because England aren't winning people have jumped off the bandwagon? If so I think that's wrong. The reason people aren't watching is because a pay channel has the rights and the audience tuning in is about 150-200k. When the BBC last had the coverage and England were winning lol, it was a healthy following. It obviously doesn't help when the sport is being played down under too because nobody wants to get up in the middle of the night to watch. A series of circumstances has made crickets popularity slump here unfortunately.
I was talking specifically about the English fans present at the Gabba and Adelaide Oval. They looked to be in far fewer numbers than last time around.

In regards to your lack of coverage, I sympathise with you. It sucks how Sky is taking over this stuff.

Do you have any anti-siphoning laws in the UK? Over here, we have such laws to prevent certain events which are deemed 'too important' from being shown on pay-tv instead of free-to-air.

11th December 2013, 23:53
In regards to your lack of coverage, I sympathise with you. It sucks how Sky is taking over this stuff.

Do you have any anti-siphoning laws in the UK? Over here, we have such laws to prevent certain events which are deemed 'too important' from being shown on pay-tv instead of free-to-air.

Australia has 1 section of one act; even then, it's up to the disrection of the relevant minister:

http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/legis/cth/ ... /s115.html (http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/legis/cth/consol_act/bsa1992214/s115.html)
(1) The Minister may, by notice published in the Gazette , specify an event, or events of a kind, the televising of which should, in the opinion of the Minister, be available free to the general public.
(1A) The Minister may, by notice published in the Gazette , amend a notice under subsection (1) to specify an additional event, or events of a kind, the televising of which should, in the opinion of the Minister, be available free to the public.
- s.115 of the Broadcasting Services Act 1992

The current list as far as cricket is concerned is probably fine as it protects Test Matches and ODIs of the national team but for other things like F1, it only protects the AGP.

Also, given that the current minister is Malcolm Turnbull who is determined to put a knife to the throat of the NBN, and the ABC, and SBS, quite frankly, we should be thankful that there even is any televised sport in this country. Mr Murdoch already has the government in the palm of his hand and I'm sure if he asked nicely, they'd jump.

12th December 2013, 10:05
England's lack of preparation has cost them. I still think they can come back from this, but they've have left no margin for error.

I think they need two people to score hundreds. KP and Bell most likely.

journeyman racer
12th December 2013, 10:35
Yeah, big partnerships scored often is what they need. For those who don't know, it'll be abnormally hot for this match. Temperatures of 38, 38, 38, 39 and 30 are expected for the scheduled days of this match. Ryan Harris has a potential injury issue, which may be magnified under the heat, particularly if England bat long enough. The pre game talk has been quite cagey over here. I'm not sure what to make of it?

13th December 2013, 03:30
So far, Rogers has fallen to a comedy run-out by Anderson, Shane Watson didn't do his homework and holed out to Swann and Dave Warner has been bashing like a mad thing.

52/2 after 11 overs. At this rate the Aussies will be out for about 250 odd hopefully.

14th December 2013, 03:41
If you want a textbook example of how not to captain, how not to set a field, and how not to instill confidence in your players, then Alistair Cook is doing a pretty good job of that.

14th December 2013, 08:22
I know Cook isn't a great captain right now, but I am confident he will do OK. He is Young, has a lot of experience and has only been captain for a short time. In which time we have won in India and the Home Ashes albeit by a flattering scoreline.

Alistair Cook has dug in now and is looking a bit more like his old self. which is one good thing.

Nether the less this Ashes is all over really. Play out the last 2.5 tests as well as we can and build again for the next series.

14th December 2013, 12:25
http://www.smh.com.au/sport/cricket/joe ... 2zefa.html (http://www.smh.com.au/sport/cricket/joe-root-bemused-as-drs-raises-its-head-in-third-ashes-test-20131214-2zefa.html)
[That was despite no sign of an edge on thermal imaging camera Hot Spot and a squiggle on the new addition to the DRS, the real-time Snicko, that appeared to show a noise slightly after the ball had passed the bat.
- Sydney Morning Herald, 14th Dec 2013

I thought that DRS was supposed to stop howlers. I was wrong. It was designed to stop sensibility.

Law 27.6 says that "If, after consultation, there is still doubt remaining, the decision shall be Not out."
Obviously there must not have been any doubt. But what sort of eejit still gets it wrong? Tony Hill... that sort of eejit.

15th December 2013, 13:51
[That was despite no sign of an edge on thermal imaging camera Hot Spot and a squiggle on the new addition to the DRS, the real-time Snicko, that appeared to show a noise slightly after the ball had passed the bat.
- Sydney Morning Herald, 14th Dec 2013

I thought that DRS was supposed to stop howlers. I was wrong. It was designed to stop sensibility.

Law 27.6 says that "If, after consultation, there is still doubt remaining, the decision shall be Not out."
Obviously there must not have been any doubt. But what sort of eejit still gets it wrong? Tony Hill... that sort of eejit.

absolute shocker that , Cricket Decision Making has gone from giving batsmen the benefit of the doubt to giving umpires the benefit of the doubt.

15th December 2013, 22:51
I know Cook isn't a great captain right now, but I am confident he will do OK. He is Young, has a lot of experience and has only been captain for a short time. In which time we have won in India and the Home Ashes albeit by a flattering scoreline.

Alistair Cook has dug in now and is looking a bit more like his old self. which is one good thing.

Nether the less this Ashes is all over really. Play out the last 2.5 tests as well as we can and build again for the next series.
He's a damn good batsman, no doubt about that. But as a captain he lacks the necessary aggression, lets other players do too much decision making, lets the batting side dictate his field placement, lacks the instincts and doesn't read the game well enough.

journeyman racer
15th December 2013, 23:13
Well, it seems to me that webberf1 is Shane Warne's account.

16th December 2013, 03:07
Shane Watson has done his homework and is now 82 not out and Piggy Smith has an unbeaten dozen as the Australian lead ticks over 400.

The things that are making this series most interesting are the discussions of cakes and pies on Twitter whilst listening to Test Match Sofa.

16th December 2013, 03:08
Well, it seems to me that webberf1 is Shane Warne's account.

Speaking of Shane Warne, credit to the bloke. His predictions before the series were (contrary to most cricketing opinions) that Australia would dominate and potentially be able to win 5-0 and that Mitchell Johnson would shine. A lot of people dislike him because they're pussy ass little armchair whiners, but when it comes to cricket he knows what he's talking about just about more than anyone.

journeyman racer
16th December 2013, 04:45
Speaking of Shane Warne, credit to the bloke. His predictions before the series were (contrary to most cricketing opinions) that Australia would dominate and potentially be able to win 5-0 and that Mitchell Johnson would shine. A lot of people dislike him because they're pussy ass little armchair whiners, but when it comes to cricket he knows what he's talking about just about more than anyone.

If he said that about Johnson, then it's because he had the inside word. But there were a lot of people here that thought Australia were a good chance to win.

16th December 2013, 20:34
If he said that about Johnson, then it's because he had the inside word. But there were a lot of people here that thought Australia were a good chance to win.
Well no sh*t he has the inside word, being a cricket commentator and mentor it's kind of his job to have the 'inside word'. Point stands: he'd definitely be in the top 5 people in the world to go to to ask anything about the game right now. His knowledge and experience is virtually unmatched.

16th December 2013, 21:48
I doubt that Mr Warne would know anything about the ODI series between Pakistan and Sri Lanka, or the Indian tour of South Africa, or the West Indies tour of NZ, whereas I suspect that someone like Aggers or Ed Hocknull who writes for the Cricketer magazine, would have a far far far better handle on the state of lots of teams.
Would Warne know who Ross Taylor is? I doubt it.

I dislike Warne as a commentator because he doesn't do his job particularly well. Mark Taylor in that box does a better job at describing why fielders are being placed where they are. Moreover, someone like Jim Maxwell on ABC Radio who is forced to give a better description (because radio listeners can not see what's going on) does a better job again.

I wouldn't put Warne in the Top 5 of anything at the moment.

17th December 2013, 06:03
Australia 385 & 369/6 declared have defeated England 251 & 353. That's 3-0 in the series and Australia have regained the Ashes...


17th December 2013, 06:09
Australia win the ashes. Lehmann has made a huge difference

17th December 2013, 07:52
I doubt that Mr Warne would know anything about the ODI series between Pakistan and Sri Lanka, or the Indian tour of South Africa, or the West Indies tour of NZ, whereas I suspect that someone like Aggers or Ed Hocknull who writes for the Cricketer magazine, would have a far far far better handle on the state of lots of teams.
Would Warne know who Ross Taylor is? I doubt it.

I dislike Warne as a commentator because he doesn't do his job particularly well. Mark Taylor in that box does a better job at describing why fielders are being placed where they are. Moreover, someone like Jim Maxwell on ABC Radio who is forced to give a better description (because radio listeners can not see what's going on) does a better job again.

I wouldn't put Warne in the Top 5 of anything at the moment.
Didn't realise I was supposed to care what you think of his personality or his ability in the commentary box.

Fact remains: the guy understands how the game works better than virtually anyone. You don't become the greatest spin bowler in history without such ability.

journeyman racer
17th December 2013, 12:39
Well no sh*t he has the inside word,Then don't make out like he thought of it all himself, flog. Now that I'm reminded of it, Rodney Hogg had been on radio here In Melbourne talking him up, so it's not all just the cricketing mastermind that is Shane Warne. Rodney was saying it despite the fact he talks a lot of **** a lot of the time.

17th December 2013, 14:46
I doubt that Mr Warne would know anything about the ODI series between Pakistan and Sri Lanka, or the Indian tour of South Africa, or the West Indies tour of NZ, whereas I suspect that someone like Aggers or Ed Hocknull who writes for the Cricketer magazine, would have a far far far better handle on the state of lots of teams.
Would Warne know who Ross Taylor is? I doubt it.

I dislike Warne as a commentator because he doesn't do his job particularly well. Mark Taylor in that box does a better job at describing why fielders are being placed where they are. Moreover, someone like Jim Maxwell on ABC Radio who is forced to give a better description (because radio listeners can not see what's going on) does a better job again.

I wouldn't put Warne in the Top 5 of anything at the moment.
Didn't realise I was supposed to care what you think of his personality or his ability in the commentary box.

Fact remains: the guy understands how the game works better than virtually anyone. You don't become the greatest spin bowler in history without such ability.

not really , Shane warne talks a lot of the obvious sense. But he's also guilty of promoting spinners like Michael Beer,Ashton Agar,Steven Smith.

17th December 2013, 21:39
Didn't realise I was supposed to care what you think of his personality or his ability in the commentary box.

Fact remains: the guy understands how the game works better than virtually anyone. You don't become the greatest spin bowler in history without such ability.

Didn't you say this?

A lot of people dislike him because they're pussy ass little armchair whiners, but when it comes to cricket he knows what he's talking about just about more than anyone.

I think I laid out a pretty reasonable case which suggested otherwise. Does the chap "understand how the game works better than virtually anyone"? How can that be if he probably isn't even aware of what is happening in the country next door?

19th December 2013, 06:53
The Ashes has been excellent watching. Great stuff, can't wait for the last two.

I think I laid out a pretty reasonable case which suggested otherwise. Does the chap "understand how the game works better than virtually anyone"? How can that be if he probably isn't even aware of what is happening in the country next door?

Because simply knowing statistics isn't the same as understanding a cricket match.

Valve Bounce
20th December 2013, 02:34
My view is that the Poms thought they had a great victory in England in their last 3-nil win over the Aussis. I felt that series was much closer, and certain umpiring decisions involving Kawaja and Broad spring to mind; not that I would claim that the Aussis deserved to win. But our guys played fighting cricket, and that loss merely spurred them on.

The Poms arrived with hubris, having smashed the Aussis in the last three series. Well, when you analyse the play, the only day's play the Poms can claim to have won was the first day in Brisbane, which created a false sense of superiority, because they lost in every other day played. And to add insult to injury, Swann was smashed all over the ground by Watson which preceded the greatest hiding any bowler ever received in Test Cricket when Bailey smashed Anderson for a record score in a single over in Test Cricket. I don't know how Hopalong Broad will bowl at the MCG, but both Swann and Anderson will need council ling before they start bowling at the G. Then of course there is Prior, who seems to prefer to let balls slip beneath his pants.

It will be interesting to see the Poms bowling attack on Boxing Day.

20th December 2013, 16:18
slightly off topic , but it's awesome to see young Indian batsmen face up to Dale steyn , Vernon Philander and grind them to the dust...

well played , well played

Valve Bounce
20th December 2013, 23:46
Sorry! but I cannot watch this on my TV. It would have been a treat for me.
Wait a minute - Dale Steyn is the #1 bowler by the ICC. I must be missing something here.

Valve Bounce
20th December 2013, 23:51
...........and Vernon is the #2 bowler.

Valve Bounce
22nd December 2013, 08:03
Owing to unforeseen belting by Shane Watson, the above mentioned has decided he's had enough!! :D

22nd December 2013, 10:07
Owing to unforeseen belting by Shane Watson, the above mentioned has decided he's had enough!! :D

does look that way , but swann's been immense for england...and offies always struggle in england. Even the throffies struggle there , so was a surprise seeing him take that decision.

22nd December 2013, 23:36
It will be interesting to see the Poms bowling attack on Boxing Day.

...or the complete lack thereof.

Michael Clarke should not declare under any circumstances in Melbourne. A 3-0 series lead is unassailable.

Why would I suggest such a thing? Because there is one record which has stood since 1926... also made at Christmas time:
Victoria all out 1107.

Now that Swann has quit, England's bowling attack will have to work harder to work around the loss of staff. I think that given that this England squad couldn't beat an egg with a Massey Ferguson, then 1107 might very well be attainable.

Valve Bounce
23rd December 2013, 00:46
The gift that keeps on giving:"''Some people playing the game at the minute have no idea how far up their own backsides they are,'' Swann said after his retirement announcement.
''It will bite them on the arse one day and when it does I hope they look back and are embarrassed about how they carry on.''

Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/sport/cricket/gra ... z2oFq92ICR (http://www.smh.com.au/sport/cricket/graeme-swann-accuses-players-of-being-up-their-own-backsides-20131223-2ztu4.html#ixzz2oFq92ICR)

Valve Bounce
24th December 2013, 00:22
"He (KP) has given his wicket away four times out of six. Each time they set a trap for him and he falls for it. He is a mug and the Aussies are laughing at him. They think he is a sucker.
Senior players should always give a lead to the juniors, but with Pietersen it is all about self. He is going to do whatever he wants, play the way he feels irrespective of the state of the match or what is best for England."

I have read reports where KP dissociates himself from the rest of the team when he travels, and other reports suggesting that his presence makes a toxic environment in the changerooms. There is little doubt that KP was a gifted player when he was playing for SA, yet when he decided to join the English team instead, his then team mates threw his gear off the upper floor balcony of the club rooms. My recollection was that his only friend in cricket was Shane Warne, apart from the guy in the mirror that is.

So Geoffrey Boycott thinks that KP should go! I have felt for a long time that when he was selected as Captain of the English test side for the shortest duration in cricket history (less than 24 hours I think), that was the time to sit KP down and have a heart to heart talk to explain why his team mates didn't want him around, and how he should change his ways to fit into the team.

Australia was slow in sacking Arthur for "BOOF", but I did read that the atmosphere in the Australian test side's changeroom was toxic, then BOOF arrived with a very happy Australia "A" team and I think that, more than anything else, sealed Arthur's fate. In like manner, KP is not irreplaceable - and maybe the English team would be a happy bunch again if KP goes away.

Brendan Fevola was told "There is no "I" in team, and his reply was "there is in WIN". Well, Carlton didn't win, and they sacked the very gifted Fevola because he was a nutter, despite kicking 100 goals for Carlton. There is a lesson in all this somewhere, and England must bite the bullet, and do something now, not after the Ashes turn to dust.

24th December 2013, 23:23
I have read reports where KP dissociates himself from the rest of the team when he travels, and other reports suggesting that his presence makes a toxic environment in the changerooms. There is little doubt that KP was a gifted player when he was playing for SA, yet when he decided to join the English team instead, his then team mates threw his gear off the upper floor balcony of the club rooms. My recollection was that his only friend in cricket was Shane Warne, apart from the guy in the mirror that is.

So Geoffrey Boycott thinks that KP should go! I have felt for a long time that when he was selected as Captain of the English test side for the shortest duration in cricket history (less than 24 hours I think), that was the time to sit KP down and have a heart to heart talk to explain why his team mates didn't want him around, and how he should change his ways to fit into the team.

In 2012 KP hinted that he was going to quit test cricket but that came to nought and on the tour of India, he was even dropped at one stage.

The thing is though that the current England side would be worse off without him. KP for England is like Suarez for Liverpool - a bit of a liability but has the ability to turn matches on their head. Like Dave Warner, KP can go for 6, 56, 156, 206 and all numbers in between; it's like having a lottery ticket which sometimes wins and also doesn't.

Valve Bounce
25th December 2013, 01:28
I hope you are not suggesting that KP might bite Warner's ear!

Valve Bounce
25th December 2013, 01:31
But I do hope KP remains in the team - great sendoff when he makes his millionaire shots and gets out!! :D

journeyman racer
28th December 2013, 23:33
Fwiw, I went to day yesterday's play.

But I do hope KP remains in the team - great sendoff when he makes his millionaire shots and gets out!! :DSpeaking from experience, this is true!

Valve Bounce
29th December 2013, 10:09
I think Stokes and Broad are the only Poms that really performed very well. The others need a lot of soul searching if they think they deserve to remain in the test side in the future.

29th December 2013, 22:16
Wow it gets worse.

I mean its one thing to struggle when you are 550+ behind in a 1st innings and are chasing the game, but to get a first innings lead and collapse like that.

I support Cook, but it maybe better to have him as a batsman only as the captaincy is not great and has ruined his batting.

Valve Bounce
30th December 2013, 23:19
Wow it gets worse.

I mean its one thing to struggle when you are 550+ behind in a 1st innings and are chasing the game, but to get a first innings lead and collapse like that.

I support Cook, but it maybe better to have him as a batsman only as the captaincy is not great and has ruined his batting.
When you compare the two captains , Michael Clarke comes through as decisive, while Cook comes through as a ditherer blessed with interminable conferences to decide Field placements, some of which have been severely criticised. A cricket test captain is given great responsibility because he determines field placements, bowling order, batting changes, and if he wins the toss when to bat or bowl first. Especially during the last two days in Melbourne, Cook has failed miserably in most of these departments. When his side needs to fight, he summons his mates for endless conferences and dithers. Not the captain I would choose for a test cricket team.

4th January 2014, 00:23
Alistair Cook's dismissal this morning said it all. A nothing effort.

journeyman racer
4th January 2014, 02:11
When you compare the two captains , Michael Clarke comes through as decisive, while Cook comes through as a ditherer blessed with interminable conferences to decide Field placements,Australian and English cricket cultures are different. Cook doesn't have the advantages Clarke has despite a lot of similarities in their careers.

4th January 2014, 06:57
[quote="Valve Bounce":1zotmqyp] When you compare the two captains , Michael Clarke comes through as decisive, while Cook comes through as a ditherer blessed with interminable conferences to decide Field placements,Australian and English cricket cultures are different. Cook doesn't have the advantages Clarke has despite a lot of similarities in their careers.[/quote:1zotmqyp]
Lame excuses. England has had some very good, perceptive, decisive captains. Cook is not one of them. End of story.

journeyman racer
4th January 2014, 13:12
Lame excuses. England has had some very good, perceptive, decisive captains. Cook is not one of them. End of story.
Well, being a Webber fan, you know everything about making lame excuses. So I have to bow to you expertise in this area.

4th January 2014, 22:20
Lame excuses. England has had some very good, perceptive, decisive captains. Cook is not one of them. End of story.
Well, being a Webber fan, you know everything about making lame excuses. So I have to bow to you expertise in this area.
Lol. God this forum is so fucking lame at times. Full of whiny people incapable of making proper arguments so they make lame attempts to change the topic and make it personal. You're going down the same shitty track as the likes of spa and daniel there. For the record, I have no problem with admitting Vettel is a far superior driver.

Getting back to Captain Cook. You finished turd polishing yet? Dude's a weak captain, no need to deny it.

Valve Bounce
4th January 2014, 23:18
Everything is pink today - clothes and decorations. All for the McGrath Breast Cancer Foundation. Very impressive!
I am also amazed by the bunch called:"Richie Benauds". They all dress up in light cream suits and wear wigs of white hair, and they all carry a microphone. Their numbers increase annually it seems, and when Johnson bowls, they all wave their mikes and yell "JOHNSON! JOHNSON! JOHNSON!" in unison. At last we have something than can completely neutralise the Barmy Army, thank God!! Must be a terrifying ordeal for any batsman to face with Mitchell Johnson bearing down on him. :vader:

I don't suppport personal attacks in this forum, and surely with such an interesting subject as the Ashes Cricket in action, there is so much more to discuss. Having said that, I think Stokes and Broad are the only two Poms worth feeding; I'd put the rest of the team on bread and water, and put Anderson in charge of that lot. And I'd make KP clean out the loos. :D

5th January 2014, 05:16
Speaking of captaincy, England's best hope in coming years looks like young Ben Stokes. He's been great. He has the ability, pressure doesn't get to him, he's an attacking player, and seems a decent chap. The one true beacon of light this summer.

5th January 2014, 07:43
Speaking of captaincy, England's best hope in coming years looks like young Ben Stokes. He's been great. He has the ability, pressure doesn't get to him, he's an attacking player, and seems a decent chap. The one true beacon of light this summer.

that's cause he's not english.

5th January 2014, 07:45
Cook's an even more pathetic captain and inept than Dhoni/Misbah/Matthews

Valve Bounce
5th January 2014, 10:45
today's capitulation stunned me. I cannot think how any team would hoist the white flag so readily. I am sure there's no need to pour scorn on this lot of Poms as the UK press will be livid. I will leave the details to them. I missed Botham's comments but will probably read them tomorrow.

5th January 2014, 11:40
A dour Australian side has beaten an utterly woeful England 5-0. It wasn't the same England which played in England and this Australian side will probably hit a very hard wall in South Africa.
Full credit to Australia for beating England because that's what sport is about - not taking your foot off your opponent's throat, even if they're choking.

At last we have something than can completely neutralise the Barmy Army, thank God!

Ah no. The Red & Black Block comes close but the Barmy Army was forged during Atherton's fateful 3-1 tour. England fans know how to lose.

Valve Bounce
5th January 2014, 23:57
What to name this Australian Ashes winning team.
Unchangeables was mentioned by The Australian, but that sounded like a bunch of dirty laundry.
Then I thought of that Clint Eastwood film UNFORGIVEN about this bunch of bullies led by the evil Gene Hackman who beat up on a bunch of girls and left them with physical and mental scars. Yeah! perfect!!! I will regard Michael Clarke's team as the :UNFORGIVEABLES. It doesn't get any better than this, especially when the Poms rode into town and declared they were going to win the series 5-0.
Also enjoyed it when Johnson slowly counted out 5 on his fingers to the Barmy Army. Priceless!!

6th January 2014, 00:36
Also enjoyed it when Johnson slowly counted out 5 on his fingers to the Barmy Army. Priceless!!

And the Barmy Army's reply? "We're shit and we know we are" to the tune of Go West.

Therein lies the difference between Barmy Army and Australian fans. The Barmy Army will still support England when they're rubbish; yet even when Australia were on the verge of beating Sri Lanka 3-0 just a year before, Day 4 of the Sydney Test was practically empty.

Valve Bounce
6th January 2014, 01:08
Also enjoyed it when Johnson slowly counted out 5 on his fingers to the Barmy Army. Priceless!!

And the Barmy Army's reply? "We're shit and we know we are" to the tune of Go West.

Therein lies the difference between Barmy Army and Australian fans. The Barmy Army will still support England when they're rubbish; yet even when Australia were on the verge of beating Sri Lanka 3-0 just a year before, Day 4 of the Sydney Test was practically empty.

I thoroughly agree with you regarding the Barmy Army. The most loyal bunch of supporters I have ever witnessed in any sport. And extremely well behaved. Soccer fans worldwide can learn a lot from the Barmy Army on how to behave at sporting events.

9th January 2014, 07:35
[quote="Valve Bounce":15oka9sp] When you compare the two captains , Michael Clarke comes through as decisive, while Cook comes through as a ditherer blessed with interminable conferences to decide Field placements,Australian and English cricket cultures are different. Cook doesn't have the advantages Clarke has despite a lot of similarities in their careers.
Lame excuses. England has had some very good, perceptive, decisive captains. Cook is not one of them. End of story.[/quote:15oka9sp]


29th January 2014, 22:22
Well its not too bad now is it. We have played 11 matches and trail 10-1.

At least the women have managed to get some pride back. Well done Girls

Valve Bounce
5th February 2014, 05:42
Several articles in News.com; here's one: http://www.news.com.au/sport/cricket/en ... 6818650850 (http://www.news.com.au/sport/cricket/englands-decision-to-dump-kevin-pietersen-is-downright-idiotic/story-fndpt0dy-1226818650850)
and this other article gives a more detailed history of this great cricketer who had issues with the teams he played in:http://www.news.com.au/sport/cricket/brilliant-on-the-field-a-rebel-off-it-the-two-sides-of-england-star-kevin-pietersen/story-fndpt0dy-1226818436159

England appears to have discovered new batsmen in Ben Stokes, Eion Howard and Jos Buttler from what I have seen in the 20/20 Big Bash League here.

Somehow, I don't think that Captain Cook has discovered anything worthwhile down under; maybe he should step down as Captain to some guy more like Captain Bligh. :D

5th February 2014, 11:52
cook needs to cook up something good soon :)

Valve Bounce
9th February 2014, 01:16
Well, we are all still waiting for an answer from the ECB as to why KP was fired.
Here is an interesting article demanding answers: http://www.espncricinfo.com/england/con ... 16589.html (http://www.espncricinfo.com/england/content/story/716589.html)

I for one will be happy not to see KP in the next England Ashes series, because that guy could really be very destructive to opposition bowlers, not to mention the scores he can put on the board.

10th February 2014, 00:58
The most reliable theory that I've heard thus far is that KP had a blow up at Andy Flower about the way that he was directing the side.
Once KP had gone and Flower resigned, it would appear that the King of Spain, Ashley Giles, didn't want KP in the squad because of KP's hotheadedness.

Aside: KP24 - it is Kevin Pietersen's Twitter handle - https://twitter.com/KP24
And a brand of head lice treatment - http://www.kp24.com.au/


Valve Bounce
15th February 2014, 11:33
The most reliable theory that I've heard thus far is that KP had a blow up at Andy Flower about the way that he was directing the side.
Once KP had gone and Flower resigned, it would appear that the King of Spain, Ashley Giles, didn't want KP in the squad because of KP's hotheadedness.

Aside: KP24 - it is Kevin Pietersen's Twitter handle - https://twitter.com/KP24
And a brand of head lice treatment - http://www.kp24.com.au/


HAHA!! Well, KP can cry all the way to the bank with his Aud$1.66 million aucton bid from the IPL.

Valve Bounce
15th February 2014, 11:38
Might as well keep this discussion ongoing here. Has anyone been following the three test series in SA? Seems the World's #1 team is not doing all that well against Michael Clarke's Marauders. At lunch they were still well behind the Aussis. I don't have Fox TV and can only follow it on my laptop for scores. Bugger!!!!