View Full Version : RIP Paul Walker

3rd December 2013, 07:53
Can't believe no one else has done this yet.

A great humble guy, star of my favourite movie franchise, tragically passed away doing what he loves most, being in fast cars.

RIP boet.

3rd December 2013, 09:34
Very sad news. I hated his Fast and Furious films but understand he was a good actor and a very charitable man. I saw the message from his daughter and you realise how much devastation his death has caused. Its also worth mentioning Roger Rodas who was driving the car and is largely forgotten because he wasn't as famous as his friend. He also died in what was a brutal fiery impact.

These two were going far too fast for a public road and have paid the ultimate price. A stupid stunt that was avoidable IMO. I'm sure as race enthusiasts ourselves we respect speed and where it should be exercised. It was sad to read that some of Paul's fans have been doing doughnuts, burn outs and even speeding along that stretch of road in tribute of their hero. It seems his death hasn't taught these people anything. RIP A terrible way to go and too soon :(

3rd December 2013, 17:03
I really liked this guy.
Condolences to his family.

RIP :(

4th December 2013, 14:47
This is just one of the reasons why Paul will be missed so much. His humanity, humility and humbleness will be sorely missed.

"Over a decade ago the The Fast and the Furious star found himself shopping in a fancy jewellery store at the same time as a young couple, a veteran soldier who had just returned from Iraq and his fiancée.

What happened next will absolutely melt your heart!

According to Irene King, an employee who was there working that day, the late actor did one of the most wonderful things we've ever heard!!!

She revealed:

"[Paul] was shopping in the store at the same time as a soldier who had just finished up his first tour of duty in Iraq. The soldier was heading overseas again and was shopping with his fiancée, looking at engagement rings. She saw something that she really, really liked, but he said, ‘Honey, I can’t afford that.' [Paul] called the manager and he said, ‘Umm, the ring that those people are looking at – put it on my tab… Soon after that, he just left.”


Paul Walker anonymously purchased a $10K wedding ring for a couple he had never even met!!

That's incredible!!

Apparently the employees of that store kept his secret for well over a decade, too, but after the actor's fatal car accident they decided it was an inspirational story worth sharing!"

9th December 2013, 15:09
Wow! The outpouring of positive messages about Paul Walker keep flooding in a week after his tragic and untimely death! He obviously made a huge impression on virtually everyone he met. I know my wife is broken that he is gone.

Great to see the car communities around the world getting together for tribute runs in his honour :). I had a small one yesterday in his honour with a few mates of mine, we took a cruise down to our wild coast region and donated toys to a kids orphanage, I know Paul Walker enjoyed meeting our orphaned kids when he was here in August & September 2011 :). He was an incredible human being.

RIP bro, your legacy lives on :)

9th December 2013, 17:06
The 'memorial cruise' this weekend in Chicago resulted in numerous crashes.

9th December 2013, 20:22
Very sad news. I hated his Fast and Furious films but understand he was a good actor and a very charitable man. I saw the message from his daughter and you realise how much devastation his death has caused. Its also worth mentioning Roger Rodas who was driving the car and is largely forgotten because he wasn't as famous as his friend. He also died in what was a brutal fiery impact.

These two were going far too fast for a public road and have paid the ultimate price. A stupid stunt that was avoidable IMO. I'm sure as race enthusiasts ourselves we respect speed and where it should be exercised. It was sad to read that some of Paul's fans have been doing doughnuts, burn outs and even speeding along that stretch of road in tribute of their hero. It seems his death hasn't taught these people anything. RIP A terrible way to go and too soon :(

Did you see the photo's of the burned out shell? That was a violent impact. I do not believe that Paul was driving so I will go on whatever was reported so far and state that he was a passenger without any control. Do you think he was encouraging the driver to go faster or was the driver showing not taking into account that Paul was an actor?
I agree, dead to soon and a great loss. He paid for an engagement ring for a couple that could not afford the ring they would like. He happened to be in the store at the time.

10th December 2013, 06:37
The 'memorial cruise' this weekend in Chicago resulted in numerous crashes.

Just a bunch of idiots, not what Paul would have wanted :(

Even though our cars are capable of doing 3 times the legal speed limit, my friends and I took a leisurely cruise on Sunday, had a great time with the kids at the orphanage and enjoyed a pub lunch before cruising back home. I'm sure Paul would have approved :).

Just a chilled out day, remembering a person who brought so much joy to the world through his movies and his humanitarian work :)

10th December 2013, 09:42
I can see you are a big fan 555 and this must be pretty tough for you. I only saw the first Fast and Furious movie and to be honest it was enough to put me off watching the rest. Not my type of movie at all. Having read up on the guy recently though it seems he was well respected and did more than most celebrities do for charity. He certainly didn't seem to do it purely for his public image and that is highly commendable. A tragic loss to many people.

10th December 2013, 09:44
Did you see the photo's of the burned out shell? That was a violent impact. I do not believe that Paul was driving so I will go on whatever was reported so far and state that he was a passenger without any control. Do you think he was encouraging the driver to go faster or was the driver showing not taking into account that Paul was an actor?
I agree, dead to soon and a great loss. He paid for an engagement ring for a couple that could not afford the ring they would like. He happened to be in the store at the time.
I couldn't possibly answer your questions about what Paul was doing inside the car before the crash because nobody knows that information other than Roger and Paul himself. I have seen pictures of the crash and perhaps one I wish I hadn't seen. On twitter last week a picture surfaced of the crashed car without the sheet covering part of it. The two bodies are visible and it looked absolutely horrendous. I think that picture has now been banned and rightly so. I stumbled upon it by chance through a few tweets I was reading. Not pleasant.

10th December 2013, 14:02
I can see you are a big fan 555 and this must be pretty tough for you. I only saw the first Fast and Furious movie and to be honest it was enough to put me off watching the rest. Not my type of movie at all. Having read up on the guy recently though it seems he was well respected and did more than most celebrities do for charity. He certainly didn't seem to do it purely for his public image and that is highly commendable. A tragic loss to many people.

I was a massive fan of PW, even before he started the FF movies. I remember watching him as a youngster in TV shows such as Who's The Boss?, The Young & The Restless etc as well as movies like Skulls, Varsity Blues etc. The FF movies just placed him on the map for me as I shared his love of cars and am also a massive Nissan Skyline fan like he was. I am also actively involved in charity just as he was so we had a lot in common. I basically grew up with him on the screen and to think that he is now gone, well it's sad really.

The hardest part for us at the moment is, my 7 year old son loves the FF Series because of the cars and he heard my wife and I talking that PW had passed away. He keeps asking me now who is going to be Mia's (his girlfriend in the FF movies) new boyfriend from now on. The innocence of youth!

A sad tragic ending, too soon :( But as he said, "If one day the speed kills me, don't cry because I was smiling". At least he clocked out doing what he loved :)

Time to let him RIP. Goodbye PW, gone but not forgotten :)

11th December 2013, 07:17
Did you see the photo's of the burned out shell? That was a violent impact. I do not believe that Paul was driving so I will go on whatever was reported so far and state that he was a passenger without any control. Do you think he was encouraging the driver to go faster or was the driver showing not taking into account that Paul was an actor?
I agree, dead to soon and a great loss. He paid for an engagement ring for a couple that could not afford the ring they would like. He happened to be in the store at the time.
I couldn't possibly answer your questions about what Paul was doing inside the car before the crash because nobody knows that information other than Roger and Paul himself. I have seen pictures of the crash and perhaps one I wish I hadn't seen. On twitter last week a picture surfaced of the crashed car without the sheet covering part of it. The two bodies are visible and it looked absolutely horrendous. I think that picture has now been banned and rightly so. I stumbled upon it by chance through a few tweets I was reading. Not pleasant.
Don't you hate when you read a post after a time and see error such (to soon instead of too soon) and showing not instead of showing off) and telling the story about the ring when it was mentioned by another poster. Henner, I am falling to pieces. :lips:

On the serious note, really my questions were really me thinking out loud so to speak. I hate the fact that you saw the remains of those men and I guess that the reason I mentioned the speeding and whether someone may have been showing off or being encouraged (my thoughts in writing). The reports say 'they were speeding' when in fact one occupant had no control over they speed. Only the driver was speeding and Paul was the passenger.