View Full Version : Mr Alca-Tazizzle's book contest (was: pickems thread)

24th November 2013, 18:47
Mintexmemory takes the final win of 2013.

Mr Alca-Tazizzle was beaten in the final races scoring by 'webber' but the 5 point difference wasn't sufficient to stop him taking the win. Well done and well played; F1 Pickems Champion 2013!

pickems/round.php?series=f1&round=20 (http://www.motorsportforums.com/pickems/round.php?series=f1&round=20)

24th November 2013, 18:52
Congrats Doc.

24th November 2013, 18:53
Congrats Taz. ;)

N. Jones
24th November 2013, 20:34
Congrats Late For Dinner!

donKey jote
24th November 2013, 20:38
way to go AlcaSeltzer ! :bandit:
Are you going to get a Vajizzle now along with the tat ? :D

25th November 2013, 14:59
Thanks guys, I'm overwhelmed by all the heart-felt congratulations. ;)

I would like to acknowledge webber’s herculean effort at the end of the season which made the race so close. His late charge in the last 4 races of 250, 250, 235, and 225 really put the fear of Jehovah into me :uhoh:
Well played mate, for the season I averaged 203.1 points per race while you ended up at 201.5, that’s a close call.
I would also like to congratulate Firstgear for rounding out the podium. Well done

Looking forward to defending my title in 2014. Cheers, and tally-ho :burn:

25th November 2013, 15:21
Rigged <cough, cough> backhands <cough, cough>

Seriously though, congrats Mr AT :) :D

25th November 2013, 22:16
Congrats Mr Al & Webber.

Wasn't there a prize of an F1 book for first place? Taz, I know you only read poetry and stuff like Shakespeare, so if you're not going to read the book, you can forward it to me. ;)

26th November 2013, 03:03
Congrats Mr Al & Webber.

Wasn't there a prize of an F1 book for first place? Taz, I know you only read poetry and stuff like Shakespeare, so if you're not going to read the book, you can forward it to me. ;)

"Would that I could give all and more" ;) :dork:

In Praise of Beauty - The Bard of Avon Catalog (https://www.avoncatalog.net)

29th November 2013, 16:38
Mr Alca-Tazizzle wins!!
Oh, well, in that case, sir, I hope you will not object if I also offer the Doctor my most enthusiastic contrafribularities.

Now I have rid myself of the emotional attachment to all things Lewisian I shall prove sterner opposition next year!! (I'll also ensure I enter every round!)

29th November 2013, 20:01
Pickems as usual will start 2 weeks before the first race, which means this year the thread for the Australian Grand Prix will open on the 1st March.

I'm very pleased to announce that there will be a prize this year for the pickems champion!

We've teamed up with Haynes Publishing to offer a fantastic book as prize the winner. Motorsport Greats in Conversation by Simon Taylor. This book presents in-depth interviews with 24 motor sport greats , all characters with a story to tell. The idea was to get them to suggest their favourite pub or restaurant for a good meal and a half-decent bottle, and gently prod them into opening up their memories and opinions with frank and honest insights about themselves, about the people they d known and worked with, and about the people they d raced against. The result is a compelling read, beautifully crafted by one of Britain's top motor sport writers. In it you'll find conversations from Chris Amon, Mario Andretti, Derek Bell, Ross Brawn, David Coulthard, Emerson Fittipaldi, Dario Franchitti, Andy Gree, Dan Gurney, Damon Hill, Christian Horner, Jacky Ickx, Alan Jones, Nigel Mansell, Gordon Murray, Roger Penske, Jo Ramirez, Brian Redman, Keke Rosberg, Roy Salvadori, Jody Scheckter, Hans Stuck, Sid Watkins and Tom Wheatcroft!

Amazon link : Motor Sport Greats...in conversation: Amazon.co.uk: Simon Taylor: Books (http://www.amazon.co.uk/Motor-Sport-Greats-conversation-Taylor/dp/0857332503/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1360232064&sr=8-1)


Very cool Mark! I guess I'm going to have to actually start putting some effort into my picks now. ;)
Will I be responsible for international shipping costs? : confused :D

You see Mintey if you apply yourself, and not let your picks be affected by your emotional attachment to pilots all you have to do is apply yourself. Come on bro I'm not that much more intelligent than you. ;) BTW I will be holding a 5 (Dec 2-6) day party to coincide with the 2013 FIA Annual General Assembly, and award meeting. I expect the party to go something like this:
I’ve got accommodations for all those members that would like to attend if you on a tight budget. I just need all attending to 'répondez s'il vous plaît' by Dec 5th at the latest.
Mark if you are planning on attending, just bring the book in tow! :dork:
Party on bros!!

17th December 2013, 19:43
I started the book, and for someone who is not really a fan of nonfiction I am most impressed. What a great way to get a feel for what drivers think of their sport, their career, and just surprising little insights into what makes them tick. At any rate I'd like to dedicate the book in perpetuity to the forum. I am holding a contest to see who gets this book shipped to them free of charge, after I complete it. The only stipulations are; you cannot be a complete newbie, and that you are willing to pass it on to another member after thoroughly enjoying it. The book is a collection of interviews done by Taylor while dinning with his subjects, 24 in all. The winner of the contest will be the first member to divine which interview I read first.
Chris Amon
Mario Andretti
Derek Bell
Ross Brawn
David Coulthard
D. Franchitti
Andy Green
Dan Gurney
Damon Hill
C. Horner
Jacky Ickx
Alan Jones
Gordon Murray
R. Penske
Jo Ramirez
Brian Redman
K. Rossberg
Roy Salvadori
J Scheckter
H. Stuck
Sid Watkins
Tom Wheathercroft.
Whoever can divine which interview I read first will get the book shipped to them free of charge. Please don't enter the contest if you are not willing to read and pass the book along to the next member using whatever method you choose to determine the lucky recipient. I've messaged the correct answer to a member whose integrity is beyond reproach.
The game is afoot http://i46.tinypic.com/hv9ul3.gif :angel:

17th December 2013, 20:12
But Taz I didn't get your message????????????? ;) :p

17th December 2013, 20:19
Only because I thought you may want to be the first winner. :angel:
:stareup: :angel: :stareup:

Big edit: Only one guess per member accepted every 72 hours, so choose carefully! :angel:

17th December 2013, 20:44
Great idea Mr Al - I'll go with Mario

donKey jote
17th December 2013, 21:10
Sid Watkins

17th December 2013, 21:55
Both incorrect! :angel:

18th December 2013, 06:00
Darn, I spiled a drop of vino on the book's jacket....Sorrrrrrrrrry :angryfire :fasttalk: ;) :champion:

18th December 2013, 11:31
Nice idea Mr Taz :)

I'll guess Emerson.

18th December 2013, 13:46
Darn, I spiled a drop of vino on the book's jacket....Sorrrrrrrrrry :angryfire :fasttalk: ;) :champion:

That was a clue if I've ever heard one .
The vino was red ?

Brian Redman has got to be it , Sizzler .

18th December 2013, 16:43
Sorry AndyL, and Baggie, not correct. Also not a clue (I actually spilled a drop of vino on the dust jacket of the book Baggie. :dork:) but if I were to give one clue I would disclose that info, as in "here is a clue ...." which in fairness would mean I would have to give everyone a clean slate in the 72 hour restriction.

So… If no one posts the correct answer by today at aproximately14:00 PST (22.00 GMT) I will offer a clue that carries a reprieve to those who are in the 72 hour waiting period
Only 20 names left to choose from!

18th December 2013, 19:04
Sorry AndyL, and Baggie, not correct. Also not a clue (I actually spilled a drop of vino on the dust jacket of the book Baggie. :dork:) but if I were to give one clue I would disclose that info, as in "here is a clue ...." which in fairness would mean I would have to give everyone a clean slate in the 72 hour restriction.

So… If no one posts the correct answer by today at aproximately14:00 PST (22.00 GMT) I will offer a clue that carries a reprieve to those who are in the 72 hour waiting period
Only 20 names left to choose from!

Since this clue disclosure rule has only just been announced , mid-contest , shouldn't those who have guessed assuming that blatant clue was as blatant a clue as a clue that is a really blatant one , be allowed to have another crack at it ?

I mean , I know who it was now , since I decoded the message in the quote above .
I must say , though , that you could have made it less obvious , as it was pretty easy to guess when you apply the numerical sequence you suggested .

18th December 2013, 19:13
:stareup: :confused:

18th December 2013, 21:52
:stareup: :confused:

So , with less than an hour until the next clue , tell us what colour of vino it was then .

18th December 2013, 23:10
:stareup: Red


18th December 2013, 23:15
If that's the clue, I'm going with Ickx.

18th December 2013, 23:17
If that's the clue, I'm going with Ickx.
You got it brotha' :)

18th December 2013, 23:44

I really should've got it with my first guess.

I was thinking it's probably an American, Italian or someone with Ferrari ties, so I guessed Mario (American with Italian heritage).
I forgot about your Ferrari tattoo (not American or Italian flag) - that (and your clue) says it's Ferrari. I narrowed it down to Ickx as that's probably someone you'd have fond memories of when you were a kid.

Did I put too much thought into this?

19th December 2013, 00:20

I really should've got it with my first guess.

I was thinking it's probably an American, Italian or someone with Ferrari ties, so I guessed Mario (American with Italian heritage).
I forgot about your Ferrari tattoo (not American or Italian flag) - that (and your clue) says it's Ferrari. I narrowed it down to Ickx as that's probably someone you'd have fond memories of when you were a kid.

Did I put too much thought into this?
No your thought process was almost completely spot on. I did pick Ickx because of his Ferrari connection. There are other subjects in the book that I am much more enthralled with but I really just decided to pick someone that I was interested in but not a super-favorite. I'm leaving those to savor near the end of the reading.

Edit: At any rate I think you will enjoy the book. I'm not going to write a critique here. Having said that I will just add that this is a form of journalism that I find very interesting. You have these guys talking about things that happened in their careers, and how they felt about it at the time but also how they reflect upon it now that they are old. Man, times sure have changed. I never even realized what a cold blooded piece of work Ickx really was. He's one of the real tough guys in a refined sort of way. Is he the only F1 winner to also win Paris to Dakar?

19th December 2013, 02:53
The vino was red?

Ross Brawn!

5th February 2014, 20:54

It's in the mail dawg :dog: ;)

5th February 2014, 21:15
Thanks Mr Al :)

Now I just need to learn how to read. :dork:

27th May 2014, 20:57
Well, I'm finally ready to pass the book along.

I have say thank you to Tazio. It was the perfect thing to pass the time between drop-off & pick-up for my boys soccer & guitar practices. I actually finished it quite a while ago, and gave it to my older son to read through as well.

So, who gets it next? I seem to remember Tazio suggesting it stay on this side of the pond for a while instead of being shipped around the globe multiple times. So I'll ship it to the closest forumer to me geographically (as long as you pass Tazio's stipulations below) that responds to this before the chequered flag drops in Montreal.

Thanks again Taz.

I am holding a contest to see who gets this book shipped to them free of charge, after I complete it. The only stipulations are; you cannot be a complete newbie, and that you are willing to pass it on to another member after thoroughly enjoying it. The book is a collection of interviews done by Taylor while dinning with his subjects, 24 in all.

31st May 2014, 23:45
I thought you would have some sort of con/test for the book involving something in the book like the interview with Chris Amon?
I thought you might find this interesting:

FG, I don't want you to exclude the Brits that are the foundation that our independent democracies are built upon, (mine just happening to be a Republic). I just didn't want it to go there first, because it may not come back, especially if it made its way to Scotland :rolleyes:

Just don't go too economical on our asses because I want to win it back……bro!!

Hell I guess it's ok even if you send it to a German! :eek: :p:

Last year I was disappointed to learn Haynes were to cease publishing new motor racing books. As many F1 Fanatic readers will know dozens of their books have been featured here over the years and many of them were reviewed very positively.

That was certainly the case for one of the last Haynes titles I received for review, Motor Sport Greats in Conversation, a collection of 24 interviews with famous motor racing figures originally conducted by Simon Taylor for MotorSport magazine.

Twelve months later, here is a new book with an identical premise. Lunches with Legends compiles 20 in-depth interviews originally published in F1 Racing magazine written by another of the sport’s great chroniclers, Maurice Hamilton (author of Williams, Chequered Conflict and others).

Wisely, from the three years’ worth of interviews available for Lunches with Legends, the selection chosen for this book does not overlap too closely with those of the title it bears such a conspicuous similarity to. Only Damon Hill and Alan Jones appear in both.

Lunches with LegendsUnlike Greats, all the characters in Legends are principally known for their time in Formula One. And what a fascinating cross-section of champions, team owners and political figures it is, including Max Mosley, Frank Williams, John Surtees, Peter Sauber, Charlie Whiting and Alain Prost.

The most significant difference between the two is that while Taylor’s interviews are written as straight prose, Hamilton’s remain in their original Q&A form. To an extent this is a matter of personal preference, but I found that made for a less enjoyable read, and the text would have benefitted from the occasional interjection of context to smooth the transition from one subject to another.
Collector’s Edition! :dozey:

1st June 2014, 02:54

donKey jote
3rd June 2014, 01:34
Hell I guess it's ok even if you send it to a German! :eek: :p:

would a Uvalde address be OK ? I'd have most of next week to read it and pass it on... :andrea:

3rd June 2014, 04:50
would a Uvalde address be OK?

I would think so, as long as you admit your job includes having to do a stretch in hell. :devil:
Or is that the only place in Texas you and billy's missus can have some privacy? :love: :angel: