View Full Version : Donkey of Brazil

donKey jote
24th November 2013, 17:36
Felipe and Ham :andrea:

24th November 2013, 17:39
Felipe and Ham :andrea:
Couldn't disagree

donKey jote
24th November 2013, 17:40
bannable offence :laugh: :andrea:

24th November 2013, 17:45
In South Africa, someone stupid is called a chop. The chops of the race are Hamilton & Maldonado...

24th November 2013, 17:53
Donkey is the one who decided to put some local talent to do the podium interviews.

24th November 2013, 17:54
Donkey is the one who decided to put some local talent to do the podium interviews.


24th November 2013, 17:56

Mercedes - For gambling on high wing levels for potential Rain.
Massa - For driving over the white chequered area despite being warned twice.
Hamilton - For getting involved with Bottas.
Maldonado - Turning in on Vergne and turning right in front of other cars.

24th November 2013, 17:58
Oh and Red Bull for messing up Marks first stop, then messing around at the later stops.

24th November 2013, 18:24
Agree. Red Bulls pit work (although usually the best) was atrocious

24th November 2013, 18:44
NBC for screwing up the races with so many commercials. I finally realized I could watch the last two races on UNIHD a Spanish speaking station that shows the races commercial free, and listened to the BBC broadcast on line!

24th November 2013, 18:48
In South Africa, someone stupid is called a chop. The chops of the race are Hamilton & Maldonado...

Agreed on those two. Prefer doos though ;)

24th November 2013, 19:45
I can't really give more than one donkey after watching only 11 laps but after watching the replays of the Bottas/Hamilton incident I have to say I think Bottas would get my donkey for tangling when there was ample space. It could be he just didn't have enough time, but I can't comment on anybody else. It may have just been a racing incident.

24th November 2013, 19:53
Don't say things like that round here Henners. Most have Hamilton as sole Donkey and think he's a danger. ;)

24th November 2013, 20:52
I can't really give more than one donkey after watching only 11 laps but after watching the replays of the Bottas/Hamilton incident I have to say I think Bottas would get my donkey for tangling when there was ample space. It could be he just didn't have enough time, but I can't comment on anybody else. It may have just been a racing incident.
Bottas was on nuch fresher tires and had every right (in fact it was his duty)to pass The Boss who was rightly penalized for causing an accident, even if it was because his rear tires were very worn!

24th November 2013, 21:04
The donkey of the race was obviously Red Bull. They are just too good. Watching masters at work is fine for one or two races but seeing a driver disappear into the distance in every race for months is just really boring even for someone who has witnessed the terrible years of Williams dominance.

Mia 01
24th November 2013, 22:04
The rain, it didnīt come!!

And Lewis, be careful out there!!

Doc Austin
25th November 2013, 04:37
Donkey is the one who decided to put some local talent to do the podium interviews.

Yeah, but she looked great.

25th November 2013, 04:56
^I guess I missed the best part of the race then.

Hamilton, Maldonado and Massa..take your pick.

25th November 2013, 06:06
Donkey is the one who decided to put some local talent to do the podium interviews.

The only talent she seemed to have was the gene pool she was born with.

I must admit I thought it was funny when for some reason she asked Seb to move to her for the interview. Seb said no and pointed to Mark, then she walked over. :D

Donkeys had to be Felipe, Lewis, and once again the FIA/stewards/Charlie for me.

25th November 2013, 06:51

Maldonado - Turning in on Vergne and turning right in front of other cars.

This looks like a racing incident to me. Maldonado had the racing line. My understanding of the racing etiquette is that the car that's diving on the inside should back off unless its nose is already ahead.

25th November 2013, 07:00

Maldonado - Turning in on Vergne and turning right in front of other cars.

This looks like a racing incident to me. Maldonado had the racing line. My understanding of the racing etiquette is that the car that's diving on the inside should back off unless its nose is already ahead.

I agree. Nothing more than a racing incident. Could have been avoided, but this is racing!

25th November 2013, 08:50
Don't say things like that round here Henners. Most have Hamilton as sole Donkey and think he's a danger. ;)
lol well I'm just glad the season is over, I've no interest in debating that incident as it fades into insignificance really :)

25th November 2013, 11:35
Shoot me down but why is everyone saying Hammy? Yes he moved over but clearly wasn't looking in the mirror, i doubt he was expecting a lapped Williams using DRS to come along side. He was never going to pass around the outside so should have stayed back. I'm not a big LH fan but i just don't understand the views on this. Maybe because i watch too much touring cars and the rules are very different.

25th November 2013, 13:12
Shoot me down but why is everyone saying Hammy? Yes he moved over but clearly wasn't looking in the mirror, i doubt he was expecting a lapped Williams using DRS to come along side. He was never going to pass around the outside so should have stayed back. I'm not a big LH fan but i just don't understand the views on this. Maybe because i watch too much touring cars and the rules are very different.

And if the Williams had got by, a few more corners and out come the blue flags. Not an intentional coming together, but worthy of a penalty? Debatable I guess.

25th November 2013, 13:23
Hammy got his penalty by the way of the flat tyre, why penalize him further.

25th November 2013, 14:44
Shoot me down but why is everyone saying Hammy? Yes he moved over but clearly wasn't looking in the mirror, i doubt he was expecting a lapped Williams using DRS to come along side. He was never going to pass around the outside so should have stayed back. I'm not a big LH fan but i just don't understand the views on this. Maybe because i watch too much touring cars and the rules are very different.

Well this is not the first time that LH has done this. He should have been aware of where the Williams was and given it more space. He drove like our typical woman drivers over here do, turn right slightly before turning left, what was he thinking!

25th November 2013, 14:49
Well this is not the first time that LH has done this. He should have been aware of where the Williams was and given it more space. He drove like our typical woman drivers over here do, turn right slightly before turning left, what was he thinking!

Well, perhaps. But do you think Bottas would have made the pass on the outside at that corner? I doubt it, and Lewis - no doubt - suspected this, and clearly was not expecting the Williams to be there. Bottas was not on the circuit edge, so he had room too.........

25th November 2013, 15:26
Well this is not the first time that LH has done this. He should have been aware of where the Williams was and given it more space. He drove like our typical woman drivers over here do, turn right slightly before turning left, what was he thinking!

Well, perhaps. But do you think Bottas would have made the pass on the outside at that corner? I doubt it, and Lewis - no doubt - suspected this, and clearly was not expecting the Williams to be there. Bottas was not on the circuit edge, so he had room too.........

But it really shouldn't matter if the pass could be made. Bottas had a right to be there and by regs did not have to yield other than to leave room. There was room until Lewis turned out on him, and at that point it's not as if Bottas had any time to react really.

25th November 2013, 18:56
I could be wrong , but as I recall , there was only roughly a tire width or slightly more , as far as the room goes beside him .

I suppose he could have used that much space , but no more , as the white lines into the braking zone are a wee tad slippery .
I don't think that would have felt like a lot of room to spare beside him , and since he had ventured into that space undoubtedly hoping Lewis had seen him , likely would have felt a little squeezed to begin with .

Clearly , though Bottas had his fronts ahead of Lewis's sidepods , given that the rears came together , he mustn't have seen him , as I don't think Lewis would ever swerve out to scare him at those speeds .
In fact , had he seen him , the more likely reaction would have been to swerve away , to avoid collision .

As it was , though , it sure looked like Lewis was responsible for moving over , however slightly , and for causing the collision .

N. Jones
25th November 2013, 20:41
NBC for screwing up the races with so many commercials. I finally realized I could watch the last two races on UNIHD a Spanish speaking station that shows the races commercial free, and listened to the BBC broadcast on line!


Oh, goodbye 400 commercials then. No matter who shows the races in the US the constant commercials ruin watching the race.

easy rider
26th November 2013, 01:19
Race Stewards.....for penalizing Hamilton with a drive through, instead for what was an obvious race incident.

Valtteri Bottas.......if he thought that he was racing Lewis for position when he said, " first of all I didn't know that I was one lap behind him, I thought we were racing."

26th November 2013, 04:50
Well this is not the first time that LH has done this. He should have been aware of where the Williams was and given it more space. He drove like our typical woman drivers over here do, turn right slightly before turning left, what was he thinking!

Well, perhaps. But do you think Bottas would have made the pass on the outside at that corner? I doubt it, and Lewis - no doubt - suspected this, and clearly was not expecting the Williams to be there. Bottas was not on the circuit edge, so he had room too.........

I think airshifter summed it up perfectly :)

26th November 2013, 04:51
I could be wrong , but as I recall , there was only roughly a tire width or slightly more , as far as the room goes beside him .

I suppose he could have used that much space , but no more , as the white lines into the braking zone are a wee tad slippery .
I don't think that would have felt like a lot of room to spare beside him , and since he had ventured into that space undoubtedly hoping Lewis had seen him , likely would have felt a little squeezed to begin with .

Clearly , though Bottas had his fronts ahead of Lewis's sidepods , given that the rears came together , he mustn't have seen him , as I don't think Lewis would ever swerve out to scare him at those speeds .
In fact , had he seen him , the more likely reaction would have been to swerve away , to avoid collision .

As it was , though , it sure looked like Lewis was responsible for moving over , however slightly , and for causing the collision .

A very measured and mature view of the incident :)

26th November 2013, 10:45
One things for sure, we here on the forum with less information could make better decisions than the stewards.

26th November 2013, 11:59
One things for sure, we here on the forum with less information could make better decisions than the stewards.

Can't argue with that :p: :)

26th November 2013, 14:35
One things for sure, we here on the forum with less information could make better decisions than the stewards.

Would you want the job , Mr. Potato ?

Me , I prefer my comfy couch , where I can yell at my TV if I care to .

They'd have to pay me some good money before I'd want to put up with the agro from the fans of the local favourite if the call doesn't go their way .
And , let's not forget the million$ at stake .

Couch it is .

I would be open to offers , though , Bernie .

26th November 2013, 14:45
I'd give it a go. I'm sure they get their travel and accommodation expenses paid and all the hospitality they can drink.

That last bit might explain some of the decisions.

28th November 2013, 04:42
Shoot me down but why is everyone saying Hammy? Yes he moved over but clearly wasn't looking in the mirror, i doubt he was expecting a lapped Williams using DRS to come along side. He was never going to pass around the outside so should have stayed back. I'm not a big LH fan but i just don't understand the views on this. Maybe because i watch too much touring cars and the rules are very different.

Well this is not the first time that LH has done this. He should have been aware of where the Williams was and given it more space. He drove like our typical woman drivers over here do, turn right slightly before turning left, what was he thinking!

Please tell me more about women drivers ...
Y'know I often wondered what this forum would look like if all the decent intelligent people left and only the most obnoxious turds stayed, guess I know now.
Hang in there you'll be a moderator in a year or so.

2nd December 2013, 05:40
Shoot me down but why is everyone saying Hammy? Yes he moved over but clearly wasn't looking in the mirror, i doubt he was expecting a lapped Williams using DRS to come along side. He was never going to pass around the outside so should have stayed back. I'm not a big LH fan but i just don't understand the views on this. Maybe because i watch too much touring cars and the rules are very different.

Well this is not the first time that LH has done this. He should have been aware of where the Williams was and given it more space. He drove like our typical woman drivers over here do, turn right slightly before turning left, what was he thinking!

Please tell me more about women drivers ...
Y'know I often wondered what this forum would look like if all the decent intelligent people left and only the most obnoxious turds stayed, guess I know now.
Hang in there you'll be a moderator in a year or so.

You don't know our woman drivers! Especially the ones driving huge Merc S500's that they can't see over the dashboard of! It's scary driving over here, you just have to look at our deaths on the road every year, one of the worst in the world per capita only behind countries like India :(