View Full Version : Brazil Pickems 2 days left

21st November 2013, 11:04
Please use this link listpickem.php?series=f1&round=20 (http://www.motorsportforums.com/listpickem.php?series=f1&round=20)

Remember you have today (Thursday) and all of Friday to make your picks! Last round on the season :D

21st November 2013, 15:05
Mark does that mean pickems will close Friday at precisely one second after 11:59:59PM GMT? :dozey:

21st November 2013, 15:09
Mark does that mean that pickems will close Friday at precisely one second after 11:59:59PM GMT?

Yes it does.

21st November 2013, 15:11
:devil: :angel: ;)

21st November 2013, 15:18
Anyone in the top 12 can take the win yet, so you could play a dangerous game ;)

21st November 2013, 16:05
"Danger is my Business" Spicoli.. "Fast Times At Ridgemont High!" :cool:

23rd November 2013, 00:50
according to my clock pickems closed before 23:50! :stareup:
23:59:42 Friday November 22, 2013 in GMT :angryfire

23rd November 2013, 02:32
The clock on this forum is not set to GMT at least according to all converters I've checked, and silly me I was under the assumption it was. I logged in at 15:50 PST and it said 16:40on the forum. Dude PST is GMT-8. So you were fibbing about the pickems closing at 24:00 GMT, no? :dozey:
Dude I demand satisfaction :laugh:
This post is at 17:36 check the time converter
Oh well!
C’est la vie :dork:

23rd November 2013, 22:02
Failed to look here in the F1 section the other day when serching for the pick'ems. Found it and it's closed, big pile of suck.

23rd November 2013, 23:16
Sorry bro! :spanner: