View Full Version : JWRC 2014

13th November 2013, 01:24
We hear talk about that JWRC will move from using R2 cars to R3!
That will effectivly kill off WRC-3, and make R2 a class made for regional series.

If the total package price for a JWRC seson will stay the same, or even decrease for 14 this move will become a winner for the World Championship, if total cost for a full season will go dramatically up, this will not fly in my opinion.
We are talking junior drivers, normally with limited market value (yet).

What does FIA need to do to make the JWRC blossom?

13th November 2013, 12:31
Yes I just read an article with Mahonen's quote. These words for "more powerful machinery" is just demagogy, trying to mask the truth that they move to R3 simply because citroen has car in this class. Nothing sporty in this move, only politics/business - there are good money coming from this and other people also want it.

13th November 2013, 12:37
DS3 R3T isn't exactly cheap car to run. But we don't know the conditions. Will all cars be again prepared by one team? Anyway I can't imagine it would be cheaper series with reasonably more expensive cars.

13th November 2013, 16:32
Great to my opinion if FIA takes DS3 R3T for JWRC :bounce:

4th December 2013, 14:09
Official today wednesday apparently, DS3 R3s for the JWRC(also counting for WRC3) ;)

4th December 2013, 16:40
Official today wednesday apparently, DS3 R3s for the JWRC(also counting for WRC3) ;)

There were no other chance than take DS3 R3T...

4th December 2013, 16:53
Now what happens to the Polish M-Sport division?

4th December 2013, 22:53
Now what happens to the Polish M-Sport division?

I expect an influx of skilled motor technicians to the UK ;)

16th December 2013, 17:41
Did Citroen say that they would be involved in JWRC 2014?

16th December 2013, 22:45
Now what happens to the Polish M-Sport division?

Recently Kajetan Kajetanowicz entered ERC opener Jänner Rallye with M-Sport Poland prepared Fiesta R5.

20th December 2013, 14:07
So, any news regarding JWRC for next season?
Which rallies will count for it? Will they use Citroen DS3 R3T of Ford Fiesta R2?

20th December 2013, 14:10
DS3R3T will be for JWRC

20th December 2013, 16:15
It is confirmed it will be R3 car, so there is actually no other chance than Citroen DS3 R3T.

Prisoner Monkeys
21st December 2013, 00:29
I get the feeling that's a political move by Citroen. The "Citroen Top Driver" trophy felt a lot like their answer to the JWRC using Fiestas. I think Citroen know they missed the boat on driver support programmes, and know they mismanaged Ogier and Neuville, and know they need some way of getting hold of new talent, and so lobbied for the JWRC to use the DS3.

21st December 2013, 12:56
I think Citroen know they missed the boat on driver support programmes.

Citroen is only one, whose driver support programmes is giving WRC drivers...

21st December 2013, 14:23
I think Citroen know they missed the boat on driver support programmes.

Citroen is only one, whose driver support programmes is giving WRC drivers...

really ?? elfyn evans ???

tidemand in fiesta r5 from jwrc prize

21st December 2013, 14:48
I think Citroen know they missed the boat on driver support programmes.

Citroen is only one, whose driver support programmes is giving WRC drivers...

really ?? elfyn evans ???

tidemand in fiesta r5 from jwrc prize

Evans and Tidemand are not result of driver support programmes, they only won the starts in R5 as prize in some championship.

Prisoner Monkeys
21st December 2013, 22:59
I think Citroen know they missed the boat on driver support programmes.
Citroen is only one, whose driver support programmes is giving WRC drivers...
That's as may be, but they have already said they are scaling back their WRC team to focus on the WTCC. At the same time, they are expanding their operations in the JWRC. It might be cheaper to prepare the DS3 R3s, but they would not be doing this if they weren't getting something out of it. Given that their most successful graduate from the programme went on to win a World Championship for another manufacturer (and they lost another to Hyundai), it is understandable that they want to get ahead of the curve and pick up young talent early.

I think Citroen's future in a post-Loeb universe hinges on their finding unpolished drivers that they can smooth out into gems. Loeb's team-mates were either strong mid-pack drivers who could score points for the team, but unable to mount a title challenge of their own; or strong drivers who could potentially take over from Loeb when he retired, but were driven away by mismanagement. So they need to find someone they can mold into a world-class driver and prove that they can win in a WRC without Loeb. Backing the JWRC gives them the means to do that.

21st December 2013, 23:04
That's as may be, but they have already said they are scaling back their WRC team to focus on the WTCC. At the same time, they are expanding their operations in the JWRC. It might be cheaper to prepare the DS3 R3s, but they would not be doing this if they weren't getting something out of it. Given that their most successful graduate from the programme went on to win a World Championship for another manufacturer (and they lost another to Hyundai), it is understandable that they want to get ahead of the curve and pick up young talent early.

I think Citroen's future in a post-Loeb universe hinges on their finding unpolished drivers that they can smooth out into gems. Loeb's team-mates were either strong mid-pack drivers who could score points for the team, but unable to mount a title challenge of their own; or strong drivers who could potentially take over from Loeb when he retired, but were driven away by mismanagement. So they need to find someone they can mold into a world-class driver and prove that they can win in a WRC without Loeb. Backing the JWRC gives them the means to do that.

Citroën is leaving WRC, they need to develop drivers for longer future...

Prisoner Monkeys
22nd December 2013, 04:04
Then why suddenly start supporting the JWRC? What can their driver development programme do that others cannot? The would not be spending all of that money building and maintaining DS3 R3s simply for the sake of developing drivers for the sport. M-Sport and Ford could have done that with Fiesta R2s.

I wouldn't be surprised if all the manufacturers withdraw and instead build cars to sell to private teams in the event R5 replaces the WRC class.

22nd December 2013, 11:29
Then why suddenly start supporting the JWRC? What can their driver development programme do that others cannot? The would not be spending all of that money building and maintaining DS3 R3s simply for the sake of developing drivers for the sport. M-Sport and Ford could have done that with Fiesta R2s.

They are supporting JWRC because they wanted to continue with scheme of Citroen Top Drivers and JWRC is good idea. And they alse wanted to put M-Sport out of JWRC ;-)

3rd January 2014, 22:08
Official. Citroen DS3 R3T

Prisoner Monkeys
3rd January 2014, 22:38
How on earth did you find that? I just went looking through the site, trying to find news on an unrelated subject, but they only have stuff from the FIA Gala as their most recent stories, even under the WRC heading.

4th January 2014, 00:13
Dutch talent Mats vd Brand will do JWRC with a DS3 R3t. 2 Years ago I think he only did short rallies in Holland, Last year he did 350z cup and some other rallies also in Belgium. So a big step up for him!

4th January 2014, 00:25
Boss of Even Management, Erik Veiby wasn't very impressed i saw on twitter, budget will now be minimum 50% more than last year to do a full season. I guess M-Sport and Citroen were in a bidding round, i wonder how Citroen managed to win that…

4th January 2014, 00:53
Let´s hope that MW is innovative enough to start up any kind of youngster cup in contrary to the new JWRC cup. New JWRC looks like bribes to me... :angryfire

4th January 2014, 10:29
Can't understand this decision, well I can, but I won't say what I really think. Makes no sense. FiA strikes again.

4th January 2014, 11:00
What will a season in JWRC be in 2014, compared to the R2 option of 13?

Maybe this will be the chance for the ERC Junior Cup, if the price is too high?

4th January 2014, 11:07
Lots of secret handshakes going on in Paris recently then.

Stupid decision to change the JWRC so late and to a championship that is double the cost! I have already seen on British Rally Forum that one crew from Canada have had to pull their entry.

4th January 2014, 15:27
This is the price of having two competing championships, with newly appointed promoters, all fighting for the same competitors to be part of the their championship.

The ERC would struggle to attract competitors for Eurosport's Junior Series if the WRC was using the same cars, for the same or better price with a more global platform and the attention of WRC teams watching you.

Seems Eurosport won this one with the FIA, and the WRC will be left to pay the bill.....

Mad cat jnr
4th January 2014, 15:45
I heard rumours at the start of the year it was going to switch to DS3's, so to say it was either JERC or JWRC in R2's is rubbish

4th January 2014, 16:09
It's not rubbish, it's just a fact. The FIA would not allow two Junior Series to run with R2's.

The expensive option was imposed on the WRC.

4th January 2014, 16:22
It's not rubbish, it's just a fact. The FIA would not allow two Junior Series to run with R2's.

The expensive option was imposed on the WRC.

Come on, do You really believe FIA would do anything damaging WRC to help ERC? No way. That never happened and will never happen. WRC is the important championship for them. The fact they switched to DS3 R3 has probably more to do with PSA politics and the large number of Citroën trophy drivers in WRC 2013.

Besides that Your opinion is not fact. Fact is something absolutely clear without any doubts. This is not the case.

Fact is that Eurosport since the creation of IRC series always presented much more competitor friendly rules than FIA championships.

4th January 2014, 18:44
What will a season in JWRC be in 2014, compared to the R2 option of 13?

Maybe this will be the chance for the ERC Junior Cup, if the price is too high?

The price in 2012 was 119 000€ not quite sure if that stayed the same for 13. Will it get close to 200 000 in 14 with the carprice for a customer the double btw the Fiesta and the DS3.

5th January 2014, 21:28
It's not rubbish, it's just a fact. The FIA would not allow two Junior Series to run with R2's.

The expensive option was imposed on the WRC.

Come on, do You really believe FIA would do anything damaging WRC to help ERC? No way. That never happened and will never happen. WRC is the important championship for them. The fact they switched to DS3 R3 has probably more to do with PSA politics and the large number of Citroën trophy drivers in WRC 2013.

Besides that Your opinion is not fact. Fact is something absolutely clear without any doubts. This is not the case.

Fact is that Eurosport since the creation of IRC series always presented much more competitor friendly rules than FIA championships.

Let me rephrase - I'm EXTREMELY certain - that this is the rationale behind the move to R3 for WRC level Junior series. And it will likely come out from the FIA that this is the reason.

I also understand that this new Junior series has no involvement of the WRC promoter, so no TV exposure can be assumed....

These are tough conditions in which to find an extra 100 grand...

7th January 2014, 05:14
Note the return of Michelin in JWRC too ;)

By the way, I think spanish driver Yerai Llemes wants to run JWRC 2014 too :confused:

7th January 2014, 07:52
Note the return of Michelin in JWRC too ;)

By the way, I think spanish driver Yerai Llemes wants to run JWRC 2014 too :confused:

Is Lemes going to keep competing in the 'youth' category until he's 44, because every year it seems he finds someone new is faster.

7th January 2014, 08:35
We just have to wait and see the number of teams signing up to J-WRC and ERC-J, and take the season from there.
But it might look like the price diff will be the most important factor for many teams.

7th January 2014, 13:59
We just have to wait and see the number of teams signing up to J-WRC and ERC-J, and take the season from there.
But it might look like the price diff will be the most important factor for many teams.

In JWRC I know about three crews, but I am not interested in this championship so I am not so in regarding to informations. In ERC-J I expect around 15-20 crews.

7th January 2014, 15:22
Koci for JWrC ?

7th January 2014, 15:32

7th January 2014, 15:52
Looks like Stéphane Lefèbvre changes direction of his program and would run JWRC too :confused:

7th January 2014, 17:15
Looks like Stéphane Lefèbvre changes direction of his program and would run JWRC too :confused:

Well as it´s still PSA maybe it´s easier to change for him. Thought he was announced with 208 R2 for selected ERC events also in 2014?

7th January 2014, 20:28
Someone from England was offering DS3 R3T for rent for JWRC, so I quess that means that they don´t have to use Citroen Sport´s cars? Can they rent where ever they want?

7th January 2014, 22:57
Citroën signed a 2 year contract and yes u can do the JWRC with your own or a rented DS3 from any team in the world.

20th January 2014, 20:41
Cypriot driver Panikos Polykarpou aims for JWRC. Jaga Motorsport chose him as its official driver for 2014 and Polykarpou has to pay only his personal expenses (travel costs, insurance) in order to start in JWRC. :bounce:

20th January 2014, 22:20
Cypriot driver Panikos Polykarpou aims for JWRC. Jaga Motorsport chose him as its official driver for 2014 and Polykarpou has to pay only his personal expenses (travel costs, insurance) in order to start in JWRC. :bounce:

Jaga Motorsport will pay some expences? As I know they are normal company which is renting cars...

20th January 2014, 22:59
Cypriot driver Panikos Polykarpou aims for JWRC. Jaga Motorsport chose him as its official driver for 2014 and Polykarpou has to pay only his personal expenses (travel costs, insurance) in order to start in JWRC. :bounce:

Jaga Motorsport will pay some expences? As I know they are normal company which is renting cars...
I think yes.

28th January 2014, 04:20
Also Simone Tempestini aims JWRC ;)
Other names :confused:

28th January 2014, 05:53
Jaga Motorsport? That´s some kind of crazy ;)

16th February 2014, 07:35
According to Rallye-Magazin, Christian Riedemann goes for full JWRC season ;)

16th February 2014, 12:58
inside WRC3, 6 events, all results counts

http://www.fia.com/news/2014-fia-junior ... ampionship (http://www.fia.com/news/2014-fia-junior-wrc-championship)

As such, the FIA and European Rally Championship promoter have already introduced an exciting new initiative from 2014 for youngsters under the age of 25, enabling them to contest the ERC Junior Championship in an R2 car with control tyres. With the intention being to roll out this initiative across the other regional championships, drivers will have the opportunity to hone their skills on an international stage in a cost-effective formula that enables them to build experience before making the step up to the Junior WRC Championship within the FIA World Rally Championship.

From 2014, competitors in the Junior WRC Championship - with an upper age limit of 28 - will take to the wheel of a more competitive car in the shape of the Citroën DS3 R3. In order to maintain a cap on costs, the cars will all run on Michelin tyres and fuel from the FIA’s designated supplier. Seasonally allocated numbers (51-70) will be given to each driver registered in the Junior WRC.

Importantly, competitors are also permitted to register for the Junior WRC Championship, or individual events, using their own Citroën DS3 R3.


In a change to previous years, Citroën Racing has put together an all-inclusive package for competitors, including:

- Participation in the full WRC event
- Car, tyres and fuel
- Team personnel (mechanic and engineer)
- Shakedown
- Entry fee for the Junior WRC and the WRC 3 Championship
- Accommodation for the crew
- Insurance
- Overalls for the crew

Note: Any driver registered for the Junior WRC Championship will be eligible for and automatically entered in the FIA WRC 3 Championship.


The qualifying events in the 2014 FIA Junior WRC Championship are:
Rally de Portugal 3-6 April
Rally Poland 26-29 June
Rally Finland 31 July-3 August
Rallye Deutschland 21-24 August
Rallye de France 2-5 October
Wales Rally GB 13-16 November

Registration for the Junior WRC Championship may only be made in the name of a driver. However, entry to individual events may be made in the name of a driver, team or sponsor, or in the name of an ASN designated team, ensuring that competitors do not have to commit to the whole Championship but can be classified in the standings.


Points for each round will be awarded to Junior WRC drivers and co-drivers based on the Junior WRC overall classification (a single point will no longer be awarded for stage wins). All the results will count towards the Championship title.

A Junior WRC Championship Nations Trophy classification will be drawn from the Junior WRC classification and a trophy awarded to the winning nation.

The 2014 FIA Junior WRC Champion will receive a prize that helps further their career in the sport; six rallies counting towards the 2015 FIA WRC 2 Championship driving a Citroën DS3 R5.

Commenting about the FIA Junior WRC Championship, Rally Director Jarmo Mahonen said: “It is our intention to establish this pyramid so that drivers wishing to pursue a professional career in our sport have a clear path, learning on all levels as they progress. Now, drivers can compete for a prestigious junior title in the European Championship in a smaller capacity car, at a very reasonable cost, before graduating to the slightly more powerful Citroën DS3 R3 in the Junior WRC. Here, in front of influential manufacturers, they have the chance to make their mark and with a drive in an R5 car for the winner, this really completes the logical path to the full WRC.”

21st February 2014, 02:12
When is published by FIA entrylist of JWRC 2014 :confused:

Prisoner Monkeys
21st February 2014, 06:23
Probably with the wider Portugal entry list, since it's the first round of the JWRC.

21st February 2014, 18:45
Probably with the wider Portugal entry list, since it's the first round of the JWRC.

It should have been the same with the Ford Fiesta DMack trophy whereas we already know the entrants, so I was hoping it could have been the same for JWRC... ;)

25th February 2014, 08:50
About the costs. Can anyone say how much budget you will need taking part JWRC 2014 with DS3 R3T. If you're renting a car. Just curious.

25th February 2014, 11:51
JWRC entry fee= 2500 (just to take part in series)
Each event entry fee = 3895 EUR*6= 23370 EUR
Renting DS3R3= ca 35-40 EUR/km= ca 15 000 EUR event= 90 000
around 24 tyres for one event (approximately 300 EUR/tyre, mostly including VAT)*6=ca 43 000 EUR
+ accomodation costs for small team in EU= ca 5000 eur
+ travel costs for small team in EU = ca 10000 eur
=ca 175000 EUR
+ fuel (if not included in rent)
+ insurance/damage to the car etc.
So, season cost would be roughly up to 200 000 eur.
You can buy DS3 R3 as well... for around 75 000 EUR.

26th February 2014, 13:35
JWRC entry fee= 2500 (just to take part in series)
Each event entry fee = 3895 EUR*6= 23370 EUR
Renting DS3R3= ca 35-40 EUR/km= ca 15 000 EUR event= 90 000
around 24 tyres for one event (approximately 300 EUR/tyre, mostly including VAT)*6=ca 43 000 EUR
+ accomodation costs for small team in EU= ca 5000 eur
+ travel costs for small team in EU = ca 10000 eur
=ca 175000 EUR
+ fuel (if not included in rent)
+ insurance/damage to the car etc.
So, season cost would be roughly up to 200 000 eur.
You can buy DS3 R3 as well... for around 75 000 EUR.

This estimate seems to be a little on the thin side. I would reckon at least 250-300 000 EUR for a full championship campaign. In comparison four events in JERC is approximately a third of this.

26th February 2014, 18:37
Only 5 entries so far
- ?
- ?
- ?

26th February 2014, 19:48
Koci, Lefebvre, Mats vd Brand?

27th February 2014, 11:54
Koci, Lefebvre, Mats vd Brand?


27th February 2014, 12:22
Koci, Lefebvre, Mats vd Brand?

Giordano and Riedemann too ;)

27th February 2014, 12:25
Only 5 entries so far
- ?
- ?
- ?

I thought Suarez was in Fiesta DMack :confused:

27th February 2014, 15:01
Only 5 entries so far
- ?
- ?
- ?

I thought Suarez was in Fiesta DMack :confused:

He tweeted that he wants to be in podium in every JWRC race this year... tagged with #DS3
that´s why I named him.

6th March 2014, 12:02
OFFICIAL today thursday !!!!
11 crews in the JWRC this season ;)

Simone Tempestini
Christian Riedemann
Aaaron Domzala
Quentin Giordano
Martin Koci
Stéphane Lefèbvre
Molly Taylor
Alastair Fisher
Panykos Polikarpou
Sylvain Michel
Federico della Casa

6th March 2014, 12:19
OFFICIAL today thursday !!!!
11 crews in the JWRC this season ;)

Simone Tempestini
Christian Riedemann
Aaaron Domzala
Quentin Giordano
Martin Koci
Stéphane Lefèbvre
Molly Taylor
Alastair Fisher
Panykos Polikarpou
Sylvain Michel
Federico della Casa
Panikos hasn't find the funds for all the rounds yet. Only Portugal is sure. :(

6th March 2014, 17:27
There is twelve competitors in JWRC: http://www.autosport.cz/clanek.php?cl=16126

6th March 2014, 19:47
OFFICIAL today thursday !!!!
11 crews in the JWRC this season ;)

Simone Tempestini
Christian Riedemann
Aaaron Domzala
Quentin Giordano
Martin Koci
Stéphane Lefèbvre
Molly Taylor
Alastair Fisher
Panykos Polikarpou
Sylvain Michel
Federico della Casa
So Tom, who is the fastest French driver from that group? I think if he had stayed in Citroen JWRC not Fiesta DMack Quentin Gilbert would have won.

6th March 2014, 20:08
OFFICIAL today thursday !!!!
11 crews in the JWRC this season ;)

Simone Tempestini
Christian Riedemann
Aaaron Domzala
Quentin Giordano
Martin Koci
Stéphane Lefèbvre
Molly Taylor
Alastair Fisher
Panykos Polikarpou
Sylvain Michel
Federico della Casa
So Tom, who is the fastest French driver from that group? I think if he had stayed in Citroen JWRC not Fiesta DMack Quentin Gilbert would have won.

From French drivers, Michel and Lefebvre will be fast...

7th March 2014, 12:13
Giordano is good driver too. Some podiums in last year Citroën Racing Trophy, more or less similar to Michel.
Of course, slower than Lefebvre, but he has the experience of the car.

7th March 2014, 12:42
Stéphane Lefèbvre is the fastest according to me ;)
Would be incredible if he achieved the victories the same year in JWRC + ERC Junior :p
But unlikely to be the case in ERC though(one retirement + only 4 rallies in program) :|

11th March 2014, 23:17
Molly Taylor her co driver will be her mother! A first time combination in the WRC I think..

Luis Pacheco
11th March 2014, 23:17
http://mollytaylor.com.au/2014-jwrc-mot ... confirmed/ (http://mollytaylor.com.au/2014-jwrc-motherdaughter-assault-confirmed/)

15th March 2014, 00:51
Csucsu test

18th March 2014, 00:34
An interview of the first Cypriot who will drive in JWRC, Panikos Polykarpou. You can use google translate. :)
http://www.r40.gr/index.php?option=com_ ... Itemid=187 (http://www.r40.gr/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=2656&Itemid=187)

18th March 2014, 08:45
Jan ?erný confirmed today that he will do both JWRC and JERC (besides that also some Czech events)!

18th March 2014, 09:13
Alex Gelsomino has confirmed he will co drive for Salah Bin Eidan of Kuwait during Rally Portugal. Unclear at present if this is just for Portugal or will it extend into future events as well.

2nd April 2014, 11:45
I've read about crash of Christian Riedemann during a test last sunday...I hope nothing serious and hope he will be OK for start of Rally Portugal(starting with tomorrow's shakedown) :confused:

4th April 2014, 19:35
Classification after day one rally Portugal ;)

1-Allastair Fisher
2-Martin Koci
3-Simone Campedelli
4-Stéphane Lefèbvre
5-Christian Riedemann
6-Jan Cerny
7-Molly Taylor
8-Simone Tempestini
9-Sylvain Michel
10-Panikos Polykarpou
11-Federico della Casa
13-Aaron Domzala

I'm really impressed by Koci, I didn't expect him to fight with Campedelli for the 2nd place of JWRC :)
Seeing his lack of experience from the event and the car, Lefèvbre did a good job too ;)

5th April 2014, 09:41
Classification after day one rally Portugal ;)

1-Allastair Fisher
2-Martin Koci
3-Simone Campedelli
4-Stéphane Lefèbvre
5-Christian Riedemann
6-Jan Cerny
7-Molly Taylor
8-Simone Tempestini
9-Sylvain Michel
10-Panikos Polykarpou
11-Federico della Casa
13-Aaron Domzala

I'm really impressed by Koci, I didn't expect him to fight with Campedelli for the 2nd place of JWRC :)
Seeing his lack of experience from the event and the car, Lefèvbre did a good job too ;)

You forgot:
14-Quentin Giordano

5th April 2014, 11:57
Great time by Koci this saturday morning on SS8(7" faster than leader Fisher) :bounce:

6th April 2014, 10:23
What happened yesterday saturday to JWRC leader Alastair Fisher in the last kilometers of the last stage ??? :(

Now Stéphane Lefèbvre is new JWRC leader, but careful to Martin Koci who keeps on attacking on today sunday SS14 ;)

13th April 2014, 22:22
JWRC entry fee= 2500 (just to take part in series)
Each event entry fee = 3895 EUR*6= 23370 EUR
Renting DS3R3= ca 35-40 EUR/km= ca 15 000 EUR event= 90 000
around 24 tyres for one event (approximately 300 EUR/tyre, mostly including VAT)*6=ca 43 000 EUR
+ accomodation costs for small team in EU= ca 5000 eur
+ travel costs for small team in EU = ca 10000 eur
=ca 175000 EUR
+ fuel (if not included in rent)
+ insurance/damage to the car etc.
So, season cost would be roughly up to 200 000 eur.
You can buy DS3 R3 as well... for around 75 000 EUR.

Price per season: from 250.000€ excl. taxes

These prices do not include:
-Insurance excess
-Travel and personal expenses incurred by the crew
-All expenses related to reece
-Private testing

23rd July 2014, 03:43
In the meantime another victory for Stéphane Lefèbvre in Poland ;)

Who for the win in Finland next week ??? :D

23rd July 2014, 03:44
Molly Taylor her co driver will be her mother! A first time combination in the WRC I think..

In Poland she had Sebastian Marshall back at her side :confused:

23rd July 2014, 03:45
Jan ?erný confirmed today that he will do both JWRC and JERC (besides that also some Czech events)!

He wasn't in Poland :(

23rd July 2014, 09:00
He wasn't in Poland :(

The crashes in Acores and Ypres were kind of financial disaster...

28th July 2014, 19:29
Surprise de voir @EricCamilli engagé en Junior WRC au Deutschland Rallye. Bon choix.

Will be interesting to see him there, I expect him to be second not so far from Lefebvre..

3rd August 2014, 17:06
Congrats to Martin Koci for his victory in Finland today sunday :bounce:
After nice performances in Portugal and Italy but also unluck there, he deserved this result ;)

3rd August 2014, 17:26
JWRC in this rally was such a joke. Koci was unlucky with his gearbox problem but being behind 2 R2 cars (Haapamaki and Parn) says a lot about the competitiveness of this championship. Also the differences were crazy. 3rd place Taylor was +15m, and that with 3m penalty for Koci :eek: :eek:

3rd August 2014, 17:48
Too expensive, so the 2wd talents choose ERC instead this season.
lets see if WRC can make a cheaper alt next year!

21st August 2014, 18:17
Return of Christian Riedemann this week-end in Germany...let's hope a victorious return at home :)

22nd August 2014, 20:06
So Eric Camilli leading in front of Stéphane Lefèbvre and Christian Riedemann after day one Rallye Deutschland :bounce:

I bet tomorrow saturday Riedemann will try to attack ;)
Concerning Lefèbvre a victory there isn't important, as Martin Koci is currently behind him ;)

Careful tomorrow with car-breaker Panzerplatte though :mark:

23rd August 2014, 14:39
Gutted for Camilli ;(

New classification JWRC after the first loop of stages of day two Rallye Deutschland:
8-Della Casa
9-Al Mutawaa

23rd August 2014, 23:25
After day two Rallye Deutschland:


Big dramas for Koci, Giordano and Fisher in SS14(Koci who was 3rd overall has now to restart in superrally tomorrow sunday) :mark:
But suspense continues for 3rd place between Giordano and Fisher with a gap of only 4" ;)

24th August 2014, 07:49
Apparently Camilli and Koci definitively retired and won't take the start of the last leg of today sunday :mark:

If Lefèbvre wins today he will get a more comfortable gap and if Riedemann finishes 2nd, he will be back for the fight for 2nd position in championship...

24th August 2014, 13:14
Victory for Stéphane Lefèbvre in Germany, but Christian Riedemann never gave up and was back to only +9" in the end :cool:

Final classification JWRC after german round of WRC...


Retirements for Camilli(accident), Koci(accident), Dalla Casa(??)and Al Mutawaa(??)

3rd October 2014, 18:33
Totally impressed by Frédéric Hauswald today friday on Rallye de France WRC :eek:

OK, he's from Alsace(he's a local driver), but he has many other good drivers as contenders...

Eric Camilli and Yohan Rossel are a bit behind but tomorrow saturday, and sunday, they can climb up the JWRC/WRC3 classification ;)

5th October 2014, 13:32
So victory for Alastair Fisher in front of Eric Camilli and Quentin Giordano in France today sunday ;)

Congratulations to Stéphane Lefèbvre 2014 JWRC champion :bounce:

Camilli and Rossel are really future great :cool: Citroën should keep an eye cloth on them I don't want VW and Ford to "steal" them :p:

kirungi okwogera
5th October 2014, 13:37
So victory for Alastair Fisher in front of Eric Camilli and Quentin Giordano in France today sunday ;)

Congratulations to Stéphane Lefèbvre 2014 JWRC champion :bounce:

Camilli and Rossel are really future great :cool: Citroën should keep an eye cloth on them I don't want VW and Ford to "steal" them :p:

What's your view on Lefèbvre then? I think Camilli has potential too but surely Citroën should have an eye on the JWRC champ too considering their luck with french JWRC champions whose names start with S.

5th October 2014, 14:00
Lefèbvre is secured now at Citroën in WRC2 for 2015 ;)
And maybe at Peugeot in ERC 2015 at the same time(if he wins Junior ERC) :eek:

Can't wait for Catalunya Rally where Stéphane will run for the first time in the DS3 R5 :cool: