View Full Version : Feed Your Need for Speed - a Motoring Music Video

20th October 2013, 13:42
Hello there, everyone. I realise that it might be a bit gauche to start off a forum career with something like self-promotion, but I've put together something that I hope you will all find interesting and entertaining.


YouTube video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Bg2KeeWEiU)

Dailymotion mirror (http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x165mi1_feed-your-need-for-speed_auto)

I cut music videos as a hobby, and I've decided to create one that brings together classic racing and driving movies and real footage to celebrate the thrills, spills, glories and stories of motor-racing. At the very least, I hope that it improves on Driven :crazy: I'm always looking to improve, so any comments & criticism on what goes right and wrong will be greatly appreciated.

Well, enjoy!

1st November 2013, 21:32
Hello there, everyone. I realise that it might be a bit gauche to start off a forum career with something like self-promotion, but I've put together something that I hope you will all find interesting and entertaining.


YouTube video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Bg2KeeWEiU)

Dailymotion mirror (http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x165mi1_feed-your-need-for-speed_auto)

I cut music videos as a hobby, and I've decided to create one that brings together classic racing and driving movies and real footage to celebrate the thrills, spills, glories and stories of motor-racing. At the very least, I hope that it improves on Driven :crazy: I'm always looking to improve, so any comments & criticism on what goes right and wrong will be greatly appreciated.

Well, enjoy!

This being a motorsports forum, I'm both shocked and a bit saddened that no one has replied to this thread yet. You, sir, have so well captured why I have been fascinated by and (somewhat) obsessed with motorsports since childhood. Though I could have done without the Fast & Furious footage, everything else that was included (even the shots from Driven - yes, it really was a dreadful movie... though it did have some excellent racing scenes here & there) hit the bulls eye. I let my pizza burn just so I could watch this without getting up. And I was looking forward to that pizza too! But this was worth it.

Excellent. A+. Bravo.

P.S. Thanks so much for including the Senna footage and for featuring CART. And any scene from Grand Prix makes me both happy and somewhat melancholy. Bless you. Have you ever been in touch with the guys from Speed Tribe? What you did here well compares to their good work several years ago about Le Mans.

P.P.S. Make more! Post more! Make another one and use Mark Knopfler's "Speedway At Nazareth" as the background music. Do that and I'll include you in my will. :bounce:

12th November 2013, 13:09
Awesome job man, I love motorsports and I loved watching this. Much appreciate the effort you put into it :)