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14th November 2013, 21:10
Evans now ahead of Ketomaa ! :bounce:

Breakthrough rally for Evans?? Well, some will say he's got home court advantage....

14th November 2013, 21:13
ok,now your turn to explain the nick.

I've always been called Jonkka by my friends and it doesn't mean anything (in Finnish, nor in any other language I know of). It's a bit like Richard who are called Dick in English speaking world, just a habit I guess.

14th November 2013, 21:17
Evans vs Prokop, gonna be a good battle :D :D

14th November 2013, 21:19
ok,now your turn to explain the nick.

I've always been called Jonkka by my friends and it doesn't mean anything (in Finnish, nor in any other language I know of). It's a bit like Richard who are called Dick in English speaking world, just a habit I guess.


now is NOTs turn.

14th November 2013, 21:23
now is NOTs turn.

Knowing him, I'd be very surprised it his nick wouldn't simply be manifestation of his negative personality.

14th November 2013, 21:32
Cronin in problems?

14th November 2013, 21:36
Cronin in problems?


Times of DS3s from SS1 are fixed. Very very equal there.

14th November 2013, 21:38
Bouffier and Cronin in 0,1 sec on SS1 and both 1 minute faster than Gilbert and Chardonnet! Korhonen another minute down... on 7 km :eek:

According to Pluto somebody hit the photocell at the finish line and times may be wrong.

now seems that times corrected at stage 1.Big fight!!

edit. Cronin had puncture

edit2 Mirek was faster at this stage.

14th November 2013, 21:43
And SS2 times changing all the time. Confusing

14th November 2013, 21:46
And SS2 times changing all the time. Confusing

Dont forget, it is dark in Wales in this time...

Fast Eddie WRC
14th November 2013, 21:48
Go Thierry !! :D

14th November 2013, 21:49
And SS2 times changing all the time. Confusing

Dont forget, it is dark in Wales in this time...
:D Dark thick forest.

14th November 2013, 21:49
Latvala looses some time at first 2 splits.

14th November 2013, 21:50
Novikov has awaken

14th November 2013, 21:50
Neuville at 2nd place.

14th November 2013, 21:54
Great pace by Thierry Neuville, he has not that much experience in this rally.

14th November 2013, 21:58
Colin Clark had a puncture..

14th November 2013, 21:58
Colin Clark had a puncture..

He lost about 15 minutes due to wheel change. Doesn't bode well for his rally ;)

14th November 2013, 21:59
kubica faster than novikov, östberg, and sordo..

14th November 2013, 22:00
Kubica faster then Ostberg on this third stage, very good pace sofar, cosidering new co-driver and stages in the dark. Also he has no experience in Wales at all, at least i don't think he has.

14th November 2013, 22:01
From rally-base.com:

No quotes, reporter Colin Clark got puncture on liaison to the stage. :D

Edit: Mousti was faster.

14th November 2013, 22:02
kubica faster than novikov, östberg, and sordo..
It's quite embarrassing for them

14th November 2013, 22:02
kubica is so fast allready... really top talent! only 2s slower than mikko!

14th November 2013, 22:05
I hope kubica get seat for 4th VW WRC for next year.

Fast Eddie WRC
14th November 2013, 22:05
Kubica flew on this one !!

14th November 2013, 22:07
Kubica seems to be Rally driver by nature

Andre Oliveira
14th November 2013, 22:07
Kubica uses English notes with Baran? And now with Ferrara?

Hope see him at Ford next season.

14th November 2013, 22:09
Kubica uses English notes with Baran? And now with Ferrara?

Hope see him at Ford next season.
Polish with Baran, now Italian

14th November 2013, 22:09
Polish with Baran. Now Italian.

*Edit* Ooops ;)

14th November 2013, 22:11
Is Kubica's time correct, wrc.com shows miracles

EDIT: Fixed now

14th November 2013, 22:15
It will be interesting to see Kubica on tarmac next year.

14th November 2013, 22:17
Kubica is already under a second per kilometer slower than the stage winner..... is the level really so low?!?!?

14th November 2013, 22:22
What is wrong with Ostberg...? Again quite slow, like the whole season.

14th November 2013, 22:25
What is wrong with Ostberg...? Again quite slow, like the whole season.

I think, that problem is, that he is slow :)

14th November 2013, 22:26
very positive start by Kubica...

14th November 2013, 22:28
What is wrong with Ostberg...? Again quite slow, like the whole season.

I think, that problem is, that he is slow :)

Last year he looked much better though.

14th November 2013, 22:32
What is wrong with Ostberg...? Again quite slow, like the whole season.

Something wrong with gearshift/sensor ingearbox.
He hasnt shined this year, nor the car....

14th November 2013, 22:33
Kubica is already under a second per kilometer slower than the stage winner..... is the level really so low?!?!?

I don't think the level at the top is low; rather that there are more than 6 good drivers in the world and some people perhaps put drivers on a pedestal just because they are driving in WRC.

14th November 2013, 22:36
Kubica is already under a second per kilometer slower than the stage winner..... is the level really so low?!?!?
No... it is just Kubica

14th November 2013, 22:41
He hasnt shined this year, nor the car....

Is Neuville using different car?

14th November 2013, 22:45
He hasnt shined this year, nor the car....

Is Neuville using different car?

It must be completely different. ;)

14th November 2013, 22:47
He hasnt shined this year, nor the car....

Is Neuville using different car?

It is not allowed to use one car by two drivers in one race :smokin:

14th November 2013, 22:54
lol :D

14th November 2013, 23:00
Kubica is already under a second per kilometer slower than the stage winner..... is the level really so low?!?!?
Kubica is a very very talented driver in a good team doing tests before every rally. It is normal to be that fast!
I was less than a second slower in the forth stage I drove in my first( and most probably last) outing in a wrc car in 2011 acropolis rally. Without a test before the rally, being two years away from a rally car, and with a customer car...
I am expecting him to be even closer to the front, let's say 0.3 to 0.5 per km as the rally progresses... He seems to be a very fast and fast learning driver. In Tarmac he may set top 3 times in his first rally, I believe

14th November 2013, 23:15
He hasnt shined this year, nor the car....

Is Neuville using different car?

It is not allowed to use one car by two drivers in one race :smokin:
Actually the question is defined properly. If it is not about "the same car", it should be "Is Neuville using another car?"

14th November 2013, 23:25
Kubica is already under a second per kilometer slower than the stage winner..... is the level really so low?!?!?
Kubica is a very very talented driver in a good team doing tests before every rally. It is normal to be that fast!
I was less than a second slower in the forth stage I drove in my first( and most probably last) outing in a wrc car in 2011 acropolis rally. Without a test before the rally, being two years away from a rally car, and with a customer car...
I am expecting him to be even closer to the front, let's say 0.3 to 0.5 per km as the rally progresses... He seems to be a very fast and fast learning driver. In Tarmac he may set top 3 times in his first rally, I believe

Hello Lambros, I havent seen you for a very long time...

14th November 2013, 23:41
what's the weather forecast for tomorrow - nice and muddy or nice and rainy

Jarek Z
15th November 2013, 00:13
Kubica is already under a second per kilometer slower than the stage winner..... is the level really so low?!?!?

Yes, I think that the current level of WRC is really so low. I mean look at the drivers in top ten. I admit that Ogier, Neuville, Latvala and Hirvonen are great and talented drivers, but the others? Who are they? What have they achieved in this sport? Ostberg? 1 win in WRC. Mikkelsen? 0 wins. Sordo - over 100 rallies in the best cars and just 1 win! Novikov? Has he ever won anything? Prokop loses 10 minutes in every rally.

Kubica is great, but he wouldn't have been so high in the results if Loeb, Sainz, Gronholm, Makinen, Auriol, Martin, Solberg, McRae and Burns were still around. In my opinion the level of competition in WRC has dropped down significantly.

Jarek Z
15th November 2013, 00:20
In one of the previous posts someone asked about Kubica's pace notes. For the whole year Kubica and Baran were using Polish pace notes. So now Kubica has to adapt to a new car, new co-driver, new rally and new pace notes language. And he is quicker than Sordo on each of the 3 stages.

P.S. Even though I'm from Poland, I hope that my opinions about Kubica are not biased.

Fast Eddie WRC
15th November 2013, 00:31
what's the weather forecast for tomorrow - nice and muddy or nice and rainy

Cold and cloudy with some rain showers..

Could be some fog early on.

15th November 2013, 00:45
most probably no rain,some clouds,some sun,light wind..morning is cold..+3..+4degrees. beautiful weather

15th November 2013, 01:08
In one of the previous posts someone asked about Kubica's pace notes. For the whole year Kubica and Baran were using Polish pace notes. So now Kubica has to adapt to a new car, new co-driver, new rally and new pace notes language. And he is quicker than Sordo on each of the 3 stages.

P.S. Even though I'm from Poland, I hope that my opinions about Kubica are not biased.

I think Kubica is a great driver. Heīs proving it now in Wales. However heīs been doing quite a lot of rallies together with testing. Not that I want to decrease his abilities, but still. He been rallying a lot this year. But together with his skills and the season so far, we see the result, which is very good.

The level of competition in WRC has nothing to do with Kubicas progress and canīt be measured from it.

15th November 2013, 01:40
What is wrong with Ostberg...? Again quite slow, like the whole season.

I think, that problem is, that he is slow :)

Last year he looked much better though.

Lat year he did not have MSport messing up his car, but used his own guys......

15th November 2013, 01:53
Citroen's Day 1 (http://www.citroen-wrc.com/en/2013/videos-en/wrc-videos/6654/wales-rally-gb-day-1/)

15th November 2013, 03:45
I really like Matts. But he has said his confidence this year is low. Had some bad calls with pacenotes, and the car has not behaved. Very hard to commit to the kind of speeds without absolute confidence in both the co-driver and car.

15th November 2013, 06:25

15th November 2013, 06:59
Kubica is already under a second per kilometer slower than the stage winner..... is the level really so low?!?!?
Kubica is a very very talented driver in a good team doing tests before every rally. It is normal to be that fast!
I was less than a second slower in the forth stage I drove in my first( and most probably last) outing in a wrc car in 2011 acropolis rally. Without a test before the rally, being two years away from a rally car, and with a customer car...
I am expecting him to be even closer to the front, let's say 0.3 to 0.5 per km as the rally progresses... He seems to be a very fast and fast learning driver. In Tarmac he may set top 3 times in his first rally, I believe

Hello Lambros, I havent seen you for a very long time...


I read the forum in every rally... Hope to see you in acropolis rally in 2014

15th November 2013, 07:59
Hi everyone, new to this forum but a long time motor racing fan.

I've been to plenty of circuit races but this weekend is my first WRC event. Does anyone on here have any suggestions / hints and tips for a rally virgin? Where is the best places to spectate from, how to get between stages etc...

Thanks guys.

15th November 2013, 09:28
Is there no world rally radio?

Edit: maybe because it is still an hour to go. :angryfire

15th November 2013, 09:38

Nice video- really captures the atmosphere in Penmachno -Great!

15th November 2013, 09:38
Well the rally today starts at 10.37 CET. so it's almost an hour to go.

15th November 2013, 10:29
5 mins to go!

15th November 2013, 10:32
First stage..32 km.. around 85% under the trees, should be pretty muddy, not much downhills/uphills=no big advantage for weaker engines. So, this stage should show who has the skill to steer their car:-)

15th November 2013, 10:34
Hi everyone, new to this forum but a long time motor racing fan.

I've been to plenty of circuit races but this weekend is my first WRC event. Does anyone on here have any suggestions / hints and tips for a rally virgin? Where is the best places to spectate from, how to get between stages etc...

Thanks guys.

Spectating rally is quite different from spectating circuit racing.

First of all, take the itenary to see when the cars are where in the weekend: http://www.wrc.com/results/2013/wales-r ... itinerary/ (http://www.wrc.com/results/2013/wales-rally-gb/itinerary/)

Then pick a nice spot on the map. I like to use Google Earth / Street View to pick my spots, but I think this is not possible in Wales. You should go for big spectator points, where there are nice parking and I guess also some sausages :-) (which looks a bit like circuit racing from a spectator point of view).
This site has the Google Maps op WRC-rally's: http://planetemarcus.com/saison-wrc/gra ... agne-2013/ (http://planetemarcus.com/saison-wrc/grande-bretagne-2013/) (click on Google Earth Map).

15th November 2013, 10:38
I think the safest way to beginner spectator for today would be Sweet Lamb. Good access, good view and like a first step from cricuit to rally :-)

15th November 2013, 10:48
nonono don't do it

15th November 2013, 10:49
Neuville OK! same split as JML in Split 3

15th November 2013, 10:50
Never expected this pace from him on gravel, awesome!

15th November 2013, 10:53
Neuville lost 3-4 secs on a hairpin.

15th November 2013, 10:59
J-ML loses 12 secs to Ogier on SS4.

"I can't get the same feeling I have with the car as I have had in these stages in the past"

15th November 2013, 10:59
Neuville in German... awesome :bounce:

15th November 2013, 11:00
No splits for Kubica and Sordo, shame again on SIT

15th November 2013, 11:01
Times look like a mess, still no time from Neuville.

15th November 2013, 11:03
Classic GB rally timing system :D
Mud sweat and no timing

15th November 2013, 11:05
Are there live video feeds for sweet lamb?

15th November 2013, 11:05
start order

Ogier choosed 2nd on road...

FRI. 15.11.2013 / 10H57
[SS4] Sebastien Ogier (Volkswagen) 18:41.0 "The balance is not so good, I understeer quite a lot. For me with his (Latvala) line, maybe it helps me a little bit."

with so little competition from other drivers, and already champioships secured,i would like to see him starting first,like Loeb for years.

15th November 2013, 11:06
Kubica probably out

15th November 2013, 11:07
Kubica rolled?

15th November 2013, 11:07
Kubica probably out
Rumors that he rolled..

15th November 2013, 11:08
start order

Ogier choosed 2nd on road...

FRI. 15.11.2013 / 10H57
[SS4] Sebastien Ogier (Volkswagen) 18:41.0 "The balance is not so good, I understeer quite a lot. For me with his (Latvala) line, maybe it helps me a little bit."

with so little competition from other drivers, and already champioships secured,i would like to see him starting first,like Loeb for years.

Agree. +1

Kubica rolled? Too slippery?

15th November 2013, 11:09
Not good to start WRCar campagin

15th November 2013, 11:12
How about weather for today stages?

15th November 2013, 11:13
Sordo has no form at all on gravel. If you substract his 5 mins, he is more than a minute down.

15th November 2013, 11:14
Prokop isn't any better.

15th November 2013, 11:15
Evans on problems,or timing error?

15th November 2013, 11:15
Muddy gravel stages is not for sunshine drivers :|

15th November 2013, 11:15
Evans on problems,or timing error?

Yellow flag

15th November 2013, 11:19
How about weather for today stages?
Beautiful.. in terms of Wales;-) +5..+7 degrees, light wind, cloudy and a bit humid in the morning and sunny very soon

Jarek Z
15th November 2013, 11:19
Apparently Kubica is not as good as some people think. There are rumours that he crashed on SS4.

15th November 2013, 11:20
Evans on problems,or timing error?

Yellow flag
Does not look like yellow flag.. next split is OK and drivers before and after him are also OK

15th November 2013, 11:22
Evans on problems,or timing error?

Yellow flag
Does not look like yellow flag.. next split is OK and drivers before and after him are also OK
I don't think so too... If there is yellow flag you must stop competing and drive carefully to the finish. And it must shown to all drivers, not just one...

E: Of course if there is a SOS-sign and he is stopped because of that...

15th November 2013, 11:25
Reports in that SS4 has been stopped.

15th November 2013, 11:27
Ogier is going to Kill this Sport.. he is too good.. too good. we are goint to see some strange stuff next year. a possibility of winning all rounds.. i hate this dude. its a better Version of sebastian Loeb. and with him alwasy having the good start order. huh.. now i miss loeb.

Fast Eddie WRC
15th November 2013, 11:28
What happened to Evans ? :(

15th November 2013, 11:28
Apparently Kubica is not as good as some people think. There are rumours that he crashed on SS4.

Apparently some understands that he is still a rookie and have quite a lot to learn.

15th November 2013, 11:32
A driver never had gone off will never be a top driver. Donīt judge Kubice after this one. Itīs only showing no experience from the quoter.

15th November 2013, 11:34
andyone, no justice in the sport :( :D

15th November 2013, 11:35
Reports in that SS4 has been stopped.

Stage is restarted, first car on road is 47 (Brynildsen).

Fast Eddie WRC
15th November 2013, 11:36
Re Kubica - I think this old adage applies: 'Its easier to make a fast driver consistent, than a consistent driver fast'..

15th November 2013, 11:37
Do you know that Ogier has never finished all distance in GB with WR Car? Last year with Skoda was the first time for him not to retire at some point..

15th November 2013, 11:37
A driver never had gone off will never be a top driver. Donīt judge Kubice after this one. Itīs only showing no experience from the quoter.
I think we all wish Kubika good career in WRC but at first rally at WRC car expect a bit more "learning" km's instead of one "learning" roll

15th November 2013, 11:39
Can he continue tomorrow? If so, he can still learn.

15th November 2013, 11:39
I think we all wish Kubika good career in WRC

Do not speak for all, you have no mandate for that.

15th November 2013, 11:40
Apparently Kubica is not as good as some people think. There are rumours that he crashed on SS4.

??? I think he deserves respect for his performance last night. I for one didnt expect his pace to be so good, yes he has rolled out but wait till we see what happened before we hammer the guy.

15th November 2013, 11:40
I think we all wish Kubika good career in WRC

Do not speak for all, you have no mandate for that.
You wish Kubika to roll and crash all time?

15th November 2013, 11:42
is it a big accident?

15th November 2013, 11:43
I think we all wish Kubika good career in WRC

Do not speak for all, you have no mandate for that.

KKS didnt speak for all, he just voiced his thoughts about he expected all would think.

15th November 2013, 11:43
Any news of how Evans dropped time?

15th November 2013, 11:44
You wish Kubika to roll and crash all time?

I wish F1 people would stay out of WRC.

Fast Eddie WRC
15th November 2013, 11:46
So was Evans time on SS4 due to stage being stopped ?

Wales Rally GB ?@WalesRallyGB 1m
Hafren has restarted but times for some drivers will be incorrect. Once his has been rectified we will bring you more results

15th November 2013, 11:47
Any news of how Evans dropped time?
It seems strange situation. Yazeed, Barrable and Evans all reported that they were yellow falged.. and Ketomaa passed Evans on that stage.. so Evans was flagged and Ketomaa not? Or evans went to visit someone while Ketomaa passed him :-)

15th November 2013, 11:47
what a time from Tom Cave at stage 4! faster than Ketomaa,Evans,Higgins etc. (if timing is correct)

15th November 2013, 11:48
You wish Kubika to roll and crash all time?

I wish F1 people would stay out of WRC.

Why? What's wrong with that? Also, he can't do F1 (for now at least).
I think everyone has the right to race/rally wherever they want if the talent is there.

15th November 2013, 11:48
Evans on problems,or timing error?

Yellow flag
Does not look like yellow flag.. next split is OK and drivers before and after him are also OK

It was yellow flag. First who has seen it was Al Rajhi. In this case it is big mistake of other drivers that they didnt slow down...

15th November 2013, 11:50
Neuville has problems?

15th November 2013, 11:51
what a time from Tom Cave at stage 4! faster than Ketomaa,Evans,Higgins etc. (if timing is correct)

Ketomaa, Evans and some other had yellow flag, they will obtain notional time.

15th November 2013, 11:51
I wish F1 people would stay out of WRC.
Finish people be more likely to polish rally drivers who for some time drive f1 :D

BTW Sodro win a stage

15th November 2013, 11:51
Neuville has problems?


(11 - Neuville Thierry / Gilsoul Nicolas): Ogier is just going too quick for us. We are just discovering the new pace notes and the stages. I must find my mark. The notes are ok, just checking them.

15th November 2013, 11:52
Neuville at stage 6 is slow.

15th November 2013, 11:53
Any news of how Evans dropped time?
It seems strange situation. Yazeed, Barrable and Evans all reported that they were yellow falged.. and Ketomaa passed Evans on that stage.. so Evans was flagged and Ketomaa not? Or evans went to visit someone while Ketomaa passed him :-)

Ketomaa for sure had yellow flag too. And it is his big mistake that he was continuing in high speed. It seems he has not so much experience with WRC, because in national championships nobody knows exact yellow flag rules...

15th November 2013, 11:53
I wish F1 people would stay out of WRC.

Oh God, don't start with that bullshit. Kubica has been rallying already during his F1 career. He started as proper nobody with Clio S1600 and only by his will and skills he got farther. He is no bored rich kid who has nothing better to do than to buy a WRC career. Kubica is a guy who has a true rally passion. Even when he was an F1 star I met him on a local Czech rallysprint as an ordinary spectator - he traveled to another country to watch an ordinary "village" event. He is also a friend with Jan Kopecký and when Jan stopped driving Fabia WRC in 2007 Robert bought one his car and learned how to drive it.

15th November 2013, 11:54
what a time from Tom Cave at stage 4! faster than Ketomaa,Evans,Higgins etc. (if timing is correct)

Ketomaa, Evans and some other had yellow flag, they will obtain notional time.

And to say the truth, Tom Cave should be excluded...

15th November 2013, 11:55
Neuville at stage 6 is slow.
11,7sek behind Ogier in 5th split so not a very big problem...

15th November 2013, 11:56
Neuville is rather slow on stage 6, but we will see...

15th November 2013, 11:57
Oh God, don't start with that bullshit.

Excuse me?

15th November 2013, 11:57
11,7sek behind Ogier in 5th split so not a very big problem...

It certainly is a problem considering he is slower than Novikov, Hirvonen and Ostberg...

15th November 2013, 11:58
Excuse me?

Sorry for being harsh but You wrote a bullshit so I named it.

15th November 2013, 11:59
what a time from Tom Cave at stage 4! faster than Ketomaa,Evans,Higgins etc. (if timing is correct)

Ketomaa, Evans and some other had yellow flag, they will obtain notional time.

And to say the truth, Tom Cave should be excluded...
Why? Cave had clear stage already. Stage was restarted from Brynildsen.

15th November 2013, 12:00
Neuville has problems?

Neuville isnīt a real man yet. Wales slippery roads is demanding. Still some rallies to go before matching Polos. How about next year in Hyundai? Maybe loose more speed?

15th November 2013, 12:01
Sorry for being harsh but You wrote a bullshit so I named it.

I gave an opinion and did not say a word about why. So you can't have any rational reason to classify it as unworthy - except that you don't agree. Do not confuse me with N.O.T. even though he happens to share my distaste for circuit racing.

15th November 2013, 12:02
And to say the truth, Tom Cave should be excluded...
Why? Cave had clear stage already. Stage was restarted from Brynildsen.

Because he was too late in TC 3C (http://rally-base.com/2013/wales-rally- ... 3/penalty/ (http://rally-base.com/2013/wales-rally-great-britain-2013/penalty/))

15th November 2013, 12:02
Neuville has problems?

Neuville isnīt a real man yet. Wales slippery roads is demanding. Still some rallies to go before matching Polos. How about next year in Hyundai? Maybe loose more speed?

He isn't a real man yet? :confused:
I guess you would do much better if you would be in his car, would you? :rolleyes:

15th November 2013, 12:03
Hirvo is reported stopped in the stage

15th November 2013, 12:03
Sordo fast at this stage.
if Latvala wins,Neuville at which position has to finish t keep the 2nd position in championship?

15th November 2013, 12:04
Neuville isnīt a real man yet. Wales slippery roads is demanding. Still some rallies to go before matching Polos. How about next year in Hyundai? Maybe loose more speed?

Yes but he was much faster in previous stages, why now suddenly so slow? That's why I reckoned problems.

Next year is big question mark, because we don't know anything about Hyundai's level of performance in general or it's suitability to Thierry in particular.

15th November 2013, 12:04
Sordo fast at this stage.
if Latvala wins,Neuville at which position has to finish t keep the 2nd position in championship?

4th. But remember power stage points too.

15th November 2013, 12:04
Hirvo is reported stopped in the stage

What is the reason?

15th November 2013, 12:05
11,7sek behind Ogier in 5th split so not a very big problem...

It certainly is a problem considering he is slower than Novikov, Hirvonen and Ostberg...

That can be a tire choice etc... But I say that it's a problem if he lost about 1min and more/stage... Now it's less than a 1sek/km so it's just rallying...

15th November 2013, 12:07
Hirvonen rolled

15th November 2013, 12:07
And to say the truth, Tom Cave should be excluded...
Why? Cave had clear stage already. Stage was restarted from Brynildsen.

Because he was too late in TC 3C (http://rally-base.com/2013/wales-rally- ... 3/penalty/ (http://rally-base.com/2013/wales-rally-great-britain-2013/penalty/))
isnt maximum allowed lateness 30 minutes.. that means 300 seconds penalty? he got 260 s?

15th November 2013, 12:07
(4 - Østberg Mads / Andersson Jonas): Playing a little around with the car, trying to find some more grip, we seem to be going in the right direction. It i a very enjoyable stage, I can see some really good lines. Some of the lines you see here, you need to be a little bit crazy to do these lines.

Once again disspaointing performance from Ostberg... :(

15th November 2013, 12:08
Hirvonen rolled

Owhh, same thing as Kubica then, is it something inside the Citroens? :)

15th November 2013, 12:10
I gave an opinion and did not say a word about why. So you can't have any rational reason to classify it as unworthy - except that you don't agree. Do not confuse me with N.O.T. even though he happens to share my distaste for circuit racing.

You are wrong about N.O.T. He has numerous times expressed his support for Robert Kubica because he knows something about him. But I understand that you don't know that because you don't follow anything except WRC (and possibly Finnish home scene). What You wrote was at least short-sighted as You obviously have little clue about Robert's rallying history.

15th November 2013, 12:10
Where is Sordo? Mikkelsen finished already...

15th November 2013, 12:10
Hirvonen rolled

Owhh, same thing as Kubica then, is it something inside the Citroens? :)

everybody when finishes with Citroen is crashing/rolling at last rally(Ogier,Loeb,Mikko,Kubica?)

15th November 2013, 12:10
Because he was too late in TC 3C (http://rally-base.com/2013/wales-rally- ... 3/penalty/ (http://rally-base.com/2013/wales-rally-great-britain-2013/penalty/))
isnt maximum allowed lateness 30 minutes.. that means 300 seconds penalty? he got 260 s?

I was too lazy to check the actual WRC regulations. They are changing it every year and this year, surprisingly, is WRC regulation different from RRC regulations. So no excluding for Cave :cool:

15th November 2013, 12:12
Neuville has problems?

Neuville isnīt a real man yet. Wales slippery roads is demanding. Still some rallies to go before matching Polos. How about next year in Hyundai? Maybe loose more speed?

He isn't a real man yet? :confused:
I guess you would do much better if you would be in his car, would you? :rolleyes:

Hehe, no one of us "experts" would do times even like the slowest. It isnt that. But those who thought TN was completed and the only one behind SO should rethink a bit.

15th November 2013, 12:12
And to say the truth, Tom Cave should be excluded...
Why? Cave had clear stage already. Stage was restarted from Brynildsen.

Because he was too late in TC 3C (http://rally-base.com/2013/wales-rally- ... 3/penalty/ (http://rally-base.com/2013/wales-rally-great-britain-2013/penalty/))

He was 26min late and if I remember right, it suppose to be ok. Regulation is changed and you can be late 30 min/part of the rally and you can do it in one TC. Before it was that you can be 30 min late/part of the rally and 15 min/TC.

15th November 2013, 12:13
fingers crossed

[SS6] Dani Sordo (Citroen) "Was good, but after Mikko (Hirvonen) crash I lost concentration, is a big crash."

15th November 2013, 12:19
who will be fastest WRC2 driver?
At this point Higgins is leading WRC2. Excellent comeback.

15th November 2013, 12:39
2WD leader Bouffier lost 2 minutes on split 2.

15th November 2013, 12:40
(4 - Østberg Mads / Andersson Jonas): ...... I can see some really good lines. Some of the lines you see here, you need to be a little bit crazy to do these lines.


That's the point...Ostberg on his favorit rally (except snow) without the right speed. This year break his carrier

15th November 2013, 12:42
2WD leader Bouffier lost 2 minutes on split 2.Looks like he changed the wheel between 1st and 2nd split.

15th November 2013, 12:44
who will be fastest WRC2 driver?
At this point Higgins is leading WRC2. Excellent comeback.

Ketomaa again 1st after stage 6

15th November 2013, 12:47

15th November 2013, 12:56
nice photo!

http://www.ewrc.cz/ewrc/fotogalery.php? ... tograf=218 (http://www.ewrc.cz/ewrc/fotogalery.php?events=6543&fotograf=218)

15th November 2013, 12:59
And Cronin hit a tree and retire?

15th November 2013, 13:09
This stage was quite a disaster for many DS3 drivers. On the other hand Gilbert gained a massive lead there!

15th November 2013, 13:13
nice photo
https://scontent-a-ams.xx.fbcdn.net/hph ... 2286_n.jpg (https://scontent-a-ams.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/q71/1395244_10202400994491979_158392286_n.jpg)

15th November 2013, 14:52
Stage 7 is live now, seems Neuville is loosing time again.

15th November 2013, 14:54
JML seems to gain a bit

Fast Eddie WRC
15th November 2013, 14:57
Good to see the times amended and Elfyn Evans back in his rightful place ! :D

15th November 2013, 15:03
What happened on SS4 given notional time to most of the cars?

15th November 2013, 15:03
Bouffier retired (not leaving service?)

15th November 2013, 15:05
Bouffier retired (not leaving service?)
Yes Hartusvuori confirmed that :).

Gilbert has only 5 results in standings but doesn't count on WRC-3 ?

Fast Eddie WRC
15th November 2013, 15:06
What happened on SS4 given notional time to most of the cars?

Kubica rolled - stage was stopped for a while.

15th November 2013, 15:13
Now Neuville needs nothing more than 6th place and he can cruise on the powerstage too. I expected more from JM (comapred to Ogier) but....

15th November 2013, 15:15
Now Neuville needs nothing more than 6th place and he can cruise on the powerstage too. I expected more from JM (comapred to Ogier) but....

Rally isn't over yet. It's barely started, in fact.

15th November 2013, 15:18
Tripple for VW in SS7. Mikkelsen is now very close to Novikov and Ostberg!

15th November 2013, 15:19
I think chess championship in Chennai is more exciting at this moment!

15th November 2013, 15:20
I think chess championship in Chennai is more exciting at this moment!

Why do You bother to follow Wales then?

15th November 2013, 15:23
I think chess championship in Chennai is more exciting at this moment!

Why do You bother to follow Wales then?

Canīt I follow both?

15th November 2013, 15:25
Sure You can. I just consider following something boring as a waste of time.

15th November 2013, 15:29
Remember France Rally two or three years ago, live video from stages .... in GB it will be wounderful! If situation at leaderboard not very intresting, it always nice to watch live video from stages.... ahhhh.... we have this in a past....

15th November 2013, 15:31
http://www.walesrallygb.com/documents/S ... signed.pdf (http://www.walesrallygb.com/documents/Stewards_Decision_No._3_signed.pdf)

From Hartusvuori.

He and me are asking what was the 6th rally that Gilbert entered?

15th November 2013, 15:32
Sure You can. I just consider following something boring as a waste of time.

I didnīt say Rally GB was boring, just that Chennai chess championship match was a bit more exciting at the moment.

15th November 2013, 15:34
Interesting battle in WRC2 :)

15th November 2013, 15:35
I didnīt say Rally GB was boring, just that Chennai chess championship match was a bit more exciting at the moment.

OK, just that when somebody speaks about chess on a rally forum he usually uses it as a reference for boredom ;)

15th November 2013, 15:35

From Hartusvuori.

He and me are asking what was the 6th rally that Gilbert entered?

2013 Monte Carlo (DNS)
2013 Portugal (26th)
2013 Sardinia (19th)
2013 Finland (33rd)
2013 Deutschland (40th)
2013 Alsace (13th)
2013 Great Britain (underway)

15th November 2013, 15:36
I didnīt say Rally GB was boring, just that Chennai chess championship match was a bit more exciting at the moment.

OK, just that when somebody speaks about chess on a rally forum he usually uses it as a reference for boredom ;)

Yeah, but honestly, at the moment Iīm following both... :p

15th November 2013, 15:39
Sordo realy love this stage, are they more dry then others?

15th November 2013, 15:43

From Hartusvuori.

He and me are asking what was the 6th rally that Gilbert entered?

2013 Monte Carlo (DNS)
2013 Portugal (26th)
2013 Sardinia (19th)
2013 Finland (33rd)
2013 Deutschland (40th)
2013 Alsace (13th)
2013 Great Britain (underway)
Ah yes he didn't had a driver license then, if I recall it good.. They should better show that on WRC.com standings, was confusing now :).

15th November 2013, 15:45
Any more details on Hirvonens off?

15th November 2013, 16:04
Kubica from another angle
https://scontent-a-ams.xx.fbcdn.net/hph ... 8873_n.jpg (https://scontent-a-ams.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn2/q73/s720x720/1451340_554484001298326_933458873_n.jpg)

15th November 2013, 16:07
Higgings getting closer and closer to Evans... let battle begin for WRC2 :)

15th November 2013, 16:10
Any more details on Hirvonens off?

http://www.mtv.fi/sport/ralli/uutiset.s ... n-ulosajon (http://www.mtv.fi/sport/ralli/uutiset.shtml/2013/11/1832671/nuottivirhe-pohjusti-hirvosen-rajun-ulosajon)

"pace note mistake, car rolled 2 times, a lot of mud inside the cabin, Mikko has black eye. They hope that roll cage is ok and continue tomorrow".

15th November 2013, 16:16
Sweet lamb:

15th November 2013, 16:21
Any more details on Hirvonens off?

Jarmo made a mistake, he missed to read "tightens" in the pacenotes, entry speed to corner was 130-140kph. Heavy impact to earth wall roof first, few rolls, windscreen broke and lots of mud clods came inside, one gave Mikko a black eye.

Mikko: "Drivers do mistakes all the times, but when a codriver makes a mistake in high speeds, you can't get away with it."

15th November 2013, 16:25
Just when I said that Ketomaa's time missing it pop's up...

15th November 2013, 16:38
Hans Weijs takes the lead in WRC3. Or Citroen Top Driver. Or 2WD. Or whatever.

15th November 2013, 16:42
Is there any chance that Kubica will restart?

Fast Eddie WRC
15th November 2013, 16:48
Mikko with black eye after his roll ... :blackeye:


15th November 2013, 17:00
Mikko with black eye after his roll ... :blackeye:


Not that black. Yet. If it comes to the eye, he will restart... :cool:

15th November 2013, 17:18
You wish Kubika to roll and crash all time?

I wish F1 people would stay out of WRC.

... and we wish you would stay out of WRC. You are really sounding stupid and immature today ... like a little spoiled kid who cannot win the argument. That's not how you have behaved previously in this forum.

Kubica is a real rally driver with a true passion for the sport. I hope he stays and that he will be succesful in the WRC, and he might also be the only interesting option for Citroën next year.

15th November 2013, 17:25
I wish F1 people would stay out of WRC.

I wish that too but...

I think Kubica showed that he does this because he loves it, he is different from the ladyboys who visited the sport through the years and got beaten like dogs without owners. His approach shows that he has respect for the sport, he started in lesser classes and in village events and he progressed through the years. For me he is a rally driver despite his past and despite his comments that he wants to return to the ladyboy circus. I do not see him having a bright future as a rally driver on top level with a WRC car, however he is fast enough to give a great show and the more he stays the better.... He is one of us.

Fast Eddie WRC
15th November 2013, 17:26
Citroen will assess the condition of Kubica's car when it is brought back to the team’s service area in Deeside before deciding whether or not Kubica can restart as a Rally 2 entry.

“There is no big damage I think, even though the car is three metres down. It was a soft half-roll and didn’t feel like a big crash,” said Kubica. “Hopefully I can return. It’s a shame because one small misjudgment and we ended up like this.”


15th November 2013, 18:11
https://scontent-b-ams.xx.fbcdn.net/hph ... 6095_n.jpg (https://scontent-b-ams.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-frc3/q71/1459304_554523997960993_107046095_n.jpg)

https://scontent-b-ams.xx.fbcdn.net/hph ... 2978_n.jpg (https://scontent-b-ams.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/q71/s720x720/535010_569679603105481_912482978_n.jpg)

15th November 2013, 18:48
Hans Weijs takes the lead in WRC3. Or Citroen Top Driver. Or 2WD. Or whatever.

He is leading... ...nothing. He is not entered into WRC3 or Citroen Top Driver. And 2WD doesnt exist in WRC...

15th November 2013, 19:02
?ikko :disturb:
https://scontent-a-ams.xx.fbcdn.net/hph ... 9185_n.jpg (https://scontent-a-ams.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn1/q71/s720x720/1459161_10151728613965754_520219185_n.jpg)

15th November 2013, 19:05
Now Mikko's crash incar film is on Mtv3 -website. (maybe won't be able to seen abroad?)

15th November 2013, 19:12
Is there any chance that Kubica will restart?

I heard that Robert is still on the stage...

15th November 2013, 19:21
Is there any chance that Kubica will restart?

I heard that Robert is still on the stage...

I think that for Robert will be better to use superally rule than finish the stage and have correct time :D

15th November 2013, 19:24
Now Mikko's crash incar film is on Mtv3 -website. (maybe won't be able to seen abroad?)
post the link and we will know

15th November 2013, 19:28
https://scontent-a-ams.xx.fbcdn.net/hph ... 8522_n.jpg (https://scontent-a-ams.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-frc3/q71/1466092_554546441292082_1358968522_n.jpg)


15th November 2013, 19:28


15th November 2013, 19:31
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: ^^^

nice photo!
http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7373/1087 ... 911c_b.jpg (http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7373/10873467254_59c6e9911c_b.jpg)

http://www.flickr.com/photos/bestofrall ... 873467254/ (http://www.flickr.com/photos/bestofrallylive/with/10873467254/)

15th November 2013, 19:44
All the lazy media guys took their car and went straight to Sweet Lamb again for the 20th year in a row. :rolleyes:

15th November 2013, 19:58
Is there any chance that Kubica will restart?

I heard that Robert is still on the stage...

I think that for Robert will be better to use superally rule than finish the stage and have correct time :D

Yes :) I hope you know what I mean :) He's car is waiting for a service but this I heard maybe 1 hour ago

15th November 2013, 20:05
He is leading... ...nothing. He is not entered into WRC3 or Citroen Top Driver. And 2WD doesnt exist in WRC...
Well, Weijs is leading class 5, 47.6 seconds ahead of Chardonnet, 1:01.8 ahead of Gilbert.

15th November 2013, 20:07
borl 2 leg

15th November 2013, 20:13
https://scontent-a-ams.xx.fbcdn.net/hph ... 6164_n.jpg (https://scontent-a-ams.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn2/q71/1451593_554554827957910_1515956164_n.jpg)

https://scontent-b-ams.xx.fbcdn.net/hph ... 6412_n.jpg (https://scontent-b-ams.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn2/q84/s720x720/1394096_554557717957621_583766412_n.jpg)

15th November 2013, 20:15
?ikko :disturb:
https://scontent-a-ams.xx.fbcdn.net/hph ... 9185_n.jpg (https://scontent-a-ams.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn1/q71/s720x720/1459161_10151728613965754_520219185_n.jpg)

Well, thatīs a bit more than a black eye... ;(

15th November 2013, 20:16
Start list into third leg - http://rally-base.com/2013/wales-rally- ... TypeId=399 (http://rally-base.com/2013/wales-rally-great-britain-2013/start-list/?startTimeTypeId=399)

15th November 2013, 20:23
So what the heck is Korhonen's placement in WRC3 at the moment?

15th November 2013, 20:29
So what the heck is Korhonen's placement in WRC3 at the moment?

He is leading - http://rally-base.com/2013/wales-rally- ... &cupId=162 (http://rally-base.com/2013/wales-rally-great-britain-2013/?ssId=2120&cupId=162)

15th November 2013, 20:31
Photos from Friday HERE: http://www.rally-mania.cz/photogallery.php?id=1216

15th November 2013, 22:02
Start list into third leg - http://rally-base.com/2013/wales-rally- ... TypeId=399 (http://rally-base.com/2013/wales-rally-great-britain-2013/start-list/?startTimeTypeId=399)
Down to ten WRCars. No Rally2 for Hirvonen.

15th November 2013, 22:41
So what the heck is Korhonen's placement in WRC3 at the moment?

He's the only WRC3 starter for the rest of the event.

http://www.walesrallygb.com/documents/S ... r_2013.pdf (http://www.walesrallygb.com/documents/Start_List_for_Section_4_-_Saturday_16th_November_2013.pdf)

15th November 2013, 23:15
Video of Hirvonen's crash.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YjgN9Y1Z3iI

15th November 2013, 23:17
Hans Weijs takes the lead in WRC3. Or Citroen Top Driver. Or 2WD. Or whatever.

He is leading... ...nothing. He is not entered into WRC3 or Citroen Top Driver. And 2WD doesnt exist in WRC...

Yes that's why I mentioned all options I could think of.:grin:

15th November 2013, 23:19
http://www.almrally.ru/gallery_image.ph ... 042&ord=18 (http://www.almrally.ru/gallery_image.php?prt=0&g=310042&ord=18)

15th November 2013, 23:24
Kubicas roll


15th November 2013, 23:50
http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x178gt ... -2013_auto (http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x178gtx_une-journee-renversante-pour-citroen-au-rallye-de-grande-bretagne-citroen-wrc-2013_auto)

16th November 2013, 01:17

16th November 2013, 09:38
First stage of the day is now live, but splits are not working properly once again, really disappointing work by SIT. :(

16th November 2013, 09:41
... and we wish you would stay out of WRC.

Very well, see you in 2014.

16th November 2013, 09:51
Timing is way of today.... Ready for comeback for S1T next year?

16th November 2013, 10:05
Kubica off the road again on stage 11...

16th November 2013, 10:08
Is stage stopped? Or just timing?

16th November 2013, 10:16
Is stage stopped? Or just timing?

It is just spli times that are shit

16th November 2013, 10:17
just timing... Novikov off the road

16th November 2013, 10:18
Novikov went off as well??

16th November 2013, 10:22
Novikov went off as well??


http://rally-base.com/2013/wales-rally- ... ?ssId=2122 (http://rally-base.com/2013/wales-rally-great-britain-2013/?ssId=2122)

16th November 2013, 10:33
(11 - Neuville Thierry / Gilsoul Nicolas): Just a small chicane, I touched something and slightly damaged the door.


16th November 2013, 10:36
(11 - Neuville Thierry / Gilsoul Nicolas): Just a small chicane, I touched something and slightly damaged the door.


Slight damage to the door, just needs another door. :D

16th November 2013, 10:54

"Having suffered a similar fate when he rolled into a ditch on Friday, Kubica had pledged to drive cautiously after Citroen rebuilt his car overnight.

"We took it very easy after yesterday," he said after returning under Rally 2 rules to finish the Saturday-opening SS10 ninth quickest. "When you want to drive those cars you have to take it very, very slowly.

"It's better in this kind of rally when you have a lot of uncertain places. Yesterday I was driving normally, having fun but trying to stay on the road and ended in the ditch. It was a bit unlucky."

WRC rules allow Kubica to rejoin again for Sunday with further time penalties if he wishes and the car can be repaired.


16th November 2013, 10:56
I know that was first start for Robert but crash 2 times in one rally isn't something normal. My teory is maybe goes perheps too far but his last co-driver broke this rally. Hope everything will be ok with RK, this rally can change his mind about WRC

16th November 2013, 11:13
Great performance by Mikkelsen! Great to see ex-IRC drivers growing in the WRC.

16th November 2013, 11:27
on second loop advantage of Mikkelsen will be not big as on first passes.

16th November 2013, 11:48
Beeing 5 or 10th on muddy, wet, walisian roads is hardly a big difference.

Looks like Mikkelsen is on a mission today:)

16th November 2013, 11:54
on second loop advantage of Mikkelsen will be not big as on first passes.

16th November 2013, 11:59
on second loop advantage of Mikkelsen will be not big as on first passes.

Doesn't look like that, i think he is just being very fast today ;)

16th November 2013, 11:59
road position

16th November 2013, 12:01
on second loop advantage of Mikkelsen will be not big as on first passes.

Doesn't look like that, i think he is just being very fast today ;)
Yes today is fast, but he didn't win SS13... Stage 13 winner will be JML or Ogier

16th November 2013, 12:28
Here we are

16th November 2013, 12:31

16th November 2013, 12:42
5 first in ss13 within 4,1 sek. Close, and good!

16th November 2013, 12:52
5 first in ss13 within 4,1 sek. Close, and good!

For me it is not so exciting. Everybody is easily guarding rival's split times...

16th November 2013, 12:57
Think its to early to slow down, and to little time between them. 1 min isn't very much in muddy, wet Wales:)

16th November 2013, 13:53
Robert was more precise today
