View Full Version : Phobias

Big Ben
17th September 2013, 13:50
Hello boys and girls,

I was thinking of a new topic... phobias. Who's having what and what do you do about it?

I can say that I'm cursed with acrophobia or fear of heights as it is more commonly known. My flat is at the 9th floor so there you go.... my first inconvenience. I don't feel comfortable in my own balcony. Then there's my passion for aviation. I must admit I love airplanes.... but I'm a nervous flyer because of... well yes of course... acrophobia. I can't wait to get back on a plane but I don't really enjoy it as much as I would like to because I'm so stressed... maybe that's part of the experience, the reason why I like it so much... cause what's common experience to so many is like the equivalent of bungee jumping to me. Anyway, the whole thing is freakin' weird.

And there are the things I can't do because of this fear. For instance, I thing I would like to do some mountaineering, something easier, not the Himalayas or the Karakorams :p , like the Alps :p .

Anyway it's quite a pain in the you know what and I don't really see any way out of it.

17th September 2013, 19:16
Well I cant think of any off hand that I suffer from.

I used to be scared of Wasps, but since becoming a gardener I come face to face with them in the summer so I am not as worried by them any more.

17th September 2013, 19:17
Whoops double post.

donKey jote
17th September 2013, 20:23
I'm scared of Billy's missus :dozey:

19th September 2013, 11:59
I'm scared of myself :p: Is that a phobia?

19th September 2013, 14:42
And I'm fearless....:devil:

19th September 2013, 18:00
That some nut with a concealed carry permit will start shooting it up and killing......hey, it happened this week.

So the good guys according to some of the forum members are not so good. To all you URPEENS you better stay put. High Noon is coming.

20th September 2013, 03:31
I'm fearful that the black helicopters that circle the houses of nutters will catch a reflection off their tin foil hats and crash in my direction. Not to mention any names or anything. :)

22nd September 2013, 05:43
acrophobia I have this sh!t bad! The funny thing is that I am a pilot as well. Flying small planes give me no problem. If I had to stand on the rim of the Grand Canyon I am sure I would slip in my own sh!t and go straight over the cliff. Oh yea - high rise balcony no good for me.

22nd September 2013, 05:46
That some nut with a concealed carry permit will start shooting it up and killing......hey, it happened this week.

So the good guys according to some of the forum members are not so good. To all you URPEENS you better stay put. High Noon is coming.

That is why I live in Arizona - No permit necessary - carry however you want to.

22nd September 2013, 05:51
I don't know if it is bad enough to be a phobia but I hate those giant ass cockroaches. We got them from the palm trees imported into the state. disgusting - Bring back the DDT

23rd September 2013, 14:24
I don't know if it is bad enough to be a phobia but I hate those giant ass cockroaches. We got them from the palm trees imported into the state. disgusting - Bring back the DDT

Pull off their legs and wings, fry them in a pan with a bit of lemon butter and garlic and viola...a tasty ready to eat insect dish :p:

donKey jote
23rd September 2013, 18:43
^^ like :facelick:

24th September 2013, 03:10
I don't know if it is bad enough to be a phobia but I hate those giant ass cockroaches. We got them from the palm trees imported into the state. disgusting - Bring back the DDT
shoot the SOB. have you ever seen the one from Texas.? Fast and they are hard to get rid of. You think you have killed one and ,well there it goes again as if nothing happened.

24th September 2013, 23:30
I suppose Phobia's are a question of level, because a rational fear of lions for example is not described as a phobia.

So the fear I assume has to be irrational. i.e fear of numbers.

24th September 2013, 23:30
I fear wasps

24th September 2013, 23:30
I suppose too the fear of tight spaces are understandable and heights.

24th September 2013, 23:30
I seem to have made a triple post. Sorry about that

24th September 2013, 23:31
:rolleyes: My computer doing weird things posting 3 posts at once.

ford power
28th September 2013, 21:39

29th September 2013, 15:28
I am absolutely terrified of geckos.

30th September 2013, 18:30
I have a phobia for maths and numbers....

I am terrified of them.

donKey jote
30th September 2013, 21:37
I have a phobia for maths and numbers....

I am terrified of them.

but maths and numbers are beautiful ! http://i46.tinypic.com/hv9ul3.gif http://i46.tinypic.com/hv9ul3.gif http://i46.tinypic.com/hv9ul3.gif

1st October 2013, 17:47
Not the ones I was taught, mind you there were no bra-less, crazy-haired yellow females involved...

Instead it was all puzzling combinations of numbers and letters and stupid triangles missing one part or something... :dork:

4th October 2013, 13:51
What is the technical term for being afraid of your wife? :p:

4th October 2013, 14:22
What is the technical term for being afraid of your wife? :p:

Smart .

4th October 2013, 14:26