View Full Version : Democrati request for views please

16th August 2013, 20:12
Could rally forum members please take the time to read NOT's opinion. On my inclusion of a Novikov crash prediction in the support category thread. If a significant number of you believe I have been crass and tasteless I will delete the thread as my last act as a moderator. Thank you

16th August 2013, 20:47
I meant it as a joke, in the other topic... ;) NOT has a point in fact (and like usual he expressed it in his own harsh words :p ).

16th August 2013, 21:17
It's perhaps not necessarily crass and/or tasteless but maybe a little unnecessary to include it. And absolutely no need to make it your last post as a moderator. You're doing ok, maybe just rein in your enthusiasm (and being enthusiastic is never a fault but being a mod does, unfortunately, have it's responsibilities and the need to look at the bigger picture).
As for Knotty Ash, ignore the ejit :)

16th August 2013, 21:21
^ what he said!

16th August 2013, 21:26
There used to be a fun thread in the F1 section "who would Hamilton take out (ie crash in to) next"

Most of the responses were his fellow competitors, although I always added in a couple of grid girls :p

it was all light hearted just for jokes type of thing! I'm sure minty doesn't mean for any harm towards Novikov or anyone else....

And god forbid if NOT reads that I've mentioned the 'f' word in the rally section :p :

16th August 2013, 21:54
What is the true purpose of pickems?

16th August 2013, 22:10
What is the true purpose of pickems?

Firstly to enable members to compare their opinions about the current status of WRC (or whatever championship)
Secondly to provide a vehicle for fans to get behind their man
There are probably others ;)

16th August 2013, 22:15
Firstly to enable members to compare their opinions about the current status of WRC (or whatever championship)
Secondly to provide a vehicle for fans to get behind their man
There are probably others ;)

Well, to elaborate a little, I might support NOT on this one. As I understand it, it is as how ones judge how well some driver/team will do at the event, not when will crash or retire. Of course we must hope everyone will finish a Rally sucessfully, and wish no one some disaster, right?

16th August 2013, 22:51
It would also be nice stop being so melodramatic...

you got carried away with that pickem thing you are responsible for and the 5 different threads you create for each event, you made a mistake, accept it, delete the ridiculous part about predicting the crash ... and move on with your life one day at a time... no need to resign as a mod.... after all this place without me in it doesn't need any moderators... it can be on autopilot, since all you girls now agree with each others opinions and it became a very civilized place now that the caveman got evicted.

the pickems are here for 1 reason and one reason only...its FUN and also gives the opportunity for underachievers in life to be proud of something if they win...

16th August 2013, 23:52
Guys keep calm and loose seat belts.Germany is 6 days away.
i want you there to edit my posts when i post at wrong thread. :D
@NOT i want you there because i dont want to celebrate alone after France :p :

in a serious tone,ok wasn t so right to pickem when Novikov will crash,but Mintexmemory is well known here the way is thinking about rallies,and the efort he gives at this community.Just an unlucky moment because his overenthusiasm.
NOT stop moaning,and write more often.Also call Mintexmemory for a beer as you are in UK.
Beers will pay TommekeB as he had loose a bet with me. :dozey:

17th August 2013, 01:04
It would also be nice stop being so melodramatic...

you got carried away with that pickem thing you are responsible for and the 5 different threads you create for each event, you made a mistake, accept it, delete the ridiculous part about predicting the crash ... and move on with your life one day at a time... no need to resign as a mod.... after all this place without me in it doesn't need any moderators... it can be on autopilot, since all you girls now agree with each others opinions and it became a very civilized place now that the caveman got evicted.

the pickems are here for 1 reason and one reason only...its FUN and also gives the opportunity for underachievers in life to be proud of something if they win...
I also became civilized... :P

17th August 2013, 08:42
@Dimviii, I only remember Catalunya where I won the bet? As Weijs was faster than Nikara on most stages. :p

17th August 2013, 09:20
The crash prediction is a good idea.

17th August 2013, 10:26
The crash prediction is a good idea.

No like Tom said it's a bad idea but one of my life's failings is to get very enthusiastic about bad ideas and it's too late to stop now! ;) However as I don't appear to have offended anyone too badly I will delete the offending text and trust my own personal Jiminy Cricket to keep me morally correct in future :)

17th August 2013, 11:59
I think itīs one step too long. Delete the competition about Novikov, and go on with your excellent work (except for Nov-comp).

NOT - nice to have you back and your comment about this matter makes you worthy being allowed on the forum as original N.O.T. !!!

Moderator please!

17th August 2013, 13:15
@Dimviii, I only remember Catalunya where I won the bet? As Weijs was faster than Nikara on most stages. :p

ermmmm... :D

18th August 2013, 00:21
Predicting a crash in rallying is like predicting a knockout in boxing.
Both could happen, both could end up fatal and both are inevitable /sometimes/.

Boys take it as part of the game, girls obviously - NOT

18th August 2013, 02:22
Predicting a crash in rallying is like predicting a knockout in boxing.
Both could happen, both could end up fatal and both are inevitable /sometimes/.

Boys take it as part of the game, girls obviously - NOT

no.... because in boxing a KO is expected and the athletes are going for it... in rallying nobody tries to crash...

18th August 2013, 15:46
no.... because in boxing a KO is expected and the athletes are going for it... in rallying nobody tries to crash...

A knockout in boxing is as expected as a crash in rallying.
A survey may even prove that a KO in boxing is less likely to happen than a crash in rallying.
They have a lot more in common though.

Both games can be win or lose by:

in boxinng
- knockout
- knockdown
- points

in rallying
- knockout = total crash
- knockdown = small crash the car still moving, flat tire, spin, wrong pacenotes etc.
- points = same

Prima facie the only difference in rallying is that you knock /crash/ yourself out or down alone,
unlike the boxing where your opponent knock you out/down.
But - viewed from another perspective no difference at all.
Why - in rallying the better one knocks you out or down by being faster (throwing punches at you) "forcing" you to make a mistake.
Then again you're being knocked out/down by your opponent indirectly too.

As simple as that!

P.S. - what do you think the weaker teams secretly hope for sometimes...

18th August 2013, 15:53
Well, if we have to have this kind of survey, then rather put Latvala in, it's more funny... :D

18th August 2013, 16:11
A knockout in boxing is as expected as a crash in rallying.
A survey may even prove that a KO in boxing is less likely to happen than a crash in rallying.
They have a lot more in common though.

Both games can be win or lose by:

in boxinng
- knockout
- knockdown
- points

in rallying
- knockout = total crash
- knockdown = small crash the car still moving, flat tire, spin, wrong pacenotes etc.
- points = same

Prima facie the only difference in rallying is that you knock /crash/ yourself out or down alone,
unlike the boxing where your opponent knock you out/down.
But - viewed from another perspective no difference at all.
Why - in rallying the better one knocks you out or down by being faster (throwing punches at you) "forcing" you to make a mistake.
Then again you're being knocked out/down by your opponent indirectly too.

As simple as that!

P.S. - what do you think the weaker teams secretly hope for sometimes...

These are only words put in by you. Comparing this is worthless. The Novikov prediction shouldnīt be there. As Barreis says we could as well predict what happens to any other driver. Everything then becomes ridicoulus and even not worth reading. This forum is more serious than that.

18th August 2013, 17:03
all these words yet you lose the point...oh well

In boxing the Athletes are trained and their goal is to KO/Hurt the opponent... it is the GOAL of the sport... it is not considered bad luck or a misfortune if someone gets hurt

In rallying the goal is to finish...the accidents are part of the game but it is not the goal of the drivers...

Its like having a bet in football when a player will break his leg....

If you cannot understand the difference thats your problem and its a rather big one...look into it.

18th August 2013, 18:13
Well, if we have to have this kind of survey, then rather put Latvala in, it's more funny... :D
I think this thread will close shortly as it is now past its purpose and people are making more tasteless suggestions!

18th August 2013, 18:27
In boxing the Athletes are trained and their goal is to KO/Hurt the opponent... it is the GOAL of the sport... it is not considered bad luck or a misfortune if someone gets hurt

Same goal in rallying by outpace, outsmart, outperform the competition.

Loeb winning all the time didn't hurt... some/one.
Ogier winning all the time doesn't hurt... him only.

18th August 2013, 18:37
Led Zeppelin - Communication Breakdown - Royal Albert Hall 1970 - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KqF3J8DpEb4)

18th August 2013, 21:45
Swedish House Mafia - Don't You Worry Child ft. John Martin - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1y6smkh6c-0)

18th August 2013, 22:01
Chit chat is the place for swapping YT clips! Even if it is the mighty ZEP

18th August 2013, 22:07
The links are not posted to watch/listen them. This conversation is promising :)

19th August 2013, 10:42
Personally Mintexmemory, I think your comment wasn't really a particular big deal.

19th August 2013, 10:52
Personally Mintexmemory, I think your comment wasn't really a particular big deal.

I agree, so no needs to keep this open :)