View Full Version : WRC Organizer Cost

7th August 2013, 21:17
This issue deserves its own thread!

This is a very imporant signal when one of the core organizors, Sweden say no thank you to FIA - this is getting too expensive. The Fee to Promotor/ FIA is skyrocketing.
Google Translate (http://translate.google.com/translate?sl=sv&tl=en&u=http%3A//nwt.se/sport/motorsport/svenskarallyt/article1354332.ece)

What do both we and the organizors get in return from the promotor and FIA for the increased cost?

7th August 2013, 21:45
This issue deserves its own thread!

This is a very imporant signal when one of the core organizors, Sweden say no thank you to FIA - this is getting too expensive. The Fee to Promotor/ FIA is skyrocketing.
Google Translate (http://translate.google.com/translate?sl=sv&tl=en&u=http%3A//nwt.se/sport/motorsport/svenskarallyt/article1354332.ece)

What do both we and the organizors get in return from the promotor and FIA for the increased cost?

What's the comparison to? How do we compare the value?

To ERC? F1?

7th August 2013, 21:45
I think that when the 2014 calendar is finally released that you will find that other country/s will have made the same decision for the same reason/s.
If this is the case then it will be a very sad day for the sport world wide.

7th August 2013, 23:01
How do the promotor and FIA share the money from fees? 50/50? 80/20 (more likely)? 20/80 (less likely)?

7th August 2013, 23:36
What's the comparison to? How do we compare the value?

To ERC? F1?

No, more historic cost in WRC, at least then we compare apples and apples.

9th August 2013, 05:45
Didn't each round of the WRC in 2012 have to pay over 150,000EUROs just to enter the calendar? Latest Motorsport News mentions that a few rallies have not signed the promotors and FIA's deal to be included in the 2014 Calendar... soooo perhaps the FIA are charging a lot of money again to be included in the WRC..?

10th August 2013, 11:53
What's the comparison to? How do we compare the value?

To ERC? F1?

Rally Sweden had to pay about £100'000 more this year then last year (I think it was a doubled fee)
and for a new contract the promoter wants to increase the fee again with several hundred thousand pounds (£).

What motivates the raised fee? What part of the promoters expenses have increased so much that each Rally have to pay double compared to what they paid the year before?

10th August 2013, 12:55
Organisers had to pay an extra 100,000 this year to cover the cost of timing and tracking, which had been covered by Promoter up until NOS disappeared, then by FIA in 2012.

The standard calendar fee paid by all world Championship events to the FIA (incl F1, WTCC etc etc) is about 150k I think.

So the total would be around 250,000.

10th August 2013, 12:57
Well it's promotion of tourism and fans from whole world are watching it so they count that goverment will help. And if in one country they don't want to pay, in some other they will. The end of story.

10th August 2013, 13:03
Organisers had to pay an extra 100,000 this year to cover the cost of timing and tracking.
Oh the irony...

10th August 2013, 13:58
Organisers had to pay an extra 100,000 this year to cover the cost of timing and tracking, which had been covered by Promoter up until NOS disappeared, then by FIA in 2012.

The standard calendar fee paid by all world Championship events to the FIA (incl F1, WTCC etc etc) is about 150k I think.

So the total would be around 250,000.

The fee for Rally Sweden this year was £270K / €311K which is £100K / €115K more then the year before
and for the new contract the promoter wants another £100K K / €115K per year for the new contract.

I seriously doubt that the costs for the timing have increased by several million pounds in just a few years. :down: :down:

I think the promoter will find out that it soon will be out of rallies in Europe except a few with financial backing from the government.

Perhaps this is a deliberate strategy by the promoter to force the rallies to pull out so that they don't have to decide for themselves
which rallies stays and which rallies that will be replaced by rallies in the Middle East and Asia.

10th August 2013, 14:16
These aren't huge numbers though.

Doesn't Eurosport charge a base fee of 250-300k per ERC event? More if you want live TV? And what do they get?

No timing or tracking, reduced footprint of media coverage, less prestige, less entry fees from competitors etc....

Don't forget that entry fees for manufacters in WRC are $35,000 per event.

10th August 2013, 15:10
These aren't huge numbers though.

Doesn't Eurosport charge a base fee of 250-300k per ERC event? More if you want live TV? And what do they get?

No timing or tracking, reduced footprint of media coverage, less prestige, less entry fees from competitors etc....

Don't forget that entry fees for manufacters in WRC are $35,000 per event.

That is not the point, the point is that the promoter have tripled the fee in just a couple of years which you claim
is because of "Increased timing costs" which I say is bogus. And what is the point of increasing the cost more then the organizers
can afford to pay? If the organizers can't afford to pay for it, then from where do you suppose that the promoter will get his money?
And what about the so called "cost saving theme" does this only apply to teams?

And what have the team man. entr. fee to do with it?
Sure they get it but the problem is still that rallies have a problem with attracting enough sponsors and spectators or do you suggets
that the entrance fee should be raised as well.

10th August 2013, 15:39
you know what Ari Vatinnen said a while ago, he said the sport is unlike the 1980's, it's more expensive, professional with less manufacturers. i think we can agree on that, but the only one being professional are the teams & drivers, the FIA, timing services aren't doing their job professionally.

10th August 2013, 17:20
These aren't huge numbers though.

Doesn't Eurosport charge a base fee of 250-300k per ERC event? More if you want live TV? And what do they get?

No timing or tracking, reduced footprint of media coverage, less prestige, less entry fees from competitors etc....

Don't forget that entry fees for manufacters in WRC are $35,000 per event.

No, that wasn't the infamous case with ERC Rally Sliven last year for example. This was for the promotion + daily coverages.

10th August 2013, 18:40
Well it's promotion of tourism and fans from whole world are watching it so they count that goverment will help. And if in one country they don't want to pay, in some other they will. The end of story.

What channel is the whole world watching on? I'm not picking it up here myself. Your arguement ends in rallys run in the deserts of oil rich countries and events that the traditional fan base loved leaving the WRC.

10th August 2013, 19:13
I'm watching it on free to watch chanell in Croatia...

10th August 2013, 21:58
This boils down to that if the oraganizers do not have a chance to make money, or even go brake even, no one can do this for long. So either we, the fans will have to pay for this, or a lot of more TV broadcasters will have to buy the rights for a lot of money.
But to dump it on the people doing all the job of arranging rallies for free will not work.

So what is plan B?

10th August 2013, 22:53
Sport will survive, what's wrong if some other countries take over organisation?! We can not discriminate some countries that have will and money for this...

11th August 2013, 09:53
Simply repeating what happens in F1. Those that can, will pay - those that can't, will be out. One slight problem, WRC doesn't have the pull and attraction of F1.

11th August 2013, 11:48
Simply repeating what happens in F1. Those that can, will pay - those that can't, will be out. One slight problem, WRC doesn't have the pull and attraction of F1.

Also F1 need a tar loop to have a race, great circuits can be built anywhere, rallying needs variety, it also needs its big events like Finland and Sweden, and as the Monte showed the great events can do just fine without the WRC.

11th August 2013, 13:12
Simply repeating what happens in F1. Those that can, will pay - those that can't, will be out. One slight problem, WRC doesn't have the pull and attraction of F1.

There are more differences with F1. First of all, WRC needs variety and character in order to maintain its image. It is not just a bunch of circuits and certainly not a bunch of "I paid more" events. WRC without Sweden is a crippled WRC. Can any rally fan imagine a WRC without the mud of Wales, the snow and ice of the mountains of Monte, the fast jumps of Finland, the rough mountain roads of Acropolis, the amazing roads of New Zealand? Personally, I would not even bother to watch it on Youtube.

The question is: what do the promoter and FIA give to the organizers for such a fee? What is their contribution on the events? Personally, I cannot see how they deserve all that money.

Prisoner Monkeys
21st August 2013, 09:37
It's easy to criticise the costs, but that money obviously goes somewhere. It's not like the series has dozens of replacement events lined up - and nor are the costs escalating exponentially. So if anything has changed, it's on the organisers' side if things.

I can't stand thus attitude if "it's all the FIA's fault", considering that we don't know what the costs ate, we don't know how the costs have changed, and we don't know where exactly the money goes. But people still see fit to condemnthe FIA for it, because the iorganisers if an event can't do anythingwrong n- even when they run the rally over an event dominated by horrible, fiddly little stages.

21st August 2013, 09:51
Prisoner Monkey, so its the organizers fault that the promoter have doubled the fee and then doubled it again?
For your information Rally Sweden have slimmed it's organization as much as possible.

Since you seem to have access to "The truth", can you tell us where the raised fees are going?