View Full Version : Not Top Gear but sure looks funny!

4th August 2013, 03:32
Laugh out loud. Love these old guys:

Running Flat Out (The Official Trailer) - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F-CS2J-dhOw)

8th August 2013, 23:52
flathheader, do you have any interest in motor sport?

The reason I ask is that you have made 18 posts since joining this site. !5 have been either here on chit chat or gossipy posts on other forums. Not one has mentioned motor racing. Now, on this website 15 posts is a significant number as it allows you to post links. Your 16th and 17th posts contain links to the trailer for "Running Flat Out" saying you find it funny. Your 18th post was on the Motorsport History Forum in the [now closed] thread where you posted the same link in response to my question asking what you find so funny about the film.

So, are you interested in motor sport or have you simply signed up to advertise "Running Flat Out" and Erik Olsen's videos?