View Full Version : How's your soda intake?

30th July 2013, 20:11
New York's ban on big, sugary drinks unconstitutional, court rules - Health - CBC News (http://www.cbc.ca/news/health/story/2013/07/30/sugary-drinks-new-york-unconstitutional.html)

I was reading a newspaper article the other day that cited the average Canadian consumes an estimated 67 liters of soda pop annually, excluding other sugary liquids like energy drinks and chocolate milk. That's over a liter per week, per person :s .

Inside a convenience store in Idaho recently I was flabbergasted to see 52oz cups available at the soda-dispenser!

The schmenke family never touches the stuff.

Should its availability be limited/legislated?

30th July 2013, 21:00
It should be, as the general public can't help themselves.

I did used to drink a lot but these days it's mostly diluting juice. Though I am always partial to a swig of Irn-Bru ;)

Always diet or sugar free due to my diabetes.

30th July 2013, 21:47
New York's ban on big, sugary drinks unconstitutional, court rules - Health - CBC News (http://www.cbc.ca/news/health/story/2013/07/30/sugary-drinks-new-york-unconstitutional.html)

I was reading a newspaper article the other day that cited the average Canadian consumes an estimated 67 liters of soda pop annually, excluding other sugary liquids like energy drinks and chocolate milk. That's over a liter per week, per person :s .

Inside a convenience store in Idaho recently I was flabbergasted to see 52oz cups available at the soda-dispenser!

The schmenke family never touches the stuff.

Should its availability be limited/legislated?
Just as soon as we ban fast food, alcohol, cigarettes and other tobacco products, skateboards, auto racing, mountain climbing, scuba diving, motor cycles, (American) football, and messing with your neighbor's wife we cam get rid of sodas too. No one should be allowed to do anything which will harm themselves at all. REMEMBER, BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING YOU!!

30th July 2013, 22:30
No one is advocating a ban on soda pop, merely limiting its accessibility.

30th July 2013, 23:47
That's over a liter per week, per person :s

I buy a 1.5L of lemonade on a weekly basis... with good reason.

During the winter I play football. During the course of a football match, even in the crap leagues, a player will typically run about 6 miles. Even I'll admit that over 90 minutes, that's only 4mph but it's done at an average heart rate exceeding 160bpm.
The thing is that I usually referee an under-16s match before I play and even then I'm usually playing up for both the Reserves and the Firsts team immediately after.

Yes, I could just as easily buy Gatorade or some such but when they're sold at the supermarket at a rate which is almost 9 times as expensive as store own brand lemonade (which also has sugar and salt in), then what's the point?

If I'm at home and I want a drink, I'm almost certainly likely to make a cup of tea or coffee.

Big Ben
31st July 2013, 07:38
My poison is Coca Cola. I'm trying to quit though. A few weeks back I went to the cinema and bought myself a Coke. I asked for a medium, thinking I was being good not buying the big one. To my surprise the medium one came in a 0.75l bucket. Considering the fact that the small one has 0.5l i would like a law that would make them sell smaller quantities.

Does this NY law ban refills too?

31st July 2013, 08:14
I drink Coca Cola, Pepsi Cola, Mirinda, Fanta, Sprite, Seven Up, Frutti Fresh without discrimination, the only condition is to be a carbonated drink.
(But it's fair to say I prefer beer if it's summer or red wine if it's winter).

31st July 2013, 09:28
A glass of Cola Zero per week is what I drink.

31st July 2013, 12:03
Pepsi Max is my usual one. I drink 2-3 glasses of it every day. Although during the day at work it's all about the coffee ;)

31st July 2013, 14:12
Very funny Jon ;)

Brown, Jon Brow
31st July 2013, 14:13
We never normally have fizzy drinks in the house so an average I probably have less than a glass per week. I do have a work colleague who drinks a 2 litre bottle of Iron-Bru every day!

31st July 2013, 14:36
An occasional Coke Zero, but prefer diluted fruit juice. Every once in a great while I while down a can of "The Real Thing", but coffee, and iced tea are my poisons.

31st July 2013, 15:11
Cranberry juice with soda water, and lots of ice, makes for a refreshing quaff on a hot summer day :)
On occasion, I've been known to throw in a splash of Finlandia too... :D

31st July 2013, 16:55

It is Germany's best kept secret.

I don't dig this Diet or Max thing.

Alfa Fan
1st August 2013, 14:54
The Diet versions of the various drinks are, perhaps counter-intuitively, worse for you than the regular versions.

1st August 2013, 14:58
The Diet versions of the various drinks are, perhaps counter-intuitively, worse for you than the regular versions.

Correct :up: Problem is 99% of people don't know this!

Fizzy drinks are like prostitutes, too many is bad for you :p :

1st August 2013, 16:15
I've been guilty of too much soda at times. I'm trying to completely stop until I get things back to reasonable.

As for the regular vs diet stuff, it all depends on who you believe and what influences your body more. What's right for me might not work for you. I personally think anything to excess in your diet probably isn't a good thing. But at the same token I often research those things that some will tell you are grossly evil. Often the tests show that in rats excess doses for an extended period might cause some health issues.

I'll try to dig the link up, but I recall where a person did the math to reflect how absurd some of the testing was. He found that in one substance a 200 lb human would have to ingest right about 5 lbs a day, every day, for a period of months to duplicate the findings on rats. What substance does a normal person eat 5 lbs of in a day?

1st August 2013, 17:13
I've been guilty of too much soda at times. I'm trying to completely stop until I get things back to reasonable.

As for the regular vs diet stuff, it all depends on who you believe and what influences your body more. What's right for me might not work for you. I personally think anything to excess in your diet probably isn't a good thing. But at the same token I often research those things that some will tell you are grossly evil. Often the tests show that in rats excess doses for an extended period might cause some health issues.

I'll try to dig the link up, but I recall where a person did the math to reflect how absurd some of the testing was. He found that in one substance a 200 lb human would have to ingest right about 5 lbs a day, every day, for a period of months to duplicate the findings on rats. What substance does a normal person eat 5 lbs of in a day?
I think it might have been artificial sweetener in canned peaches. The intake needed to duplicate the amount given to lab rats meant you had to eat several quarts per day for an extended period of time. Most anything is harmful in large enough doses, including water.

1st August 2013, 19:55
Don't drink aspartame .
For those who are diabetic , there are soft drinks now sweetened with stevia .

For those using it in dieting , consider the fact that aspartame is proven to increase appetite .

There are other good alternatives like agave syrup , which doesn't raise the levels in diabetics .

Just , don't drink aspartame . it's bad for you .

1st August 2013, 20:12
Why is it?

1st August 2013, 22:14
I bought a jar of stevia probably about 6 months ago, had a couple of tea spoons in a cup of tea, and promptly poured it down the sink.

Horrid stuff :s

2nd August 2013, 06:46
I've been guilty of too much soda at times. I'm trying to completely stop until I get things back to reasonable.

As for the regular vs diet stuff, it all depends on who you believe and what influences your body more. What's right for me might not work for you. I personally think anything to excess in your diet probably isn't a good thing. But at the same token I often research those things that some will tell you are grossly evil. Often the tests show that in rats excess doses for an extended period might cause some health issues.

I'll try to dig the link up, but I recall where a person did the math to reflect how absurd some of the testing was. He found that in one substance a 200 lb human would have to ingest right about 5 lbs a day, every day, for a period of months to duplicate the findings on rats. What substance does a normal person eat 5 lbs of in a day?

My uncle used to be a big wig at the Coca Cola Group and he once told me years ago, "stay away from out diet stuff". Nuff said!

2nd August 2013, 08:29
Besides alcohol, I mostly drink plain water, coffee, tea sweet and hot, mineral water, or juice (pure, not from concentrate). I drink soda maybe once a month at best, when the alternatives are not very good. I think pretty much anything consumed in excess is bad for you, even water, so you should worry too much about any specific drink you occasionally have. However, I decided a long time ago that the costs of drinking soda severely outweigh the benefits and since there are so many good alternatives, I just quit drinking it. It wasn't very hard considering the US cola tastes a lot worse than what I used to drink, thanks to the corn syrup sweetener instead of fruit or cane (regular) sugar in it.

Garry Walker
2nd August 2013, 09:53
No one is advocating a ban on soda pop, merely limiting its accessibility.

Why? People have the right to damage their health if they wish. Should we perhaps start limiting everything that can be bad for one's health?

Big Ben
2nd August 2013, 11:06
People who are trying to lose weight by drinking diet coke are really funny people. I think many of them are also the people who buy "the secret to losing weight while eating as much as you want" kind of books.

Rudy Tamasz
2nd August 2013, 11:51
I'm surprised nobody's mentioned root beer. That's my absolute fav in the world of sodas but I only get to drink it in the States. It's not available on this side of the pond.

I drink soda occasionally and do that exactly because it contains a lot of sugar. When I'm exhausted after a day in the office, a bit of quickly digestible carbohydrates is what's gonna put me right. Then it's either alcohol in beer or sugar in soda. Mostly soda for a family guy.

2nd August 2013, 12:10
People who are trying to lose weight by drinking diet coke are really funny people. I think many of them are also the people who buy "the secret to losing weight while eating as much as you want" kind of books.

Why what's amusing? I like Pepsi and I don't see any need to have extra sugar so I drink Pepsi Max.

2nd August 2013, 12:27
Good God.....Now I remember the days when we couldn't find these kind of sodas and made elder flowers juice at home. It was so tasty and easy to prepare. If I weren't the lazy a*** I am today, I would still make this healthy refreshing drink.

2nd August 2013, 14:56
People should have the right to damage their health. They should not have the right to have that damage fixed for free when they have knowingly damaged it. In that case why can you get insurance and then smoke, drink and eat and drink fatty and sugary foods.

If people want to drink soda in vast quantities they will, regardless of the size of cups available, but there should be some common sense surrounding sale of harmful things. Cigarettes are taxed highly, but still available. Why not do the same for these things, if you still want them, buy them in smaller less harmful quantities

Sent from North Korea using the dark network

2nd August 2013, 19:25
I prefer mineral water or tap water.

2nd August 2013, 21:06
Tap water is dangerous. Its contents are controlled by the Illuminati. It has mind-controlling additives. I'd rather take my chances with the Coca Cola corporation.

That's what the local tramp says outside our Town Hall.

And he should know, as it's inevitable that the Illuminati made him homeless in a bid to silence the truth.

3rd August 2013, 00:32
Why is it?

A quick google , Mark , and I found links to :
Type 2 diabetes .
Joint pain .
Heart problems .
insomnia .
Weight gain .
Liver problems .
Headaches .
Vision problems .
Memory lapses .

All of these fun things are brought to you by Aspartame .
It's right up there with the absolute worst of allowed food additives .
Gnarly stuff .

I use raw cane sugar .
The real treat , though , is the maple syrup from our friends just down the road .

3rd August 2013, 05:37
A quick google , Mark , and I found links to :
Type 2 diabetes .
Joint pain .
Heart problems .
insomnia .
Weight gain .
Liver problems .
Headaches .
Vision problems .
Memory lapses .

All of these fun things are brought to you by Aspartame .
It's right up there with the absolute worst of allowed food additives .
Gnarly stuff .

I use raw cane sugar .
The real treat , though , is the maple syrup from our friends just down the road .

But as I said earlier... the source is often the key, with many sources citing differing opinions.

From the Wiki on aspartame:

"The acceptable daily intake (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acceptable_daily_intake) (ADI) value for aspartame, as well as other food additives studied, is defined as the "amount of a food additive, expressed on a body weight basis, that can be ingested daily over a lifetime without appreciable health risk."[44] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aspartame#cite_note-WHO1987-44) The Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joint_FAO/WHO_Expert_Committee_on_Food_Additives) (JECFA) and the European Commission (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/European_Commission)'s Scientific Committee on Food (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scientific_Committee_on_Food) has determined this value is 40 mg/kg of body weight for aspartame,[45] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aspartame#cite_note-Renwick-45) while FDA has set its ADI for aspartame at 50 mg/kg.[46] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aspartame#cite_note-NCIFAQ-46)The primary source for exposure to aspartame in the United States is diet soft drinks (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soft_drinks), though it can be consumed in other products, such as pharmaceutical preparations, fruit drinks, and chewing gum among others in smaller quantities.[8] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aspartame#cite_note-Magnuson-8) A 12 US fluid ounce (355 ml) can of diet soda contains 180 milligrams (0.0063 oz) of aspartame, and for a 75 kg (165 lb) adult, it takes approximately 21 cans of diet soda daily to consume the 3,750 milligrams (0.132 oz) of aspartame that would surpass the FDA's 50 milligrams per kilogram of body weight ADI of aspartame from diet soda alone.[46] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aspartame#cite_note-NCIFAQ-46)"

Now take note of the dosing in the quote below, from the American Cancer Society website. Aspartame (http://www.cancer.org/cancer/cancercauses/othercarcinogens/athome/aspartame)

"Many studies have looked for health effects in lab animals fed aspartame, often in doses higher than 4,000 mg/kg per day over their lifetimes. These studies have not found any health problems that are consistently linked with aspartame."

As a note, I've looked into the aspartame issue in the past, and I've yet to find anything that I consider credible from a health organization that substantiates of even brings into question the issues claimed to be caused by aspartame.

I've found a great number of sites that claim the evils of the substance. Most are either natural food based sites, detox sites, or sites that are anti Monsanto. Monsanto no longer even owns the company that makes aspartame, but it seems the hate continues. In the case of the other two site types, they are trades that could profit from attempting to tell the public how evil an alternative is.

To me personally I think stating that aspartame causes any health problem is just as wrong as saying sugar causes diabetes. Unless you take things completely out of proportion and twist, stretch, and ignore certain facts neither statement should really be taken as true.

And as a note, I can't stand the taste of most diet drinks and don't drink them. In my case my searching was in the event my daughter or wife wanted to use the sweetener, or foods and drinks that have it. I'd prefer regular old sugar and a smaller portion myself. ;)

4th August 2013, 03:21
No soda in this house. Google and you will see that one can of soda a day is incredibly harmful. Sodium benzoate has been strongly linked to Alzheimers and Parkinsons. Plus, it's just pouring a glass full of chemicals. And it's a huge contributor of obesity, as is diet soda~ and I rarely see a thin person drink diet sodas, lol. If you wouldn't pour it in your radiator, don't pour it in your body...

4th August 2013, 03:21
Aspartame. Brought to you by Donald Rumsfeld!

4th August 2013, 03:24
Agree! Well over half the US population is fat/obese. Continuing to willfully gorge themselves on sugary drinks/food. Who the hell is going to pay for them when their bodies start shutting down in their 50s from renal failure, heart disease, diabetes and joint deterioration? If you're going to eat crap, at least you should be required to carry the top insurance possible to pay for your nursing home care.

4th August 2013, 03:25
I don't think I've ever seen a thin person drink a diet drink.

4th August 2013, 11:47
Why is it?

Because it is cancerogenous

Aspartame controversy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aspartame_controversy)
https://www.google.se/search?q=cancergoenous&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&rls=org.mozilla :s v-SE :o fficial&client=firefox-a&gws_rd=cr#safe=off&client=firefox-a&hs=w5H&rls=org.mozilla :s v-SE%3Aofficial&sclient=psy-ab&q=aspartame+cancerogenous&oq=aspartame+cancerogenous&gs_l=serp.3...43940.49973.0.50220. 5.1958.8j6j2.16.0....0...1c.1.23.psy-ab..14.6.575.4Y0G5WyEDhY&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_qf.&bvm=bv.50165853,d.bGE&fp=ea9a2a8ac4a354b7&biw=2144&bih=974

4th August 2013, 16:19
Because it is cancerogenous

Aspartame controversy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aspartame_controversy)
https://www.google.se/search?q=cancergoenous&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&rls=org.mozilla :s v-SE :o fficial&client=firefox-a&gws_rd=cr#safe=off&client=firefox-a&hs=w5H&rls=org.mozilla :s v-SE%3Aofficial&sclient=psy-ab&q=aspartame+cancerogenous&oq=aspartame+cancerogenous&gs_l=serp.3...43940.49973.0.50220. 5.1958.8j6j2.16.0....0...1c.1.23.psy-ab..14.6.575.4Y0G5WyEDhY&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_qf.&bvm=bv.50165853,d.bGE&fp=ea9a2a8ac4a354b7&biw=2144&bih=974

The links quoted give no such evidence, other than conspiracy theory and internet hoaxes. They do cite one study with such claims, but all major medical sources discounted the study as flawed.

4th August 2013, 21:18
The links quoted give no such evidence, other than conspiracy theory and internet hoaxes. They do cite one study with such claims, but all major medical sources discounted the study as flawed.

Well suite yourself then.

5th August 2013, 10:52
I don't think I've ever seen a thin person drink a diet drink.

The best is people drinking a diet coke while scoffing down 2 cheese burgers :crazy:

6th August 2013, 11:20
I hardly ever drink soda, unless we consider tonic, in which case I may drink 3 or 4 with a generous splash of Gin when I go out with friends :D

If I want a drink I am fine with beer or maybe wine if I am having some tapas.

No Coke or Pepsi or carbonated drinks in general, only on occasions...