View Full Version : "Circus clown" TGBB is baaaaccckkkkkkk....

14th July 2013, 15:52
Barrnhart, who was fired previously for making outrageous poor penalty call is not even in the race control booth two hours and he screws up the franchitti / power race at the end.. penalties... rescinded... what a Bozo !!! No wonder he was fired and why was Barfield not there ?

memo to indy car: no. more. barnhart. ever. again

15th July 2013, 16:05
Didn't see the race. What happened?

15th July 2013, 17:38
Who made the no-call on Sunday regarding Dario's one lap on the red tires, when the rules say it was suppose to be a minimum of 2 laps on reds? Any post race discussion from race control?

16th July 2013, 02:42
The explanation the TV broadcast gave was that rule doesn't apply to doubleheader races, because of the limited number of tires available. Since none of the other teams made a stink about it, they apparently knew as well.

16th July 2013, 04:02
While Dario did not meet the letter of the rule, I think he met the spirit of the rule.

Red tires have to be used for 2 laps so a team with a stall just before the start/finish line cannot take the white flag on black tires, pit for red tires, and take the checkered flag on pit road. Dario used his reds mid-race, which negated any advantage.