View Full Version : How do I watch F1 on I-net?

29th June 2013, 20:39
How can an American F1 fan watch all the F1 races with only a pure I-net connection (no cable). I do get the major networks but their scheduling of sporting events other than NFL-MLB-Golf is fragmented (worthless).

Is there a pay per view channel or a single premium streaming channel, a day-after (or week after) channel, a sat live feed (Bernievisiion?) available to the North American audience? Yes, I obstinately refuse to subscribe to cable pkgs of 100 channels of mass-sewage piped into my home to get two or three watchable channels.

Why is simple sat feed or digital stream broacasting of the world premier motor sport seem to be so difficult for the geniuses of Euro-media?

Dave B
2nd July 2013, 19:36
It took Bernie half a decade to go widescreen when the rest of the world was using it as standard, then another half a decade to embrace HD. Don't hold your breath for a PPV internet service!

Of course, Google and Justin are your friends, but you didn't hear it from me ;)

donKey jote
3rd July 2013, 20:22
Justin is crap, but what would I know :andrea:

3rd July 2013, 20:33
Timberlake? Sure.

4th July 2013, 18:48
How can an American F1 fan watch all the F1 races with only a pure I-net connection (no cable). I do get the major networks but their scheduling of sporting events other than NFL-MLB-Golf is fragmented (worthless).

Is there a pay per view channel or a single premium streaming channel, a day-after (or week after) channel, a sat live feed (Bernievisiion?) available to the North American audience? Yes, I obstinately refuse to subscribe to cable pkgs of 100 channels of mass-sewage piped into my home to get two or three watchable channels.

Why is simple sat feed or digital stream broacasting of the world premier motor sport seem to be so difficult for the geniuses of Euro-media?

I share your pain. I hardly have time to watch any live programming these days. So right now I'm forced to pay DirecTV about $100 a month so that I can get my F1, GP2 and sports car racing fix. And for that "privilege", they also give me Keeping Up With the Kartrashians, The Real Housewives of Truck Stop Town and about 50 other reality shows about rednecks pawning Timex watches and catching fish with their bare hands and boys who look like girls singing for a $100 prize and the chance at pop fame & fortune. Please make it stop!

I wanna cut the cord. I wanna cut the cord. I wanna cut the cord so bad!!! But right now, I just can't. :mad: I get a live CNBC stream through my broker. The only other shows I really watch right now are on AMC. I can let HBO go - Game of Thrones isn't the marvel that I thought it was going to be and Boardwalk Empire is played out, IMO. PBS is an over-air channel, so I'm set there. All I need is an HD F1 feed that I can pipe to my TV and AMC. With that, I'll gladly tell DirecTV to go get bent. :)

6th July 2013, 17:13
So right now I'm forced to pay DirecTV about $100 a month

Holy Crap! I pay $108 (Including Taxes) for Exfinity(Comcast) cable and High Speed internet....and it doesn't go out when it rains.

6th July 2013, 21:36
Holy Crap! I pay $108 (Including Taxes) for Exfinity(Comcast) cable and High Speed internet....and it doesn't go out when it rains.

I think my DTV and high speed combined are about $140. Cable around this area would be almost as bad and the service is a lot worse. Maybe because of how high up my house is, I've never had that issue with DTV going out in the rain. The only time my picture pixelates is when it's storming so hard that I can no longer see the mountains. I shut down my computers and TVs when that happens anyway.

I'm hoping that we'll eventually be able to get some a la carte options here in the U.S. But I'm not all that hopeful that it'll happen in my life time. I'd rather pay (say) $70/month to get what I want, rather than $100/month to get what I want, and then have to take a bunch of crap that I never watch and actually find offensive, insulting and distasteful. If I accidentally turn on Bravo, I make sure that I'm not holding a firearm. I don't think it's too easy to repair a .44 size hole in a plasma set.

8th July 2013, 02:03
I think my DTV and high speed combined are about $140. Cable around this area would be almost as bad and the service is a lot worse. Maybe because of how high up my house is, I've never had that issue with DTV going out in the rain. The only time my picture pixelates is when it's storming so hard that I can no longer see the mountains. I shut down my computers and TVs when that happens anyway.

I'm hoping that we'll eventually be able to get some a la carte options here in the U.S. But I'm not all that hopeful that it'll happen in my life time. I'd rather pay (say) $70/month to get what I want, rather than $100/month to get what I want, and then have to take a bunch of crap that I never watch and actually find offensive, insulting and distasteful. If I accidentally turn on Bravo, I make sure that I'm not holding a firearm. I don't think it's too easy to repair a .44 size hole in a plasma set.

I feel ya.

I tried DTV here but I live where we have what can best be described as a monsoon season. For what most people in the USA call a Heavy storm we call a light shower. Got tired of loosing the signal almost every afternoon.