View Full Version : Zimmerman

29th June 2013, 03:53
are you euros following this -
So I say he gets aquitted and the Blacks go shopping.
What say you all.

race aficionado
29th June 2013, 04:56
The ones shopping are the TV news networks. They got themselves a long profitable gig.

29th June 2013, 05:25
no one can really know for sure what happened that night except for George, but i'm thinking Trayvon is the one who initiated the physical violence since we've all seen the pics of the back of Zimmerman's head all bloody while the only injury Trayvon had was the gun shot wound, there for making what George did self-defense

i do think George should have stayed in his truck and minded his own business but that still doesn't give Trayvon the right to attack him like a rabid dog

29th June 2013, 07:52
are you euros following this -
So I say he gets aquitted and the Blacks go shopping.
What say you all.

I think they might just convict him to be politically correct. Were he acquitted they shall cry racism.

29th June 2013, 13:56
I think they might just convict him to be politically correct. Were he acquitted they shall cry racism.

This is my fear. I don't really think there was sufficient evidence to even charge Zimmerman, other than the race card. But to be honest I think other than minority people are really sick of the double standard. Taking the PC route one too many times is going to cause all the other than minority types to rally en mass and make a political statement.

29th June 2013, 23:09
Looks to me like an open and shut case.

Someone in a hoodie wandering about in a suspicious way and a Boy Scout neighbourhood warrior get involved in some kind of confrontation. A gun gets pulled and a young man dies.

It's acutely sad but with stand your ground, and current American attitudes to guns, these things will happen. However, from what I have read, Zimmerman did nothing illegal, but, this is a country where a jogger can shoot people because they suspect they might attack them and get away with it :rolleyes:

30th June 2013, 01:34
Looks to me like an open and shut case.

Someone in a hoodie wandering about in a suspicious way and a Boy Scout neighbourhood warrior get involved in some kind of confrontation. A gun gets pulled and a young man dies.

It's acutely sad but with stand your ground, and current American attitudes to guns, these things will happen. However, from what I have read, Zimmerman did nothing illegal, but, this is a country where a jogger can shoot people because they suspect they might attack them and get away with it :rolleyes:

I got home at about 1am once and there was a shady character outside my neighbour's place. So I went to have a chat with him and see what he was doing. It's the neighbourly thing to do.
The fellow said he was waiting for someone and after I called my neighbour they let him in.

Now, what if this fellow, like Mr. Martin decided to attack me when I confronted him?

I wonder, if the gun wasn't pulled out maybe Mr Matrin would have beaten Zimmerman to death? There is evidence that he was assaulted, no?

30th June 2013, 01:37
It seems as if Zimmerman, as the neighborhood watch guy, had made umpteen calls over the past 2-3 years.

Here in Atlanta, GA, this case is particularly race-sensitive. One of my summer school students, a black fellow, has made it emphatically clear where he stands on the case--after one measly day of testimony.

30th June 2013, 01:59
Racists will make this an open and shut case and not want any information from the courts. That's why you can expect backlash of some sorts if Zimmerman is acquitted... the racists will only see that the race card failed them.

Reality is that in a gated neighborhood with private streets, and legal resident can ask the identify of someone if they feel they are not a legal resident. We can do the same on our community grounds in my neighborhood. And the fact that the kids family tried so hard to conceal certain things leads me to think it's not the first time he was in trouble with fighting, drugs, or a number of other things.

1st July 2013, 14:54
Strange how the race card seems to be a one way street. I guess anyone other than black is a cracker now....

"Jurors also listened to more than six hours of testimony from Martin's friend Rachel Jeantel, who testified that she was talking on the phone with the teen as the fight started.She testified that Martin told her he was being followed by "a creepy-ass cracker." But it was her testy cross-examination exchanges with defense attorney Don West that commanded the most attention."

From the below link:

Testimony to begin in week 2 of Zimmerman trial (http://news.yahoo.com/testimony-begin-week-2-zimmerman-trial-085305698.html)

2nd July 2013, 03:21
I think this was just a sad accident. Certainly, Zimmerman's actions and own prejudice might have contributed to this tragedy, but he probably didn't do anything illegal. Calling the cops and staying in his vehicle when he saw Trayvon Martin would have been sufficient, and most people probably would have done just that.

2nd July 2013, 15:40
are you euros following this -
So I say he gets aquitted and the Blacks go shopping.
What say you all.
What is your implication, " and Blacks go shopping"

race aficionado
3rd July 2013, 04:21
I think that when it's all said and done, Zimmerman will pay for something.

3rd July 2013, 08:35
I think that when it's all said and done, Zimmerman will pay for something.

If you ask me, he is already paying. For being other than black.

I honestly feel that if this incident took place between two people of the same race/color, it would have been a non story that we probably wouldn't have even heard about.

3rd July 2013, 15:00
I think that when it's all said and done, Zimmerman will pay for something.
True. It's already cost him a year of his life; the inability to spend much time out in public again; and any money he had saved for his future. Maybe his family life too. Even if he wins, he's lost.

3rd July 2013, 15:01
If you ask me, he is already paying. For being other than black.

I honestly feel that if this incident took place between two people of the same race/color, it would have been a non story that we probably wouldn't have even heard about.
Only too true.

3rd July 2013, 15:58
True. It's already cost him a year of his life; the inability to spend much time out in public again; and any money he had saved for his future. Maybe his family life too. Even if he wins, he's lost.

Poor poor Zimmerman. Losing a whole year of his life while young Trayvon Martin lies dead in a grave for eternity.

The bigotry on this thread is rampant and I wonder why the moderators are not taking action. It is covert not overt but easily seen.

3rd July 2013, 18:00
Poor poor Zimmerman. Losing a whole year of his life while young Trayvon Martin lies dead in a grave for eternity.

The bigotry on this thread is rampant and I wonder why the moderators are not taking action. It is covert not overt but easily seen.

Where do you see any indication at all of bigotry other and possibly racially motivated? And even if someone posted something racists, you're assuming they must be some race other than black themselves..... seems a bit bigoted if that is the case.

3rd July 2013, 19:23
Where do you see any indication at all of bigotry other and possibly racially motivated? And even if someone posted something racists, you're assuming they must be some race other than black themselves..... seems a bit bigoted if that is the case.

Lot of assumptions there big guy.

"There none so blind as those who do not see"

3rd July 2013, 20:32
Lot of assumptions there big guy.

"There none so blind as those who do not see"

No assumptions at all. If you feel someone posted something bigoted other than stating race... well once again, QUOTE IT.

Everyone following the story knows that race has played a big issue, and I've yet to see a single person say anything racist or bigoted. If you have... a quote should easily confirm that to everyone. :)

3rd July 2013, 22:43
No assumptions at all. If you feel someone posted something bigoted other than stating race... well once again, QUOTE IT.

Everyone following the story knows that race has played a big issue, and I've yet to see a single person say anything racist or bigoted. If you have... a quote should easily confirm that to everyone. :)

You don't have to go any farther than post #1.

3rd July 2013, 22:46
No assumptions at all. If you feel someone posted something bigoted other than stating race... well once again, QUOTE IT.

Everyone following the story knows that race has played a big issue, and I've yet to see a single person say anything racist or bigoted. If you have... a quote should easily confirm that to everyone. :)
I have seen both trial testimony and TV interviews where highly racial things were said. Unfortunately for the knee jerk liberals, all the statements I have seen (CNN, NBC, CBS) were made by blacks. Seems when they say it, its not a racial slur. So I guess racism is a one way street. Some are racist just by existing and others can say and do as they wish without being racist.

4th July 2013, 17:57
If people were making comments about the victim from a racial stance, then you would have a point Spa. However, what is annoying everyone is that a death is being used for political reasons by people with a racist agenda like Jackson.

This young man died in a violent way. It is symptomatic of American gun culture that deaths like this are not uncommon and shoot first, ask questions later (or 'stand your ground' if you prefer) is an accepted principle.

That is the real problem here and not some dubious link to a race killing that is being fabricated for ambiguous reasons.

5th July 2013, 16:13
If people were making comments about the victim from a racial stance, then you would have a point Spa. However, what is annoying everyone is that a death is being used for political reasons by people with a racist agenda like Jackson.

This young man died in a violent way. It is symptomatic of American gun culture that deaths like this are not uncommon and shoot first, ask questions later (or 'stand your ground' if you prefer) is an accepted principle.

That is the real problem here and not some dubious link to a race killing that is being fabricated for ambiguous reasons.

Knock-on, you have to live in this country to understand the way that people with good intent can mask their prejudice, bigotry and racism.
There are many posts here that reflect the psychological impact of racism. Already there have been many posts that show racism although not blatant and possibly not intended. Being the victim of racism I can speak about this without the slightest bit of discomfort stating my opinion.
I was asked to point out a racist comment on this very thread when I suggested that they were there. The people asking me the question have not responded to my answer, nor have they recognized that they are in fact making comments that are derogatory and not in line with people that claim equality of the people.
The second amendment of this country is more important to these people than the education of those that are ignorant to what it is like to face the wrath of those who do not know what they are talking about.
They talk about the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution as the bastion of all that is sacrosanct yet it too how many years and the murder of how many leaders for it to be recognized that the man shining the shoes was an equal.
The fact that the hate groups are multiplying and are of at an unprecedented level since President Obama took office is a sad indicator of the mentality of many in this land.
Telling people of a different race "to get over it" is pretty sad when those that shout it the loudest say that they are not bigoted in any way. The same type that re-enact the Civil War and wave the flag of the Confederacy, an outfit that was so caught up in it's idealism that the negro was subhuman that they ignored Stonewall of the West,Patrick Clebourne(sic) who stated at the beginning of the war that if they allowed the slaves to fight they would be given their freedom. It was not until all was lost that they thought that the man had a good grasp on what was needed. Yet, that man never received another promotion and died on the battlefield.
I would love to know what these same people who mocked the Tuskegee Airmen and the military of WWII who would use the geat Jesse Owens for their propaganda whilst pointing the finger at Hitler. Owens had to go to dinner at hotels by entering through the back door. Same for Joe Louis.
Go fight in Korea and Vietnam and come home and be shunned for the color of your skin because the country you live in has entitled the

Caucasian a superior status.

Is it over, no way. Is Zimmerman guilty? I don't know. Has this become a race issue? Yes, it has. Watch some of Hannity , O'Reilly who never

could leave a story where racism was an issue and try to use their "version" of the ' race card' to demean those they believe beneath them.

In all the posts on this thread there is not one that has indicated sympathy for young Trayvon Martin. If his name was Randolph Perry III and

Zimmerman was Jarvis Washington, I wonder what they would say?

Please excuse typos and bad spelling. I'm in a rush to pick up my food stamp and welfare check.

5th July 2013, 17:09
This young man died in a violent way. It is symptomatic of American gun culture that deaths like this are not uncommon and shoot first, ask questions later (or 'stand your ground' if you prefer) is an accepted principle.

You have mis-defined what "stand your ground" legislation is about. In those states that don't have some form of SYG legislation (26 states), a person who is threatened violence is required to retreat, escape. SYG permits the threatened person to stick up from themselves.

5th July 2013, 17:13
I was asked to point out a racist comment on this very thread when I suggested that they were there. The people asking me the question have not responded to my answer, nor have they recognized that they are in fact making comments that are derogatory and not in line with people that claim equality of the people.

Since this is obviously directed at me...

Your answer implied that the first post had racist overtones. The first post was...

are you euros following this -
So I say he gets aquitted and the Blacks go shopping.
What say you all.

If not for the fact that history shows a number of racially motivated riots by blacks in the US after trials, I would say that indeed Roamy's post might be racist. But history shows that such things have happened, and anyone following this trial know that it became racially charged from the word go. There are already efforts by the city to encourage peaceful protests for those that don't agree with the verdict then it is given. Without a history of riots they wouldn't be doing this type of thing.

Thus far the only testimony I have heard of that indicates any racial motivation was that which shows that Martin used a racist description of Zimmerman.

As for the rest of the post, you're attaching a lot of stereotypes, making a lot of assumptions, and IMO labeling a lot of people racists without any evidence that those people fit those molds. I personally think it's the most racist post of the thread.

Believe it or not, probably a great number of people in this (and other) countries have been victims of racism, and those people are often of many different races. Racism is not a one way street, and to imply that it should be or that people are "hiding" racist thoughts is IMO racist.

race aficionado
5th July 2013, 18:59
I think Zimmerman is going to go down.
And I'm not a racist. I have nothing against people of Peruvian descent (nor of any descent for that matter . . .)

I just wish the media that informs us would pay attention to other more relevant issues that are taking place in this country.

5th July 2013, 19:40
You can call me what you like. You saw the post I referred to and yet you have not the moral compass within you to state that it was racist without rationalizing.

5th July 2013, 22:54
Looks to me like an open and shut case.

Someone in a hoodie wandering about in a suspicious way and a Boy Scout neighbourhood warrior get involved in some kind of confrontation. A gun gets pulled and a young man dies.

It's acutely sad but with stand your ground, and current American attitudes to guns, these things will happen. However, from what I have read, Zimmerman did nothing illegal, but, this is a country where a jogger can shoot people because they suspect they might attack them and get away with it :rolleyes:

They can "get away with it" if they manage to convince a jury that: they were legitimately in fear for their life, and that any "reasonable person" could also be in fear for their life in that same situation. And depending on the state, they must also have shown that they had no means of escape from the situation.

5th July 2013, 23:00
I think Zimmerman is going to go down.
And I'm not a racist. I have nothing against people of Peruvian descent (nor of any descent for that matter . . .)

I just wish the media that informs us would pay attention to other more relevant issues that are taking place in this country.

They didn't even have enough evidence to charge Zimmerman, let alone convict him. if he does get convicted, it would be nothing more than a modern day racist lynching.

5th July 2013, 23:33
They didn't even have enough evidence to charge Zimmerman, let alone convict him. if he does get convicted, it would be nothing more than a modern day racist lynching.

Obviously they did have enough evidence. That is why there is a trial.

Question for you Vwhatever. How old are you? Have you ever heard of a person named Emmett Till? Have you ever heard of Medgar Evers?

Without looking them up on Google do you know who they are/were.

Don't insult the intelligence of those that frequent these forums and can make some type of argument based upon their beliefs. You come across as closed minded as Wallace.

Do you know where the word lynching came from? I'll give you a hint. There was a castle and it the owners had a particular name and the area

where it is located is across the Atlantic to the first Island located on the routes of all international flights.

In future, pick your battles wisely and don't make inane,insensitive, idiotic comments. I have dealt with your type all my life. Sheeple is what I believe you are called. If it is an insult it is not intended, just an observation on my part.

Once more, excuse the errors both in grammar and spelling and the omission of words.

5th July 2013, 23:47
Obviously they did have enough evidence. That is why there is a trial.

Question for you Vwhatever. How old are you? Have you ever heard of a person named Emmett Till? Have you ever heard of Medgar Evers?

Duke lacrosse rape.

Game, set, match.

Must be a sad day in your life to be owned by a simple "sheeple".

I love the whole personal attacks followed by, "they aren't supposed to be personal attacks, just my observances". ROFLMAO.

6th July 2013, 05:20
[quote="vhatever"]Duke lacrosse rape.

Duke lacrosse rape.

Game, set, match.

Must be a sad day in your life to be owned by a simple "sheeple".

I love the whole personal attacks followed by, "they aren't supposed to be personal attacks, just my observances". ROFLMAO.

So I can take it with the utmost confidence that you in fact know nothing of Medgar Evers or Emmett Till!

You follow this up with a juvenile comment that a game raped a girl. No, a Duke lacrosse game raped a girl. How does a game rape a girl? I am so confused with the myopic response that I am now at a loss as to what a person such as you would be categorized as.

Do you know what a Melungeon is, vhatever? Google it. Be informed.

So that you have an opportunity to be part of the discussion and be taken seriously, could you answer the question initially posed? It is below and there is not a reference to Duke lacrosse. So answer the question and enlighten me with your wisdom.

http://www.motorsportforums.com/images/misc/quote_icon.png Originally Posted by Spafranco http://www.motorsportforums.com/images/buttons/viewpost-right.png (http://www.motorsportforums.com/chit-chat/158992-zimmerman-2.html#post1144417)
Obviously they did have enough evidence. That is why there is a trial.

Question for you Vwhatever. How old are you? Have you ever heard of a person named Emmett Till? Have you ever heard of Medgar Evers?

6th July 2013, 08:22
You follow this up with a juvenile comment that a game raped a girl. No, a Duke lacrosse game raped a girl. How does a game rape a girl? I am so confused with the myopic response that I am now at a loss as to what a person such as you would be categorized as.

Do you know what a Melungeon is, vhatever? Google it. Be informed.

You couldn't even be bothered to put those words in google search, eh? The fact you don't know what those three words means is mind boggling for someone who wants to pontificate on the zmmerman trial. You must live in one tiny ass echo chamber.

6th July 2013, 09:01
Duke lacrosse rape.

Game, set, match.

Must be a sad day in your life to be owned by a simple "sheeple".

I love the whole personal attacks followed by, "they aren't supposed to be personal attacks, just my observances". ROFLMAO.

Keep trollin'.

7th July 2013, 04:35
You couldn't even be bothered to put those words in google search, eh? The fact you don't know what those three words means is mind boggling for someone who wants to pontificate on the zmmerman trial. You must live in one tiny ass echo chamber.

Since pontificate is the extent of your limited vocabulary I will let you go and play with the rest of the dunderheads. Bye now.

7th July 2013, 06:15
A couple of you guys are very close to a long vacation from here...

Closed !