View Full Version : Jeep recall

18th June 2013, 22:12
looks like Chrysler has finally given in
Chrysler caves, recalls 2.7 million Jeeps (http://www.usatoday.com/story/money/cars/2013/06/18/chrysler-changes-mind-recalls-jeeps-government-sought/2434955/)

my Jeep looks just like the one in the pic in the article except mine is a different shade of red

19th June 2013, 08:27
Except yours is undoubtedly covered in dents from you jumping all over it.

19th June 2013, 08:29
Except yours is undoubtedly covered in dents from you jumping all over it.
why would i do that with my own car? lol

19th June 2013, 08:46
why would i do that with my own car? lol
Quite. Why would you do it to your neighbours cars? Its one of life's many mysteries. ;)

19th June 2013, 08:55
Quite. Why would you do it to your neighbours cars? Its one of life's many mysteries. ;)

i'm retired from that lol

19th June 2013, 09:02
i'm retired from that lol
Glad to hear it. When you retire from shoplifting you should try armed robbery or perhaps train robbery. At least with the latter you get to steal something with the added fun of jumping off a train. A natural progression and combination of the two. Don't take that too seriously please :)

19th June 2013, 12:21
Glad to hear it. When you retire from shoplifting you should try armed robbery or perhaps train robbery. At least with the latter you get to steal something with the added fun of jumping off a train. A natural progression and combination of the two. Don't take that too seriously please :)

Would you get to run along the top of the train while it's moving? Perhaps with someone else chasing you who then doesn't see the tunnel approaching?

19th June 2013, 13:13
I like your thinking Mark, this quite get rather exciting indeed :)

19th June 2013, 16:12
Who buys a Jeep not expecting it to roll over and burst into flames?

19th June 2013, 16:33
Would you get to run along the top of the train while it's moving? Perhaps with someone else chasing you who then doesn't see the tunnel approaching?

And the last thing that came to your mind - quite literally - would be the pursuer followed by the tunnel.... :)

19th June 2013, 16:33
Who buys a Jeep not expecting it to roll over and burst into flames?

Who buys a Jeep for that matter?

19th June 2013, 16:34
i'm retired from that lol

Early retirement - I'm well jell........

19th June 2013, 19:49
Who buys a Jeep for that matter?

I've owned two in my lifetime :mark:

race aficionado
19th June 2013, 20:01
I had a loyal Land Rover Santana (way back in the 70's)

. . . . but if you meant Jeep, as in the brand . . . never mind . . . .

19th June 2013, 20:34
Who buys a Jeep for that matter?

not many people in England i don't imagine... i know you guys prefer cars more along the lines of this :p


19th June 2013, 20:43
I've got several of those. It's rare you see anything other than these types of cars on Britain's roads. Much like you'd never see a European car like a BMW in the States. I bet you guys don't even know what an Audi is.

19th June 2013, 22:24
Well i was in Vancouver last week and outside a BMW dealership too Loads of BMW,s including the Mini ,and also lots of second hand Audi,s about
My hire car from Doller USA was a VW Jetta ! The handbook said printed in Mexico ,so probably the car was built there too

20th June 2013, 00:30
My hire car from Doller USA was a VW Jetta ! The handbook said printed in Mexico ,so probably the car was built there too

North American Jettas* are built in Puebla, Mexico.

*I feel as thought the plural of Jetta should be Jettae.

20th June 2013, 07:02
Well i was in Vancouver last week and outside a BMW dealership too Loads of BMW,s including the Mini ,and also lots of second hand Audi,s about
My hire car from Doller USA was a VW Jetta ! The handbook said printed in Mexico ,so probably the car was built there too
I hope you didn't think my post was anything but sarcastic driveace :)

20th June 2013, 07:06
I thought cars in USA were actually steam powered, and burning dollar bills were used as the heat source.

Or is it just large capacity petrol cars still, with a fuel tank just big enough to get from one garage to the next?


20th June 2013, 13:49
Who buys a Jeep for that matter?

Like Schmenke, I've also owned two Jeeps, a '98 Cherokee which I later traded for an '05 Grand Cherokee. Both were great vehicles. Now I own a POS Ford Explorer Sport.

Rudy Tamasz
21st June 2013, 07:51
not many people in England i don't imagine... i know you guys prefer cars more along the lines of this :p


You have too good an opinion of us Euros. We still use these cars:


21st June 2013, 09:52
not many people in England i don't imagine... i know you guys prefer cars more along the lines of this :p


Gee whizz, that's uglier'n my missus! :laugh:

donKey jote
21st June 2013, 18:58
Gee whizz, that's uglier'n my missus! :laugh:

It needs a paper bag, like Billy's missus :andrea: