View Full Version : Walmart

15th June 2013, 20:58
i was wanting to go to a concert in Charlotte last weekend, i had already bought the ticket even, but i needed more money to be able to go, i was able to slip a $70 blu-ray disc set out of walmart and return it to a different walmart store for a $70 walmart gift card (walmart allows 3 non receipt returns every 45 days) i was able to sell the gift card online for $64, i knew i could do this 2 more times but it still wouldn't be enough money, so i went back to walmart and targeted a $168 coffee pot, i went out to the out door garden center and un-packaged it, i was planning to get the box over the fence then sneak the coffee pot out and put it back in the box and return it to a different walmart store, i was unable to get the box over the fence though so i left the coffee pot out there and put the empty box back on the shelf,

i tried this again with the coffee pot a different day, and got closer to getting the box over the fence but still failed, so again i left the coffee pot in the out door garden center and put the box back on the shelf, and i was unable to go to the concert :(

well, this past Tuesday i was thinking about getting a gaming keyboard at walmart ad (https://www.weeklyads2.com/walmart/), but i wanted to see how it worked first, so i opened the box and took out the manual, i wasn't gonna steal the manual but i wanted to take it out to my car and read it, but when i got to the door i was stopped by walmart security, the LP people were a guy and a girl, the girl said: "if you try to run i'll drop your ass! i've been trying to catch your shady ass for a long time! you don't wanna f*** with me!" they took me to the LP office, they didn't believe that i wasn't trying to steal the manual but they seemed even more pissed about the coffee pots because i left them outside exposed to the weather the girl was like: "we've been watching your red Jeep with Tennessee Titan s**t all over the back of it for weeks now, and we've been watching you come in here and destroy our merchandise!" and the guy was like: "why do you keep coming in here and doing this s**t?"

regarding the manual i said: "why would i steal the manual but not the keyboard? what good would the manual be to me without the keyboard?" and the guy said: "you'd be surprised what people will steal, i've seen people steal boxes of crackers, i seen people steal f***ing packs of stickers! there's a sticker in this manual, if that what you after?"

they ended up calling a police officer and banning me from the store, technically i'm banned from every walmart ad (https://www.weeklyads2.com/walmart/) in the county but i don't guess anyone would recognize me in a different walmart ad (https://www.weeklyads2.com/walmart/) , the officer wrote me a misdemeanor citation though, i've got to go to the sheriff's office and court next month, i think i'm gonna have to pay a fine, i just hope that's all, my friend says he doesn't think the'll be any jail time but i might end up having to do community service,

my mom says shes all for them making this hard on me, she said she thinks having to pick trash up off the side of the road would do me a world of good, i hope i don't have to do it though :(

wasn't sure how to tell my friend and my mom what happened so when i got back home from walmart, i loaded up my car and went to Huntsville, AL for 3 days, Thursday i made some videos on my webcam and sent them to my friend, and them my friend told my mom Friday morning, their not happy about it but i think my friend will help me with the fine,

i guess if there's one good thing that came from all this its that i got to check out a couple of the strip clubs in Huntsville which are a lot better than the ones in Nashville :D

anyways, what do you guys think will come of all this?

15th June 2013, 21:12
Brilliant :D

donKey jote
15th June 2013, 21:56
:laugh: welcome back ! http://i46.tinypic.com/hv9ul3.gifhttp://i46.tinypic.com/hv9ul3.gifhttp://i46.tinypic.com/hv9ul3.gifhttp://i46.tinypic.com/hv9ul3.gif

15th June 2013, 22:25
And all that for nothing?! :laugh:

Not sure what will happen as I've never been in such situation, you'll probably get a fine. I don't see them jailing your for trying to steal a manual.

On the other hand why don't you read the effin' manual in the store?
Or even better google it and read it on your PC?!

Rudy Tamasz
17th June 2013, 08:04
That's priceless, indeed. Wade, if you continue posting reports of your adventures, the forum crowd might start sending you money to pay your fines just to keep you going on like this.

17th June 2013, 09:16
Great idea. My Mrs really needs us to have a 2nd car - you've inspired me to go and steal one from someone else. I mean, they don't really need it, do they?

I assume the original post was TIC???

17th June 2013, 09:54
I assume the original post was TIC???

Well we just don't know for sure, which is the fun :D

17th June 2013, 10:54
Welcome back Wade. :)

I must say reading through that it did strike me early on that I was potentially wasting 3 minutes of my life, but admit I became interested in how this would unfold. I wasn't disappointed. I'm pleased to see you've moved on from jumping on neighbours cars and causing minor criminal damage to petty theft or shoplifting. You're growing into a man. Keep it up mate and be sure to keep us all informed on how this pans out. Always a pleasure to read. :D

17th June 2013, 11:09
....were a guy and a girl, the girl said: "if you try to run i'll drop your ass! i've been trying to catch your shady ass for a long time! you don't wanna f*** with me!" ....the girl was like: "we've been watching your red Jeep with Tennessee Titan s**t all over the back of it for weeks now, and we've been watching you come in here and destroy our merchandise!" and the guy was like: "why do you keep coming in here and doing this s**t?"
.... and the guy said: "you'd be surprised what people will steal, i've seen people steal boxes of crackers, i seen people steal f***ing packs of stickers! ...

Wow... They talked like my colleagues....

17th June 2013, 20:05
I missed you Wade :D

18th June 2013, 09:39
i had successfully slipped two items out of the store last year, but they were to keep for myself, not to return to another walmart store for money, i guess my failed attempts with the coffee pots were what drew their attention to me and made them start watching me on the cameras :( i guess i should have just put the coffee pots back in the boxes after i failed to get the boxes over the fence in the garden center, but both times i was so frustrated i just didn't feel like it

18th June 2013, 13:16
I find it very hard to believe that this is anything else but a troll attempt.

18th June 2013, 13:19
Don't be silly Captain! Wade rocks

18th June 2013, 13:26
Don't be silly Captain! Wade rocks

Wade, presumably, would prefer it if you were presiding over his impending court appearance no doubt......

18th June 2013, 13:46
Wade will no doubt be enjoying life in the poky when he meets his new, and very close, "best friend" Levonte, who will show him the intimate details of life there.

18th June 2013, 21:51
i'm not sure which is worse, the fact that i missed the concert by not having enough money to go, or that i got kicked out of walmart, or that i might (according to my friend) have to do community service :(

18th June 2013, 22:28
Great idea. My Mrs really needs us to have a 2nd car - you've inspired me to go and steal one from someone else. I mean, they don't really need it, do they?

keep in mind that i wasn't gonna keep the coffee pots, i was gonna return them to a different walmart store in exchange for a walmart gift card (like i did with the blu-ray dic set) which i was gonna sell online, it would kinda be one of those cases where everybody wins, i would have gotten the money i needed and whoever bought the gift card would get the gift card they needed, and walmart wouldn't lose any money cause the coffee pot would still be sold and the walmart it was returned to, walmart just wouldn't make any profit from selling it is all, but their already filthy rich anyways

18th June 2013, 22:38
Wade, how did you get to motorsportforums.com? I'm sure the story behind it is as fascinating and intriguing as the original post. :)

18th June 2013, 22:52
Wade, how did you get to motorsportforums.com? I'm sure the story behind it is as fascinating and intriguing as the original post. :)

Oh there is, there truly is.

Welcome Home, Wade. :wave:

You do really need to be more careful though. Because Starter is right. Cellmates named Levonte might be a little more fun than you can handle. :eek:

18th June 2013, 23:04
Wade, how did you get to motorsportforums.com? I'm sure the story behind it is as fascinating and intriguing as the original post. :)

i used to post a a lot on a nascar forum that had pick'em games similar to the ones on this site, back in 2009 the layout changed a lot on that site and a lot of the members got disgruntled and moved the games to a different site that you have to be at least 18 years or older to post on, but i was only 17 back then, so i started looking for another site with pick'em games and found this one (which has no minimum age requirement that i know of) after 2009 i joined the other nascar site that the games were moved to but still stayed active on this site in the Chit Chat section but eventually drifted away from this site until this year when i came back for the indycar pick'em game, unfortunately though i missed my picks this past weekend, i was so busy down in Huntsville and didn't realize the indy race was on Saturday instead of Sunday, oh well...

i wish my trip had been under better circumstances but i still had a good time down there

18th June 2013, 23:46
i used to post a a lot on a nascar forum that had pick'em games similar to the ones on this site, back in 2009 the layout changed a lot on that site and a lot of the members got disgruntled and moved the games to a different site that you have to be at least 18 years or older to post on, but i was only 17 back then

Oh, but you could have just lied and said you were 18. NOBODY would have known OR guessed!

unfortunately though i missed my picks this past weekend, i was so busy down in Huntsville and didn't realize the indy race was on Saturday instead of Sunday, oh well...

i wish my trip had been under better circumstances but i still had a good time down there

That is rather unfortunate. But I'm happy you had a good time. All's well that ends well. :)

Nice posting. I especially like the use of commas. :)

19th June 2013, 04:59
Oh, but you could have just lied and said you were 18. NOBODY would have known OR guessed!

that's true i suppose, i guess i just didn't feel like having to forever lie about my age to cover up the fact i joined the site to soon

Rudy Tamasz
19th June 2013, 07:51
that's true i suppose, i guess i just didn't feel like having to forever lie about my age to cover up the fact i joined the site to soon

That's what I call integrity.

19th June 2013, 08:28
That's what I call integrity.


19th June 2013, 08:30
Wade, presumably, would prefer it if you were presiding over his impending court appearance no doubt......
Possibly yes. I have to admit though there was so much to take in I hadn't given it too much thought.

19th June 2013, 08:32
keep in mind that i wasn't gonna keep the coffee pots, i was gonna return them to a different walmart store in exchange for a walmart gift card (like i did with the blu-ray dic set) which i was gonna sell online, it would kinda be one of those cases where everybody wins, i would have gotten the money i needed and whoever bought the gift card would get the gift card they needed, and walmart wouldn't lose any money cause the coffee pot would still be sold and the walmart it was returned to, walmart just wouldn't make any profit from selling it is all, but their already filthy rich anyways

That's cool, I'm not judging! ;)

Money for nothing is a pipe dream however, as you'll always end up paying one way or another. We were much better off with fire and clubs and a dry cave........

19th June 2013, 08:43
funny thing is, my mom, my grandmother, our real estate agent, and even my friend, have said that i needed to get a job to have some income coming in, in a way that's kinda what i did, i guess you could say i was "self employed"

19th June 2013, 08:54
funny thing is, my mom, my grandmother, our real estate agent, and even my friend, have said that i needed to get a job to have some income coming in, in a way that's kinda what i did, i guess you could say i was "self employed"

Or to quote Derrick 'Del Boy' Trotter - self unemployed....... :)

19th June 2013, 09:13
Or to quote Derrick 'Del Boy' Trotter - self unemployed....... :)
i've kinda got a job now, my friend is paying me $50 a week to help my mom around the house by vacuuming the living room carpet and putting the drinks in the refrigerator, if he'd gave me this job sooner it probably wouldn't have been necessary for me to do the walmart thing to try to make it to the concert, but he didn't know i was planning that trip though

19th June 2013, 14:10
Atta boy Wade. I'm sure that'll go a long way for saving up for that post-secondary enrollment, eh? :)

19th June 2013, 20:26
Atta boy Wade. I'm sure that'll go a long way for saving up for that post-secondary enrollment, eh? :)
it will defiantly help, i could use it for school but my mom doesn't really think could make it in college because she doesn't think my hand writing is good enough, although i'm not really sure how much writing i'd actually have to do in college depending of what course i took, thing is i'm not really sure if i could make it in college or not myself, not because of my writing but because of the long hours i'd have to put in, i'd like to think i could but i just don't know, my mom has said though that if i could make though two years of vol-state (a two year college about 15 minutes from our house) she would send me to any school i wanted to go to, so i guess maybe i should give it a try but i dunno,

in any case the money i'm getting from my friend should keep me from having to go to the ATM and dip into my checking account for spending money twice a month like i've been doing, i think he's mainly doing this to keep me from getting in trouble again, so he made this deal with my mom to give me this job, he's been making pretty good money himself recently so he can afford to do this

20th June 2013, 05:22
well, i got a letter in the mail today from an attorney wanting to represent me, the letter mentioned that these type charges can result in jail time and him some cases cause you to lose your drivers licence,

my friend called another friend of his today who has been arrested a few times to get his advice, he told my friend that he didn't see any need for an attorney since this is my first offence, my friend said hes gonna talk to the D.A to try to figure out what our best course of action is here

20th June 2013, 07:08
wbest course of action is here

Run for it - maybe cross the border to Mexico........ ;)

20th June 2013, 21:29
it will defiantly help, i could use it for school but my mom doesn't really think could make it in college because she doesn't think my hand writing is good enough, although i'm not really sure how much writing i'd actually have to do in college depending of what course i took, thing is i'm not really sure if i could make it in college or not myself, not because of my writing but because of the long hours i'd have to put in, i'd like to think i could but i just don't know, my mom has said though that if i could make though two years of vol-state (a two year college about 15 minutes from our house) she would send me to any school i wanted to go to, so i guess maybe i should give it a try but i dunno,

in any case the money i'm getting from my friend should keep me from having to go to the ATM and dip into my checking account for spending money twice a month like i've been doing, i think he's mainly doing this to keep me from getting in trouble again, so he made this deal with my mom to give me this job, he's been making pretty good money himself recently so he can afford to do this

Handwriting might not be important, but correct punctuation will help a lot.
Your spelling is good, so work on your punctuation, and the use of capital letters where needed, and you will improve your communication.

20th June 2013, 21:31
well, i got a letter in the mail today from an attorney wanting to represent me, the letter mentioned that these type charges can result in jail time and him some cases cause you to lose your drivers licence,

my friend called another friend of his today who has been arrested a few times to get his advice, he told my friend that he didn't see any need for an attorney since this is my first offence, my friend said hes gonna talk to the D.A to try to figure out what our best course of action is here

The attorney might be trying to squeeze a better price from you.
Anyway, try to stay out of trouble it shouldn't be that difficult.

21st June 2013, 10:16
Handwriting might not be important, but correct punctuation will help a lot.
Your spelling is good, so work on your punctuation, and the use of capital letters where needed, and you will improve your communication.
i try to do the best i can, unfortunately spell check don't do anything for grammar though lol

21st June 2013, 10:26
The attorney might be trying to squeeze a better price from you.
Anyway, try to stay out of trouble it shouldn't be that difficult.
well, my friend has set up an appointment for us to meet with the attorney Tuesday morning, my friend said he thinks it's best to go into this thing knowing what to expect (which i have to agree with) the initial consolation is free so it's not like i have anything to lose by meeting with him

21st June 2013, 14:02
i try to do the best i can, unfortunately spell check don't do anything for grammar though lol
Geez Wade, that's "don't do nothin". Where did you go to school?

21st June 2013, 14:15
Geez Wade, that's "don't do nothin". Where did you go to school?

School? wtf is dat init tho?

21st June 2013, 14:16
Where did you go to school?

Through the gate......

21st June 2013, 21:23
Geez Wade, that's "don't do nothin". Where did you go to school?

i was home schooled