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10th June 2013, 23:14
I was just looking at some old threads and the amount of posters that are no longer around. Or rarely around is quite sad.

St. D
F1 Boat

Just 3 I came across .

Also rjbetty has had to limit his time.

Euro Troll has been missing for a few months.

People are disappearing.

Anyone think of other missing posters?

10th June 2013, 23:16
Campione Ferrari

Well, you'd have to go back a ways to remember him...

11th June 2013, 00:00
Tamb as well. Banned a few times and reincarnated a few too.

555-Q???? whatever it was. All used to contribute quite often.

11th June 2013, 00:04
Whatever happened to... predictability? The milk man, the paper boy, evening TV?
How did I get to living here? Somebody tell me please. This old world confuses me.

11th June 2013, 02:11
Tamb is alive, kicking and up to his old tricks :laugh:

11th June 2013, 02:31
To name but a few that are missed :( :
Oily Oaf
Edgar ;)

donKey jote
11th June 2013, 03:29
I miss Eki :(

race aficionado
11th June 2013, 03:43
I miss Eki :(

. . . bummer . . . .

11th June 2013, 04:47
Maybe Andrea is hiding them all, or they have started their own subculture?

What confuses me is how many people change names here... hard to keep track of who changed names and who is no longer around.

11th June 2013, 06:56
I miss Camelopard.
Although we're still in touch by email.

11th June 2013, 07:55
What confuses me is how many people change names here... hard to keep track of who changed names and who is no longer around.

Same here :(

11th June 2013, 09:01
All the names mentioned here are ones I recognise and its a shame some have disappeared. I suppose people's lives change and they don't get a great deal of time for hobbies like this. The forum in general has got quiet over the past 3 years, but think the migration of the board and the loss of TV coverage has taken its toll. I know Sonic said farewell when the BBC sold half its coverage, and I'm guessing a few others left after heated debates. That's life though. We did lose Easy Drifter who was always interesting to debate with, but that was due to tragic reasons. It would be nice to attract new members again rather than spammers or banned members who register several usernames simultaneously pretending to be different people.

I wish there wasn't an option for changing usernames here though. Its kind of like a drivers helmet and becomes a posters identity. Its very confusing when you spend months wondering what happened to someone and then you realise you've been debating with them under a different name! :)

11th June 2013, 09:15
Well, ya still got me! See, don't that make ya feel better? Not really, huh? :( It's OK. I have to live with me and it bothers me too.

Eki and Hazell are two that I noticed were no longer posting. Daniel and GridGirl don't post much anymore either. As much tension as there was between those two, I figured it was only a matter of time before they either killed each other... or got married. Also, it was funny to see DemolicionChica pop up elsewhere, but she never really posts - just moderates. My ol' pal from Finland, Jukka, used to post here but I seem to have lost track of him. Man, I think his daughter is a teenager now! I remember when she was born! With the implosion of North American formula car racing, quite a few of the people who I used to see around here, 7th Gear and from the old MSNBC Racing Board have either moved on, gone underground or died off.

There's only a small handful of us "old timers" left on here. I think next month will be my 13th year here. Crap, I've been here longer than I've been in any relationship, lived in any one place or worked at the same place! Hey Mark! Mark!!! Do I get a pension???

11th June 2013, 11:20
To name but a few that are missed :( :
Oily Oaf
Edgar ;)

Carl is still kicking around, mostly doing driving instructing these days.
Oily Oaf got the wrong end of the stick about a joke many years ago and scarpered.

11th June 2013, 11:24
Daniel and GridGirl don't post much anymore either. As much tension as there was between those two, I figured it was only a matter of time before they either killed each other... or got married.

hehe, they are both really nice people! Doubt they would get married as both of them are in relationships with other people that they met on this forum!!

Also, it was funny to see DemolicionChica pop up elsewhere, but she never really posts - just moderates.

Where was that? I often see her on my facebook feed, usually complaining Obama has closed some road to do something ;)

Hey Mark! Mark!!! Do I get a pension???

I feel like I need one sometimes!!

11th June 2013, 12:41
This thread is like a sort of class reunion. Those who are missing are dearly remembered. :laugh:

11th June 2013, 12:58
I do miss a few members, Storm and ody among them :(

11th June 2013, 12:59
We did lose Easy Drifter who was always interesting to debate with, but that was due to tragic reasons.
The same with Speedbump, who was mostly on the Indy board (when it was CART/ChampCar). Sarahfan (Ken) will remember him too.

11th June 2013, 13:03
The same with Speedbump, who was mostly on the Indy board (when it was CART/ChampCar). Sarahfan (Ken) will remember him too.
Oh dear I don't remember that one as I don't ever venture onto the Indy Board. Did they pass away and how did you find out?

Rudy Tamasz
11th June 2013, 13:04
I recall CampioneFerrari got emotional after I wrote a post meaning to poke fun at him. He had been starting threads like 'Alonso overhyped', 'Barrichello's time up' etc. one by one. Then I put all that derogatory stuff together and applied it to Schumacher. Campy got offended and it might have been then when he quit the forum. I feel guilty. :(

11th June 2013, 13:06
Where was that? I often see her on my facebook feed, usually complaining Obama has closed some road to do something ;)
She's at OWR (http://www.owronline.com). It's a new board, about a year old, specializing (more or less) in IndyCar. Jag is right, she's a mod but almost never posts.

11th June 2013, 13:11
Oh dear I don't remember that one as I don't ever venture onto the Indy Board. Did they pass away and how did you find out?
He didn't keep it a secret that he was ill. Most who PMed with him knew. His sister came on, through his account and let us know when he passed. Said he had appreciated all the friends he had on this board. He had a very severe case of Chrone's disease (sp?)and it finally got him.

11th June 2013, 13:19
From Formula1 forum I do miss tinchote, Valve Bounce and Gannex, great posters all of them :up:

Btw even the mighty ArrowsFA1 has disappeared :(

11th June 2013, 13:51
He didn't keep it a secret that he was ill. Most who PMed with him knew. His sister came on, through his account and let us know when he passed. Said he had appreciated all the friends he had on this board. He had a very severe case of Chrone's disease (sp?)and it finally got him.
That's terrible. I suppose its nice that his sister let you all know rather than just having the unknown.

From Formula1 forum I do miss tinchote, Valve Bounce and Gannex, great posters all of them :up:

Btw even the mighty ArrowsFA1 has disappeared :(
I know Valve Bounce has lost interest in F1 in general and occasionally posts in the Chit Chat section, but no longer joins in any real debates in the F1 bit sadly. I had noticed ArrowsFA1 had stopped posting too and haven't really seen him for 6 months or more. A shame because he is one of the more knowledgeable and decent posters here and hopefully everything is ok and we'll see him back on here soon.

I think eki is the biggest mystery of the lot. He went from posting near enough every single day and then it completely stopped. It must be a year or more now? There are posters who post very little in comparison to what they used to as well. Dave B pops up occasionally but not daily. It might well be because F1 just isn't as exciting any more and the disappearance of certain people encourages the disappearance of others perhaps? Or people are simply following other interests in their lives.

11th June 2013, 14:02
Dave B pops up occasionally but not daily. It might well be because F1 just isn't as exciting any more and the disappearance of certain people encourages the disappearance of others perhaps? Or people are simply following other interests in their lives.

DaveB has a new child to deal with, so his priorities are different now. He even skipped watching Canadian qualifying! Almost made the national news that one ;)

11th June 2013, 14:05
She's at OWR (http://www.owronline.com). It's a new board, about a year old, specializing (more or less) in IndyCar. Jag is right, she's a mod but almost never posts.

She looks like more of an admin than just a mod, assuming it is her of course.

11th June 2013, 14:19
DaveB has a new child to deal with, so his priorities are different now. He even skipped watching Canadian qualifying! Almost made the national news that one ;)
Yeah I remember him mentioning that. Hopefully my name won't be mentioned in this thread by the end of the year, although I think its inevitable as new babies take up most of your free time. :p

11th June 2013, 14:30
From Formula1 forum I do miss tinchote ...

He's the only member that I've actually met in person :( .

11th June 2013, 14:49
I miss RaceFanStan...It appears that he passed away back in March of 2010; a member who knew his real name searched the newspapers in Stan's town and found an obituary with his name on it that coincides with his disappearance from the forum.

Also Fred Bassett. He is the only member of the forum (besides my brother damg75) that I have actually met in person when he was first exploring moving to the US. He owns an inn somewhere up in the Northeast now (Maine, if I remember correctly).

I can't believe I have been here for almost 12 years now :eek:

I have found it challenging to keep on with the forum from time to time over the years-with my crazy work schedule and all of that.

11th June 2013, 15:30
I can't believe I have been here for almost 12 years now :eek:
Time flies when you're having fun! :D

There are a bunch of others I haven't seen on the board in a while. Indycool, whom I've had some interesting conversations with, and a bunch of the other CART & IRL regulars who have drifted away from the sport.

I don't think I've met but one member in person (that I know of), and that one has been gone from the board a long time. BoilerIMS moved to my area a couple years ago and I invited him to come to the local track, but marriage and a new job got in the way. Haven't heard from him in a long time.

11th June 2013, 15:35
She looks like more of an admin than just a mod, assuming it is her of course.
Pretty sure it is. The attitude is about the same. :D :p :D

donKey jote
11th June 2013, 18:29
I think eki is the biggest mystery of the lot. He went from posting near enough every single day and then it completely stopped.

Either he finally saw the light or he's in Guantanamo :(

donKey jote
11th June 2013, 18:32
hehe, they are both really nice people!

I'm sure Gridgirl is :andrea:

As for bananiel, he had a(nother) tizzy fit and left, and now he's busy with a baby. From what I've seen he's pretty good with the nappies though, whodathunkit ?! :up: :devil: :andrea:

11th June 2013, 18:35
I do miss a few members, Storm and ody among them :(

They are both posting every now and then, not really gone.

11th June 2013, 18:39
Either he finally saw the light or he's in Guantanamo :(

Have you ever considered to consult a clairvoyant? :p

11th June 2013, 18:47
Have you ever considered to consult a clairvoyant? :p
I used to date one but at the end I just couldn't seer.

11th June 2013, 19:03
Well, I know The Slayer is alive and kicking after a bit of a worrying time recently.

Met Oily Oaf through Facebook a few years ago after his exit from the forum. He was as incouragable as ever.

Chilton Boy was on Telly recently doing his funky thang on Come Dine With Me and Scooby's fine although he didn't post here much but a popular guy at BTCC races which he's still heavily into. Daz is also fit and well and in better shape than the stocks of real ale in in the North West by the look of his FB page.

11th June 2013, 19:04
I used to date one but at the end I just couldn't seer.
I'm afraid this exceeds my english knowledge..... :confused:

11th June 2013, 19:19
...As for bananiel, ...he's busy with a baby. ...

I didn't realise that! Good for Danniel! :up:

11th June 2013, 19:26
I didn't realise that! Good for Danniel! :up:
I didn't realise that either, that's why he can't afford a decent mobile phone :p

Nah seriously, congratulations Daniel if you're reading this. :)

11th June 2013, 19:45
No baby for Daniel that I'm aware of. Unless you count his dog :)

race aficionado
11th June 2013, 20:05
No baby for Daniel that I'm aware of. Unless you count his dog :)

That's how rumors get started . . . but if he did have a child, it would definitely be Windows OS.

"groan" . . . . sorry Daniel, I could not resist. :)

11th June 2013, 20:16
Same here :(

I get confused by name changes too.

From Formula1 forum I do miss tinchote, Valve Bounce and Gannex, great posters all of them :up:

Btw even the mighty ArrowsFA1 has disappeared :(

Arrows occasionally pops up still doesn't he? Valve also. However their imput is sadly missed.

In the F1 forum there are so few regulars now, that we run out or debates to have. Thats why I try to ask opposing questions rather than just rant. Hopefully thats how it comes across.

donKey jote
11th June 2013, 20:16
I didn't realise that! Good for Danniel! :up:

errr.... I didn't mention it's a baby puppy. :D

The nappies bit is true though, I saw the pics :andrea:

11th June 2013, 20:26
I know Valve Bounce has lost interest in F1 in general and occasionally posts in the Chit Chat section, but no longer joins in any real debates in the F1 bit sadly. I had noticed ArrowsFA1 had stopped posting too and haven't really seen him for 6 months or more. A shame because he is one of the more knowledgeable and decent posters here and hopefully everything is ok and we'll see him back on here soon.

I think eki is the biggest mystery of the lot. He went from posting near enough every single day and then it completely stopped. It must be a year or more now? There are posters who post very little in comparison to what they used to as well. Dave B pops up occasionally but not daily. It might well be because F1 just isn't as exciting any more and the disappearance of certain people encourages the disappearance of others perhaps? Or people are simply following other interests in their lives.

I think all the points you make are spot on.

F1 I feel has lost a bit of its intrigue and maybe people find it less interesting or less complex? I am not quite sure.

Also like you said, the lack on UK F1 coverage seems to have unsuprisingly left people feeling lost to F1. Sad state F1 is getting into. Attracting the casual fans who care little about the sport by introducing currant rules, but losing F1 hardcore like us, by cutting coverage and taking away its soul.

Thus the F1 forum has less debating and seems to have more ranting.

11th June 2013, 20:35
Great response to the thread guys.

Tell me though how do so many of you know each other? It sounds like alot of you have met.

11th June 2013, 20:40
Met quite a few back in the touring car days.

I've met Ibby and GridGirl on a few occasions recently and was supposed to do so again this weekend but had to cancel.

11th June 2013, 20:52
I've never met anybody from here in real life. I wouldn't turn down the opportunity whether its a friendly drink or a fight though :p

The F1 forum consists of about 7 posters and when you compare that to 2008/09 its a fraction of what it was. That's quite sad and although TV rights isn't the whole reason, it doesn't help. The sport has turned a bit Mickey Mouse in the last 3 years IMO and interest is definitely being sought from the casual fans. This forum could advertise more through twitter but that's just my opinion. It could be worse though, you could have a desert like 10 tenths or a troll feat like the others. At least this place has quality rather than quantity.

11th June 2013, 21:06
I've never met anybody from here in real life. I wouldn't turn down the opportunity whether its a friendly drink or a fight though :p

The F1 forum consists of about 7 posters and when you compare that to 2008/09 its a fraction of what it was. That's quite sad and although TV rights isn't the whole reason, it doesn't help. The sport has turned a bit Mickey Mouse in the last 3 years IMO and interest is definitely being sought from the casual fans. This forum could advertise more through twitter but that's just my opinion. It could be worse though, you could have a desert like 10 tenths or a troll feat like the others. At least this place has quality rather than quantity.

Exactly, push to pass + DRS + chewing gum tires is not really appealing to those who watched F1 for a long time.

11th June 2013, 21:09
I've never met anybody from here in real life. I wouldn't turn down the opportunity whether its a friendly drink or a fight though :p

The F1 forum consists of about 7 posters and when you compare that to 2008/09 its a fraction of what it was. That's quite sad and although TV rights isn't the whole reason, it doesn't help. The sport has turned a bit Mickey Mouse in the last 3 years IMO and interest is definitely being sought from the casual fans. This forum could advertise more through twitter but that's just my opinion. It could be worse though, you could have a desert like 10 tenths or a troll feat like the others. At least this place has quality rather than quantity.

I agree.

I tried posting on 10 10ths a while back but got out of the habbit.

Where else do you post?

Anyway it seems quality new members are thin and far between. We get either alot of spam style posters or those that just like stirring things up or good new posters who disappear after a while.

11th June 2013, 21:09
Euro Troll was posting about 30 a day , but now nothing for 2 months.

11th June 2013, 21:24
I agree.

I tried posting on 10 10ths a while back but got out of the habbit.

Where else do you post?

Anyway it seems quality new members are thin and far between. We get either alot of spam style posters or those that just like stirring things up or good new posters who disappear after a while.
I only really post on here now. Posted on 10 tenths last week but hadn't for months before that. It's dull on there and very quiet to say the least. I also got an infraction on there once for advertising this place and it put the death on it for me really. It's no longer on my daily check list lol. Quite a few of the new posters here have been the same person it has to he said. Stirring has been the only agenda and we need quality discussion not sad stuff like that.

11th June 2013, 21:26
Euro Troll was posting about 30 a day , but now nothing for 2 months.

Probably he's in love...... :p

11th June 2013, 21:41
Hardcore F1 fans appear hard to come by.

Of all the people I know well, only 4 or 5 watch F1, however none of those are interested enough to watch all races in some form, let alone learn about it or post on it.

Unlike say Football where loads of people are fans and are willing to talk about it all day, F1 doesnt have that it seem, meaning people who are passionate about it (like us here) are very rare.

11th June 2013, 21:42
I've never met anybody from here in real life. I wouldn't turn down the opportunity whether its a friendly drink or a fight though :p

The F1 forum consists of about 7 posters and when you compare that to 2008/09 its a fraction of what it was. That's quite sad and although TV rights isn't the whole reason, it doesn't help. The sport has turned a bit Mickey Mouse in the last 3 years IMO and interest is definitely being sought from the casual fans. This forum could advertise more through twitter but that's just my opinion. It could be worse though, you could have a desert like 10 tenths or a troll feat like the others. At least this place has quality rather than quantity.
That's better than the IndyCar forum. It's a ghost of what it was. That's mostly due to the split and war between IRL and CART/Champcar. Fans left in droves. Most haven't come back even though it's one series again.

11th June 2013, 21:50
Maybe this whole discussion board thing is in decline. The Internet and people's net habits change so quickly that this kind of posting is probably quite old-fashioned for many. You've got Twitters, Facebooks etc.

11th June 2013, 21:51
Met quite a few back in the touring car days.

I've met Ibby and GridGirl on a few occasions recently and was supposed to do so again this weekend but had to cancel.

I mostly meet Mark these days whilst wearing lycra, how wrong is that? haha How come you're not cycling this weekend?

Obviously as I am posting I am alive, well and have not been jailed for murdering Daniel. :p It will be 13 years since I joined this forum next Friday. That is scary! :o

11th June 2013, 21:53
Although the posters are less, I've still noticed a large number of guests who are potential posters. So I guess the interest still exists.

11th June 2013, 22:25
I have met many members both on Touring Car race an WRC events. All started in 2003 at Acropolis rally where I have met odikas and J4MIE then N.O.T, PuddleJumper, Mark, Andrea, Dave B, KateB, fizzcist, CarlMetro, Iain, A.F.F, janneppi, DonJippo,Tommi, Daniel, Brother John, Civic Boy, Lucy, Ibby, Mattl, legendary Pentti Airikkala, Caroline...could continue this for hours 😜😎

11th June 2013, 22:29
...and would love to meet a few more, starting from Storm, race aficionado, ArrowsFA1, uncle fousto, jens and henners88 😎

11th June 2013, 23:27
...and would love to meet a few more, starting from Storm, race aficionado, ArrowsFA1, uncle fousto, jens and henners88 

I wont lie Pino. I'm hurt :( :D ;)

12th June 2013, 01:29
Wow this was quite an interesting thread. I have to admit I don't know too many of the people who are mentioned.

Someone mentioned the amount of guests on here. Yeah I was one for years (since 2004 ish...) I signed up at the end of 2006, making my first post 4 years later. I'm just busy and shattered from work these days, and trying to sort other stuff out (like massive overdraft etc).

The only people I've met in real life from online, are from ahem... dating sites, and exactly half of them were psychos. :(

EDIT: I'm talking about pof, which kinda says it all.

12th June 2013, 03:09
Thanks Pino. None taken!!!!

How could I have forgotten about Kate and (Don't you EVER complain about me farting) Fizz.

Of course we must mention Kneeslider and I suppose the Kitten (Although she probably hates me more than Hazel does :( )

12th June 2013, 06:36
Knockie mate, sorry but I knew I was going to forget someone (blame the good Classic Carlsberg for that) :p : Seriously I will never forget that great party and time spent at racing :s mokin:

12th June 2013, 06:39
...and yes Hazel, Kitten and Kneeslider must be added to my list too :D

12th June 2013, 07:50
...and would love to meet a few more, starting from Storm, race aficionado, ArrowsFA1, uncle fousto, jens and henners88 
Cook me a nice Italian pasta meal with a nice glass of red and I'd be your friend for life :p
I'd love to meet you too Pino, maybe one day. I've often wondered what people are like in real life, even the keyboard duellers. I suppose this is generally quite an anonymous pass time, but I'd like to think I'd never say something here that I wouldn't to ones face. There's a couple of posters who live near me from what I gather too :)

12th June 2013, 08:12
I mostly meet Mark these days whilst wearing lycra, how wrong is that? haha How come you're not cycling this weekend?

Obviously as I am posting I am alive, well and have not been jailed for murdering Daniel. :p It will be 13 years since I joined this forum next Friday. That is scary! :o

Hello, Gridgirl :)

Seems like a past life in which I spoke to you on MSN Messenger!! I was just about to turn 16 when I joined this forum, and now I am 28! That is pretty bloody scary!

Mark, my over-riding memory of you is discussing the 2001 BTCC title deciding race at Brands Hatch in a MSN chat with other members (I can't recall who they were though now!)

12th June 2013, 09:53
Mark, my over-riding memory of you is discussing the 2001 BTCC title deciding race at Brands Hatch in a MSN chat with other members (I can't recall who they were though now!)

Haha 2001 and chatting on MSN. I was probably drunk! :D

12th June 2013, 09:58
...and would love to meet a few more, starting from Storm, race aficionado, ArrowsFA1, uncle fousto, jens and henners88 

Meeting Race Aficionado was a highlight of my second trip to America. He showed me around New York, and helped me meet my wife in a roundabout kind of way ;) .

Met Storm at Oulton Park one time a long long time ago! Never had the pleasure of meeting Arrows unfortunatley :(

12th June 2013, 11:04
Since noone is missing me...:-( I guess I have to say:
- Hello magnus, long time no see. What are you dpoing these days?
- Well you know, boats, boats boats, an expanding family, renovating the house, and so on. Even missed the Swedush Rally last winter...:-( But I´ll be back.

All the best to you all/


12th June 2013, 12:42
So many names have passed through here during my time on the forum but I simply don't know who's changed their name and who's actually gone, partly because I simply don't spend the time on the forum that I used to either. What happened to Viper Man and MP3 Astra though, both of them posted prolifically for a year or two and then seemed to disappear.

Edit: Btw I'm aware that I've been through my fair share of name changes too, can't remember all of them but I know that I started out as Miguel Sanchez.

12th June 2013, 13:48
Whatever happened to barryfullalove

12th June 2013, 14:26
How about Kimifan, he's here under a different name ?

Would be nice if those who have changed their name would reveals their original username. Honestly it's just curiosity :D

12th June 2013, 14:29
Knockie. The poster formally known as Knock-on :D

(Also Freebee and Flat Tyres when necessary ;) )

12th June 2013, 14:31
Whilst reading the Footie thread, another name came into my mind : Steve Gerard, really miss him there :(

12th June 2013, 16:01
Every time I saw a post by Norwegian Blue, that bloody Monty Python sketch would echo in my head.
Also enjoyed the Geography threads with Carrie/Caroline, CarlMetro, et al.

12th June 2013, 17:55
Whatever happened to barryfullalove

Oh yeah, forgot about that one

Would be nice if those who have changed their name would reveals their original username. Honestly it's just curiosity :D

As far as I can recall I have been: Miguel Sanchez, Mr Jan Yeo, Barryfullalove and MrJan. There's a slim possibility that I may also have gone under the moniker Mick Stagraget for a bit.

Whenever I change name I always try and keep the same avatar for a good bit, so that people still stand a chance of identifying me as the same person.

12th June 2013, 19:14
I've met a lot of members over the years (has it really been that many?) but sadly can't remember everyone, but have had a lot of great times and fantastic experiences shared :up: In the beginning I have to thank Mark for not banning me straight away for spamming and instead asked me if I wanted to be moderator, he must have been really desperate :crazy:

I think the first member I met was Jonathan (RallyBasher/Puddlejumper) at the Jim Clark Rally in 2002, then it was odykas and Pino (as posted above, at the Acropolis Rally 2003), this then got me started on travelling to more and more events all over especially in Sweden & Finland. Went to a few BTCC races at Croft and Oulton Park and think I met most folk there, then of course there was the FKM events in Birmingham which were really good fun, we should try to organise another one sometime but at an outdoor track :D

I used to be on here constantly, in fact I blame it for not doing so well at school :p : Much less so lately with less of an interest in rallying, though I do still catch F1 on tv when I can, lucky enough to have Sky with the F1 channel so can sometimes watch old races on there too. It's mostly here in chit chat and the fitness thread which is quite interesting to see how many of us now cycle (or try to) regularly. Agree that Facebook has taken a lot of people away from here.

Unfortunately I am terrible at keeping in touch with people (most people that I've met would agree) so have lost contact with loads of members that I met, but generally have people added on Facebook so can at least spy on their lives when I am bored ;)

12th June 2013, 22:34
We have a few new members now, unfortunately they are posting uncontrollable Spam.

13th June 2013, 03:27
I miss Wade :(

13th June 2013, 09:09
Gee, I'm seeing a few names from the past on this thread. Been here since Oct 2001 so been around a while. Don't post too much these days as too busy codriving in rallies. I was lucky enough to score my first ride in a World rally off this forum and it sort of kickstarted my career in rallying. Met a few of the Australian members of this forum and even one of them serviced for me (Livewireshock) during the ARC.

Any overseas members who are coming to Rally Australia make sure you make yourself known to me.



13th June 2013, 09:18
You do wonder what happened to even some of the first members from way back. e.g. s1mon was a member from the first weeks of the forum and I met him at Silverstone - a slightly odd fellow ;) . Come to think of it most of the crowd that used to go to Touring Cars don't post so much. Although I still see what some are up to on facebook, e.g. imetmeatloaf is still meeting Meat Loaf on a regular basis!

13th June 2013, 11:53
Although I still see what some are up to on facebook, e.g. imetmeatloaf is still meeting Meat Loaf on a regular basis!

Maybe she should come back as "Ikeepmeetingmeatloaf"? :)

13th June 2013, 14:14
Don't start the whole ImetImetmeatloaf thing again :)

What was Lucy's mate that used to come racing sometimes? Was she a member? I can't recall.

13th June 2013, 15:32
I'm sure Gridgirl is :andrea:

As for bananiel, he had a(nother) tizzy fit and left, and now he's busy with a baby. From what I've seen he's pretty good with the nappies though, whodathunkit ?! :up: :devil: :andrea:

Maybe he tried to argue with Gordon Ramsey about canapés. I didn't join this until after both my headaches were born and toddlers......

Rudy Tamasz
13th June 2013, 15:45
I didn't join this until after both my headaches were born and toddlers......

Did you wait for years to join this forum, watching in desperation how the most exciting topics get discussed without you? ;)

13th June 2013, 15:47
Did you wait for years to join this forum, watching in desperation how the most exciting topics get discussed without you? ;)

Ha! I think I got into the (original) forum as I referenced Motorsport.com for news. I remember the my outrage at a weeks ban right in the middle of a juicy debate about Max M and his 'peccadilloes'! ;)

Rudy Tamasz
13th June 2013, 15:50
I remember the one about Max. Juicy stuff, indeed.

In general, my office work would bore me to death, if it wasn't for this forum.

13th June 2013, 15:51
Don't start the whole ImetImetmeatloaf thing again :)

What was Lucy's mate that used to come racing sometimes? Was she a member? I can't recall.

I think she was on here under "wee helen"

13th June 2013, 15:52
There are some very good debates on here actually. Quite eye opening and enlightening.

You learn who are going to be sensible, and those that are not.

I'll admit to being a little naughty at times. Well I used to be, now I'm a little more circumspect.....

Some of the posts/posters have made me seriously re-think my opinions on certain issues.

13th June 2013, 16:36
Ahhh, wee Helen. Top girl (and Meaty too) :)

I don't know if I've mellowed or become more belligerent over the years. I'm sure I'll get told :D

13th June 2013, 16:38
Meaty as in IMML, not Helen being of the hefty side!!! Damned attractive if I recall :devil:

13th June 2013, 16:44
Meaty as in IMML, not Helen being of the hefty side!!! Damned attractive if I recall :devil:

Not a 'big old unit' is what you are trying to say????? :)

13th June 2013, 17:08
Hey! A lot of girls were here in the past. What have you done that most of them left? :confused:

13th June 2013, 17:09
Hey! A lot of girls were here in the past. What have you done that most of them left? :confused:

I have that effect....... ....what attracted the wife to me, sadly! :laugh:

Rudy Tamasz
14th June 2013, 09:17
Each girl knows it's not gonna last forever, but prefers to believe otherwise. :devil:

16th June 2013, 06:19
That's better than the IndyCar forum. It's a ghost of what it was. That's mostly due to the split and war between IRL and CART/Champcar. Fans left in droves. Most haven't come back even though it's one series again.

I think it's what that one series is now. I haven't watched a race this year and can't say I miss it any longer. Remembering so well what it once was and knowing in my heart that it's not going to get any better (spec now, spec forever), it's just too painful to watch now. Only the great Tony George could take 1 + 1 and make it 1/2.

I mostly meet Mark these days whilst wearing lycra, how wrong is that? haha How come you're not cycling this weekend?

Obviously as I am posting I am alive, well and have not been jailed for murdering Daniel. :p It will be 13 years since I joined this forum next Friday. That is scary! :o

Well, ya know... we could use a hot new topic to get us talking again. Not saying you have to murder him or anything. But if you bopped him on the head with a hard, blunt object... Hey, I'm just saying that a good simple assault & battery might make the papers and give us a fresh new topic for discussion. That's all.

Say, you got here the month before I arrived. So that makes you the current old head, I do believe. Other than you and me, are there any other members from 2000 still here? Mark doesn't count. And no, Mark, your wife didn't tell me to say that. :p :

Whatever happened to barryfullalove

Was he once HunkaBurninLove or something like that? Did he mostly post in the CART/CCWS or IRL forums? He's the one member here that I have met. At the Vegas race in 2004, I think. Him, his wife and TioWoody (didn't get to talk to Woody - he was up in the stands). I remember Woody so well because I think he was married to a woman from Peru and I'd been engaged to a girl from Peru at one time. In my mind, I thought that kind of made us compadres of sort - but I don't think Woody cared for me all that much. :(

I miss Wade

He's doing a gig here this week. Try the veal and don't forget to tip your waitress.

Hey! A lot of girls were here in the past. What have you done that most of them left?

As I recall, there was some sort of beauty contest a little after I first joined here. Girls were posting their pictures and going for votes, I believe. I don't remember who won or how it played out. I seem to remember it being innocent fun though. All I can really remember is people were trying to goad DemolicionChica into posting her pic and she wouldn't do it. Spoil sport!

I used to post on lots of different forums. But I've noticed that all of them have experienced a severe drop off in active members over the past 2-3 years - very few younger people on any of them. I really believe it has something to do with this MyFace and SpaceBook stuff I keep hearing the kiddies talk about. Also, that Tweeter (and the Monkey Man) site seems to have people not joining message boards and forums as much. Since most people now seem to be surgically connected to their smartphones, those kinds of sites are easier to access than older style forums? I dunno. I think F1 is still really popular. But people use other forms of media to discuss it now. I don't post as much in the F1 forum these days, but I'm a lot busier than I've been in a long time. I've enjoyed the past few F1 seasons more than any in recent memory - but I have to DVR most of the races and watch when I can. Great stuff though - tires aside.

16th June 2013, 07:12
As I recall, there was some sort of beauty contest a little after I first joined here. Girls were posting their pictures and going for votes, I believe. I don't remember who won or how it played out. I seem to remember it being innocent fun though. All I can really remember is people were trying to goad DemolicionChica into posting her pic and she wouldn't do it. Spoil sport!

I remember that contest. There were two threads, one for girls and one for guys. It was on the times when I discovered this forum and used to be a guest. I remember I was shocked that people dare to post their pics on a public forum. However I don't remember the faces ( except for one who posed with a celebrity ) and I don't care about them as most of you have already a picture in my mind based on your names and posts. :p

16th June 2013, 07:20
So gadjo, tell me how I look ? :p :

16th June 2013, 07:40
So gadjo, tell me how I look ? :p :
I admit that whenever I see your name my first thought flies to a Pinocchio representation. Then I remember you're too annoying serious to say lies and I think you look like (a)romanian actor Ion Caramitru who in family circle is known as Pino.
And always wearing a Juve shirt.

Shall I be banned now? :p

16th June 2013, 07:53
My status here forces me to be a bit serious, not annoying serious anyway.

Caramitru ? :s no thanks I am much cuter, younger and thinner :p : ;)

16th June 2013, 08:04
So was Caramitru when he was younger. :laugh
Notice that I didn't say you look like him these days.

Anyway, you asked for it. Sorry if I spoilt your day. :devil:

16th June 2013, 08:17
You really don't know me...it takes a lot more to spoil my day ;)

17th June 2013, 08:17
You really don't know me...it takes a lot more to spoil my day ;)

Sounds like a challenge to me sir?! :laugh:

17th June 2013, 08:20
Sounds like a challenge to me sir?! :laugh:

Not only you, everyone ! ;)

17th June 2013, 15:48
I do miss a few members, Storm and ody among them :(

Still here !! :wave:
But not posting as much as I used to in the dark ancient days of motorsportforums. Been busy with life in general but I think I am coming back a lot more thesedays as well as finding time to watch F1 more and more rather than just football :p :
I need a pension too like Jag Warrior!

17th June 2013, 18:25
It would be great to have the ability to draw properly and post the mental image we have of all the other members.

race aficionado
17th June 2013, 19:28
We had a thread like that once.
This was my impression back then of our good ol' fousto

17th June 2013, 19:39
What happened to Bob Riebe or whatever he was called?

17th June 2013, 19:53
Hate to say it but this forum has seriously gone downhill over the past couple of years or so.

I've seen some recognisable names on PH.

17th June 2013, 20:22
Hate to say it but this forum has seriously gone downhill over the past couple of years or so.

I've seen some recognisable names on PH.

What's PH?

18th June 2013, 02:42
So gadjo, tell me how I look ? :p :

Easy.................short Etaliano with a black moustache, waxed with the ends sticking up

18th June 2013, 02:44
What happened to Bob Riebe or whatever he was called?

you hurt his feelings and failed to understand his erudite mumblings about PIA

18th June 2013, 02:50
You really don't know me...it takes a lot more to spoil my day ;)

What? you sound depressed. Let me freshen your day. Since you are italian, I recommend wine and a bag--been helping ugly people have sex since 2200 BC.

18th June 2013, 07:23
What happened to Bob Riebe or whatever he was called?

I think I heard that he was killed while trying to get the cross lit at the last "get together". Some gas went down his leg, got onto his sheet and the next thing ya know, people were singing:


It was either that or maybe he got banned. I can't remember which it was.

18th June 2013, 08:05
A few others who used to contribute a lot: 52Paddy, Giuseppe F1, woody2goody, yodasarmpit.....

you hurt his feelings and failed to understand his erudite mumblings about PIA
Probably because I thought he was talking about the FIA.

I got the impression Bob was quite old, maybe 60's or 70's.

18th June 2013, 08:28
52 Paddy is alive and well, just busy with life, his new Band and other stuff I guess...

18th June 2013, 08:38
That's good to know, hopefully he'll pop in soon then :)

Rudy Tamasz
18th June 2013, 12:24
busy with life

When I'm busy doing paperwork in the office, this forum is life to me.

18th June 2013, 12:27
Rudy, not everyone is as lucky as you ;)

18th June 2013, 12:39
Easy.................short Etaliano with a black moustache, waxed with the ends sticking up

I wonder why everybody on this forum looks short to you.
Are you the "long skin'' type? :confused:

18th June 2013, 12:40
When I'm busy doing paperwork in the office, this forum is life to me.

Hey, I have the same feeling.....

18th June 2013, 13:37
A few others who used to contribute a lot: 52Paddy, Giuseppe F1, woody2goody, yodasarmpit.....

Probably because I thought he was talking about the FIA.

I got the impression Bob was quite old, maybe 60's or 70's.
You're never "quite old" until you're dead. :D

Rudy Tamasz
18th June 2013, 16:18
Rudy, not everyone is as lucky as you ;)

Now it's 6 pm and that's when I'm lucky to head back home, kiss Mrs. Tamasz, cross swords with a 5 year old pirate and smile to a 2 month old shouter.

18th June 2013, 16:22
Now it's 6 pm and that's when I'm lucky to head back home, kiss Mrs. Tamasz, cross swords with a 5 year old pirate and smile to a 2 month old shouter.

I miss that - I return home to psychological warfare with my two! If need be I'll also talk to the Trouble & Strife :laugh:

18th June 2013, 16:53
Anybody remember Austin Brammer ?

18th June 2013, 16:56
Anybody remember Austin Brammer ?

haha yeah. The kind of troll who is annoying but not so annoying to get banned straight away. He did get banned eventually but I remember it being a big decision for the mods.

18th June 2013, 17:19
Now it's 6 pm and that's when I'm lucky to head back home, kiss Mrs. Tamasz, cross swords with a 5 year old pirate and smile to a 2 month old shouter.
I didn't know about the ''shouter''. Congrats. Is a soprano or a tenor?

race aficionado
18th June 2013, 17:29
There also used to be a Santa that was not so jolly.

18th June 2013, 22:25
Janvanvurpa hasn't been around in a while. Often he would stay in the rally forums but usually made it into Chit Chat for at least some political bickering!

19th June 2013, 06:54
At least this thread showed that even some old posters don't post anymore they still come here from time to time.

Rudy Tamasz
19th June 2013, 07:48
I didn't know about the ''shouter''. Congrats. Is a soprano or a tenor?

Soprano. Blues/soul kinda stuff. :)

19th June 2013, 14:09
Anybody remember Austin Brammer ?

One of my all-time favorites! He's "Doc Austin" on Track forum, an Indycar site.

Anyone know what happened to yellowcardude?

Question: Is fousto now "Rollo?"

19th June 2013, 14:17
Question: Is fousto now "Rollo?"

hehe, no!

19th June 2013, 14:18
hehe, no!

So is Uncle Ken gone?

19th June 2013, 14:26
Uncle fousto s still here, but doesn't give us as much work as in the past :s :p :

19th June 2013, 14:32
Uncle fousto s still here, but doesn't give us as much work as in the past :s :p :

Everyone mellows with age....... .......unless you are a cheese! ;)

19th June 2013, 14:33
I've met rollo before but as for fousto, never had the pleasure :)

19th June 2013, 16:02
Anyone know what happened to yellowcardude?
I think he was banned a long time ago.

race aficionado
19th June 2013, 16:20
redcarddude . . . . 'groan"

OilyOaf is a classic.

19th June 2013, 16:21
Was there ever a member called thelikelylads?

If so, what happened to them.......


Shall I get me coat?

19th June 2013, 19:24
Hi all :wave:

I'm still alive and well thanks. I am indeed very busy though with the new band and various other projects that include voluntary article writing, a car-spotting blog, a motor technology course which begins in September and a temp-job at my trusty courier company. I used to post religiously but found that since the move to a new server a few years back (2005? 2006? I can't remember!), the vibe on the forum radically changed and coming back on board, I feel like an outsider save for the old-skoolers that still knock around ;)

Motorsport and motoring is still a big piece of my life and interests though I've not had time to commit to following any series completely this season except F1. I've been planning to get back posting but want to wait until I catch up on all of the 2013 action I've missed in BTCC, WRC and MotoGP first.

Hope all the other members are enjoying life :)

19th June 2013, 19:49
Whatever happened to Faster69. ;)

19th June 2013, 20:02
I still remember a great F1 fan from Canada (F1 Guru) who used to post a lot between 2001 and 2004/5. Great poster and a nice person too...

19th June 2013, 21:20
Whatever happened to Faster69. ;)

I think Vettel felt he needed a new PR man so made the call.

19th June 2013, 22:05
veeten is another member who needs to be mentioned. He's still here but his contribution is zero compared to what it used to be. Very sad, specially because he's a very funny and wise man.

20th June 2013, 10:07
Oh, interesting. I personally can hardly believe I have been here since 2006. That's seven years. What is even more astonishing that during this time period I feel I have improved absolutely loads as a person, so that I can hardly recognize myself from that time - perhaps more felt in everyday life rather than forums. However, one day I searched for my old posts here and at times I got an impression of being a hopeless fanboy. :p : But interesting anyway - while so much has changed in life, one thing has remained a constant - participating in MSF discussions. :p :

I agree with DexDexter that perhaps the whole forum thing is in a decline. However, I am personally not on Facebook and social media either, so I am not used to the like-buttons here that people at times use. :p :

I agree with pino's thought that it would be pleasant to meet you people too. So whenever someone comes to Estonia, you can let know. :) Or if I happen to go somewhere in a foreign country one day.

I see the point made by wedge that the forum has been in a decline. However, it is hard to quantify, because "fanboy-discussions" and personal attacks have always been part of forums, but maybe they have been more visible since we have fewer active members.

20th June 2013, 10:10
Whatever happened to Faster69. ;)

he lost his job to vhatever :rotflmao:

20th June 2013, 18:14
Weird that people mentioned soprano as it relates to singing and then we find that Tony Soprano has died.
Great actor, James Gandolfini (sic)

21st June 2013, 19:36
That was ages ago, you've got a good memory race!

21st June 2013, 22:57
So we need to have a worldwide Motorsports Forum Day and all get together somewhere. :D

Lets all meet at next years Monaco GP. :p

21st June 2013, 22:59
I miss Tamb. Whatever happened to that guy? ;)

22nd June 2013, 00:39
Oh Stevie, you're such a wag :laugh:

donKey jote
22nd June 2013, 08:39
I miss Champignone Ferrari :andrea:

22nd June 2013, 08:50
What about missing Saint Devote? A truly dedicated Button fan, but what made him special was that I don't really remember him bashing other drivers (which fans can easily do), but just being sincerely in awe of Button's skills. How nice. :)

donKey jote
22nd June 2013, 12:13
y!man and the Butterfly Queen :)

22nd June 2013, 13:14
What about missing Saint Devote? A truly dedicated Button fan, but what made him special was that I don't really remember him bashing other drivers (which fans can easily do), but just being sincerely in awe of Button's skills. How nice. :)

I mentioned him when I opened the thread. You are right, he didnt tend to bash others, but he got frustrated by people needlessly bashing JB.

I have those same feelings really. People on threads still bash JB for moaning or being too slow, but generally there is no need to bash any drivers. Afterall they are all pretty good.

Trolling is the plague of these forums.

Debate without aggression would be bliss.

23rd June 2013, 19:57

I posted while Le Mans was on because it's the best race of the year but otherwise I can't be bothered. In F1 there are simply too many people who get off on trolling and causing annoyance but staying within the letter of the law. As for the WRC, it's a shadow of its former self.

Although this years Le Mans thread was tiny in comparison to previous years, it's a shining beacon of how discussion on motorsport should be, not the tiresome tedious **** that you see in the F1 forum on here.

23rd June 2013, 19:58
hehe, they are both really nice people! Doubt they would get married as both of them are in relationships with other people that they met on this forum!!

That and Gridgirl is someone who is particularly dislike :)

23rd June 2013, 20:04
Cook me a nice Italian pasta meal with a nice glass of red and I'd be your friend for life :p
I'd love to meet you too Pino, maybe one day. I've often wondered what people are like in real life, even the keyboard duellers. I suppose this is generally quite an anonymous pass time, but I'd like to think I'd never say something here that I wouldn't to ones face. There's a couple of posters who live near me from what I gather too :)

You don't want to meet Pino, trust me, he'll be all Galli this, Galli that, why you no pick Galli! Why you pick Warmbold and so on, it gets tiresome after a while :p

Kidding of course, Pino is great ;)

If anyone wants to keep in touch outside of here, feel free to add me on facebook if you can find me :p

23rd June 2013, 20:13
No one mentioned Odykas? :(

23rd June 2013, 20:14
I'm sure Gridgirl is

As for bananiel, he had a(nother) tizzy fit and left, and now he's busy with a baby. From what I've seen he's pretty good with the nappies though, whodathunkit ?! :devil: :andrea:

:rotflmao: here she is, she was in heat and was bleeding over everything :dozey:


23rd June 2013, 20:19
Shut up Daniel, that was 8 years ago, and unfortunately Gigi's not part of WRC anymore... so go an update yourself :p :

23rd June 2013, 20:20
...and I did mention ody on my first post in here ;)

23rd June 2013, 20:22
Shut up Daniel, that was 8 years ago, and unfortunately Gigi's not part of WRC anymore... so go an update yourself :p :

It's scary, 8 whole years (well not quite 8 whole years but nearly). Hell I've lived in the UK for a whole 7 years and 1 week as of today.

Ok I'll do an update, Arturo this, Pink Floyd that etc etc etc :p

23rd June 2013, 20:24
...and I did mention ody on my first post in here ;)

Sorry, I always ignore your posts as DonJippo and Tomi told me to :p

23rd June 2013, 22:04
I posted while Le Mans was on because it's the best race of the year but otherwise I can't be bothered. In F1 there are simply too many people who get off on trolling and causing annoyance but staying within the letter of the law. As for the WRC, it's a shadow of its former self.

Although this years Le Mans thread was tiny in comparison to previous years, it's a shining beacon of how discussion on motorsport should be, not the tiresome tedious **** that you see in the F1 forum on here.

I have to agree.

I too was posting during Le Mans, and it was the most enjoyable posting "in race" I have had, sadly the F1 forum has declined recently to much squabbling and one up manship.

23rd June 2013, 22:49
I have to agree.

I too was posting during Le Mans, and it was the most enjoyable posting "in race" I have had, sadly the F1 forum has declined recently to much squabbling and one up manship.

Le Mans is far less tribal than F1. It's kind of like the motorsport equivalent of Rugby Union, everyone wants their team to win, but most of all they want to see a good game.

In F1 there is too much team/driver worship going on.

donKey jote
24th June 2013, 06:46
You don't want to meet Pino, trust me, he'll be all Galli this, Galli that, why you no pick Galli! Why you pick Warmbold and so on, it gets tiresome after a while :p

Kidding of course, Pino is great ;)

If anyone wants to keep in touch outside of here, feel free to add me on facebook if you can find me :p

be warned though... it'll be daisy, this daisy that :p

kidding of course, daniel is grrrreat :)

24th June 2013, 08:10
Hoop98 is another poster that I don't see around anymore. He's probably one of the sharpest race fans I've ever known. From 7th Gear to here, he mainly focused on American open wheel formula car racing, but he had a deep understanding of all things engineering. Reasonable fellow, even when I wasn't so reasonable to him. Wonder what happened to him?

24th June 2013, 13:51
Hoop98 is another poster that I don't see around anymore. He's probably one of the sharpest race fans I've ever known. From 7th Gear to here, he mainly focused on American open wheel formula car racing, but he had a deep understanding of all things engineering. Reasonable fellow, even when I wasn't so reasonable to him. Wonder what happened to him?
He may have finally gotten feed up with the state of AOW these days. Last time he was on here was a year ago May.

donKey jote
24th June 2013, 19:29
Almost forgot her name... I also miss ruby :kiss:

Mark in Oshawa
27th June 2013, 01:17
My ears are burning...and apprently no one misses me. OH well...lol...I wasn't as funny as Oily Oaf, or as doctranaire as Eki. I missed the forums as a hole and I think one of the reasons they are in decline is the populairity of Facebook and most of us access the net now on the phone. Facebook has apps for all the smart phones, as does Twitter. This format for the forum doesn't translate as well to a smart phone.

As for the Indycar board where I hung a lot, it is a shadow of itself also because of the OWR forum but I don't go there really anymore either. I was here and there, and found myself inthe same arguments over and over and maybe got bored...

I think I watch more racing than ever. f1, Indycar, Sportscar, NASCAR....I watch it all....and maybe spend less time arguing about it. I do think I miss this board, but my surfing habits are different now.....but it is interesting reading this thread, and seeing what has happened to some familiar names. I didn't know RacefanStan is no longer with us. Sad...

donKey jote
27th June 2013, 05:54
Hey Mark's back from the shower ! :wave: :D

27th June 2013, 06:53
My ears are burning...and apprently no one misses me.

You're wrong. I was thinking of you and about to mention your name. Then I checked if you changed your name and saw that you still posted in 2013.

Now it's time to cool your ears.

race aficionado
27th June 2013, 15:05
. . . .

Now it's time to cool your ears.

And according to Donks, they are nice and clean.

Mark . . . . . Tapatalk is a great phone app for our forum.

27th June 2013, 16:37
Mark . . . . . Tapatalk is a great phone app for our forum.

It is and it's how I access the forum most of the time :)

donKey jote
27th June 2013, 18:19
even in the shower ? :andrea:

27th June 2013, 18:33
I don't understand. If I like this place and to talk to you why should I care about how I access it?
I think those who don't come anymore either have better things to do or are bored with our company.

28th June 2013, 08:53
I don't understand. If I like this place and to talk to you why should I care about how I access it?
I think those who don't come anymore either have better things to do or are bored with our company.

Try accessing the forum and posting/quoting/replying in an easy way - not really a good experience.

A lot of folk access the net and forums on the go now, so an app or browser that works well with this forum is essential, and is not available for all devices.

I get bored with my own company!

28th June 2013, 09:03
Try accessing the forum and posting/quoting/replying in an easy way - not really a good experience.

A lot of folk access the net and forums on the go now, so an app or browser that works well with this forum is essential, and is not available for all devices.

I get bored with my own company!
Indeed. Most of my contributions here are done through Tapatalk for iPhone these days. I find its easier for me and I'm more likely to check the forum if its on an app. There is another motorsport forum that allows tapatalk capability, but restrict it for premium members only. I once asked why this was and the response was to give people an incentive to join. I think its a massive mistake as that particular forum is virtually dead concerning activity. I think access via mobile devices is the way things are nowadays, simple as that.

28th June 2013, 09:06
Indeed. Most of my contributions here are done through Tapatalk for iPhone these days. I find its easier for me and I'm more likely to check the forum if its on an app. There is another motorsport forum that allows tapatalk capability, but restrict it for premium members only. I once asked why this was and the response was to give people an incentive to join. I think its a massive mistake as that particular forum is virtually dead concerning activity. I think access via mobile devices is the way things are nowadays, simple as that.

My first sentence was meant to include the word Blackberry!

I use Forum Runner I think on my S3, not that I use the S3 that much as usually just carry my work Blackberry - which is really great for work stuff like mail, contacts and calendars, but utterly shoite at anything else except maybe Brickbreaker!!!

28th June 2013, 09:15
My first sentence was meant to include the word Blackberry!

I use Forum Runner I think on my S3, not that I use the S3 that much as usually just carry my work Blackberry - which is really great for work stuff like mail, contacts and calendars, but utterly shoite at anything else except maybe Brickbreaker!!!
I never got on with the physical keyboard on a Blackberry, but have watched friends type faster than I could ever attempt on theirs. Maybe all the lost members don't own phones? :p

28th June 2013, 09:57
Try accessing the forum and posting/quoting/replying in an easy way - not really a good experience.

Maybe all the lost members don't own phones?

There was a time when I was so addicted to this forum that nothing in the world could spoil my joy to see what's happening here.
I mean times when I used an old phone that permitted access to internet pages but posting was impossible. I even paid for an extra card although I didn't need minutes.
Or when I've got a smartphone but not internet and I was hunting for wi-fi spots.

O tempora, o mores..... :devil:

race aficionado
28th June 2013, 18:44
Mark . . . . . Tapatalk is a great phone app for our forum.

I wasn't aware that Tapatalk was not available for every phone . . . . bummer.

28th June 2013, 19:26
There was a time when I was so addicted to this forum that nothing in the world could spoil my joy to see what's happening here.
I mean times when I used an old phone that permitted access to internet pages but posting was impossible. I even paid for an extra card although I didn't need minutes.
Or when I've got a smartphone but not internet and I was hunting for wi-fi spots.

O tempora, o mores..... :devil:
Hmmmm addiction, there's an app for that ;)

race aficionado
30th June 2013, 17:58
Tapatalk available for windows phones.


4th July 2013, 23:39
This thread made me post again! I read the forum all the time, but I never have the time to contribute these days.

I got barred by DemolitonChica on my very first post.
And this site got me through quite a lonley year abroad in Italy.

Mark in Oshawa
5th July 2013, 00:18
I wasn't aware that Tapatalk was not available for every phone . . . . bummer. I cant find it on the Blackberry Z10/Q10 app store yet. I had a Blackberry Curve before and have the z10 now. It is a virtual keyboard like the Droid and Iphone's and it has plenty of great features but alas, app development on some things isn't there yet. I will try to check in through my computer....I still prefer it for longer discussions or things I want to write...

5th July 2013, 07:32
This thread made me post again! I read the forum all the time, but I never have the time to contribute these days.

I got barred by DemolitonChica on my very first post.
And this site got me through quite a lonley year abroad in Italy.

Welcome Back.

5th July 2013, 10:29
Tamb as well. Banned a few times and reincarnated a few too.

555-Q???? whatever it was. All used to contribute quite often.

Hey Steve :) It's 555-04Q2 :D

I'm still alive and kicking. Been hectic busy for the last few years with expanding my business interests that I haven't had much time to get on the forum :(

But I still check in every now and then! Hope everyone is well :)

Cheers for now :wave:

5th July 2013, 10:50
Nice to hear from you again 555 :up:

5th July 2013, 16:07
Hey trip-5 :D :wave:

5th July 2013, 22:05
To name but a few that are missed :( :
Oily Oaf
Edgar ;)

Gone but not forgotten. How sweet.

donKey jote
5th July 2013, 22:23
Edgar's well gone :burp:

Hey Breeze :wave:

5th July 2013, 22:43
Hey donks. :wave:

6th July 2013, 13:29
Hey Steve :) It's 555-04Q2 :D

I'm still alive and kicking. Been hectic busy for the last few years with expanding my business interests that I haven't had much time to get on the forum :(

But I still check in every now and then! Hope everyone is well :)

Cheers for now :wave:

Yer nice to hear that. Glad things are going well.

23rd July 2013, 11:13
Hey trip-5 :D :wave:

Well if it ain't Mr Speedo himself :p : How you been keeping? Hope you and the family are all well :) Will catch up with you on the forum again soon.

Steve, pino.....thanks for the warm wishes :)

11th August 2013, 04:08
Hopefully my name won't be mentioned in this thread by the end of the year, although I think its inevitable as new babies take up most of your free time. :p

Haven't seen henners lately. Wonder if he has already become a dad...... :confused:

11th August 2013, 06:57
henners88 is fine, and for what I know, baby hasn't arrived yet.

11th August 2013, 23:42
I am back for the first time since the Hungarian GP. 2 weeks. I got a bit fed up with the goings on after that race and took some time out. Have things changed at all?

11th August 2013, 23:49

12th August 2013, 21:37

I see.

It could still be a problem then. Oh well It doesnt really bother me, but its just a bit pointless.

I guess I will see how it goes.

25th August 2013, 14:51
Glad to see we have a few new posters aound recently.

Also sad to see Henners has called it a day. No posts since July.

Shame all that petty posting 4 weeks ago had to lead to that. To be honest though I only visited once or twice in those 4 weeks.

6th October 2013, 20:24
I was just looking at some old threads and the amount of posters that are no longer around. Or rarely around is quite sad.

St. D
F1 Boat

F1 Boats Back. :bounce:

6th October 2013, 20:26
What happened to Euro Troll?

Has he changed his name or am I just stupid.

6th October 2013, 23:34
What happened to Euro Troll?

Has he changed his name or am I just stupid.
He hasn't changed. his name yet. :p

6th October 2013, 23:42
Must be the latter then. ;)

8th October 2013, 06:56
I wouldn't prematurely grieve for old members, who aren't coming back anymore. I've been around the forum since 2001 until I fell badly ill in the early naughts and it took years to rekindle the interest. That maybe an extreme case, but it can happen that people just disappear for a few months and then remember this cozy little place :)

On the other hand there's of course the very realistic case that some of the missing members might not be among us anymore :( A car accident, cancer - it's all it takes for someone to disappear quite permanently. But as I said, we should grieve prematurely and hope for a happy return.

muggle not
27th October 2013, 01:38
What ever happened to Roselady

What ever happened to Hoss Ghoul

29th October 2013, 13:41
What ever happened to Roselady

Still alive, she posts on facebook from time to time.

29th October 2013, 14:40
I am still here, just traveling a lot at the moment ;)

29th October 2013, 15:39
I want to know what happened to my bro Gloomyday. I had his phone # but lost it in a massive data crash. If you are out there check in dude, after all you were such a huge Vettel honk! :confused:

29th October 2013, 15:42
I want to know what happened to my bro Gloomyday. I had his phone # but lost it in a massive data crash. If you are out there check in dude, after all you were such a huge Vettel honk! :confused:
I swear he was here not so long ago?

29th October 2013, 16:05
Last visited:
09 Jun 2013 23:43

donKey jote
29th October 2013, 19:27
maybe got posted to some black-ops or something :s

30th October 2013, 00:34
A few long termers have slipped away, hope we see them again.

30th October 2013, 19:10
maybe got posted to some black-ops or something :s
That's actually what I'm afraid of. I have another friend doing some pretty scary stuff in Afghanistan right now.

Thanks for the update Mark.

31st October 2013, 06:49
I want to know what happened to my bro Gloomyday. I had his phone # but lost it in a massive data crash. If you are out there check in dude, after all you were such a huge Vettel honk! :confused:

I remember Gloomy :)

He's one of many MIA members :(

31st October 2013, 10:07
Bob Riebe was a poster who used to be on the chit chat section a lot. A guy who was very pro gun and very suspicious of his government too. Haven't seen him pop up for a long time, but then again I think he was getting on a bit.

31st October 2013, 10:23
I remember Bob well. Quite a few of the old regulars have just disappeared!

31st October 2013, 10:57
The one I miss seeing on here the most is ArrowsFA1. I contacted him a couple of weeks back to see if he picked up any messages but he hasn't responded. He was very knowledgeable and also very reasonable in debates. Someone who could add a considerable amount to a discussion but hasn't been seen since April this year. He was last active (logged in) this month though but before I messaged him. I'm sure he'll be back :)

PS: I've noticed the PM system here no longer sends you an email if you get a new message. Tapatalk also doesn't alert you either so its a case of stumbling on messages I've found.

donKey jote
31st October 2013, 11:34
I remember Bob well. Quite a few of the old regulars have just disappeared!
Bob came and went, a bit like agwii for example :p

I miss Eki :(

31st October 2013, 11:39
[quote="555-04Q2":1imysag7]I remember Bob well. Quite a few of the old regulars have just disappeared!
Bob came and went, a bit like agwii for example :p

I miss Eki :([/quote:1imysag7]
Yeah Eki is a strange one. A poster who was active nearly every single day suddenly disappearing into thin air.

31st October 2013, 12:39
I also miss Arrows :( Wonder what happened to him?

And our Estonian friend Eki was a real character, miss him too.

31st October 2013, 14:40
Yeah, I miss both Eki and Erki :(

31st October 2013, 23:20
I just been reading back through this thread.

Looks like I finally had a good idea for a thread then.

Pleased it has got so many people chatting about memories of the place and also we have found out a few things about posters lost and also got some people back.

Triple 5 and others.

31st October 2013, 23:24
Hey just thought, I haven't seen anything of Knock On lately??

Did he leave after bust ups with (insert the correct name for the time) our old friend?
Was he banned following the "Summer of trolling"

Or has he just been floating around the world with his mystery existence. At least to me anyway.

1st November 2013, 05:54
Hey just thought, I haven't seen anything of Knock On lately??

Did he leave after bust ups with (insert the correct name for the time) our old friend?
Was he banned following the "Summer of trolling"

Or has he just been floating around the world with his mystery existence. At least to me anyway.

I'm sure I saw a post from him a few weeks back. He's definitely not as active as he used to be though :(

Maybe he's spending his spare time on the golf course :p:

1st November 2013, 06:47
[quote="555-04Q2":2lh057qf]I miss Eki :([/quote:2lh057qf]
oh yeah.

I stumbled across a post of his recently where he was posting "where is my tequila?" in any and all languages he could. :\

As for Erki (Estonian not the Finnish variety and with an "r"), he probably grew up and got busy. He was here when he was a useless student (that reminds me...where's studiose? or what is he calling himself now?)

1st November 2013, 06:56
[quote="555-04Q2":2rtyv03o]I miss Eki :(
oh yeah.

I stumbled across a post of his recently where he was posting "where is my tequila?" in any and all languages he could. :\

As for Erki (Estonian not the Finnish variety and with an "r"), he probably grew up and got busy. He was here when he was a useless student (that reminds me...where's studiose? or what is he calling himself now?)[/quote:2rtyv03o]

studiose...another blast from the past!

I got my Eki mixed up with an Erki :D

1st November 2013, 07:04
MP3 Astra still around?

1st November 2013, 07:52
studiose is still here, just with another nickname ;)

1st November 2013, 09:06
studiose is still here, just with another nickname ;)
This is why I don't think people should be able to change nicknames. Quite a few people I have missed and then found out they've had a different name for 6 months! :angryfire

What is Studiose called now? :)

1st November 2013, 09:08
Not studiose ;) :D

1st November 2013, 09:24
What happened to RaikkonenRules? Used to chat all the time. Hasn't posted since 2009!

1st November 2013, 09:52
Not studiose ;) :D
Has quite a ring to it.
Can I change mine to not_henners88 :D

1st November 2013, 09:58
You'll have to ask not_Mark if you can :p:

1st November 2013, 14:25
I know stud became euro troll or something but has he changed it again?

1st November 2013, 15:10
I also miss Wade :(


1st November 2013, 15:23
I know stud became euro troll or something but has he changed it again?

He has :)

1st November 2013, 15:58
Pino you are so annoying, tell us the name, the name! lol :p :)

1st November 2013, 17:48
No sure he will be fine with that, I am waiting for his permission, then I will tell you ;)

1st November 2013, 19:25
I know stud became euro troll or something but has he changed it again?

I knew this too, but had no idea he is still around.

Also there is often a reluctance to reveal new names so we know who we are talking too. :crazy:

1st November 2013, 19:29
Share old members new names so us stupid folk know whats going on. Its so annoying

1st November 2013, 19:53
Steave, people might have a reason to change nickname, so I can't tell until I get the ok. Btw I have always been against changing usernames, but it's Mark forum, not mine ;)

1st November 2013, 20:06
No worries Pino.

I'm just out of the loop. :)

1st November 2013, 20:10
If I ever changed my username it would be "Max Power" :smokin: :D (...or is that already taken? :erm: )

donKey jote
1st November 2013, 20:17
I also miss Wade :(


me too

... you do realise it was Mark all along though, don't you :andrea: :p

1st November 2013, 20:48
What happened to Bolton Midnight? He was a friendly chap always welcome to opposing opinions and hated smoking I do believe.