View Full Version : Marshall at Canadian GP killed by accident with a crane

9th June 2013, 23:50
Canadian Grand Prix track worker run over by crane (http://www.montrealgazette.com/sports/Canadian+Grand+Prix+track+worker+over+crane/8500899/story.html)

Here are the photos of the incident, no gore:




Alfa Fan
10th June 2013, 00:38
Regrettably it's now confirmed he's died, the first fatality during a F1 event since the Australian GP in 2001.

"Unfortunately, the doctors in the trauma room noticed immediately that he had died,” said Josée Michelle-Simard, a Sacré-Coeur spokesperson.

That's an awfully weird turn-of-phrase...

10th June 2013, 00:43
Now confirmed he's died, the first fatality during a F1 event since the Australian GP in 2001.

"Unfortunately, the doctors in the trauma room noticed immediately that he had died,” said Josée Michelle-Simard, a Sacré-Coeur spokesperson.

That's an awfully weird turn-of-phrase...Confirmed: Marshall killed at Canadian Grand Prix | Sports | Reuters (http://ca.reuters.com/article/sportsNews/idCABRE9580JF20130609)

Can one of the mods change the title of this thread to reflect the update? Thanks.

His identity still hasn't been released, but when it does I hope people will be pleasant towards his family and respect their privacy. RIP

10th June 2013, 00:52
That is absolutely terrible news.

RIP to the Marshall.
And condolences to him family.

10th June 2013, 00:53
i recall one of the british commentators saying something like "having the crane out there is more dangerous than just leaving the car". Sadly prophetic.

10th June 2013, 02:30
Awful. Condolences to his family.

10th June 2013, 04:59
yeah it was martin brundle. was that for that car though or the one near the end of the race, a caterham? Very sad. Condolences to his family.

10th June 2013, 04:59
Maybe it's time to find a sort of organization for the marshalls? It's done great things for the drivers to have an organization, and the marshalls are under a lot of pressure in dangerous situations as well.

It's sad to see that with years of no drivers deaths, it's a support worker that loses his life this time. :(

10th June 2013, 05:06
Yep, Brundle said it about the very same car and crane. Chilling.
Does anyone know whether this occurred during the race or after?

10th June 2013, 05:09
Airshifter, including the Monza 2000 marshall this is the third marshall death I can recall in my 15-odd years of watching F1. It certainly does seem like the marshals are more at risk than the drivers.

10th June 2013, 05:13
In that 3rd pic the shocking part is seeing photographers still trying to take close up shots of the underside of the Sauber (to sell to rival teams for lots of money) in the midst of a man dying! Shame on those people!!!!!!

Dave B
10th June 2013, 09:33
It did seem strange that the coverage barely bothered showing the crash scene, but it makes total sense now if the cameraman and director were aware that somebody had been run over. It sounds like an awful freak accident, condolences to all concerned.

10th June 2013, 09:42
Terrible news :( . When you know that most (all?) marhsalls are unpaid and put their lives on the line to do a job for the love of it, you realise how important they are to the sport.

Airshifter, including the Monza 2000 marshall this is the third marshall death I can recall in my 15-odd years of watching F1. It certainly does seem like the marshals are more at risk than the drivers.

Yes, the drivers are surrounded by a sophisticated survival shell, whereas marhsalls have an orange suit and nothing more.

10th June 2013, 13:12
Very sad news indeed. I do feel that, with the speed that the F1 cars still pass double waved yellows, the marshalls may well feel under pressure to clear hazards as quickly as possible. There really ought to be a tightening of the double waved yellow flags rule where cars must slow right down for the entire section of track affected.

This should give the marshalls a better feeling of safety, and not put them under such pressure.

However, in this incident, I am of the impression that this happened after the race had finished?

10th June 2013, 13:18
Very sad news...condolences to his Family :(


10th June 2013, 13:41
Such an unfortunate accident. R.I.P. :(

I think it's about time they start looking into better protective clothing for these marshalls, most of whom are volunteering for this rather risky job, and deserve better working conditions. They could at least be provided with chest and abdomen guards and a decent helmet. Shouldn't burn that big a hole in the organizer/FIA/Bernie's pocket.

Because like some have said already, drivers wear the most sophisticated safety devices and clothing and are surrounded by a protective tub required to pass stringent crash testing every year, whereas all the marshalls have is an orange jumpsuit and they're out there risking getting plowed by an out of control carbon fiber car at 200 mph or in this case a recovery vehicle. Just sad.

10th June 2013, 14:05
F1 Canadian Grand Prix Crane Kills Marshal - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vTs2f9PxqcM)

Newsreport from Sky.

The accident did happen after the race... Very sad and for me just bad luck.

Saying they needed better protection, wouldn't have changed a thing at this accident. When a crane runs over you, a plate wouldn't protect you, I think. Plus, it would make a marshal a lot less mobile, which might be even more dangerous...

After the double deaths of marshals in 2000 and 2001, things have changed to make it safer for them. Wheels don't come off the car that often and if I'm right, they changed standards for the barriers and other protecting devices...

Keyser Soze
10th June 2013, 14:27
R.I.P Very sad news indeed, condolences to his family.

10th June 2013, 14:49
I would like to say thank-you to this marshall , for his 10 or so years of service to the sport I love .
And , I say sorry to his family , and thank-you , for allowing his passion and dedictaion to this sport I love .

I feel sad for the operator of the machine in the incident . He must be feeling terrible .
Given that initial reports have it that he had no way of knowing the marshall had dropped the radio and fallen in the path of his wheel , I hope the inquiry is swift and forgiving of a horrible twist of fate .

10th June 2013, 15:08

Well, apart from taking down a mentalist Irishman marshalls are unsung heroes of our sport. The sport would be nothing without their dedication, use of spare time and non-remuneration.

I have to say when I immediately saw the crane deployed under waved yellows with a handful of laps remaining it did not look good at all. It was like a tragedy waiting to happen whilst trying to clear an accident in haste.

Was this during race conditions? Would SC made a difference?

Not that I'm criticising Canadians but a a guy was almost run over a couple of years ago.

10th June 2013, 15:46
i recall one of the british commentators saying something like "having the crane out there is more dangerous than just leaving the car". Sadly prophetic.
That was Brundle saying that having the crane at T1/2 was worse than leaving the car there for the final few laps...but was that the same car? I thought it was someone else..
but yes very sad thing, considering the sport has been made so safe overall and then to lose a life in a relatively non-risky part and that too of a person who actually helps out in keeping F1 safe.

10th June 2013, 16:28

Was this during race conditions? Would SC made a difference?

Not that I'm criticising Canadians but a a guy was almost run over a couple of years ago.

Worker dies in accident after Canadian Grand Prix - The Globe and Mail (http://www.theglobeandmail.com/sports/more-sports/worker-dies-in-accident-after-canadian-grand-prix/article12443691/)
This on the scene story clearly states that the accident occurred after the race finished. Undo haste in removing the car would not seem to be a factor, the bizarre tragedy could be likened to an industrial accident, all to common and not confined to motor sport.
The man has not yet been identified, he is described as a 10 year veteran track worker.
This is a sad reminder of how dangerous are the conditions that track marshals around the world work under. Condolences to his family are in order today.

10th June 2013, 18:28
A tragic and sad accident.

Life entails exposure to many dangers, and each new day could be our last.

Certainly a review of the incident should be undertaken, but knee jerk solutions often cause more problems than they solve.

I wonder where the attention of the crane driver was focused, in that he was apparently unaware the man was no longer attending the rear wheel of the race car.

10th June 2013, 19:29
Very sad, thoughts with all the other marshalls who were there a that time.

On Marshall safety in general, I do think more needs to be done to allow them to clear minor incidents without using the Safety Car, by which I mean enforce drivers to slow alot more around the one or two corners. Waved Yellows should mean slow down, but double waved yellows really should make drivers slow down significantly.

At the moment most only seem to lift slightly.

11th June 2013, 00:17
In that 3rd pic the shocking part is seeing photographers still trying to take close up shots of the underside of the Sauber (to sell to rival teams for lots of money) in the midst of a man dying! Shame on those people!!!!!!

Though in some way this is more preferable than taking pictures of the dying man.

My guess if they witnessed this tragedy - taking pictures of the car would distract their minds from what they'd just seen.

11th June 2013, 02:21
RIP Mark Robinson

F1 was (http://globalnews.ca/news/630335/f1-was-like-a-religion-to-volunteer-killed-at-canadian-grand-prix/)

Link to news of young Canadian killed at Montreal.

11th June 2013, 03:25
Photographers take photos. Drivers race. You wouldn't blame a driver that continued a race after a serious accident and its not like the car underbody will make a penny in this case.

Sorry for the Marshall. Sometimes cock ups happen, especially in transient situations. That's life and at least he was doing something he enjoyed.

11th June 2013, 04:34
RIP Mark Robinson

F1 was (http://globalnews.ca/news/630335/f1-was-like-a-religion-to-volunteer-killed-at-canadian-grand-prix/)

Link to news of young Canadian killed at Montreal.

Great article. I hope more drivers and officials from the sport reach out to the family and friends.

12th June 2013, 05:00
Absolutely terrible news. Condolences for his whole family. Its really sad news.

12th June 2013, 05:20
horrible news, but this is in no way related to the recovery of the car under waved yellows or the proximity of the marshals to race cars - this happened after the race was finsished and they were returning the car to the pit lane. In that context this is an industrial accident - no less tragic - but in many ways something that should have been easier to legislate for - in my experience regarding any plant movements of this type, any operator and spotter combination should be in constant radio communication, the line always open and a persistent beep telling the operator that the spotter is holding the radio even if he isn't speaking for that second. in the event of falling and dropping the radio the operator would immediately cease movements until he knew that the way was clear again.

I would assume that these type of construction industry protocols are not followed to the letter in this type of situation, and maybe now they should be. Terribly unfortunate and ironic that had the incident occurred when the car was being recovered on the grass during the race he would have stood a better chance of survival given the softness of the wet ground - but that is just speculation on my part and in no way a comfort to the family of the unfortunate guy.

22nd August 2013, 07:40
Absolutely terrible news. Condolences for his whole family. Its really sad news.

Industrial accident shocked much and nobody should ignore to care as much he/ she can during drive or after drive. Uncertainties can happen anytime any place.

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